MTL - Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation-Chapter 2020 Xinghuo New Strategy

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The sky was clear, Jiang Tian carried the medicine basket on his back, and was going to the mountain to gather medicine.

However, before this departure, Jiang Tian called Tie Niu to go with him.

"Thanks to Mr. Jiang, this is the first time you have asked me to go with me?"

Tie Niu is happy and authentic.

"Hehe, it's not so boring to have a partner!"

Jiang Tian's face twitched.

That's not because I named myself a cultivation base, and I can't deal with those gray wolves on Hero Slope now.

Sure enough, after the cultivation base is banned and the mortal is completely transformed, the mentality will be different, and the connection with the mundane world will be closer.

The two went to a breakfast shop to have breakfast when they got together, and a sigh suddenly rang in their ears:

"The Dibao said that this Eastern Empire has actually completed the transition from the system of princes to the system of prefectures and counties. The Qianlong Fair is open to people with lofty ideals throughout the country. Both the common people and the descendants of the princes must participate in the test and get the ranking to get the award. !"

Jiang Tian turned his head and looked around.

This is a man in his thirties. He remembers being a Mr. Accountant from a trading company affiliated to the Luoyingzong Outer Gate in the city. He looks ordinary and has no cultivation level, but he is full of energy.

He is watching with a diary.

This newspaper is like a newspaper on the earth, but it is aimed at mortals who have no cultivation.

The monks usually use the messenger to transmit messages and arrive in no time.

The news on the Dibao usually comes from the monks, and the truthfulness is high, but it lags slightly behind.

But it also has advantages. It does not require a magic instrument and is printed on ordinary paper, and the price is low.

"The Qianlonghui has been changed to once a year. This time it has attracted a large number of monks into the Eastern Empire..."

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and said:

"Actually, in my opinion, the Eastern Empire has become a large sect. However, the purpose of this sect is for monks to fight for the protection of the people!"

Don't stop eating breakfast, just like the ordinary chat of neighbors in the neighborhood, casually interjecting.

Although he is located in the far east of the mainland, far away from the Eastern Empire, he can easily find relevant news.

The Eastern Empire has completely abolished the vassal system, changed it into a system of prefectures and counties, and set a national policy: "Monks fight for mortals".

Qianlong will test the atmosphere and open, and anyone can participate regardless of origin and roots.

In this way, the Eastern Empire has attracted a large number of talents. At the beginning, only Yuan Ying joined, and in the end, even the transformation of the gods began to participate...

Moreover, the assessment item of the Qianlong Huixa was to start a battle against the Pantheon Palace, and it was quite successful, and the latter was defeated.

Judging from the current situation, the reversal of strength and weakness and the destruction of the Pantheon Palace will be a matter of time.

"Mr. Jiang is extremely saying that now the Eastern Empire is pursuing the two major national policies of fairness, autonomy and independence left by the Siqing Nationalist. A single spark can start a prairie fire and is known as the spark reform!"

The accountant also respected Jiang Tian extremely, arched his hands, nodded vigorously, and laughed excitedly:

"They set up the Spark Academy. Anyone can apply for the exam, as long as they have the qualifications, work hard, pass the assessment, and enroll free of tuition fees. However, they must sign the Soul Contract to serve the Eastern Empire and participate in the Qianlong Examination in the future... …"

"Although it is a condition, it is not a bad thing to serve the empire and participate in the Qianlong Club test as an official. Many civilian children want to have this opportunity yet!"

"The key is that this free training academy is really great! The Luoying Sect is so rich and powerful, except for those with excellent talents, even if you have a Nascent Soul cultivation base, you have to pay sacrifices before you can enter the sect!"

As soon as he finished his remarks, he immediately welcomed the echoing voices of many diners around him.

"You all know what Qi Lao San from Stone Alley. It turned out to be a vagrancy, but he went to participate in the examination of the Spark Academy, and he even detected the Ninth-Rank Spiritual Root. It has only been a year since enrollment, and he has already cultivated to the foundation-building level! "

"I heard that many countries have begun to learn from this Qianlong will try to reform, for example, the Black Moon Empire..."

"Now many sects have begun to reduce their offerings, so they can recruit disciples!"

"This Siqing national teacher is really a genius! I heard that he explained in the new Xinghuo strategy-people are the most important factor in cultivation! Listen, it is a great initiation!"

"Look at this, ten years or decades later, maybe everyone in the Saint Yuan Continent can cultivate!"

Everyone rushed to express their opinions, and most of the great changes these days were caused by the reform of the Eastern Empire Siqing Guoshi.

Jiang Tian was secretly proud of it. When he paid his bills, he couldn't help but walk more briskly. Who knew that he slipped and he was about to fall, but he was supported by the accountant next to him.

"This store is dirty and ruthless, the water for cooking pot is poured on the road, it is very slippery, sir, you must be careful!"

Mr. Accountant smiled and ordered.

Jiang Tian was involved in the corner of his mouth, he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh, and he sighed full.

I will notice the slippery ground tomorrow morning, but for so many years, have you ever cared about this little thing?

Slowly speaking, this degree of slippery, even Wanli Pinghu, can fly across the sky with closed eyes, and fight vigorously.

It's a pity that it's no better than it was before. Apart from insight, there is really no effort at all. You must be more vigilant about the little things you didn't care about in the past.

Therefore, not only the cultivation base cannot be relied on, but the past experience cannot be copied completely.

On this day of picking medicine, because Jiang Tian declared himself a cultivation base, he was panting with exhaustion, sweating, and his legs trembling a little.

For Jiang Tian, ​​this kind of exhaustion has never been experienced in many years.

However, Jiang Tian felt a kind of peace and indulgence as a "person".

At night, after washing away all the dust, Jiang Tian slept particularly sweetly and deeply when he fell asleep.

And in the room of an inn in the city, the black-robed man who kept his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, and the darkness was glowing with bright silver, which was somewhat holy and indifferent, like the clearest mirror, dripping the surroundings. A lot of drops are reflected in it, including illusions that are hard to see with the naked eye, such as the strength of his blood, such as the misty yin, such as the ghost embedded in the wall panel and showing only one face.

"The Wuwang pupil is finally small."

The black-robed man muttered to himself joyfully and slowly got up.

He is a strongman of the Zuo Dao. In order to cultivate this supernatural power, he has suppressed all kinds of desires for several years. Now he has completed his work and has to vent and celebrate.

According to observations, no one in this small town of Wuzhou can withstand a blow!

Pushing open the window, the black robe man jumped into the middle of the street, as light as a civet cat.

Looking at the slightly flickering lights and quiet streets on both sides, recalling all the things I knew before, I walked forward slowly, full of comfort, as if the master of all life in this small city.

"After all, there is Luoyingzong above, and there are monks inspecting from time to time, so be careful."

He thought about the details, thought about it, and passed the Orion Tieniu's family and walked forward.

I spent a few days in Wuzhou City. Although Mr. Jiang, who opened the drugstore, seemed to have no cultivation skills, he always felt unclear when he felt it. So solemnly, start with him!

Stopping at the door of the pharmacy, he slowly opened the door, silently, his eyes swept over the bed, full of bloodthirsty and cruel colors, and brought the sleeping figure of Jiang Tian on the bed under his eyes, raised his right palm, and was about to move his hands.

Read The Duke's Passion