MTL - Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation-Chapter 2040 Extremely fierce!

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"Seek help from the sage of the rice field!"

Simatu howled miserably, pale with fright.

"Don't panic!"

Jiang Tian was at ease, and the old **** was there.

Under Jiang Tian's guidance, Huang Ling'er flexibly operated the flying boat, which was like a butterfly piercing through various magical objects.

Although the dangers are all around, but after all, there is no danger, anyhow, no substantial harm has been suffered.

"Rush in!"

Seeing that the time was right, Jiang Tian squeezed Huang Ling'er aside, took the rudder, and drove the flying boat into a no-man's land.

No man's land is a habitual term for extremely dangerous areas.

This kind of place is extremely dangerous, the law of the magic system is extremely heavy, the magic power of the cultivator's divine consciousness is restricted, and there will be a large number of god-level demon beasts.

Generally speaking, humanized gods have a very high probability of falling, and only saints have the opportunity to protect themselves.

Now, seeing that Feizhou had plunged headlong into the no man's land, the many monks chasing after him were also stunned for a while, and stopped in succession.

"Let's go in too!"

"They can get in with a few weak Yuan Ying chickens. What are we afraid of!"

Seeing this scene, Xu Jiahao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised his arms and took the lead, leading the team to rush in.

"Let's go in too!"

Zhao Feifei became more suspicious of Huang Ling'er and Jiang Tian, ​​and shouted with a raised eyebrow.

Whoosh whoosh!

Many monks also stepped in with swords.

"Aren't we better than a woman?"

The leader of the emperor Yachang's guard, the three Huashen looked at each other, and also led the iron cavalry into it.


The long queue of iron cavalry is like a dragon, and the cold light shines on the iron clothes, and enters like a wind rolling cloud, with a momentum like a dragon.

"Emperor Yachang's Royal Guard has entered, and the three Hua Shens are all veterans. We should not be afraid..."

Several forces outside found that there were no monsters or generals, they suddenly relaxed their vigilance, their courage increased, and they all rushed in and drove straight in.

After entering no man’s land,

Huang Ling'er immediately felt that his spiritual consciousness was greatly restricted, less than one-tenth of the original.

In fact, she is not alone like this, everyone is like this.

But Jiang Tian's Soul Swallowing Divine Sense originally belonged to the Demon Element Divine Sense, but it was even more profitable. The observation distance instantly doubled, and it was more sensitive. Any subtlety could not hide from his perception.

Moreover, Jiang Tian controlled the flying boat faster, ten times faster than before, and, silently, almost frightened Simatu.

"Yes, he is using his mana to accelerate the entire flying boat..."

Simatu suddenly realized it, but it was even more shocked.

It feels like, you see a person running on a motorcycle, running faster than a motorcycle!

In silence, Jiang Tian threw off the chasing soldiers, watched the terrain with his eyebrows, and quickly entered a dense forest.

These vegetation has obviously been demonized, the branches are weirdly shaped, like the palm of a devil, and the bark is rugged, as if they have eyes, one by one.

The most terrifying thing is that there are many devil fruits growing on it, which looks like a skull.

"Go, go down!"

Jiang Tian was the first to jump off the flying boat.

Those devil fruits opened their mouths to swallow and bite, staring at the three men viciously, discussing with each other:

"Tsk tsk, someone is coming!"

"Eat them!"

"Don't panic. It's tasteless, it doesn't taste good when you eat it raw. Get some magic fire and roast it until it's ripe, sprinkle some black magic pepper, and smell the fragrance—"

Although they were just talking and not launching a substantive attack, the first time Simatu saw him, his legs were still frightened: "Friend Jiang, let's go back!"

"It's not in the way! These devil fruits can't hurt people at all!"

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently, raising the knife in his hand and cutting down a devil fruit.

"Humans, it's terrible!"


"He didn't notice us—"

"Don't shake! Who is shaking!"

Seeing this, the devil fruits shivered with fear, closed their eyes tightly, and pretended to be an ostrich.

Jiang Tian squeezed a devil fruit in one hand, and the red and white jam exuded a pungent stench, splashing Huang Ling'er all over.

"Ouch! This, this smells so bad!"

Huang Ling'er couldn't help but pouted her small mouth, feeling wronged by Bala, with a little girlish look on her face.

"Nothing. With these, we will be safe next, and then lead them into the tiger's mouth and help us attract firepower!"

Jiang Tian took a few more Devil Fruits and squeezed them out, spreading jam all over her body, only then leisurely explained, spreading jam on himself and Simatu again.

Besides, everyone chased into this no-man’s land, but did not see Jiang Tianhuang Ling'er, Xu Jiahao couldn't help but feel indignant:

"This bad old man is too bad, his mouth is full of dung, where is he hiding? Is he acting like a tortoise?"

He broke into no man's land, but he didn't see any monsters. For a while, everyone felt wide open.

"Since there are no monsters in the no-man's land, let's dig three feet and find them to kill them!"

Zhao Feifei's face is beautiful, her voice is cold and harsh, and her look is absolutely no less than a bearded man.

"Bastard! Come out, little handyman, like an ant, dare to insult my emperor, and you will be broken into pieces!"

"Bad old man, you're a big gun! There is a kind, come out and fight with us!"

"Why don't you dare to come out! The courageous rats will only hide in the dark, despicable and shameless!"

The rest of the monks all looked for and cursed at the same time.


At this moment, everyone suddenly saw Jiang Tian driving a flying boat, coming like a tram.

"Dear fellow daoists, run away. It is important to save your life. A terrible monster is about to strike!"

Jiang Tian shouted.

"You are scared to be Laozi, naive!"

Xu Jiahao glared, and led the Qi Shanzong monks, and chased after him frantically.

"Where to escape!"

Emperor Yachang's iron guard also chased after him like a swarm.

"Don't let this old man run away!"

"Block him!"


The sound of shouting and roaring was endless, and the major forces surrounded and blocked them one after another, rushing in from all directions.

This time, Jiang Tian's speed seemed to be a little slower, and was quickly surrounded by these monks three levels inside and three levels, and the water couldn't leak.

"This time, I see where you escape!"

Xu Jiahao gritted his teeth:

"It's nothing but a broken mouth. I will cut off your lips and feed the dog!"

Zhao Feifei also had a pretty face covered with frost, and said coldly: "Huang Ling'er, tell me the truth, did you kill my husband? To tell the truth, I will save you the whole body!"

"Friend Zhao, give me a face. Long live my emperor want this old boy's head!"

The three guards of Emperor Yachang's Hua Shen-level are also cold-tested.

At this time, all the cultivators present were very high-profile, their eyes squinting, as if Jiang Tian and the others were little lambs to be slaughtered, they were not able to withstand a single blow, let them handle it.

"Zhao Feifei, that kid Yan Beifei, I did kill it!"

Jiang Tian smiled suddenly.

"How can you admit it? No matter how strong you are, if people do it together, you will undoubtedly die!"

Next to him, Sima Tu was so frightened that he did not faint.


Zhao Feifei's face changed wildly, her eyes filled with boundless anger, and when she sacrificed a magic weapon, she had to do it.

"Friends, wait a minute, and listen to me!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand calmly.

"Okay! Grandma sees how you quibble!"

Zhao Feifei is ready to go.

Jiang Tian smiled and said, "I can understand to avenge your husband. But don't miss Qingqing's life!"

"what did you say?"

Zhao Feifei was furious, but there was indeed a sense of vigilance in her heart.

Since this person can kill Yan Beifei silently, his strength is bound to be extremely strong, incredible.

"Haha, the old man is here, you think you can make a comeback! Asshole, leave your life to my son!"

At this time, Yan Nanxian rushed to it, his eyes were filled with resentment, and he wished to tear Jiang Tian to pieces.

"Senior Goose!"


"You are here, we can rest assured!"

When everyone saw that Yan Nanxian had arrived, they couldn't help but feel determined, and all of them showed admiration, clasping their fists and clasping their hands.

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