MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1349 Intricate

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Between a palace-like fairy, a large number of immortals or rushing to the road, or meditating everywhere. Between tens of thousands of palaces, a path is formed.

Tang Xiu took the stars and the stars and Peng, and walked quietly on the road. The eyes looked at them casually and observed the surrounding palaces and the immortals.


The one who dared to appear here, the weakest is the master of the ordinary immortal realm. Anyone who is afraid of encountering a tempering fairy here will be guilty of going to them.

Innumerable faces, Tang Xiu almost feels strange, it is no wonder that since he became the Supreme, he rarely went out, even if he went out, there are important things, or to visit old friends, very few It has an intersection with a very low immortal.

After seven days.

Tang Xiu finally found a familiar face. After seeing the man, he burst into a murderous scene. But in an instant, he turned to look at Xingyi and Xingpeng, faintly said: "I feel the murderousness of both of you, even if you are the immortal of the realm of the great Luo Jinxian, you can not be troubled here. Know that the purpose of your coming here is not to seek revenge, but to rob the fairy tales."

Xingyi and Xingpeng looked at each other, and the two immediately convened the murderous murderer, and looked at the eyes a few kilometers away from the outside of a palace, like a watchdog who seemed to lose weight. Then they nodded to Tang Xiu and silently.

Silver Wuwei.

Tang Xiu's former apprentice, although young, but the cultivation talent is excellent, with a pair of ice and fire, and finally was seen by Tang Xiu, accepted as a disciple, and carefully taught for hundreds of years. Seven or eight hundred years ago, the repair of Yin Wuwei was only the first stage of Jin Xian. I didn’t expect such a quick time, he actually practiced to the next stage of Jinxian.

Change the route and move on.

Tang Xiu looked around and listened quietly to the conversation between many immortals, and soon realized a lot of things. Even he has heard about the places where Yundan and Wuji Temple are located.

"Let's go to Cangwu City."

Tang Xiu said with a word, then floated away, and made a small town to the nearest part of the Cangwu Mountain. Stars and Xingpeng looked at each other, and then they flew up, followed by Tang Xiu.

Cangwu City.

Building on the top of a mountain, the entire city is a fairy, and it is a nine-piece palace class fairy. The person who controls this kind of nine-piece palace class fairy is a big Luo Jinxian, but behind the big Luo Jinxian, there is a strong strong supporter.

The legacy of the drunken sage is about to open, and a large number of strong people in the celestial world have come. Not only the owner of Cangwu City, Cangwu, is obsessed with thin ice, respectfully and cautiously entertaining a group of visitors, even his master Jinfeng The old man, all came here to sit in town.

Before the secret government was opened, no one was willing to provoke right and wrong, and enemies with a strong person in the supreme realm, so the security of the city of Cangwu was fairly stable. The mortals and immortals who live here are all carefully waiting for the strongmen who come from all directions, many of whom have received many rewards.

Le Tian.

The practitioner who lived in the 18th year of Cangwu City, although only the Jindan period was repaired, but because of his sleek character, he was very moist. Every day, he turned around in the city and acted as a guide for some immortals, so that his blacksmith and old man could not wait to interrupt his two legs, tied him to his home and learned to play iron refiners for business.

" Yesterday I got a reward for Xianjing. If I can meet the Hawker today, maybe the harvest is higher than yesterday. Unfortunately, this Cangwu City is too small, and the speed of those immortals is too fast, otherwise they will turn with them. In the past few days, I am afraid I have earned a lot of money."

In the city gate.

Le Tian sat on the edge of the roadside stone, looking up at a fairy who entered and exited the city gate, and silently figured out which would be a luxury? Which ones are looking for directions?

"Get out of the way, I don't want to lead."

A young man who was also a road lead, greeted a group of well-dressed and imposing immortals, and was slapped by the youngest immortal. Fortunately, the youth road was repaired as a good one. It was a master of the Yuan Ying period. Otherwise, the young fairy would slap him and he would definitely kill him.

"Tragic, really miserable."

Le Tian licked his mouth and sighed in his mouth. He knew the guy in the Yuan Ying period. He used to be a person with a face in the sky. Since the beginning of two years ago, he has put down his posture and ran out as a guide. In the past two years, although the guy has received a lot of anger, he has also relied on the road to lead, and the pots earned from the strong hands are full.

After that, Le Tian put his gaze on the group of people and heard the voices of several people in the back. He suddenly understood that these people are all Wan Jianzong. The young man who is headed is Wan Jianzong. Little master.

"The sword of the shit, a dog."

Le Tan has heard too much news in the past two years. The natural way is that Wan Jianzong is a second-class sect. It is actually a sect attached to the temple under the Promise, like a dog. Where the Promise Temple points, where Wan Jianzong bites.

"I heard that Wan Jianzong has been exceptionally arrogant for hundreds of years. Once the super-large sect of the Suzaku, they were bullied by them. Oh, shit!"

Le Tian shook his head secretly, and after looking back from the group of Wan Jian Zong, he looked at some people who entered the city.


His eyes lit up, his eyes fell on a well-dressed, handsome young man. After a few seconds, he looked at the two men behind him, thinking for a moment, losing his smile and welcoming him, respectfully said : "The fairy is extraordinary, handsome and handsome, looking at the eyes of the tight! Is it the first time in the city of Cangwu?"

Tang Xiu showed a smile, nodded and asked: "Land?"

The young man gave a thumbs up and praised: "The fairy looks like a torch, but it is the dragon in the fairy, so that the little admiration! Small in this eighty years of the city, a flower, a tree, a tree A tree is well known, especially in recent years, because the secret of the drunken sage of the Cangwu Mountains is about to open, so countless forces in countless sacred fields, countless powerful great powers come here, I know about some special situations. Quite a lot."

Tang Xiu threw a fairy crystal and looked at the surprise of Le Tian. Then he nodded and lost his smile. He smiled and said: "If you don't lie to me, the reward is indispensable. But if you dare Blow me, I don’t know if I don’t know, I will kill you.”

"Yes, yes, the little absolute knows everything." Le Tian looked tight and hurriedly and cautiously said.

Tang Xiu asked: "Can there be a store where you can live in Cangwu City?"

Le Tian shook his head and said: "All the restaurant inns are full, not to mention the resident's house, even a large part of the aborigines have been driven out of Cangwu City, and their homes are occupied."

Tang Xiu raised his eyes and slowly nodded and said, "Let us go around this city! Don't fly, just walk."


Le Tian was surprised and said: "Xianchang, even if it is not very big, if we walk according to normal foot strength, at least we have to take a year and a half to go through every street!"

Tang Xiu thought about it and said: "There is to find a means of transportation. This is twenty cents, you go to rent, the remaining Xianjing will be your hard work."

Le Tian’s eyes lit up and hurriedly asked: “How long does it take to rent a fairy?”

Tang Xiu thought and said: "Ten days! I think within ten days, we can go around this city."

Le Tian said quickly: "No problem, I will go right away."


Le Tian drove two popular beasts, and behind the two popular beasts, they pulled a luxury caravan. With Tang Xiu and Xing Wei, the three people of Xingpeng floated on the car, Tang Xiu Said: "You drive, according to your own calculations, to the limit of ten days, stroll this city. Remember, the speed is not too fast, not too slow, just ten days to go."

"No problem."

Le Tian is very happy, renting a popular caravan, only need one fairy crystal every day, ten days is ten cents, so he can still have ten left. Plus the one that was given to him by Tang Xiu, ten days can earn eleven crystals, it is just a fortune.

Tang Xiu looked at both sides and said: "Let's wander around, you introduce us to the situation around you! What is the place, what people are living in. If you meet a fairy who you think should be introduced Or, interesting things that have happened here in the past few years, can also tell us. If you can satisfy me, after ten days, I will reward you with ten more crystals."

Again... Ten more rewards?

Le Tian desperately swallowed his mouth, his eyes focused on the light, and the construction of the route, as well as the immortals of many forces, began to introduce Tang Xiu.

His expression is very strong, and he knows very well about the situation in the city nowadays. Through his introduction, Tang Xiu gradually learned about the Zongmen forces, family powers, and a large number of forces that had never been heard before.

"The front is Bailelou. Once there was a flower building, some places where the girls lived. The result was occupied by the people of the Promise Hall. I heard that the girls looked good and stayed at the Baile Building to serve them. The appearance is not very good, they have been sent away with money."

"In the past two years, more than a dozen powerful forces have come to this Baile Building. They want to find a girl here to have fun. The result is a conflict with the people of the Promise. Finally, all the people who come are suffering. ."

"I heard that there is a strong person in the supreme realm who lives in this Baile Building. But who is it, what it looks like, I have not seen it."

The Promise Hall?

Tang Xiu’s eyes flashed through the cold.

The Promise Temple is the sect of the Jiu Yao Qin Mou. Although it was a little worse than the Suzaku Shengzong, the gap is not very big. It is also the top Zongmen power in the fairy world. Eight hundred years ago, there were two strongest people in the entire Promise, but there was no Thunder.

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