MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1364 Who is the most dazzling

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Mu Luo listened to the comments of the surrounding celestial beings and turned to look at Tang Xiu. His expression was a little weird. The voice asked: "Is the fairy friend just voiced the black wind grotesque? You are pointing. He?"

Tang Xiusheng replied: "Yes. But he can break through, it is done under great pressure, indicating that his potential has not been thoroughly stimulated before."

Mu Luo smiled and said: "The fairy friend is very powerful. It seems that the black wind blame owes you this kind of person. It is too big."

Tang Xiu laughed and said: "The black wind monster does not belong to any forces. He is practicing this way, relying on his own groping, and encountering enough grinding, so he can be so dazzling. For such people, I think I can give the other opportunities."

Mu Luo looked at Tang Xiu deeply and asked: "Where is the fairy friend in the end? The old man owes you a big man's feelings, and in the future you still have to know who to look for!"

Tang Xiu thought about it and suddenly smiled. The voice said: "If the seniors really want to return this person, when you break through to the Supreme Realm, you may wish to help Suzaku." Taiping, some people can't understand the behavior, just give this benefit to Suzaku Shengzong!"

Mu Luo picked up his eyes, and he slowly nodded for a long while. He said, "The fairy friend is relieved."

In the seventeenth day of the fourth batch of nine hundred immortals on the Long Bridge, the black wind ecstacle set foot on the ninth, nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, and he was able to pass the long bridge test.

"Don't go up."

At this moment, more than 90% of the immortals, secretly prayed in the bottom of my heart. Because the black wind blame once passed this test, if they can pass in the future, there will be one more competitor.

It’s a pity.

The black wind blame made these people disappointed, and as he took the final step firmly, the huge space pressure suddenly disappeared. Immediately, he turned and looked at Tang Xiu again. He said: "This time, the black wind is in your heart. In the future, the fairy will have a request, and the black wind will be accepted."


He turned and rushed toward the gate of the drunken temple opposite the square in front.

Mu Luo did not rush to leave, he is now deeply curious about Tang Xiu, so he wants to see what step Tang Xiu can take after he stepped on the Long Bridge?

"Are you going?"

荼罗 asked.

Tang Xiu pondered for a moment, looked at the four people around him, and finally nodded silently, saying: "Since we have gone up to four batches, let us go in this fifth batch! You remember, only with tremendous pressure Breakthrough can make it easier."


Star tears nodded.

Tang Xiu did not tell them that he could easily transfer the four to the other end of the long bridge with his ability to avoid this test. However, Tang Xiu is not prepared to do this, because this kind of trial is not a bad thing, but it is good for the practice of the four of them.

After three hours.

A lightning-fast figure sprinted to the first step of the Long Bridge. Almost for a moment, everyone's footsteps took the first step.

Tang Xiu did not use the array of secret space. He also wanted to see what his potential was and wanted to give himself a chance to try. If the end is really unsupportable, then use the long bridge. Even the other four, if they can pass the threshold of eight thousand ladders, he will help.

"Aunt of the Stars, follow me."

Tang Xiu’s voice commanded, and he was subjected to space pressure and walked step by step.

After half a day.

When Tang Xiu stopped and turned and looked back, suddenly he looked dull and his face looked strange. Because he found that he not only took the lead in the first place, but even dropped the second person to hundreds of steps.

"Not difficult?"

Tang Xiu's brow wrinkled, and his eyes appeared inexplicable. Hesitated for a moment, he decided to wait for the sixth thousand steps.

A day and a half, Tang Xiu boarded the sixth thousand steps. He did not know that the thousands of immortals who had already tried or had not tested had been shocked by his horrible gesture.

"Is this still a person? It took only one and a half days for him to go to the sixth thousand steps. Is this long bridge the back garden of his family?"

"Where did this guy come from? His speed is too fast, isn't he afraid that the front is too fast, all the power is clean, and the back support time is greatly discounted?"

"What is he doing? I seem to think that space pressure has no effect on him? What is going on here?"

"It’s too horrible. This guy is really against the sky. I have never seen him before. Where did he come from?”

"Peaceless genius!"


The old face of Luo’s old man was already full of shocked look. Even the burly man next to him, the mouth grew tall, and he didn’t expect the kid who had been talking with his master before. It was so terrible.

After a long time.

He saw that Tang Xiu did not continue to hurry, and he swallowed his mouth and sighed: "Master, the Tang Dynasty Emperor is really horrible! Young people have such a strong potential, if he does not have a premature death in the future, I am afraid it will become the strongest in the supreme realm."

Mu Luo sighed: "I don't know if I can become the strongest in the supreme realm, but with his qualifications, it is absolutely no problem to break through to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. He is very mysterious and very interesting. I am. Although the elderly have not left Zongmen for a long time, they have never encountered such a completely invisible young man."

The burly big man, he did not expect Master to have such a high evaluation of the Tang Dynasty Emperor. Hesitated for a moment and said: "Master, after leaving the secret house, do you want me to investigate his identity?"

Mulra shook his head and said: "No, it saves him from resentment. This young man is kind to me!"


The burly big man reveals a confused look.

Mu Luo did not speak any more. Instead, he looked forward to Tang Xiu and expected Tang Xiu to pass the Long Bridge, and even expected Tang Xiu to be able to obtain the inheritance of the drunken sage. If he can get the inheritance of the drunken supreme and use his own relationship with him, maybe he can get some benefits.

On the long bridge.

The swordsman's eyes flashed with cold light, looking up at Tang Xiu, who was on the sixth thousand steps, and his heart was murderous. Originally, he was very confident that he could become the fifth and most dazzling peerless genius. But whoever thought, there was a mysterious young man who attracted all the glory that should belong to him.

Quited second.

This is a very unwilling thing for the swordsman, but when he found that the **** little guy stopped at the sixth thousand steps, and had not moved forward for a long time, this slowly slowly let go, absolutely chasing It’s only a matter of time before he even surpassed him.

"The most dazzling peerless genius must be me! I am known as the most talented enchanting man of Wan Jianzong for thousands of years. I must first pass the Long Bridge, and I will successfully pass this test and arrive outside the Drunken Temple. Even, I have to get the inheritance of the drunken sage, and the baby of this whole secret house is also one of me."

The sixth day.

The Swordsman Supreme finally reached the sixth thousand steps. When he looked deeply at Tang Xiu, he immediately said: "If there is still strength, I will chase after me. I will let you know, Among the fifth batch of bridgers, I am the most dazzling one."


He didn't give Tang Xiu a chance to speak. He lifted his right foot again and set foot on the sixth thousand and one step.

Tang Xiu looked at his back and his face showed a sneer. Immediately, he looked down and found that Xingyi and Xingpeng were separated from the sixth thousand steps, leaving only two hundred steps, and the black scorpion was only six thousand steps away. More than three hundred steps. On the other hand, she has just passed the fifth thousand steps and wants to climb the sixth thousand steps. I am afraid it will take a long time.


Tang Xiu found that the body of the tears was quite straight. With a smile on her face, the steps of stepping up quickly. In just half a day, the tears of the stars have already reached the sixth thousand steps. At this time, Xingyi and Xingpeng are more than a dozen steps away from the sixth thousand steps.

"I found an interesting question." After the tears came to Tang Xiu, he smiled and said.

Tang Xiu wondered: "What interesting question?"

Star tears smiled: "If I did not guess wrong, all the immortals who broke through in the secret government, the space pressure they bear, is only for the repairs outside. The black cockroaches are in Tibetan mastiff, but I am Breakthrough under tremendous pressure."

Tang Xiu was surprised: "Are you breaking through?"

Star tears slowly nodded and smiled: "Breakthrough."


Xingyi and Xingpeng were on the sixth step at the same time, but when they thought it was stronger than one of Tang Xiu’s subordinates, the two were keenly aware that a figure was also on the side. Six thousand steps.

"Starting speed is a bit slow."

Black cockroaches licked their mouths with a smile, slowly said.

Stars are surprised: "Predecessors, have you been slow before? And from us..."

Black scorpion squinted at the tears of the eyes, and then smiled: "This proves that my potential is not worse than you."

Tang Xiu smiled and said: "Well, don't talk. Since we have reached the sixth thousand steps, then sprint the eighth step! If you can climb the eighth step I can guarantee that you will pass this test. If you can't get to the eighth step, then you should not think about the inheritance of the drunken sage."

"I can!"

Although Xingpeng has felt the difficulty, his eyes are extremely firm.

Xingyu said: "We have a hard time, so we have to pass. Only by becoming stronger, only by the inheritance of the drunken sage, we can resolve the crisis at home."

Tang Xiu asked faintly: "Do you have a crisis at home? Do you want me to help you again?"


Xing Peng and Xing Yi answered at the same time. Although they guessed that Tang Xiu was his own person, he still did not dare to guarantee 100%. Therefore, they directly chose to refuse.

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