MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1376 Massive wealth

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Tang Xiu’s mouth shows a smile, faintly said: “Do you really want to be her close-knit niece? Think clearly, chances are only once.”

Jingxian Erzi carefully examined the eyes of Qiongwei Xianzun. Although she was attracted by the woman who was a prosperous woman, she did not want to be a prostitute of others. She shook her head and said: "My way, my own I just want to become stronger and stronger, but I don’t want to be a prostitute of others.”

Tang Xiu shook his head and sighed: "That's a pity. I don't want a prostitute. I will follow the practice of the black scorpion. I hope that you will be able to do so in the future." A strong person."

"What do you say?"

Jing Xianer’s face changed greatly, and his eyes burst into an incredible look, and he lost his voice and exclaimed.


How is this possible?

There are a few supreme powers in the whole fairyland. How can you easily encounter one here?

The black cockroach cockroach also reveals a sorrowful look, sighing: "Jing Xianer, the owner said yes. Although Qiongwei Xianzun still uses this name, she is the strongest of the supreme realm. The whole In the fairy world, I am afraid that there will be countless people who want to be prostitutes in the supreme realm. It is even possible that the strongest of Jinxian and Dalu Jinxian’s realm will be willing to be a prostitute. This kind of god-given opportunity has been missed by you. It seems that only I can practice with me."


There is no endless remorse in the heart of Jing Xianer. She never dreamed that she could still do such stupid things in her life. You must know that even some of the great Luo Jinxian want to follow the saddle horses in front of the Supreme Power, hoping to get the guidance of the Supreme Power, and the chance to break through to the Supreme Realm in the future can be greater.

You can...

You are just a small person in the realm of heaven, and you are also separated from Xuanxian and Jinxian by the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. Even if I didn't figure out the identity of the other party, I would directly reject a strong person in the supreme realm. This is really tears!

Jongwei Xianzun just squinted at Jingxian, and he ignored this little thing. Although Jing Xianer looks very beautiful, there are not many women who have such beautiful beauty in the whole fairyland, but Qiongwei Xianzun does not worry about what happened to her and Tang Xiu. First, she does not care if it does not happen. Secondly, with the character of Tang Xiu, even if the other party grows up, it is really a disaster for the country and the people. I am afraid that he will not be easily emotional.

Time goes by.

Tang Xiu and Qiongwei Xianzun returned to Xianting Xianyu, and there are still thousands of kilometers away from the foggy sea. They found the army of the Tang Dynasty Empire, and a team of 100 people was searching for something in a dense forest. With their appearance as an enemy, I am afraid that the opponent is not so simple.

"Go and see."

After Tang Xiu’s movement, he immediately flew toward the hundred people’s team. When the figure was in front of them, they looked at them as if they were enemies. They said lightly: “It’s me! What happened here? You seem to Very vigilant."

"See 陛下."

The head of the 100-person team, with all the members immediately kneeling down, said to Tang Xiu, "The army of the Tang Dynasty empire, centering on the foggy sea, radiating toward the Quartet, pushing the speed out Every time, the people of Xianting will have some friction with us, and then they will retreat to us and become the captives of our prosperous Tang Empire. But a few days ago, our road team encountered unprecedented resistance, the leader of the other party. It is a person of Xianting, but our commander-in-chief suspects that the other party is not a real Xianting, but an undercover of other forces."

Tang Xiu raised his brow and asked: "How many people are there in the other party? How is the leader repaired as a realm?"

"Twenty-four people, the head of the leader has the realm of heaven."

Tang Xiu turned his head to look at the black scorpion, and said faintly: "You stay to deal with this matter! Remember, if the other party really does not want to surrender, they will be expelled and not hurt their lives."


Black scorpion venomously nodded.

Tang Xiu and Qiongwei Xianzun flew away, even Jing Xianer was left to the black cockroach, because the cultivation of Qiongwei Xianzun, coupled with the streamer wings she got, the speed is simply against the sky, short In a short quarter of an hour, he returned to Wuyuan Island with Tang Xiu.

Wan Jinfan.

After Tang Xiu came back, he placed Wan Jinfan directly on the top of a mountain, surrounded by clouds, and the whole Wan Jinfan was faint and magnificent. Here, Tang Xiu was the main hall of the Tang Dynasty and the place where he usually lived.

The first layer.

Tang Xiu sat on a temporary dragon chair, and his eyes swept over the top faces of nearly 100 dynasty empire. He said with satisfaction: "This time I left, I have a good harvest. The first thing I need to announce." From today, all members of the Tang Empire, to the elders of the empire, to each soldier, each person's treatment on the original basis, once again doubled."

"Thank you."

Everyone present showed a smile. Most of them followed Tang Xiu from the earth. It is too clear how much they have cultivated resources and how much they have influenced cultivation. Being able to get more resources for cultivation, their cultivation speed will increase a lot, it is definitely a happy thing.

On the contrary, those who are sacred, the monarchs, the angels, the fire lion, the golden scorpion, the singer, the whale king, the priest, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred Respect these big Luo Jinxian, they are secretly scared. Although the current Tang Dynasty empire is not very strong, but the number of people, the resources that need to be consumed each year, I am afraid it is a huge number.

Moreover, the resources of the big Luo Jinxian realm, they have already received a lot of resources, and doubled, this consumption is probably a huge number.


Lonely snow on the face of a worried look, shouting.

Tang Xiu waved his hand and said: "Xiaoxue, I understand your worry. Don't worry! This secret government implementation, we get a lot of Xianbao, Xianjing and Jingjing, more resources than the original wealth of the Tang Empire. Add up, you have a lot more. So, you don't have to worry about it. In addition, the whole fairyland is too big, and the number of resources is countless. Even if we consume all the wealth, we can get it from other places."


He took out a space ring and handed it to Lonely Snow. "The treasury resources are all under your control. As the Minister of Finance of the Tang Dynasty, you can do it in terms of resource allocation."


Tang Xiu took a deep breath and said faintly: "Now I declare that the Tang Dynasty Empire will form a criminal department. The Minister of the Criminal Department will serve as the pastor, and Tang Ning and Cheng Xuemei will serve as the Deputy Minister of the Criminal Department, assisting the pastor in charge of the Ministry of Punishment. I chose it myself and later gave me a list of all the members of the penalty department. In addition, the three of you will discuss with the whole department and the Ministry of Finance later to develop a system of rewards and punishments."


After Tang Xiu announced the order, everyone would leave. And he came to the place where his parents lived, a sea of ​​flowers.

Beautiful villa building, located in the sea of ​​flowers. This villa is not an ordinary building, but a fairy made by a solitary smoker.

At the moment.

Su Lingyun accompanied her mother Zhang, while looking at a thick book, chatting with Zhang. In the flowers not far from the two, the ancient voice sits on the knees, surrounded by colorful butterflies and fairy bees, silently cultivated. If there is no breath, there is a surge in her body, and Tang Xiu has just arrived, and it is judged that the repair of the solitary smoke has reached the stage of the robbery.

"Time is fast! The ancient girl has grown up."

Tang Xiu’s gaze swept through the beautiful face of the ancient sound, and his heart sighed secretly. Then he came to Su Lingyun and Zhang’s face and smiled and said: “Mom, grandma, are you busy?”


Zhang Shi and Su Lingyun saw Tang Xiu, and suddenly showed a surprise look. Since they came to the fairyland with Tang Xiu, Tang Xiu often walked for a year and a half, this time is longer, so the two miss Miss Tang.


The ancient sounds of cultivation in the flowers heard the sound, and immediately stopped practicing, and they rushed with joyful laughter.

Tang Xiu smiled slightly and patted the shoulders of the ancient voices of his relatives and smiled. "Time flies so fast! The little voices have grown into big girls. Come, Master gives you a Piece baby."

The ancient eyes are bright, curious and ask: "What baby?"

Tang Xiu took out the colorful dragon ball and handed it to the ancient sound and laughed: "Put it into the body and slowly refine it. This is the dragon ball of the colorful dragon, which will be of great help to your cultivation."

"It's so beautiful."

The ancient sound reveals a surprise look, and keeps playing in the hands.

Tang Xiu smiled slightly. He got a total of twelve colorful dragon beads. He gave a tear to the stars before, and now he gave an ancient sound, and there are still ten left in the space ring. Immediately, he took out two more, quickly swayed the law, broke into the mother Su Lingyun and the grandmother Zhang's body, smiled and said: "Grandma, Mom, you are too late to practice, repair is too weak. So there are Colorful dragon beads in your body can change your physique and speed up your cultivation. Therefore, you must practice well. I hope that you will break through the realm of immortals."

Su Lingyun smiled slightly and said: "Cultivating children, becoming a fairy, I don't care about your grandmother. You know what we care most about. It has been so many years, when can you..."

Tang Xiu hurriedly interrupted her words and said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry. Give me some time. In the future, you will be able to hold a lot of grandchildren."

"You kid!"

Su Lingyun said with some dissatisfaction: "Can we not worry? I...hey..."

Tang Xiuyi, the mother has stepped into practice, and with the help of a lot of resources, she has now broken through the Golden Age, she is actually nausea? This should not be?

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