MTL - Returning from the Immortal World-Chapter 1385 He is the star repair emperor

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Xingmang Supreme looked at the tears of the stars, and the old face also showed an excited look. Even the students said, "Good, come back. Tear, you actually broke through to the supreme realm, it seems that our Suzaku The strength of the confrontation between the sect and the enemy has increased by one point."

Star tears are preparing to talk, and found a lightning-like figure skyrocketing, flying quickly toward it, and suddenly excited: "The ancestors, I have indeed broken through to the supreme realm. However, I still have important Things to tell you and your brother."

"Aunt of Stars!"

"Star Tears!"


Hundreds of lightning-like figures, quickly sprinting to the vicinity of the tears of the stars, they all feel the breath of tears, have revealed a surprise look.

The gaze of the tears slowly swept from everyone. As a space ring was shot from her, Joy said, "I am back."


Hundreds of Suzaku's high-ranking sects took over the space ring, and when their gods swept through the space ring, they suddenly showed ecstasy.

"God! So many fairy crystals? So many remedies?"

"I have saved the Suzaku Shengzong. Xianjing, crystal marrow, and a large number of precious herbs, medicinal herbs..."

"Aunts of the Stars brought back a lot of things."

"There is a sky! I saw hope..."


Hundreds of Suzaku's high-level sects, everyone's eyes are wet. Their excited bodies are shaking, and some people can't help but scream.

Xingmang supreme and the star soul supreme look at each other, the two face changes. You know, what is the most lacking of Suzaku Shengzong today?

is a fairy crystal, a crystal marrow.

Because the treasures of Suzaku's saints are now, the amount left by the crystals and crystals is very rare. Even the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, it is hard to get the celestial crystal and the crystal marrow.

"Star tears, come with me."

Star Soul Supreme took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart. After saying a word, he flew toward the Suzaku Sacred House. The Stars Supreme and the poetry Xianzun did not hesitate to leave behind the Star Soul.

The tears of the stars look at these relatives, and the heart is extraordinarily warm. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and immediately released Xingyi and Xingpeng from the cave fairy.

"Elders, my star has broken through the realm of Da Luo Jinxian."

"Elders, my star Peng also broke through the realm of Da Luo Jinxian."

The two looked at a familiar and intimate face, tears burst out and shouted loudly.

Star Spirit Supreme and Xingmang Supreme, the poetry 岚仙尊 also found the stars and the stars and tears brought back by the stars, their hearts filled with gratification, but the speed of flying to the hall of the parliament is faster.

After a while.

When the tears entered the hall of the House of Representatives, he looked at the star soul supreme on the throne of the lord, respectfully said: "The lord, the tears of the stars are coming back."

Star Soul Supreme took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "Tell me, where have you been in these hundreds of years? Many of our friends of Suzaku, who came here for hundreds of years, I I have inquired about your news, they are not clear about your trace."

Star Tears can listen to Big Brother’s concern for her and say: “The Sovereign, this is not the time to say this. I came back this time and brought back a lot of things. I will hand it over to you, and you will arrange it.”

The soul of the star soul is slightly wrinkled, and faintly said: "Star tears, you can come back. As for the things you brought back, we really need the Suzaku Sacred. But that thing, wait until later in the arrangement. ."

Star tears took out six space rings and sent them to the front of the star soul. They said, "Lord, you should look at these things before you decide."

The soul of the soul is silent for a moment. When his gods are swept through the interior of the six space rings, the burly body suddenly stands up, and the majestic face appears to have a shocking look. When he looked up at the tears of the stars, he asked: "These are all you have been outside for hundreds of years?"

Star tears nodded and said: "All I got, and he gave it to me, let me bring it back to you."

"Who is he?"

Star Soul Supreme asked.

Star tears shook his head and said: "The sovereign, you allocate resources first. Otherwise, let's talk later."

Star Soul Supreme took a deep breath and climbed into the face with a smile. He laughed loudly: "We have a hope for the Suzaku Sacred. The resources brought back by the tears are enough for us to stick to the millennium." These things are all handed over to you, you take them and distribute them, and then all of them are sent to the Zongmen Treasury."

Xinghe Xianzun with an excited look, after picking up six space rings, when he saw the things inside, suddenly burst into laughter.

After a while.

In addition to the Star Soul Supreme and the Stars Supreme, and the poetry of the Immortals, only the Star Spirit is still within the Hall of the Episcopal. Immediately, the stars and arms waved and made a fairy. When the entire hall was covered by her, she looked at the three people and looked at their confused eyes and said: "I have two things to tell you when I come back. These two things are related to The life and death of our Suzaku Shengzong. Especially the last one, very very important, is also a happy event. But..."

Star Soul Supreme said: "Star tears, if you have anything, you can say directly, don't hang our appetite."

Star tears said: "Big brother, what I need to say, you can never pass it out, even if we are in the Suzaku Sacred, we can only know about them."

Star Soul Extreme silence for a moment, slowly nodded and said: "You say it! We promise not to pass it out."

The tears smiled and said: "You are trapped in Dongshengxian, but you can also hear about some outside things? Especially in the past 100 years."

Star Soul Supreme nodded and said: "Yes, in the last hundred years, there are some people who have fallen from the Suzaku holy sect, broke through the blockade of those enemies, returned to the interior of the Zongmen, and brought back the news outside." What have you experienced in these hundreds of years?"

Star tears said: "Hundreds of years ago, I was brutally wounded by the black-hearted old man who was wishing to be a lifeless man. Then he did not kill me, but sold me to the prison station, making me a deadly fight. For hundreds of years, I have been trapped in prisons and fightd with other Deathmatchers again and again. Until more than 90 years ago, someone bought me from the prison."

"Who is it?"

The spirit of the star soul has changed. Although I realized that my sister has been suffering for hundreds of years, I still asked the benefactor who bought the tears.

Star tears said: "His name is Sheng Tang Emperor."

Star Spirit Supreme and Xingmang Supreme, the poetry 岚仙尊 three face each other, have moved. They have heard about the legend of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the past 100 years. A peerless genius born out of the fairy world, a strong man who founded the Tang Empire.

Star Soul Supreme asked: "Since he bought you, is it so easy to let you come back?"

Star tears said: "He did return my soul card to me, and took me to the secret government of the drunken sage, and snatched the fairy tales. Finally, with his help, I got The inheritance of the drunken sage is the secret of the drunken sage."


The three faces are so big that they are incredible. Although they are not outside, they have guessed countless times and guess who is the one who has passed down the drunken supreme. However, they never imagined that the person who eventually got the inheritance of the drunken sage was turned into a tear.

The poetry of the poems is the fastest. After waking up from the shock, he said with excitement: "No wonder you can break through to the Supreme Realm so quickly. It turned out to be the inheritance of the drunken sage. This good news, already It’s our biggest event for Suzaku Shengzong.”

Star tears shook his head and said: "Da, I got the inheritance of the drunken sage, it is indeed a happy event, but it is not the biggest happy event. Moreover, I can get the inheritance of the drunken sage, all because of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. Help, if you don't have him, don't say that you get the inheritance of the drunken sage, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to survive in the secret government."

Star Soul Supreme asked: "I don't understand, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty should be the strongest in the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian? Why didn't he get the inheritance of the drunken sage? But he wants to help you?" >

Star tears said: "He doesn't need it, and he and Drunken Supreme Ditch pass, and Drunken Supreme does not want him to get his inheritance."

Star Spirit Supremely asked: "He can communicate with the drunken sage in the realm of God? How is this possible?"

Star tears said: "Big brother, because he used to spend the gods."

There are countless thoughts flashing in the soul of the soul of the soul, and he asked: "Who is the great Tang Emperor? If he once spent the gods, how did he not rise to the gods? Instead, he stayed in the fairy world? Become a fairy in the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian?"

Star tears slowly said: "Because he passed the moment of God's robbery, when he was the weakest, he was attacked by his two friends, and eventually killed. If not because of his sorrow In another world, I am afraid he has already lost his mind."

The soul of the star soul is stunned and sighs: "The moment when the supreme sacred gods robbed, it is indeed the weakest time. At this time, if there is no guardian of great trust, it is easy to be attacked by others. The light is moist, not flying to the gods, not a god."

Star tears nodded and said: "Yes."

Xingmang suddenly asked: "Tears, you said so much, haven't told us, who is this great Tang Emperor? I have read the information of all the supreme realms in the 100,000 years of the fairy world, but There is no record of this great Tang Emperor. Is he the strongest of the older generation?"

Star tears shook his head and said: "No."


Her gaze fell on the poetry of the poet, and looked at her curious expression, slowly saying: "He is not a strongman in the older era, but a strongman of our time. Because he is mine. Relatives, big brother and nephew, your pro-son, ancestors, your blood and grandchildren, Xing Xiu Da Di."

There will be three more today, brothers and sisters are not pleasant, happy. In addition, Jingyue uploaded a beautiful photo of the Tang murder on the WeChat public account, the figure, the fierce part... No... that look, it’s really confusing, this is the private collection of the night’s thirty years Goods, if you want to get a sneak peek, please pay attention to the static night WeChat public number jyjs00, or the WeChat subscription number directly search for quiet nights.