MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Q & A and Communication in the Late Stage of "Zhen Zhen Ren"

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I have recently read some comments and I would like to thank the readers for their guidance. Many people have responded to the plot, but in fact, I have a lot of intentions. For example, the selection of several supporting roles in this chapter is well thought out. The clues in this chapter are on the surface of the dispute over the house. The secret is the justice, revealing the way of acting in heaven, the strategy of the star fairy, and the thought of the iron family itself.

But I have to admit that the "蛊真人" is not suitable for chasing. Because there are too many clues and too many characters, once they are spread out, the whole scale is swollen. The most suitable for chasing more is about 1-3 chapters. So many people think that the first few chapters are wonderful.

In fact, there are a lot of wonderful things in the later period, but this kind of excitement is different from the previous one. Once read through, you will find that the characters are taking care of each other, the events affect each other, and the characters in front of millions of words still perform in the later period. Everyone has their own statements and thoughts, and the whole world is alive.

By the end of the book, the characters' life and death are excited, and the ideas collide. They are ups and downs in their respective destiny, and they will make their own splendid sparks!

This kind of writing is closer to traditional literature, and it does not appeal. Because of the genre of the net text, the content of each chapter will be infinitely magnified in the reader's perception, and the beauty of the overall layout will shrink and shrink. My outline has more than 860,000 words. Each chapter is conceived for at least half an hour before the codeword begins.

There are very few web posts that involve so many characters to write. This is also a huge challenge for me. I don't know what the final result will be? Whether it is a success or a failure. But from this challenge, I feel the joy of writing.

But I also understand that many times readers just look at it every day and watch it for a few minutes. Many people actually forget it.

I have carefully read the suggestions of several recent readers and friends.

Many suggestions are very pertinent.

For example, there are too many typos, and I have to apologize seriously. It is indeed that I am not doing well enough. At some time, I will change the typos that my readers have discovered. Try to check it several times in the future and upload it again. In fact, I have checked, but I am too familiar with the article, it is easy to see fast, to be honest, the inspection is actually quite difficult. The first time you read, you are often more likely to find typos.

There are also some writing and style suggestions.

First of all, the management team made a questionnaire survey, which will be released in groups, post bars, etc., and try to do it. Let me see what everyone thinks.

Second, I have had some reflections.

For me, the rewriting method is easy. If you are straightforward, it will make readers chase after it, and the praise will be higher. I can make more money, but it will be white.

Writing in a straightforward manner is actually less brain-intensive and less challenging than my current writing, and my writing pleasure is reduced.

The "蛊真人" part, in my positioning, has always been to make money at the end.

I think that if you update a little more, you may have some adjustments in your senses. After all, just reading a chapter, the plot progress is indeed limited ~ ~ I have to deal with a lot of supporting roles, there are indeed such drawbacks.

The trouble is that this kind of writing requires a lot of ideas, and the arrangement is so delicate that the time for the code words is actually not much.

So, there are only so many updates.

Everyone understands each other.

I try to update a little more.

But everything is based on quality.

Thank you for your suggestions. I saw some posts from friends. They are very long and long, and I am very touched.

I know that this is the love for this book!

Especially there are pictures, wow, it is really amazing.

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