MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 285: Heaven intervention

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Fangyuan’s foreign policy has always been very flexible.

For example, the content of the contribution list, the task list, and the redemption list in the world's big love alliance and the supreme fairy are all different.

In the same way, the East China Sea, the immortal to join the world of a big love alliance, must be subject to strict alliance constraints.

In the other four domains outside the East China Sea, joining the covenant of a big love alliance in Tiandi, it is very loose, almost no binding.

Seeing the micro-intelligence, from this point, the star fairy Xianzun fully learned the insidious Fangyuan!

She has a very clear and clear judgment on the situation in the West Desert.

“We must suppress the homeowner, we can’t let it start, and even if necessary, we must do our best to eradicate it.”

"Otherwise, once the superpowers follow suit, it will greatly enhance the influence of Fangyuan in the entire five domains!"

Fangyuan relies on various support means such as Xianyu trade, and can easily incite the situation of inciting the five domains and the fairyland.

As the saying goes, the artificial dead birds are eating and drinking.

If things are allowed to develop and form a common cognition and ethos, then the influence of Fangyuan will cover the five domains. Even if there are no five domains, there are three domains.

At that time, Fang Yuan’s thoughts will affect the three major immortals in southern Xinjiang, the West Desert and the East China Sea.

Of course, no matter how many immortals in the three domains, you can't take the stars.

The sage is invincible, especially the sage who began to gradually exert the power of the Taoist.

But the Sayādaw is mutually threatening.

If the influence of Fangyuan can make Sanyu Yuxian act as cannon fodder, Stars Xianzun will have to personally defend Zhongzhou.

As a result, the situation of the three confrontation will change.

Xingsu Xianzun was dragged down by these cannon fodders, while Fangyuan took the opportunity to catch up.

Xingsu Xianzun is the first Zhidao of the past and the present. The poison of Fangyuan has just been displayed. She will see it and know it thoroughly!

"At the moment, the three squatters are all refining and refining the natural traces. Fangyuan is the most backward, so it uses this plan to play tricks and try to shorten the gap."

"Hey, will you be as you wish?"

Xingsu Xianzun immediately made a decision: "Zhou Xiongxin, Wan Zihong, you go to Xi Mo!"

West desert.

Sun Jiada base camp.

Sun Jiatai, everyone is getting in touch with Wanhaoguang and Wanyi.

"The house does not declare war and raided me. Nowadays, it has been madly encroaching on all the major resources of my family. It is already mad and violent. This kind of behavior is a completely magical way. The whole house has been enchanted. The house is the largest cave in the West Desert! The aristocrat is one of the bones of the West Desert. With such a situation, can you sit down and watch it?" Wan Guangyi is authentic.

Sun Jiatai went to the old and nodded, and said: "Wanhao Guangxianyou said that it is very important that my grandson will try his best to maintain the right path of the heavens and the earth. It is only the difficulty of the grandson..."

Sun Jiatai went to the old saying that he had a grandson's predicament, but at the end he patted his chest and said that as long as Wanjia contacted the rest of the super forces, the Sun family must join in and make a contribution to the West Desert.

"This old fox!" Out of the Sun family's base camp, Marriott was extremely angry.

Wan Xi smiled and said: "In the super-power of the West Desert, Sun Jia is the most timid and afraid. It is not surprising that Sun Jiatai is so old and old. He can have such a statement, it is already the greatest sincerity. Next, we go Which one is lobbying?"

As I said, suddenly two figures flew in the sky, and the eight breaths did not hide.


"Ah, it’s a heavenly fairy!"

Wan Hao and Wan Guang are a vigilant color.

They are not afraid, after all, Long live the building is on the body.

The Tianxian Erxian is Zhou Xiongxin and Wan Zihong.

"Two Wanjia Xianyou and slowly set off. I am waiting for the help of Wanjia." Zhou Xiongxin said hello.

Wan Hao and Wan Guang glance at each other and see the joy of each other's eyes.

Immediately, the two hovered in the air and did not move, covering the color, full of vigilance.

Tianting Erxian was close to a thousand steps, and he took the initiative to stop, indicating that he was not comfortable.

Wan Zihong did not say a word, and Zhou Xiongxin explained that: "The house family joined the so-called Tiandi, a big love alliance, and was funded by the refining demon statue, trying to overthrow the West Desert Road and transforming the entire West Desert into a magic cave. Although Tianting is Zhongzhou The first, but this situation can not bear to sit and watch, so I sent two of them to help each other, killing the magic wind, and the world is clear and clear."

Wan Guang asked: "How does Tianting help? If necessary, will Stars Xianzun personally take the shot?"

Both of these issues are very critical.

Tianting helps, for Wanjia, it is not a purely good thing. Once it is not handled well, it will make the family worse, even if it is not over.


Because Tianting is a Zhongzhou force, and here is the West Desert.

Although the five domain boundaries have dissipated, in the heart of Zhu Xian, the five-domain boundary wall that stood at the beginning of the world, will it be so easy to fall apart?

If the Tianting 蛊仙 personally intervenes in the war of Wanjia, then Wanjia will be recognized as the lower sect of Heaven, and the Zhongzhou forces are at the bridgehead of Xi'an.

Under this circumstance, the superpowers of the West Desert must be extremely vigilant and all shrink hands. Wanjia will lose the justification for calling the superpower of the West Desert and become the object of everyone's defense.

As a result, the civil war, originally a force of the West Desert, has evolved into a square source and a home, against the heavens and the family.

Zhou Xiongxin smiled and said: "The two are assured that I will not personally intervene in this war of crusade against the house."

Wan Guang and Wan Hao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Tianting Zhuxian can not directly intervene.

Then, Zhou Xiongxin said: "The dispute between Wanjia and Fangjia is the internal affairs of Xi'an. The main purpose of Tianting is to support Wanjia. The main purpose is to deal with the source of refining the gods and respecting the ancient moon. Once Fang Yuan personally shot, or dispatched Under the sacred battle of the sacred princes, then the stars will not stand by and the celestial celestial beings will also be dispatched to maintain world justice and peace!"

Wan Guang, Wan Hao can no longer hold the color of joy.

All along, their most taboo is the relationship between the house and Fangyuan. Once Fang Yuan is shot, who can stand up to the superpower of the West Desert?

Can't stand it!

This guarantee of Tianting suddenly made Wanjia not have the biggest concern.

After the Wan family called on the West Desert forces, after learning about this situation, these forces will surely shoot and help each other.

Wan Hao asked: "In the end, the family joined the big love alliance of Tiandi. They exchanged resources for a large number of Xianyu, and even formed a brand-new fairy house. Now they are frantically demolition of my family's resources. The intention is clear. In this case, can heaven sell some cents to us?"

Wan Guang also looked at the heavenly celestial eyes with his eyes wide open.

Zhou Xiong confidently sneered: "Think of beauty! The only fairy, the fairy tales of Tianting are barely enough, how can they be sold?"

At the same time, he smiled on the surface: "Shenzhen can not be sold, but can be rented. On the other hand, Xiandao kills and Xianyu can also consider trading."

Zhou Xiongxin then made a quotation, and suddenly made Wan Hao and Marriott look hard.

The price of the heavenly court is very high, and the family must have a big bleeding to get the income.

"Maintaining justice is a price, two fairy friends." Zhou Xiongxin suddenly lowered his voice. "In fact, Tianting has one of the most important financial aids for Wanjia, which will surely satisfy the nobility."

"Oh? I will wait for the two to hear the details."

East China Sea.

Fang Yuan is communicating with Baizu Tianjun.

"Hundreds of fairy friends, you clearly specialize in slavery, how to trade fairy with me, but ask for **** aspects?" Fang Yuan face a smile, knowingly ask.

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings are far away in Beiyuan, and they smile bitterly.

He groaned in his heart: "Do you think I am willing?"

But there is no way!

Juyang Xianzun traded for the **** fairy, and personally summoned the hundred-footed Tianjun, let him be a middleman and communicate on his behalf.

How can Baijun Tianjun refuse?

He is only a small eight-turn fairy, and another family is based in Beiyuan. For the command of Juyang Xianzun, he can only promise.

As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the roof.

Baizu Tianjun certainly has grievances against Juyang Xianzun. At the same time, his source is also resentful.

Fang Yuan’s great love claimed that he had shocked the world. Fang Yuan announced that he had contact with the five domains and the forces, and that it was a deal with Baizu Tianjun.

On the spot, I was scared by the hundred feet, and the skewers were baked!

Fang Yuan wanted to use this to provoke the reaction of Ju Yang Xian Zun. The concept of Juyang Xianzun is the home of the world. Baijun Tianjun is not his descendant of blood. The hundred families have also been subjected to the joint exclusion and suppression of the golden tribes.

This is Fang Yuan’s provocative plan. Maybe it will allow the gold tribes to join forces to kill the 100-foot family and break their arms?

Of course, this possibility is very small, and the most important thing in the world is the smart person.

However, the cost of Fang Yuan’s implementation of this plan is too low, just a few words.

Let's not try, how do you know?

Therefore, the days of the hundred-day Tianjun are very bad. I think that he is so arrogant and arrogant, but he is scared all the time. He is afraid that Juyang Xianzun will come to him for trouble.

In the end, Juyang Xianzun really asked him for trouble and handed him a task directly.

The attitude of Juyang Xianzun is very clear: Are you a close relationship with Fangyuan? Then act as a liaison for me, trading **** fairy. Use actual actions and actual results to prove your loyalty to my giant Yang Xianzun, to Changshengtian, to the whole North Plains!

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings feel very embarrassed!

When did he have a close deal with Fangyuan?

It is obvious that Chu Du and Fang Yuan have a leg. What is the matter of my hundred feet? I used to fight Fang Yuan as an enemy.

He really wants to prove his innocence, but Ju Yang Xian Zun does not mention this at all, that is, let him pick up the errand.

In fact, from the perspective of Ju Yang Xian Zun, there are very few candidates who can handle this errand. The longevity and the tribes of the golden tribes are excluded, because these people represent the giant Yang Xianzun.

But the hundred-footed Tianjun and Chudu are different.

"Fangyuan adults, you are a big love fairy, why do you play such a small person like me." Baizu Tianjun put his own posture very low, "My situation, wise as you, I don't know?"

Fang Yuan haha ​​smiled: "What **** fairy do you want?"

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