MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 286: 9 turns to refining!

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Juyang Xianzun confessed to the hundred-footed Tianjun: As long as it is possible, we must do our utmost to empty all the **** sages of Fangyuan!

However, at this time, it is certainly impossible for Baizu Tianjun to say this. He first proposed ten fairy tales.

Fang Yuan got the message and sneered.

These fairy scorpions contain the blood scorpion scorpion, the **** sacred scorpion, the **** sacred scorpion, and the **** scent.

Fangyuan has blood vessels.

This fairy scorpion was originally a Wu family. When Fang Yuan was disguised as Wu’s relic, the Wu family also used blood vessels to detect the authenticity of Fangyuan.

Later, he was deceived by Fang Yuan and became his own thing.

It is not difficult for Juyang Xianzun to learn this information.

The **** fairy is also a source.

This is the last squatting spirit, combined with some of the **** side of Bao Huang Tianzhong, and created a unique shackle.

Fang Yuan took advantage of the situation from the sect.

Nowadays, this **** fairy has risen from six turns to eight turns, and it has become one of the core cents in the four-yuan repentance blood pool. It is also one of the four yuan, which is of great significance.

Blood skull fairy is also in the hands of Fangyuan!

Fang Yuan originally had four turns of blood skull, and used it to improve his qualifications.

However, the cost of **** skulls is very high. If you want to improve your qualifications, you will have to kill enough blood relatives.

In Qingmao Mountain, Fangyuan almost wiped out the entire ancient moon cottage in order to improve his qualifications.

At the level of Zhu Xian, the value of the **** skull that can improve the qualifications will be greatly reduced. For many of the single-handed Zhu Xian, blood cranial sputum is a chicken rib.

But for the power, blood cranial sputum is extremely important.

Fang Yuan thought that he himself would not benefit from blood cranial sputum, but other people used it.

The memory of the past five hundred years tells him that the **** skull fairy has been destroyed because of the changes in the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, before the battle of the mad cave, he helped many of the seeds of the celestial beings to rise to the celestial, and with the opportunity of the teacher and the law, he inquired about the more perfect blood skull.

Subsequently, under his own calculations, he got the blood skull.

According to this immortal side, Fang Yuan easily refines the blood skull.

Sure enough, as he expected, the effect of the blood skull is still to improve the qualifications. Because it is a fairy, it can be effective for Zhu Xian. The drawback is still the need to slaughter blood relatives. The higher the immortality is, the larger the scale of the **** relatives, and even the need to slaughter the blood!

As for the **** fairy, it is also in the hands of Fangyuan.

The genius of the devil is the true biography of the **** fairy, and once dealt with Fangyuan, so that Fangyuan got the relevant fairy.

After the death of the genius, Fangyuan robbed it.

At present, the number of revolutions is not high, only six turns.

In addition, Fangyuan has other **** celestial beings. For example, **** blood and blood swearing.

These two **** celestial beings were created jointly by the East China Sea bloodline, the magic fairy, and Ding Qi. One is for detection and the other is for channel utility.

Fang Yuan did not get these two immortals from Ding Yan and Ding Qi, but also knew that the two immortals were destroyed.

It is convenient to use the natural opportunity of the teacher's law to ask for a more complete sacred remnant, and to add your own calculations, and also to rob them.

"I am not afraid to tell you the truth, there are a lot of **** celestial beings in my hands." Fang Yuan is also talking about the hundred heavens.

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings quickly praised: "Fangyuan adults plan for the future, and they are far-sighted. They are the first person in the refining of the Tao. The next is the admiration!"

Fang Yuanhehe smiled: "If you want to trade **** fairy, then use the method of elemental extraction to change it."

Before the hundred-footed Tianjun came to Fangyuan, he was given the opportunity by the giant Yang Xianzun. At that time, Juyang Xianzun told him about the method of extracting the environment.

In the Juyang Xianzun thought: Fang Yuan is eager to find the way to extract the environment, this is a clear thing. Didn't see Bao Huang Tianzhong, is the source of Fangyuan still stored here?

Fang Yuan is not extracted now, basically it can be judged that there is no method of extraction of the environment.

Therefore, this method is the biggest chip to acquire the **** fairy, you can make good use of it!

"Sure enough, Fang Yuan immediately proposed this method of extraction of the environment, Ju Yang Xian Zun is not wrong!" Hundreds of Heavenly King secretly excited, the mood of the heart is also dissipated.

He deliberately silenced for a moment before responding to Fang Yuan: "The method of extracting the Yuanjing?"

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings deliberately revealed a distressed attitude.

Fang Yuan snorted: "Don't play tricks, since you were assigned by Juyang Xianzun, does Juyang Xianzun care for you?"

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings felt a shock, and quickly made a correct gesture: "Fangyuan adults are wise and savvy, and they must be forgiven."

Fang Yuan faintly said: "Then I will use the method of extraction from the first place to buy me a **** fairy."

"What, what?" The hundred-footed Tianjun was shocked. Fang Yuan was so lion-like, so greedy that he could hardly believe it.

"Fangyuan adults, in the next thought, the value of the method of extraction of the Yuanjing is great, in exchange for ten **** celestial scorpions is safe for me." Baizu Tianjun quickly said.

Fang Yuan sneered: "Oh, you are a big lion, so greedy!"

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings: "..."

Fang Yuan does not need any method of extracting the environment. He plays with the singularity of the Tianjun.

In the Supreme Immortals, dozens of long rivers danced at high altitudes.

Every river is filled with various kinds of fairy materials.

The rivers sometimes meet and sometimes spread out.

This time, the refining of nine refining smelters, Fangyuan mainly used the method of water refining.

The core of the four-party repentance blood refinement pool - eight turns to refine the fairy, from the beginning of the refining, has been instilled Xianyuan, almost never stopped.

On the other side of the hundred-footed Tianjun, slow down and start to actively cut prices: "Fangyuan adults, you must know that I am very sincere. The method of extracting the Yuanjing is extremely rare, you must be clear. For you, this is the realm The value of the extraction method is extraordinary, and it is most needed by you nowadays. The ten bloodstains of the district are not important to you. You are a refinery, and you want to refine what immortality is not a thought. ?"

Fang Yuan snorted and his attitude quickly cooled down: "At the beginning, I and Juyang Xianzun traded in the realm of the Yuan Dynasty. Shouldn’t he give me the method of extracting the Yuanjing? Now I can’t extract the Yuanjing, I haven’t found it yet. He settled his account. He actually wants to sell this thing without shame. If you want to be a monk, you can’t figure out a refinement and a nine-turn killing trick, and treat the Yuanjing as a fairy material to extract the Yuanjing. ?"

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings quickly said: "Fangyuan adults, please also anger."

"You shut up." Fang Yuan continued. "You go back and tell the giant yang. I have tempered the **** celestial scorpion, and it is difficult for him. He wants to repair the blood. Hehe, I will continue to smash more. Bloody Immortal! Unless he first gave me the method of extracting the environment, let me see how much his true sincerity is."

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings dare not talk again, and sighed, they contacted Juyang Xianzun.

After the discovery of Juyang Xianzun, he immediately yelled: "Fangyuan children, good arrogance, actually want to marry me. You are also this waste! You are retiring and soft, don't you know that you are negotiating on behalf of me and Fangyuan. Is it?"

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings have to say: "Juyang adults are wrong! The next is not the golden blood, the ability is shallow..."

"Okay." Juyang Xianzun interrupted him. "Because you are not a golden blood, your ability is shallow, I will give you these opportunities for exercise, so that you can hone more and increase your ability."

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings: "..."

Juyang Xianzun said again: "You continue to negotiate with Fangyuan, the method of extracting the Yuanjing... I will never give it out. You tell Fangyuan that now the three confrontation is his worst progress, Xianyuan At least. Advise him to review the situation and negotiate with me. It is beneficial to make up for the gap. Those who are wise should recognize the situation."

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings also asked: "So, how can you change the **** immortality of the giant yang man?"

Juyang Xianzun was silent.

Listening to the words of Baizu Tianjun, Fang Yuan’s plan is to use the essence of the refining sage to calculate the nine-turn killing trick, thus extracting the Yuanjing.

Although this method is time consuming and laborious, it is indeed a feasible method.

In this way, the Yuanjing extraction method can not be so high.

But what is the price, in the view of Juyang Xianzun, of course, the more the better.

Therefore, he finally squandered a hundred days of heavenly king: "How many bloodstains can be exchanged, naturally it depends on how much you work hard, how much loyalty I have for my long life. And go, I will wait and see."

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings are bored, under tremendous pressure, and come to contact Fangyuan.

In the Supreme Immortal, there are some problems in the handling of the refining fairy.

Fangyuan is diligently diversifying the river and removing several of them.

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings accompanied the smile: "Fangyuan adults, the method of extracting the Yuanjing really can't be delivered. But since you think that there are too many **** celestial beings, it is better than... eight?"

Fang Yuan had no thoughts and talked with the hundred-footed Tianjun. He immediately screamed: "Hundreds of children, I will be honored, will you bargain with you? Do you think I am a city custom?"

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings are in a big heart, and they are busy in their mouths: "Dare, dare!"

Fang Yuan said: "The method of extracting the Yuan dynasty is put aside first. Since you want to acquire the **** celestial scorpion, take more elements."

"This one……"

When Baijun Tianjun wants to talk more, he is interrupted by Fangyuan: "What are you doing, are you doing the Lord? Don't you go back and ask?"

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings were angry and stunned. He was a singer and turned into a mic.

At the two ends of the megaphone, they are all respected, he can't afford to sin!

He only swallowed this bitterness and went back to find Juyang Xianzun.

"It’s not a source, it’s really greedy." Juyang Xianzun smiled.

There are indeed a lot of elements in his hands. These values ​​are very low for him. After all, he is not a supreme body.

Nowadays, Juyang Xianzun majors in the transportation of the road, and it is already the limit.

But in these circumstances, Juyang Xianzun can be used to cultivate subordinates.

"It is not impossible to trade with" Juyang Xianzun pondered for a moment and told this decision to Baijun Tianjun.

Baizu Tianjun contacted Fangyuan again.

"Fangyuan adults, adults?"

After many contacts, Fang Yuan ignored him.

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings: "..."

At this time, in the Supreme Immortal, dozens of rivers merged and stirred up thousands of waves.

In the mighty waters, new upgrades are rising.

It’s already a nine-level!

Ps: All typos and bugs in sections 277-285 have been modified.

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