MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 316: Hey and the world

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The ghosts are out of the sun, the three confrontations start suddenly, and the end is sudden.

The impact of this battle is violently affecting the entire five domains.

Southern Xinjiang.

"It’s a big fire." The four-turner Xiao Yan is doing all the best.

A large group of orange flames, rolling in, as big as a giant elephant, want to swallow him.

Just when Xiao Yan wanted to start and collect this fire, suddenly there was a surprise attack!


A burst of sound, Xiao Yan was far from flying.

"Who? This is the place of the business!" Xiao Yan shouted, he not only failed to collect the fire, but also injured.

"Hehehe. Become a dog of the business, so that makes you proud?" Out of the shadow, a magician.

He also has four conversions.

Xiao Yan's pupil shrinks: "It turned out to be you, the storm star packs the same!"

He instantly understood the reason for the package to attack him. The other party also majored in the road of inflammation, and must have taken a fancy to this fire.


The two started a fierce battle, playing Mars and exploding again and again.

At first, the two sides were evenly matched, but gradually, Xiao Yan began to take advantage.

The package was more angry with the Vietnam War. Xiao Yan was just a rising star. He didn't expect to be able to tie him with him, and there were signs of pressing him.

This is the benefit of relying on big forces.

After a while, the bag with the vomiting blood and retreat, he rubbed his chest, the face of the ash can not cover the ugly face: "It seems that the rumor is really good, you kid has so many four turns, is the business family long business Do you have a subordinate to go to bed?"

Xiao Yan suddenly became furious: "The thief uttered madness and dared to smear the patriarch!"

Xiao Yan originally intended to let go of the package, and did not want to chase after the fight, but now it is angered to fill the chest, slammed into the package.

The package is bad with the dark channel, and under the violent offensive of Xiao Yan, the situation is defeated and the situation is in danger.

And in another dark corner, there was another sergeant who quietly looked at the battle.

The sergeant had five changes, and his face and body shape were blurred, and the moment was foggy.

"Business is kind..." The five-turn sergeant gnawed his teeth, apparently and hateful.

A will is entangled in his mind: "Small day, you can not be impulsive. Commercialism is the seed of the merchant's celestial beings, you are not easy to escape, and successfully bury your name. The most important thing to do at this time is to hide in the dark. Constantly frenzied. Strive to break through the limits of mortals as soon as possible, become a six-turn airway 蛊仙!"

The five-turn sergeant is Kong Ritian, and the will in his mind is the will of Kong Shengtian.

At the beginning, when Kong Ritian inherited the innocent biography, he was robbed by Wu Ji, Shang Xinci and others. He vowed to revenge in the future!

Kong Ritian bit his teeth: "But the ancestors, I have been very sure of the immortal. But you are not persuading me not to rise to the immortal, do not miss the natural opportunity of the teacher's law?"

Kong Shengtian will explain: "The ghost succeeded in destroying the sun, and before destroying a large number of daytime heaven nodes, Tianzhu, Tianzhu, etc.. Taikoo day will be swallowed up by the Taikoo Black Sky, two days of confusion, the chaos of the day is not It will last for a long time. Once the good intentions are stabilized, it is time for you to rob the ascension."

"It turned out that I really can't wait." Kong Ritian sneered.

The next moment, he suddenly shot!

"For the time being, I can't retaliate against the business. Then I will find her subordinates to start killing her little lover, Xiao Yan, and let her taste the pain." Kong Ritian’s mind smashed a stock.


"Reassured, after I killed Xiao Yan, I planted it and gave it to the same package! This method is very familiar to me." Kong Ritian secretly rushed to Xiao Yan, while the latter concentrated his mind on the body, without notice. .

"Oh... then you must make a quick decision!" Kong Shengtian will not help but sigh.

That night.

The golden flame burned the entire mountain, and countless creatures were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

The fire was shining, and in the vicinity of the Shangshan Mountain, it was quickly discovered by the merchants.

"Oops, Xiao Yan has a change in the other side. Simple fire, there is no such power!" The heart of the mercy is sinking, can not help but worry about the safety of Xiao Yan.

Although she is only a five-turner, she has a high vision. From the fire, she can see that it is a fairy flame.

Shang Xinci did not send reinforcements to support Xiao Yan. Because it involves Xiancai, it is no longer a customary business. There will be businesses to deal with.

Shang Xinci looked up at the sky.

Without the sun, the sky is already dark.

This feminine woman is deeply sighed with a sad face.

"I don't know how many people are suffering and suffering at this moment? I am still weak when I am a commercial family leader."

The dramatic changes in the world have brought about turbulence in the hearts of the people.

In the southern division of the ancestral division, the magic road became very embarrassing. Shang Xinci has been fully relieved, but for natural disasters, all her efforts are just a drop in the bucket.

East China Sea.

Baihe sea area.

Nangongyuan is working hard to gather the cranes.

In the distant place of the Tianhai handover, the vastness of the cold wind came to the scene, driving the surrounding temperature to fall rapidly.

The Baihe Sea area was originally owned by Donghai Sanxian Qin Lily.

After Qin Lili was killed by Fang Yuan, the Baihe Sea area was taken away by the nearest super power Nangong family.

Nangongjia has invested a lot of resources and has built a large array. He wants to operate well. He did not expect the sun to be destroyed by the ghost.

When the sun is extinguished, the temperature of the five domains is constantly falling, and the sea of ​​white cranes is smashing into the sea of ​​ice.

In recent days, the scope of the ice waters has expanded fourfold!

The Baihe Sea area is about to be swallowed up by the ice waters.

"The world has changed dramatically. This is an unprecedented era of chaos." Nangong sighed.

The situation at Nangong’s home is still good.

The Su family mastered the sea of ​​light, and when the sun was extinguished, the value of the entire sea area immediately plummeted, making the Su family busy and upset.

Of course, there are also superpowers that take the opportunity to make big profits.

For example, the East China Sea.

The eight-turn fairy carp house Cuiyun fireworks ship of Huajia has entered the city for two times and collected a large amount of Yundao resources, which makes the East China Sea path very envious.

The world is undergoing drastic changes, not to mention mortals and sorcerers. Even superpowers, even those who are strong in the immortals, have been affected and turbulent.

Some people are ecstatic, some are sad, others have decided to go far away and start a new stove.

In the dark night, Lu Qingming and Su Guang have already flown to the junction of Beiyuan and Xi'an.

They were originally three-stars of the tour, but with the death of Han Dong, there were only two miles left in the three-mile tour.

The two of them are Beiyuan Sanxian, but they are always reluctant to rely on the Golden Tribe, or any one of Chudu, Baizu Tianjun, and Black Moon Fairy.

The vast world of meditation is different.

There will always be some people who like to be free and more.

With the continuous efforts of Changshengtian, the living space suitable for scattered repair in Beiyuan has become smaller and smaller.

The situation forced Lu Qingming and Su Guang to leave Beiyuan.

Nakasu and the East China Sea are not willing to go. The rest of the West Desert and South Xinjiang are obviously more suitable for the two.

Because Lu Qingming specializes in the wind, Su Guang is practicing the light path, which is more suitable for the environment of the West Desert.

"Oh, after all, I still have to leave Beiyuan. At this moment, I feel that my homeland is hard to leave." Lu Qingxiao sighed.

Su Guang said: "Western desert is scattered, and it has attracted attention from the house. It is more suitable for me to practice. Let's go, the five domains are gone, and the two days are confused. Heaven and earth are my home."

"Oh." Lu Qingxiao laughed. "You are more free and easy than me."

But the next moment, the two men suddenly changed.

The horror of darkness is coming!

The two immortals did not have time to resist, and they were caught by the mysterious powerhouse, firmly controlled, and unable to move.

Lu Qingming and Su Guang are full of horror.

They are all caught in the trap, not a fairy, but a legendary wild animal.

This Taikoo legend is similar to the giant, and it is dark and inky. A black and thick grotesque cloak like a cloak, hanging down to the waist. His eyes are huge, and his blood is fierce.

At this time, two huge strange claws, tightly pinching Lu Qingming and Su Guang.

It is the left night gray!

The left night gray sound line is low and hoarse: "Two North Plains Zhu Xian, just bring me the way. Tell me, Changshengtian... How to sneak into?"

Lu Qingming and Su Guang heard that the face was pale and white, and there was no blood.

West desert.

A very short confrontation has come to an end.

The petals floated, and then suddenly condensed, forming a complete fairy of the purple.

She looked at the back of the fox's disappearance, and chuckled in her mouth: "What is the fox? It's fun and interesting."

Zhou Xiongxin’s face is not good-looking: “This is the fox’s murder! If he was to steal from the name of the house, would we be misled by him?”

Zhou Xiongxin wanted to trace the hidden position of the house, and did not expect to follow the wrong clues.

Linghu is a rare thief, and once in the sandbags, he successfully stolen the soul of the house.

Obviously, he was not only the soul core, but also seemed to be able to disguise himself as a house.

Taking advantage of the ghosts to destroy the sun, when people are guilty, he commits crimes everywhere, deliberately leaving clues and placing the charges on the house.

As a result, it was revealed by Zhou Xiongxin.

At that time, the pursuit was very short, and the fox was only changed to seven, but with the strange means of stealing the Tao, it was hard to escape under the hands of the two eight-strong powerhouses in heaven!

Over the continent.

Many of Zhu Xian’s eyes are concentrated on Zhang Ji’s body.

Zhang Ji successfully settled the last fairy.

"Good, ready to spur the big array."

"Notify that the two cents of Dong Tian’s celestial beings pay attention to the inside of the cave!"

"Please wait for the fairy friends in the eyes to check it After the orderly dispatch, the sky-filled actuarial array is finally being spurred.

First, a star bursts with a star-studded star, then a second star, the third star...

After more than a dozen breaths, tens of millions of stars gleam in the sky above Zhongzhou, forming a starry map.

"The sky is full of actuarial arrays."

Li Xiaobai looked at this scene and sighed in his heart.

Just before, Fang Yuan’s body contacted him secretly once.

With the transfer of Chinese Caves to Heaven, Li Xiaobai immediately had a very high value.

But at the same time, Fangyuan must be handled with caution.

In the end, Li Xiaobai is his avatar. Once he is recognized and captured, he will become a huge flaw in Fang Yuan’s ontology!

Read The Duke's Passion