MTL - Reverend Insanity (Gu Daoist Master)-~ Section 336: 3 contends

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"Where am I?"

"Who am I?"

Ziwei fairy was awakened in her dreams, but she forgot herself.

She was stunned and looked around. She found herself on a loess land, a desolate, lifeless.

She looked down at herself again, but she was a clay figure, with small hands and feet, and her body was dry.

"It seems that something is important to forget."

The Ziwei fairy is frowning, but she tries her best and can't remember it.

She even forgot, the important thing, whether it is a thing, or a person.

I can't think of it if I think about it.

However, this vast and desolate yellow land brought her a warm feeling.

"Homeland?" The word appeared in the heart of Ziwei Fairy.

However, the desolate home made her feel sad.

It was at this time that a gust of wind blew.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger, and it is blowing sand.


There is no cloud in the sky, but there is heavy rain.

Bean-sized raindrops, tens of millions, linger on yellow soil.

Soon, a huge muddy land was formed.

The Ziwei fairy is in the mud, and the whole body is wet and wandering.

But no matter how violent the wind and rain, she always raised her head, and the field of vision was wonderfully not hidden.

She found herself standing on the loess land.

She also found that she seemed to be able to manipulate the storm, as if she seemed to be moving her fingers.

So, she thought in her mind: "This is too much storm, it is better to be smaller."

Then, the next wind and rain will really become smaller.

A touch of greenery emerges from the mud, and then spreads everywhere.

This is the young shoot of the weeds.

Looking at these weeds, the heart of the Ziwei fairy's heart is constantly fascinating.

This is life.

She finally felt that she was no longer so lonely.

"Unfortunately they are growing too slowly, if it is faster, it will be fine."

So, the next moment began to speed up.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, these greens grew up, and soon the green grass was higher than the feet, and more and more greenery spread, turning the originally desolate yellow land into a grassland.

In some places where the terrain is sag, there is rain, and it becomes a crystal clear pond.

The Ziwei fairy passed through the lush grass, standing on the edge of the pond, and following the reflection of the water, she finally saw her complete face.

She is a clay doll, the clay doll is made of purple clay, and the golden lines on it depict the eyes, nose and mouth.

Ziwei fairy suddenly understood who she was.

"Yes, I was the land of this blessed land."


Under the stars of the actuette.

Outside the embroidered building.

"Bai Qing (Feng Jinhuang), see the star fairy immortal." A mother and daughter bowed down.

The body of Xingsu Xianzun stays in the embroidered building.

She did not open the embroidered building, let the mother and daughter come in, but directly motivated a channel, and painted an image in the air outside the embroidered building.

The images are those dreams of heaven and earth. After the romance, the star fairy sings openly: "Is this dream, Feng Jinhuang you have seen it?"

Feng Jinhuang has already looked at it with great concentration, and he replied with a sigh: "The singer of the singer is a fairy, and these dreams have never been seen before. But the younger generation has long thought that according to the current dream, it can be divided into humanity according to the source. Three kinds of dreams: animal planting and heaven."

"The so-called humane dreams, the source is the human race or the aliens, is their dream. The source of dreams of the beasts is the beasts and plants that existed and even existed now. As for the heavenly dreams, it originated from the heavens and the earth itself."

In the embroidered building, the star fairy Xian nodded slightly, and then said: "Very good, you are ready, maybe one day, you need to go to two days to explore these heavenly dreams."

However, Feng Jinhuang shook his head and categorically refused: "Please forgive the younger generation. The younger generation is just a mortal. There is no trace of the dream of exploring such a level, and there is no guarantee of its own security."

"Hmmm?" Stars Xianzun slightly raised his eyebrows, did not expect Feng Jinhuang to directly refuse her so directly.

For a time, the scene fell into silence.

The white-and-white fairy on the side was under pressure and wanted to stop, but after all, he still did not speak.

The atmosphere in the field made her feel more and more suffocating.

As for Feng Jinhuang's still indifferent color, it seems to be unaware.

"Well, you all retreat." For a long time, the star fairy opened.

"The younger generation retire." Feng Jinhuang immediately got up, a ceremony for the embroidered building, even if he turned and went.

Looking at the back of the mother and daughter flying away, the star sings sigh and sigh, the eyes are quite complicated.

It’s a pity that the shadows are swallowed up by the heavenly dreams.

This is a good piece to deal with the Ghost Respect, but it was killed by God.

Dreams can't be explored anymore.

Feng Jinhuang’s theory of heaven and humanity and dreams of humanity verified the idea of ​​the star of the fairy. However, Feng Jinhuang is indeed only a mortal teacher, not a singer, and there is no way for these dreams to be incomprehensible.

"It’s just these dreams of heaven, I can’t hide it. It’s a matter of time before I know it. The battle of the three wars is about to start again.”

Stars are in the heart of worry.

Because this time, it is far more complicated than before.

Two days have passed in black and white, leaving only the sky.

The secluded sky is the site of the Ghost Respect.

If the Sayādaw takes the risk, how will the Ghost Respect behave?

The Ghost Respect is unclear, full of God's will, and the Heavenly Dream is also the same. What is the relationship between the two? Will it help each other?

The previous Ghost Respect is relatively weak, and the Stars are not worried.

But it is different now.

The Ghost Respect and the Nine Turns to the Fire reached an agreement, and slaughtered two billions of souls in two days, and the soul of the soul rose to the extent of terror.

If this time, because of the Heavenly Dream and the Supreme Confrontation, the Ghost Respect is likely to participate, and it is hard to ignore.

After thinking about the thoughts of Xingzun Xianzun, he decided to suspend the movement of Zhongdao Zhidao Road marks in the refining and refining, and began to hoard the fairy yuan to cope with the war.

Xingsu Xianzun wants to eradicate the spirit of the Ghost Respect, and as time goes by, it becomes more and more firm.

"Since the shadow has disappeared, then the thin green needs to make good use of it."

Xingsu Xianzun decided to create a powerful ghost.

Although the risk is great in this, after all, the soul is changed, but the ghost is the old one.

The move of Qianqian Fairy is tantamount to axe.

However, the situation is forced, and the star fairy can not care much.

The soul of Bo Qing is filled with kendo traces, and it must be matched with a kendo. This body should contain immortals, and the higher the level, the better.

However, looking at the world, there are not many Zhu Xian who specialize in kendo.

There are several in the top ten ancient schools in Zhongzhou, but all of them are only seven.

Throughout the five domains, the eight-turn kendo 蛊 散 散 散 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者 或者In fact, after the calculation of the star fairy, the discovery of the eight-turn kendo is only one.

"Western Xi family is too old for everyone?" Fengxian Prince, Red Heart Walker, and Jiu Ling Xiangu have shown a strange color.

"Ten Ting needs his immortal and flesh, this is the key to the confrontation of the Sayādaw, and even the safety of the world." The voice of the star fairy is still cold and frosty.

Sanxian looked at each other and resolutely said: "Please ask the deity to be ordered."

Xing Su Xian Zun will pass the three cents, so in this way, how to cooperate with Wan Zihong and Zhou Xiongxin.

Sanxian listened to this plan, and his eyes could not help but sway, and left with the confidence of the big rise.

The star of the fairy is silent for a moment, and also contact the Yuanlian will in the heavens.

Yuan Lian will originally sit in the city of Emperor, but after the means of the star fairy, the development and growth, separated into a place to sit in the heavens.

The main work of Tianlian’s willingness in Tianting is nothing else. It is the cultivation of Cang Xuanzi.

Cang Xuanzi is a legend of Taikoo. The body is a huge green vine, and it is even grounded.

She has been buddling for three hundred years, blossoming for three hundred years, and three hundred years of results. The fruit that is formed is the heavenly fruit, which dissolves in the sky and can increase the sky in the fairy. Therefore, Cang Tianteng is also known as the tenth day of the world!

She and Yuan Lian Xianzun agreed, and promised to move into heaven. It is very special in the heavens, you can not listen to the announcement, just give a batch of heavenly fruits every thousand years.

However, in the battle of fate, Fang Yuan was killed by the flying blade.

There is no means for Xingsu Xianzun, but the Yuanlian will originate from Yuanlian Xianzun, but there is a means to resurrect Cang Xuanzi!

"Cang Xuanzi was killed, but it is actually good for my heaven." Yuan Lian will communicate with the star fairy.

"After another hundred days, Cang Xuanzi's body will repeat the old view. At that time, I will enter this body, so that I will add another legendary battle in heaven!"

"What's even better is that in the future, the fruits of Cang Xuanzi will contain my own will. This will re-cast the heavens and will be able to isolate God's will."

"With the new heaven in the future, the results of our derivation will be used by us and will not be known by God."

Xingsu Xianzun nodded: "This plan takes a long time and is not a top priority. What do you think of about the resurrection of Yuanlian Xianzun?"

Yuan Lian will shake his head: "The original body set the resurrection plan, I know very limited. I only know that he left a self-portrait and can live by it. But where the self-portrait is hidden, I don't know it, and I can't recall it."

"It is the star of the fairy, you are the apprentice of the predecessors of Yuan Shixian, do you not know the resurrection of his old man?"

Xingsu Xianzun sighed: "I don't care about it. The Master told me that I left two resurrection methods for the future. The first resurrection method is the qigong fruit of Tianting. However, this fruit has not yet been brewed. Mature, it was picked up by Fang Yuan. The second method of resurrection involves the secret store of Yuan."

“Yuan Shi Miku?”

"The secret of the Yuan Dynasty is the secret creation of the Master, which preserves a large number of eight-turn celestial stones that were produced in the same year. There are also teachers in the secret library who respect the layout of the students. But I can't find them."

Xing Su Xian Zun said that there is no way to find, not without clues.

In fact, whether it is the resurrection of Yuan Shi Xian Zun or Yuan Shi Xian Zun, she has relevant clues. And already know that they are all in Zhongzhou.

But she can't go to check and explore.

Because it will be discovered by other noble people.

The star fairy is resurrected, and other nobles must be prepared to defend the other nobles of the heavens and then resurrect.

Xingsu Xianzun needs to refine all the wisdom road traces of Zhongzhou, in order to cover up these resurrection plans, and is not afraid to be investigated by other saints.

Even if it is seen by other she can also rely on the advantage of Zhongzhou, to resist the sect of the sect, and to maintain the resurrection plan of the lord of heaven.

Only when Stars and Immortals refining all the traces of Zhongzhou Zhidao Road will she begin to resurrect the Sayādaws of other heavens.

The foundation of the heavenly court is very strong.

Once the two sages are resurrected, they will once again be in the world.

After all, the three great people are united and the strength of joining hands will be terrible. Far better than Juyang Xianzun, Fangyuan alone.

Even if the giant yang, Fangyuan and even the ghosts and demons join hands, it is not as good as the three heavens.

This is the same concept!

However, the dream of heaven and earth appeared, and the grand plan of the star fairy was once again delayed.

Xingsu Xianzun now has to suspend refining traces and hoarding Xianyuan in case of the next possible chance of confrontation!


Juyang Xianzun sighs.

He tried his best, but after taking eight turns of Xianyuan Stone, the converted Xianyuan was only 70% of the Xianyuan Stone.

These 70% of the celestial elements are still only eight turns of fairy yuan.

"To deal with these gods, I am not a wise man. The key road is also lacking."

“Maybe you can trade with Fangyuan?”

"No, you can't show your feet."

East China Sea.

"A heavenly dream? Very good! Very good."

Not long ago, Fang Yuan also planned to create a celestial celestial avatar, and the heavens and the realm were not enough, and there was a heavenly dream!

Just vying for the dream of heaven and earth, I am afraid that it will lead the Zunren to fight again.

"I still refine the nine-turn fairy squad to help me face offensive and defensive."

Fang Yuan secretly began to refine the nine-turn fairy.

He has a lot of cents.

Even if you have refining this nine-turn fairy, there are many, you can fully cope with the future sages.


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