MTL - Right A? Excuse Me!-Chapter 52

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Mo Lingyuan was standing in front of the sink in the restaurant's lavishly decorated bathroom.

She reached out and turned on the faucet, and the sound of water came out, and it landed on the edge of the pool and smashed.

The water swirled towards the outlet and seemed to spin out of a whirlpool.

Mo Lingyuan stared at the whirlpool coldly. After staring at it for a long time, she almost felt like she was going to be swallowed up by the whirlpool.

Everything in the restaurant just now seemed to repeat itself in her brain.

Mo Lingyuan reached out and took a handful of water, the cold touch on her face reminded her to keep her calm.

After doing all this, Mo Lingyuan looked up at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were clear, but if you look closely, you will find the confusion hidden in it.

The woman in the mirror is almost 30 years old, but her face is still as beautiful and beautiful as a rose. When someone sees a woman with such a face, they will say that she is destined to have a happy life.

From the moment she was born, her genes were destined for her future.

The odds of a top omega appearing are so small that she's always in the spotlight.

People who have had business cooperation with the Mo family have always tried repeatedly since childhood to ask if they want to pre-determine her future marriage, pre-determine her uterus and pre-determine her genes.

Her genes and her family predestined her to be followed and sold repeatedly throughout her life.

When mom is here, it's fine.

After her mother fell ill, the woman moved into the house, and after brainwashing her father every day, she gradually began to follow this path.

Unexpectedly, after she left for ten years, this **** woman is still playing with her mind.

Mo Lingyuan didn't have to close her eyes to recall what happened in the restaurant just now.

Mo Qi's biological mother's bitter words were still ringing in her ears.

"Shi Ning, how are you looking at our little kite? Do you still like her now?"

"Her glands are damaged, and now she can't find a good family. You, the good sister who has been with her for so many years, can't ignore her, can you?"

"If you want me to tell you, you should be more careful about marriage. Shi Ning, which wife is the daughter of the wife you're looking for? Why haven't you heard of it. Auntie told you that my identity has reached our position. , and then marrying some people who are not in the mainstream, it is not so suitable."

In a word, Mo Lingyuan knew that the woman who accidentally invited Shi Ning to dinner had absolutely no good intentions.

But I didn't expect that after this person's face was so skinny, after Shi Ning had already taken his wife to a love variety show, he still wanted to sell her as a commodity to Shi's family.

She doesn't think about this kind of thing, will the Shi family agree?

She really thinks that Mo Lingyuan is a sweet pastry, and everyone has to ask for it upside down?

Shi Ning didn't show a good face during the whole meal, and he didn't show any mercy at all, and every sentence was on Mo Qi's biological mother.

This was completely expected by Mo Lingyuan.

In Mo Lingyuan's impression, Shi Ning was one of the few people who would stand in front of her to resist and speak to Mo Qi's biological mother.

She always does.

I don't care about other people's opinions, I can say whatever I want, and I don't take that woman seriously.

And at the dinner just now, most of Mo Lingyuan's attention was on her sister and her new wife.

Sometimes, Mo Qi would speak out to stop her mother, at a moment when things had gone too far.

But in front of Mo's mother, she was just a speechless person.

She doesn't know what has changed Mo Qi in the past ten years, but she is even weaker than before, and she doesn't care about anything more with a look from Mo's mother.

When not arguing, Mo Lingyuan could only watch her gently treat another person.

Mo Qi probably likes her wife.


Thinking of this, Mo Lingyuan felt uncomfortable.

She put her hand on the countertop of the sink, lowered her head, took a deep breath, and twisted the water that was constantly being released. When she turned around, her footsteps completely stopped.

Shi Ning didn't know when she appeared behind her, so that she could look at her calmly, with an inquisitive expression.

Mo Lingyuan's face turned cold: "What are you doing here?"

Shi Ning shrugged: "People have three urgency, is it not illegal for me to come to the bathroom? Or is this bathroom contracted by your family?"

Listening to Shi Ning's words, Mo Lingyuan didn't say a word and turned to leave, but Shi Ning's next sentence made her footsteps completely frozen and could not continue.

Shi Ning's tone was a bit understated, but the words were enough to make Mo Lingyuan startle.

"By the way, the person you said before can't like you, just sit in the restaurant?"

Shi Ning was able to remember this sentence entirely thanks to Mo Lingyuan's appearance, which stimulated her memory in a sense, allowing her to have the memory of the original owner.

Those things were incomparably clear in her mind. Almost every word Mo Lingyuan said, the look in her eyes when she spoke, and the tone of every word were all engraved in the ocean of her consciousness.

Shi Ning didn't know if she had found out about this before, but now in this meal, in Mo Lingyuan's raised and lowered eyes, and in the wine glass she emptied again and again, she can confirm that , Mo Lingyuan's attitude towards Mo Qi is extraordinary.

If you really need any hard evidence, then after she asked Mo Lingyuan that sentence at this moment, the surprise in Mo Lingyuan's eyes, fear and dodging can completely testify to her speculation.

There is no doubt that her performance is a person who has been told by others, as if a secret that has been hidden for many years is accidentally revealed.

Seeing this, Shi Ning sighed and asked sincerely, "What do you like about her?"

She really didn't understand.

Normally, Shi Ning would never ask such a question to a person.

Because she knows that love is blind, and it is completely a person's freedom to fall in love with what kind of person.

The fact that Mo Lingyuan likes Mo Qi is not enough to surprise Shi Ning.

When I was a lawyer, I had seen all kinds of situations in life, encountered all kinds of messy situations, and heard outrageous and extraordinary stories.

But from her observation, she didn't think Mo Qi had anything worthy of Mo Lingyuan's liking.

Maybe she refuted it, but judging from Mo Qi's performance in the restaurant today, she was just like a cowardly woman who didn't dare to resist her mother's authority and had her own ideas.

Shi Ning had to admit that she had the "original owner" influence on Mo Qi's natural rejection, but she would also judge the same when she left this level.

How much love is there between Mo Qi and his new wife?

Shi Ning disagreed.

The other party loves her, and the burning admiration in his eyes is almost more capable of scalding people.

However, Shi Ning couldn't see a completely equal and consistent gaze from Mo Qi's eyes. Mo Qi's feelings for his wife and his wife's feelings towards her are completely different.

It's just that Mo Qi is always a gentle person. Speak softly to your wife, be concerned about each other's every move, and patiently offer help. This looks like a loving couple.

It's not that Mo Qi didn't speak for his sister Mo Lingyuan after his mother's attack, but he was more like a grass on the wall. He had an idea for a second, but after a while, he would give in to his mother again.

She probably doesn't know what she wants.

Shi Ning didn't think such a person was worthy of Mo Lingyuan.

At this moment, she finally understood why after meeting Mo Lingyuan, the unwillingness of the original owner was so strong that it affected her.

Thinking that this unwillingness is not only because of not owning it, but more often it may be because she is not willing to be reconciled to the rose in her palm, and it is such a person who finally falls in love.

Judging from this, the original owner probably also knew the situation of Mo Lingyuan and Mo Qi.


As expected of the protagonists in the novel, the feelings of youth have been entangled so far.

When Mo Lingyuan faced Shi Ning's conclusion and question, her first reaction was denial. She insisted: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Mo Lingyuan: "Get out of the way."

Shi Ning: "Of course you know what I'm talking about. Mo Lingyuan, didn't you realize this problem many years ago? I can't love you and I don't love you. She always does."

Shi Ning's words were straightforward, like sharp knives stabbed into Mo Lingyuan's heart.

Mo Lingyuan couldn't help but stretched out her hand and punched Shi Ning's face.

Shi Ning dodged subconsciously, but did not fight back.

She didn't want to suppress Mo Lingyuan by relying on the difference in physique between alpha and omega.

In a sense, perhaps Mo Lingyuan at the moment needs this way to vent her emotions.

Shi Ning asked jokingly, "Want to fight? Why don't we go directly to the boxing gym and we will fight."

Mo Lingyuan walked out without hesitation.

Shi Ning dodged sideways, so she didn't let her kick her calf.

After going back and forth several times, Shi Ning was finally unbearable.

She stretched out her hand to restrain Mo Lingyuan and pressed her against the wall.

Shi Ning persuaded in a cold voice, "You'd better not go crazy here."

Mo Lingyuan looked up at Shi Ning, her eyes were red, her bloodshot was obvious because of her anger, and the hidden anger had long been revealed: "Shi Ning—"

Mo Lingyuan sneered suddenly: "If you don't let go, I will kiss you."

Shi Ning: "...?"

What the **** is this.

Mo Lingyuan: "Do you want Su Kanxue to misunderstand?"

Shi Ning was like someone who had his lifeline pinched, let go of Mo Lingyuan and took a step back.

Mo Lingyuan's plan succeeded, she shook her wrist, "I have something, do you remember?"

Shi Ning: "What?"

Mo Lingyuan: "In the past, as long as I shot you, you would never dodge. Of course, I can understand that you have lost your feelings for me, so I have no privileges with you. But... .You know? When you stopped me before, you used to put my hands behind your back. Today, you have changed your way."

When Shi Ning is subduing a person, he prefers to lift it up directly and press it on top of his head rather than buckling the opponent's hands upside down.

Shi Ning pursed her lips.

Mo Lingyuan chuckled: "Time and the past may be able to change a person, but they cannot make a person become another person. Shi Ning, what do you think?"

Shi Ning was surprised by Mo Lingyuan's sharpness, but there were some things she couldn't easily admit.

Shi Ning: "People always change."

Mo Lingyuan: "You are right, so please put away your guesses. What you said when you were a child can't be counted completely. Like you said, people always change."

Shi Ning looked at Mo Lingyuan and looked at her.

After a while, Shi Ning smiled: "You are right."


When the two returned to the restaurant, all eyes were on them.

Mo's mother is the most gossip. She seems to want to find out the evidence that Shi Ning and Mo Lingyuan have a relationship, so that Mo Lingyuan can marry Shi Ning directly.

She winked her eyes and asked, "Why are you two coming back now?"

Shi Ning chuckled: "What's the matter? Does Auntie even care when I go to the toilet?"

Mo Lingyuan laughed out loud, and was glared at by Mo's mother.

Ye Wanlan and Qin Li didn't say much when they saw this.

Qin Li didn't seem to be involved in this battle at all, and said to Ye Wanlan, "Help me turn that roast duck around."

Ye Wanlan nodded and turned the glass plate on the table.

When Mom Mo saw it, she seemed a little jealous, and said with emotion: "Oh, this Miss Ye has a really good relationship with you. It's not like our family..."

Halfway through speaking, Mo Lingyuan glanced at him.

Mo Lingyuan narrowed her eyes and took a bite of the dish.

Shi Ning's mouth was merciless: "My mother is a human, how about you?"

Mom Mo's face was almost twisted together.

So angry!

Hypertension is about to commit!

Mo Qi reminded aloud: "Shi Ning, my mother is your elder after all, so I'm afraid it's not appropriate to talk like this."

Shi Ning: "If I'm older than me, I can be considered my elder, then I go out and see the old man and kneel down and call my ancestors."

She was too lazy to pay attention to Mo Qi, but Mo Qi actually came to talk to her?

Shi Ning snorted: "I didn't ask you, where did the scar on your face come from?"

From the moment she entered the door, she noticed that there was a small and deep wound on Mo Qi's right cheek next to the brow bone, which was scratched by something unknown.

Mo Qi replied calmly, "I accidentally bumped into it."

After speaking, her eyes fell on Mo Lingyuan.

Mo Lingyuan rolled her eyes.

Shi Ning had a panoramic view of everything and chuckled, "That's really not a coincidence. I've been bumped into the past few days of marriage, so be careful."

Mom Mo couldn't take it anymore.

She felt that if she listened to Shi Ning's speech again, her nerves would explode.

Mom Mo: "enough is enough!"

Shi Ning giggled, "Thank you for your hospitality today, Sister Wan'er, Mom, let's go back."

After the group said goodbye, Qin Li said, "Why is it like having a cannonball fight today?"

Shi Ning: "I was born to be gunpowder, I'm sorry. By the way, Sister Wan'er, will this matter today affect our cooperation with the Mo family?"

Ye Wanlan: "If there is, it's not a big problem. Besides, the Mo family makes you unhappy. As my elder sister, can I make them happy?"

Shi Ning raised a smile and gave Ye Wanlan a thumbs up.

Her sister Wan'er is the woman who has secured the script of the boss.

Shi Ning said goodbye to Ye Wanlan and Qin Li. After watching them get into the car and leave, she took a taxi to find Su Fillxue.

She was still worried about the news this morning. Now that she was free, she forwarded Su Ganxue's message to the private doctor and asked what the symptoms were.

The personal doctor has not returned yet.

Shi Ning casually flipped through the phone to surf the Internet, and then caught sight of a news.

"A fire broke out in the north of the city of A, and a family of five was burned to death. The cause of the fire turned out to be a small one! 》

She clicked in and browsed through ten lines at a glance. After seeing the half-obscured photo of the victim, Shi Ning's eyes turned cold.

Shi Ning: "Driver, change the address."

Half an hour later, with special permission, Shi Ning saw W who had been detained.

Her conviction has been convicted, the police are very efficient, and she is now ready to be handed over to prison.

When W saw Shi Ning, his attitude was very contemptuous: "Why are you here?"

Shi Ning sat in the interrogation room, accompanied by the police, looked at the woman, and only asked one sentence: "You live in Shunnan Street, you have a son and a daughter, there are two old people, and your husband, the total is Five people, right?"

W was stunned.

Shi Ning: "Today's headlines. A family of five died in a fire—"

W: "No! It's impossible! She said she would take good care of my family! She said she would send Yueyue to the best kindergarten, and Lele can also go to key primary schools. It's impossible!"

Shi Ning's eyes narrowed slightly: "Who is she?"

W: "You must be lying to me, you must be lying to me, right? I won't believe it, I won't believe it!"

Because W was too emotional, Shi Ning was asked out of the interrogation room.

She watched the woman being dragged away. Yesterday's guess has been confirmed.

It's just that the case is a foregone conclusion, and if it turns over—

Shi Ning has dealt with the prosecution and the police, and knows that this is not easy, what's more, she has no evidence now, only a speculation.

She told the police what she thought, and the other party said they would investigate, and told her to relax and not be too nervous.

Look, she knows.

Shi Ning was determined to wait for the W's stand-in to go to prison before visiting the prison. She was worried that the stand-in would die in the process of hiding.

That really breaks the trail.

Shi Ning immediately asked the police to pay more attention before leaving.

The mobile phone beeps, and it is the personal doctor who has returned the message.

Doctor: Miss Shi, I don't think there is any physical abnormality in this situation. From the current data, it can only indicate that the patient may be in a state of emotional agitation.

Doctor: Miss Shi, don't think I gossip, I just want to ask, what is the relationship between this patient and you?

Shi Ning: My wife.

Doctor: Oh, then she must like you a lot. /smile

When Shi Ning came to the gate of Su's house, it was already an hour later.

After a lot of tossing in the police station, now that I have come, it is almost time for dinner.

Shi Ning stood outside the door and knocked on the door.

No answer.

The key that Shi Ning left behind when she lived with Su Panxue had been handed back by herself consciously. Now no one opens the door, and there is no other way. Snow calls.

Su Fillxue: "Hello?"

Shi Ning called out pitifully, "Wife, where have you been today? Why aren't you at home? Isn't today a holiday?"

Su Fillxue: "Where are you?"

Shi Ning: "I'm in your heart."

Su Fillxue: "...Be serious."

Shi Ning: "Okay, okay, I'm at your door now, wife, when are you coming back. I miss you a bit."

Su Tanxue sometimes admires Shi Ning this person.

Why can she say something embarrassing so logically? Su Fuxue couldn't figure it out. It's as if this woman is naturally good at saying things like that.

When Shi Ning saw that no one on the other end of the phone took care of her for a long time, she could hear the news of discounts and promotions coming from the loudspeaker in the shopping mall, and tapped the edge of the phone with her fingertips: "Wife, why don't you speak? Are you in Yonglin Supermarket now?"

Su Fillxue: "How do you know?"

Hearing the surprise in Su Nanxue's tone, Shi Ning chuckled: "Of course I know. I have a heart with you."

Su Fillxue: Sometimes I really don't know how this person can turn every word into this kind of thing.

Shi Ning: "How long do you have?"

Su Fillxue: "Just here."

Shi Ning: "Are you shopping for groceries?"

Su Fillxue: "...Well."

Shi Ning was suspicious: "Can you and Su Wanxing cook?"

Su Ganxue thought of the one of the love secrets that Su Wanxing gave her: grab the alpha first, grab her stomach first, and make a love lunch for her beloved, express your heart to her.

That's why she and Su Wanxing appeared in the supermarket to buy food.

She didn't expect Shi Ning to come today, she just planned to buy it, and then take it home to practice her hands.

Su Nanxue initially planned that this meal might not be eaten by others.


Time has come.

This means that today's meal can only succeed, not fail.

She has already confessed that she failed once, and if she fails again......

Su Tanxue said coldly, "I'm good at learning."

Shi Ning smiled: "Then you go shopping first, I'll pick you up later."

Su Fillxue: "No need."

Shi Ning: "I will!"

Su Fillxue: "...Then come on."

Su Fillxue hung up the phone and turned to look at Su Wanxing.

Su Wanxing was standing in front of a bunch of tomatoes, and couldn't tell what was the difference between this bunch of tomatoes and why the prices were so uneven.

Su Nanxue pushed the car and walked to Su Wanxing's side: "Sh Ning is coming."

Su Wanxing was still looking at tomatoes, but no one could react: "Buy ten pounds?"

Su Fillxue: "I said, Shi, Ning."

Su Wanxing: "What's wrong with her?"

Su Fillxue: "She's coming to pick us up."

Su Wanxing: " long?"

Su Fillxue estimated: "About forty minutes later."

Su Wanxing: "This is not good!"

Su Fillxue didn't understand: "What's wrong?"

Su Wanxing turned her head and looked at her sister seriously: "Sister, have you forgotten? One of the secrets in love is that you should always pay attention to your dress when you appear in front of the other party, so as to imply to the other party that you value the other party. For example, I usually don’t wash my hair when I go out, I just wear a hat. But in order to see her, you can wash your hair or put on full makeup.”

Su Fillxue: "So?"

Su Wanxing held her forehead: "So, you can't do this now."

Su Fillxue lowered his head and glanced at a pair of loose wide-leg trousers that he had taken at random and his pair of white white shoes.

She felt fine.

But Su Wanxing insisted.

"In this way, let's stop shopping for groceries first, go upstairs to buy some clothes, and then go to the beauty store to try them on quickly."

Su Fillxue: "...It's not necessary."

Su Wanxing: "Sister!"

Su Wanxing shouted seriously: "Do you still want to fail again?"

Su Qianxue pursed her lips: "Let's go, buy clothes."

When Shi Ning didn't drive, she estimated the time and swept a bicycle to the supermarket where Su Ganxue was.

The supermarket is about two kilometers away from here, which is not too far. If you ride a bicycle, it takes about fifteen to twenty minutes.

Shi Ning hasn't ridden a bike for a long time, so I took this opportunity to blow the autumn wind and wake up my mind.

Shi Ning felt that every letter she looked at now looked like W.

Shi Ning shook his head and decided to throw this thing out first.

It's still important to see your wife.

After Shi Ning arrived in the business district where the supermarket was located, he called Su Ganxue to ask.

When I see a perfume store, I think of Su Fillxue. After going in for a walk, I will unconsciously carry a bag in my hand.

There is no way, as long as the salesperson asks her if she is buying it for her lover or recommends it, she can't control her hand.

After turning around, Shi Ning, who came empty-handed, was already carrying a large and small bag.

I don't know, I thought she was going to visit relatives and friends, and it was New Year's Eve.

When she saw Su Ganxue, Shi Ning looked like this, looking like a shopaholic who had just finished shopping.

But what Shi Ning saw was another look at Su Fillxue.

Unlike the usual slack when she saw her before, Su Ganxue looked a little nervous now, perhaps this nervousness was related to her current dress.

I don't know who picked her clothes, a long skirt with suspenders and a trench coat. Su Tanxue is not good at wearing high heels, so now he is wearing a relatively low flat heel on his ankle and carrying a small bag in his hand, which looks completely different from before.

The hair also seems to have been slightly taken care of, black long straight and slightly curly, fluffy.

The makeup is light, but the color of the red lips is so bright that one can notice it at a glance.

Seeing Su Ganxue like this, Shi Ning had only one question in her mind.

W and so on all rolled into the clouds.


Is today a big day, a good day, a special day?

Could it be the 100-day anniversary of her and Su Minxue's acquaintance?

Not right.

Seeing Shi Ning thinking hard, Su Fillxue looked back at Su Wanxing.

Su Wanxing didn't understand why when Ning saw Su Ganxue's first reaction was not to rush up to give her sister a strong kiss but to stand there, but she firmly believed that her aesthetics was absolutely fine!

Su Wanxing coughed lightly: "Then what, Shi Ning, since you're here, I'll leave first."

Only then did Shi Ning react: "Su Wanxing, so you are here too."

Su Wanxing: What's wrong? She's not human, is she?

Does this person still want her to call her sister-in-law?

When Shi Ning looked at Su Wanxing, she realized something was wrong.

Shi Ning: "Are you going to move?"

Su Wanxing was carrying a large backpack, and the backpack was filled with the clothes that Su Buxue had just changed.

She also carried a large woven eco-bag in her hand, which was used for the newly bought dishes today.

Su Wanxing smiled but said, "Yes, I just want to move."

Shi Ning: "Is there such a good thing?"

Su Filling Snow: "...Shi Ning."

Shi Ning: "Okay, okay."

Shi Ning asked seriously, "Where are you going? Aren't you going home?"

Su Wanxing: "I want you to take care of me! Can I still have nowhere to go as a young and beautiful girl!"

If she didn't want to leave space for the two of them, would she be like this? There are not many more caring sisters and sisters-in-law like her! Shi Ning should know to cherish it!

Su Wanxing threw the green bag containing the vegetables to Shi Ning: "You take it."

When Shi Ning took it, the heavy bag almost didn't bring her whole body down.

She couldn't help but complain: "Are you going to hold a banquet for a hundred people?"

Su Wanxing: "You talk too much!"

Su Wanxing: "My sister will leave it to you, and you are responsible for taking her home."

After Su Wanxing finished speaking, she turned around and left, stood behind Shi Ning and turned around quietly, clenching her fists at Su Fillxue as a sign of cheer.

Su Wanxing didn't believe it anymore. With such a wave of assists, her sister's confession could continue to fail? ?


Su Wanxing looked back at Su Fillxue and Shi Ning again, hiding their merit and fame, and left silently.

Coincidentally, Zhu Yu sent her a message saying that yesterday's announcement was over, and she returned to City A. She had just landed and was very hungry.

Together, the two decided to go out for dinner.

As soon as Su Wanxing left, Shi Ning and Su Ganxue were left behind.

Shi Ning was holding something in her hand and didn't say anything, the bag of vegetables was about to crush her to death, but she didn't want to show weakness in front of her wife, so she pretended to be calm, "Let's go? Take a taxi home."

Su Fillxue nodded: "You didn't drive today?"

Shi Ning: "I went to have dinner with the Mo family in the morning. I was worried about drinking, so I didn't open it."

Su Fillxue: "Mo Family?"

Oh wow.

Shi Ning explained in one breath: "Our family has some business dealings with Mo Lingyuan's family. When the show was being recorded a few days ago, her sister Mo Qi was married, and I didn't go to it, so today her mother set up a game and asked everyone to join in. Have a meal together. I have absolutely nothing happened with her."

Su Fillxue: "I didn't ask."

Shi Ning: "I want to explain!"

She must not leave the slightest leeway for the moth incident!

Shi Ning led Su Nanxue out and stopped a taxi. She wanted to open the car door to show her gentlemanly demeanor, but the large and small bags hindered her performance.

Su Tanxue took a step forward and opened the car door: "Come in."

Shi Ning suddenly became the person being taken care of.

She shrank back, and after Su Tanxue got into the car, she closed the door and reported the location to the driver.

The driver is a chatty person, and he babbled to the two of them: "The little couple just came out of the supermarket after shopping?"

Su Fillxue: "No."

She walked alone.

Shi Ning originally wanted to answer the call, but after hearing Su Ganxue's words, his heart sank, but the smile on his face did not diminish, and he chatted with the driver: "Master, are you on a night shift?"

The driver sighed: "Yes."

The driver was probably very angry about the unscheduled shift, and complained all the way.

After getting out of the car, Shi Ning shrank away like a quail with something in her hands, and Su Fillxue reached out to her.

Shi Ning: "Why?"

Su Fillxue was helpless: "I'll help you get some."

Shi Ning: "Don't!"

My wife wears such a good-looking dress today, how can she let her carry such an ugly grocery shopping bag.

With her strong will, Shi Ning resisted the pressure of this big bag.

Abandoned nine bulls and two tigers home, when Shi Ning put down her things, she hurriedly shook her wrist with Su Fillxue on her back.

Just kidding, what if the wife sees this action and she misunderstands her for a while?

She skillfully began to pack the food she had bought, and then took stock.

Su Fillxue saw her and stopped her: "Are you going to cook?"

Shi Ning: "Why don't you come?"

Su Fillxue: " should come first."

Su Danxue felt that today was not a good opportunity to show off his cooking skills.

Shi Ning: "Then I'll make scrambled eggs with tomatoes and fried pork with green peppers, okay?"

She is no longer the eldest lady who never touched the sun with her fingers.

She can also cook.

Su Fillxue looked at Shi Ning's busy back, watching her standing in the small kitchen, with the warm light on the top of the kitchen hitting her.

Su Fillxue felt that her heart was a little warmer at the moment.

These two dishes are quick.

Half an hour later, the two had dinner.

They turned on the TV, and there was a new variety show on the TV. Shi Ning had never watched it or liked it, but if there was no background sound when eating, she would not be used to it.

She glanced at Su Nanxue, Su Nanxue took a bowl and ate his meal in small bites. A grain of rice stuck to the corner of her mouth, and before Su Fillxue reached out and squeezed it out, Shi Ning started to do it.

She twisted away the rice and ate it in one bite. Facing Su Manxue's gaze, she smiled and said, "Don't waste it."

After the meal was over, Su Minxue asked to wash the dishes.

Shi Ning felt that the daily life like this was very comfortable.

She leaned forward, hugged Su Fillxue from behind, and rubbed behind her: "Wife."

Su Fillxue: "Huh?"

Shi Ning: "I miss you so much."

Su Tanxue: "...The last time we two met was 18 hours ago."

Shi Ning: "Why? Are you not allowed to miss you?"

Su Fillxue did not say a word, and silently washed the bowl.

When Shi Ning thought that Su Nanxue couldn't speak for a long time, she said, "Today's moon is very beautiful."

This is a sentence written by Su Wanxing in the Secret Book of Love.

According to legend, in ten romance novels, alpha used this sentence when confessing to omega.

Shi Ning raised her head inexplicably and looked out of the kitchen window, "Why didn't I see the moon?"

Su Fillxue: Why does Su Wanxing's tricks feel so unreliable?

Shi Ning looked at Su Ganxue, leaned over and asked, "Wife, didn't you just confess to me?"

Su Ganxue felt a bit embarrassed now, and felt that she just acted like an idiot, so she said, "No. I just dazzled."

Shi Ning: "Huh?"

Su Fillxue: "It's the street lamp downstairs, I misread it."

Shi Ning: "Oh."

She reached out and pinched Su Fillxue's loin: "I thought you were tempted by me by saying that."

Shi Ning accompanied Su Nanxue to wash the dishes, but Su Nanxue didn't stay.

She is now trying to wash away the bad impression that Su Panxue had on her in the past! In order to promote the feelings of two people!

And Su filled the snow said, now is the friend stage!

Where can there be such a shameless request to stay and stuffed with sauce.

Su Yanxue was clearly prepared in his heart that he was going to sleep with Shi Ningmo, but he didn't know that Shi Ning would say goodbye to her generously and left the things he bought for her at home.

Shi Ning walked out of the house, and when he was standing in the yard, he looked up and suddenly found that at the edge of the building, in the clouds, the moon slowly appeared.

Su Fillxue didn't look at it at all.

- She was obviously tempted.

Shi Ning's heart beat faster, she picked up her phone and took a picture of the moon.

Shi Ning: The moon tonight is really pretty.

Shi Ning: Wife, do you think it's too late for me to turn around and go upstairs now?

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DramaSlice Of LifeSupernatural

Chapter 458:

an hour ago

Chapter 457:

11 hours ago
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