MTL - Rise From the Humble-Chapter 1774 desperate people

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  Chapter 1774 Desperate People

  More and more people gathered outside the city gate of Suzhou, and they all came to flee with their families and families.

   Fearing all the way, they fled to Suzhou City in a panic. Seeing Suzhou City was already in front of them, they couldn't help but smile on their faces, and put their hearts in their throats.

   "Suzhou City has arrived, we are saved, and we don't have to worry about being killed by Japanese pirates who suddenly appeared."

   "Mother, we have arrived in Suzhou City, we are safe."

  A group of ordinary people who fled to the city of Suzhou couldn't help but shed tears of excitement at this moment.

  But before the smiles on their faces fully bloomed, they got the news of a thunderbolt from the common people in the city of Suzhou from the front, and poured a basin of cold water on them who were excited and excited:

  Suzhou City is closed!

Later, the common people came forward in disbelief, and sure enough, the city gate was closed tightly, and when they tried to push the door, it did not budge. Nothing moved.

   "The Japanese pirates came to kill. To prevent the Japanese pirates from raiding and seizing the gate, the city gate was closed tightly, and no entry or exit was allowed."

   "Hurry up and disperse!"

  Warning words from the guards came from inside the city gate, causing the common people gathered outside the city gate to quickly disperse.

   "Military Lord, Grand Master, help, quickly open the city gate and let us in. The Japanese pirates are coming soon. If you don't open the city gate, we will die. I beg you."

   "I beg you, open the city gate, we don't want to die, open the gate and let us in."

"Military Lord, Grand Master, we kowtow to you, the Japanese pirates are coming soon, please, let us enter the city, save our lives, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, saving us so much The life of a person, the merits of the military and the elders are enough for your family to become immortals and Buddhas."

The people fleeing outside the city gate slapped the city gate vigorously, begging the guards inside to open the city gate and let them enter the city. Many ordinary people kowtowed on their knees in order to enter the city. Bleeding came from knocking, but it was useless to say all the good words and begs, and the gate of the city was still closed.

   "There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and we are responsible for their lives. What if there are Japanese pirates among you, or when the city gate is opened for you, Japanese pirates suddenly appear and seize the gate?!"

   "Hurry up, go to other places and escape for your life, don't gather together in front of the city gate."

  The guards at the city gate became more and more impatient, and explained too many times. In the end, they didn't bother to explain any more and drove them away.

   "Open the door, open the city gate..."

   "If you don't open the door again, we will smash the door..."

  The people outside the city became more and more desperate. From pleading at the beginning, to threats, to actions, they slammed on the door with their hands, kicked the door with their feet, and even picked up bricks and stones from the ground and smashed the door hard.

  However, no matter how hard they smashed the door, it was useless. The gate of Suzhou city was too strong, and it was covered with iron sheets. This is not a shabby project. It is difficult to break open the city gate with a car or wood, let alone a few bricks with their bare hands.

  Their hands were bleeding, and the city gate was not moved at all, only some shallow marks, not even the fur.

   "Open the door, open the door, please, even if only my mother and children are allowed in."

   "Mother, mother, I'm afraid, are we going to die here, I still want to watch the fireworks during the New Year, woo woo woo..."

  The people outside the city gate were crying in despair. At first, it was children crying, then women and the elderly also cried, and finally many people cried in despair.

  Outside the city of Suzhou, people fleeing from their hometowns came to flee continuously. When they arrived at the city gate, they all joined the sea of ​​despair and weeping when they learned that the city gate was closed and would not be opened.

  For a while, men, women and children outside the city cried continuously, and the crying was so loud that it was about to overturn the city wall.

   "What's going on under the city?"

  The prefect of Suzhou, Shangwei, was on the top of the city wall to inspect the defense. He heard the loud cries from the bottom of the city before he stepped up the city wall.

   Looking around, I immediately saw tens of thousands of fleeing people crying in despair below the city.

   "This is the people who fled from nearby villages and towns?!"

  Shang Zhifu looked at the hundreds of people crying bitterly in the city, and saw their situation with the old and the young, and the big bags, and he immediately understood.

   "Damn it, why didn't you open the city gate and let the common people enter the city." Shang Zhifu suddenly became furious.

"My lord, you can't open it. The Japanese pirates are the most cunning. Who knows if there are any Japanese pirates among the people below? It's not once or twice that the Japanese pirates pretended to be the common people to cheat the city. Moreover, there are so many people in the city, tens of thousands of people. Even if the city is opened The gate cannot be entered for a while. If the Japanese pirates suddenly come out, there are so many people blocking it, it is not easy to close the city gate, and it is easy to be captured by the Japanese pirates. At that time, not only the tens of thousands If the people die, the hundreds of thousands of people in the city will also fall into the jaws of the Japanese pirates and be destroyed."

   "There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city, and only tens of thousands of people outside the city. It is clear at a glance which is more important."

   "I also ask the government to respect the hundreds of thousands of people in the city and to take care of the overall situation. The gates of the city cannot be opened."

  The officials following Shangzhifu, as well as the general guarding the city, when they heard that Shangzhifu wanted to open the city gate to let the common people enter the city, their faces turned pale with fright, and hurried forward to persuade Shangzhifu not to open the gate.

   "If it doesn't open, wouldn't it mean ignoring the people outside the city?! If the Japanese pirates come here, how can they survive outside the city, no way" Shang Zhifu shook his head vigorously, really couldn't bear it.

"My lord, if you open the door, you will be ignoring the lives of the people in the city. There are no more than 20,000 people outside the city, but there are hundreds of thousands of people in the city, which is more than 30 times the number outside the city." .”

"Your Excellency also noticed just now that the Japanese pirates have not yet been killed. The guards at the city gate were so frightened that they couldn't close the city gate for a long time. If we open the city gate now and let the people outside the city enter the city, the Japanese pirates suddenly come out. If not, the consequences are unimaginable, and none of us can afford this responsibility."

  Following the officials, he hurriedly persuaded him, lest Shang Zhifu insisted on opening the city gate.

   "Alas, this"

  Shang Zhifu closed his eyes and meditated for a long time, couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and no longer insisted on opening the city gate.

The people outside the city were begging, cursing and crying bitterly. Seeing that the current city gate would not be opened, some people walked along the city wall to try their luck at another city gate. The doors are all exactly the same. The doors are closed, and no one is willing to open the door. I can't help crying around the city.

  (end of this chapter)

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