MTL - Rise From the Humble-Chapter 1811 Haha, the Japanese pirates are gone

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  When General Wang harvested the heads of the old and the young, the soldiers under his command also wiped out the Japanese pirates nearby, and there were fifty more heads.

  Looking forward, you can see more than 300 meters in front of you, and there is a group of Japanese pirates who have fled.

  This time, General Wang didn't even need to look at him, the officers and soldiers under his command had already taken the initiative to kill the Japanese pirates ahead.

  Relying on the speed of their horses, the cavalry rushed forward to stick to the fleeing Japanese pirates, and the infantry then outflanked and defeated them in one fell swoop.

  The coordination between cavalry and infantry is becoming more and more skillful.

General Wang looked at the officers and soldiers under his command who cooperated tacitly, especially when he saw more and more heads of Japanese pirates on the saddles and waists. .

At that time, I won't have to look at Shang Zhifu's face anymore. Although the military officer's official position is relatively weak, even if he is two or three ranks higher, he will not have the confidence to speak in front of civilian officials, and he will not be able to straighten his waist. If he is transferred away, he will definitely not be working in Suzhou Prefecture, and it is also very possible that he will be transferred to Yingtian Military Department.

  In addition, although the status of a military officer is lower than that of a civil servant, it is easy to seal his wife and son.

There is a rule in our Ming Dynasty that non-military merits are not allowed to be knighted. We chased so many pirate heads out of the city this time, and we can get a hereditary hundred households. If the harvest is bigger, the second child in the family can also be a hereditary hundred households. maybe.

  Hehe, when the time comes, we will be the most famous one in the old Wang family. When the Chinese New Year comes, we will have to take the lead.

  General Wang thought happily, and led his soldiers and horses to chase the fleeing Japanese pirates wave after wave.

   Almost every five or six hundred meters, there is a wave of Japanese pirates fleeing, with as many as 20 or 30 people and as few as ten or so.

  General Wang led his subordinates, and every time he relentlessly caught up with the Japanese pirates, beheaded them, and took off their heads.

  One head is worth fifty taels of silver!

   This is like picking up money on the road. You can pick up a pile of silver every five or six hundred meters, and there is no way to go in vain.

  Who would think too much money, who would think that the official title is too high.

  The more they chased, the smoother they got, and the more they gained. General Wang and his officers and soldiers became more and more excited, more and more excited, relaxed and happy, refreshed, full of ambition, and before they knew it, they had already chased for more than ten miles.

  From the city to the open field, and then to the sparse woods, dotted villages, the distance from Suzhou City is getting farther and farther.

  A group of Japanese pirates appeared in front of them, they fled, and went to the next village not far away, where they disappeared.

   "Hahaha, there is another group of Japanese pirates ahead. There are as many as sixty or seventy Japanese pirates in this group. It is a big fish."

   A group of officers and soldiers couldn't help laughing when they saw the sixty or seventy Japanese pirates disappearing in the village not far ahead.

  In the previous waves, there were only a dozen or so Japanese pirates. This wave has as many as sixty or seventy people, and one wave is worth five or six waves.


   A group of officers and soldiers shouted excitedly and rushed to the next village without stopping. General Wang was not far behind, and under the protection of the personal guard cavalry, he rushed into the village.

  This village is a big village, named Lingshui Juren Village, because there was a Juren in the village, so it got its name. Due to the strength of the village, the village was built in the form of a simple village, with simple adobe village walls and a gate made of large fences.

  However, the village has obviously been transferred after learning the news of the Japanese pirates' attack.

  The village was also temporarily abandoned. The gates of the village were wide open, and the village was completely silent, not even a sound of insects or birds could be heard.

  There is a square in the village. In the middle of the square is a thick plane tree. In front of the plane tree is a memorial archway for rewarding people.

  General Wang and his officers and soldiers chased into the village, and found the disappearing Japanese pirates, standing in a row under the plane tree.

   "Hahahaha, these pirates knew they couldn't run away, but luckily they didn't. It's really interesting, not bad, not bad."

   "Hehe, for the sake of being so knowledgeable, I'll give you a treat."

   A group of officers and soldiers were overjoyed when they saw that the Japanese pirates had stopped running away, and burst out laughing, very satisfied with their understanding.

   "Another sixty or seventy heads, hahaha." General Wang smiled when he saw the Japanese pirates in front of him.

   Seeing General Wang and a group of officers and soldiers entering the village, the Japanese pirates standing under the plane tree opened his mouth and smiled.

   "Laugh at your mother, do you know that death is imminent?!"

   "Death is imminent, but I can still laugh, hehe, I'm afraid I was scared stupid."

   "That's right. We have a human head hanging on our saddle and a human head hanging on our waist. We are so brave and fierce in battle. It is also a teacher of old Qin tigers and wolves. It is normal for ordinary people to be scared when they see us like this."

   A group of officers and soldiers saw the smirk of the Japanese pirates under the plane tree, and couldn't help laughing and cursing, thinking that they were scared stupid by their tiger and wolf division.

   "Something seems wrong?" General Wang felt a trace of uneasiness in his heart, held down the rein of the horse, and fell behind a little by two steps.

  The Japanese pirates under the phoenix tree, the leader, raised the Japanese sword in his hand high, swung it down vigorously, and shouted "Close the door!"

   As soon as the words fell, General Wang and the officers and soldiers under his command heard a "creaking" sound, and then saw that the village gate at the entrance of the village was closed from the outside. Not only was it locked, but a beam was put on the back of the gate.

   Then, densely packed Japanese pirates appeared on the wall of the adobe village like mushrooms after a spring rain, and many Japanese pirates also appeared on the roofs of the village, crowded with people. At a rough look, there were at least several thousand people.

  A group of Japanese pirates stood condescending, holding firecrackers and longbows in their hands, aiming at General Wang and his officers and soldiers.

   "Fuck, mother, why are there so many pirates?! Where did these pirates come from?"

   "No! The situation is wrong! We seem to have fallen into an ambush by Japanese pirates?!"

   "This seems to be a trap of Japanese pirates?! No, no, the big thing is not good, we have fallen into the trap of Japanese pirates!"

  It was not until this time that the officers and soldiers realized that something was wrong. They seemed to have changed from being chased hunters to being prey to be slaughtered.

  The grin on the corner of General Wang’s mouth had already withered away, and he wanted to cry, but the excitement on his face had already turned into cold sweat on his back.

  At this moment, he has never turned off the third level of Imagination. At this moment, he regrets that he did not listen to Zhu Ping'an's warning, regrets that he did not listen to Shang Zhifu's instructions, and regrets that he went out of the city to chase the Japanese pirates.

  At this moment, he already knew it in his heart.

**** it!

   As Zhu Ping’an warned, the Japanese pirates really cheated, and the Japanese pirates really lured them out of the city to pursue them, and then set up an ambush!

  At this moment, General Wang fell into deep regret. He regretted the beginning, and his regret was green. He wished he could give himself two big contests on the spot.

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ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts