MTL - Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!-Chapter 1446 Raiders in Southeast Asia

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Chapter 1446 Raiding Southeast Asia

A prison car was escorted to Jinling.

Mangbai was locked in the prison van, and passers-by on both sides of the street looked at the prisoner in the prison van curiously.

Jinling City has not seen such a sight for many years.

In the past, when prisoners were caught, they were thrown directly into the mine, even the Japanese king and the shogun of Fusang.

Mangbai was the first person to enjoy such an honor when he was caught parading in public.

It doesn't matter if the people in Jinling don't know who he is, someone next to him will read out his crimes.

After hearing Mangbai's crimes, the people of Ming Dynasty became angry. The bold and barbaric little king dared to murder the first emperor of Ming Dynasty, **** it!

The common people smashed Mangbai with rotten vegetables, leaves and rotten eggs. Some people couldn't find anything, and even took off their shoes.

Others were about to buckle the square bricks on the ground, but were stopped by the guards in charge of order.

It's okay to vent your anger, but it's not good if you kill it. After all, it is still used to pay homage to the late emperor, and the basic integrity of the tribute must be guaranteed.

Mangbai was escorted all the way to Han Yu.

Han Yu lost interest in humiliation as he watched Mangbai kneeling under him.

Now, the status gap between the two of them was so different that Han Yu hated getting his hands dirty when dealing with this kind of person.

"Send it to the former emperor's mausoleum, blood sacrifice."

Han Yu said calmly.

"Yes!" Jin Wei pushed Mangbai down, so there was no need to mention the blood sacrifice.

After killing Mangbai, Han Yu put an end to a major concern.

Let Mu Tianbo continue to march towards Siam, all the way south, occupying Temasek (Singapore), and then turn to the east, destroy Khmer and Annan, and take the entire Southeast Asia into his pocket.

This is a fertile granary, rice can be grown three times a year, and there are a lot of tropical resources, rich in minerals, but it is occupied by a group of white-eyed wolves.

This was unacceptable to Han Yu.

They must all be brought under their own rule.

After Mu Tianbo took the order, he began to march eastward.

At this time, the Southeast Asian region was still dominated by small foreign countries, and the weapons in their hands were all spears and broadswords. This level of force could not even beat the Qing Dynasty.

If the distance is not too far, the cost of ruling is too high, and they will not be kept in an independent state.

The grenadier regiment led by Mu Tianbo basically had no opponents in sweeping across Southeast Asia, and quickly defeated the local natives.

As for those who were dissatisfied, they all became Jingguan beside the road.

After annihilating all the disobedient forces, Han Yu sent officials to re-plan the fields here, and then established huge plantations to concentrate on the production of various strategic resources.

With the widespread use of steam engines in Daming, huge factories were built one after another, and the demand for various materials and raw materials, such as rubber, was also increasing.

This is an important raw material for making tires.

Relying on private planting by small farmers cannot meet the needs of large factories at all. Only centralized planting and large-scale production can do it.

However, such huge plantations require a lot of cheap workers.

Han Yu didn't want to use people from Daming's own country.

He picked on the map for a long time, and finally selected a place - Borneo.

Here, in addition to the big crocodile with bared teeth, there is another special product, that is Kunlun slaves.

It is one of the three treasures of the Tang people.

Bodhisattva barbarian, Silla maidservant, Kunlun slave.

Many people think that Kunlun slave is a black uncle from Africa.

In fact, it is not. The Kunlun slaves in the Tang Dynasty were all dark-skinned aborigines who were trafficked from Borneo.

These natives are lazy, bully the weak and fear the hard, eager to get rich but unwilling to suffer.

So he set his sights on the local Chinese.

In the original time and space, the Qing court was incompetent and closed the country, and the sails could not go to sea, resulting in the inability to manage ocean affairs.

Those natives became more arrogant and launched several massacres against the Chinese.

I don't know how many people died under their butcher's knives.

Han Yu felt no burden in making these natives slaves.

"Since you have a lot of blood debts on your body, go to the plantation to pay it back."

"Where is Mu Jiansheng now? Has the matter of Mindanao been resolved? If it is resolved, we will lead our troops south to conquer Borneo. By the way, this place will not be called Borneo in the future, but North Kunlun."

"Your Majesty, since this place is called North Kunlun, shouldn't there be South Kunlun?"

Mu Jianping asked curiously from the side.

"Of course, here it is."

Han Yu moved his hand down and pressed it on the land of Australia.

In the original history, it was not until more than a hundred years later, that is, in 1788, that Dai Ying began to colonize here and exile prisoners here.

Now, there are only a few indigenous Maori and kangaroos barking their teeth at each other without any threat.

The most important thing is that it is rich in various minerals, especially the copper mines that Daming lacks.

Occupying here is the most convenient solution if you want to get rid of the copper-deficiency dilemma and manufacture copper-cased bullets.

In addition, it is suitable for raising sheep. Wool is an important material and the blood of the industrial revolution. In any case, it must be taken here.

"My brother just brought back a letter from Feige. Here it is."

Mu Jianping found a letter and handed it to Han Yu.

Han Yu opened it and found that Mu Jiansheng met Frangji people in Mindanao. These Frangji people claimed to have discovered this place first. This place belongs to Flangji's colony, and Da Ming has no right to interfere.

"You little barbarian dare to show off at my door?"

Han Yu sneered. UU Reading www.

Francois is not a good thing either.

Although on the surface, they are very respectful to Daming and often do business, but they covet Daming's wealth and do black hands.

They don't dare to do it at home, so they do it in overseas colonies.

There have also been several massacres of Chinese in Medan, all of which were secretly instigated by the Frangji.

The Frangians and these natives are of the same species.

"Since they don't listen to the advice, there's no need to be merciful. Tell Mu Jiansheng that I only want Mindanao Island. As for the two-legged creatures on it, there is no need for them to exist."

"Yes." The secret technique of the secretariat immediately began to draft the document.

That's right, Han Yu felt that eunuchs were too inhumane, so he abolished the **** industry. The remaining eunuchs who passed the inspection would continue to be employed, and those who failed would be sent to factories owned by the royal family.

In the palace, female officials and guards were used to replace the original eunuchs.

At the same time, a secretariat was set up to handle the daily clerical work, which helped Han Yu relieve a certain amount of work pressure. Now he only needs to grasp the general direction.

After the document was encrypted, it was sent to Mu Jiansheng with a carrier pigeon.

At this time, Mu Jiansheng was standing at the bow of the boat secretly angry.

The **** Frangians forbade them from going ashore to resupply.

Moreover, he got the news through some insiders on the island that those Franji people were instigating the local natives to start riots, wanting to bloodbath the Chinese community and plunder wealth.

If Han Yu hadn't told him to deal with the enemies one by one and not declare war on the whole world at once, he would have already landed on the island to let those ignorant Francines know that Daming is not easy to mess with. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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