MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 129 Blood cutting X blood replenishing X success (2 in 1)

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Royal Beast: The Strongest **** Chapter 129 Cutting Blood x Replenishing Blood x Success Combo

Chen Qiyue reached out and took out a dagger from his storage equipment, and slashed his wrist.

Blood dripped from the wound, dripping drop by drop on the huge and exquisite scales.

The beautiful and exquisite reverse scale instantly burst into a burst of brilliant color light.

The blood slowly flowed down from the reverse scale to the eggshell next to it.

The flowing blood began to draw complex patterns on the eggshell.

When these lines appeared, the blood began to be slowly absorbed by the eggshell.

"This is the moment!" Chen Qiyue shouted violently.

Without further ado, the giant ugly fish directly input the energy of the blue phantom beast. You Huang hesitated, but then also input the energy of the white phantom beast.

The blue and white phantom beast energy gurgled into the pure white phantom beast egg.

An astonishing scene immediately appeared in front of everyone.

The eggshell suddenly lit up and gradually became transparent, and a small Yundi cat cub could be seen curled up inside.

But everyone could see clearly that this Yundi cat had no heartbeat.

It's just that on the entire eggshell, inextricable blood red threads are slowly injected into the Yundi cat cub along with the energy of the phantom beast.

Shockingly, the chest of this Yundi cat cub began to rise and fall visible to the naked eye.

The heartbeat revived, and the beating made everyone gasp.

"This, this is..."

Cang Lan was overjoyed, her eyes fixed on the Yundi cat baby egg.

There was a bright smile on the little girl's face, and she didn't dare to disturb Chen Qiyue, she just squatted in front of Chen Qiyue, staring closely at the Yundi cat cub inside the baby egg.

Chen Qiyue's blood was still flowing, and the blood kept dripping on the colored scales.

The blood that slid down from Ni Lin had a tinge of color, but Ni Lin seemed to be a little smaller.

The blood gradually covered the entire eggshell, and was absorbed by the Yundi cat cubs inside the eggshell little by little.

Although it is impossible to see whether the Yundi cat cub has become better, it is obvious that a little bit of blue and white faint flames appeared on the eggshell.

Cang Lan took a deep breath, looked at Chen Qiyue with piercing eyes, "Come on, hold on!"

The power of the blood contract, along with the energy of the phantom beast and the reverse scale of the giant ugly fish, gave the Yundi cat cub enough vitality.

You know, the energy of these Eudemons is not ordinary.

The potential of the giant ugly fish has reached level A, and Youhuang's potential value is higher than that of the giant ugly fish, and Youhuang was very strong before, and the power of phantom beasts is not comparable to that of ordinary phantom beasts.

That piece of inverse scale is also not a mortal thing, it is an inverse scale that fell from a giant and beautiful Linglong.

If it's just an ordinary phantom beast, one below B level, or an ordinary evolutionary thing, the effect on Yundi cat's young eggs will definitely not be so good.

Chen Qiyue's lips were slightly pale, and the scar on his wrist had begun to heal slowly and automatically.

He picked up the dagger and made another cut on the edge of the wound.

Blood dripped again, dripping on the smaller reverse scales, splashing traces of blood.

The giant ugly fish looked at Chen Qiyue's wound, tears began to pile up in its big eyes, "ugly"

Beastmaster, are you in pain? Zai Zai help you

Chen Qiyue turned his head and put down the dagger, stretched out his hand to touch the head of the giant ugly fish, put his other hand firmly on top of Ni Lin, and then laughed.

On the slightly pale lips, there was brilliance and warmth.

"Good boy, I don't feel any pain anymore."

You Huang looked at the giant ugly fish, then at Chen Qiyue, his eyes were full of complexities.

Her intelligence is not low, she knows exactly what Chen Qiyue is doing now.

For a young egg, he would spell it like this.

At first, she just thought it was strange that Chen Qiyue would risk his life to gamble on getting an S-level phantom beast egg.

But now, seeing the interaction between Chen Qiyue and Zai Zai, her heart couldn't help but tremble.

For some reason, she felt that Chen Qiyue didn't think so.

He may simply want to save the Yundi cat cub.

If this egg is an egg with e-level aptitude, Chen Qiyue should do the same, right?


Time passed by every minute and every second, and blood dripped drop by drop.

Several cuts have been cut on Chen Qiyue's wrist.

Although the blood dripped down drop by drop every time, it didn't look like much, but in fact, it already exceeded the amount of blood donated twice by an adult.

Chen Qiyue's lips had also become extremely pale.

Jun Chenyun stood there with a dark face, a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Huang Tao and Zhou Leng stood on one side, extremely nervous, Huang Tao took a deep breath, suddenly rushed to Chen Qiyue's side, squatted down, his voice was slightly choked,

In other words,,,..version. 】

"Xiao Cheng, is it almost there? I think the egg is already alive. You can stop."

Hearing this, Chen Qiyue shook his head with a smile, looking tenderly at the phantom beast egg placed in the center of his legs crossed,

"No, not yet."

A lot of blue and white flames have risen around the young Yundi cat egg, which looks very beautiful.

The key is that this flame did not harm Chen Qiyue at all.

The little girl looked at the flame curiously, and wanted to reach out to touch it, but Cang Lan grabbed her hand.

"You can't touch it. This is the fire seed associated with the Yundi cat. It has been activated. It doesn't matter if you touch it with the beast master of the blood contract. If others touch it..."

Cang Lan's words surprised the people around.

"Tinder? But isn't Yundi Cat's kindling red?" asked the person following Canglan.

At this time, the cats and cats of Yundi had already been placed. As soon as those people came out, they saw Chen Qiyue bleeding, and they all came up to watch.

Hearing Cang Lan say that now, they were also angrily and surprised.

"Because of the blood contract, some of its characteristics will be changed due to the energy of the input Eudemons."

Cang Lan looked at the transparent egg, and said slowly, "It seems that what the Yundi cat cub has changed is the attribute of the fire seed."

"The female cat is of the attribute of light and fire, but now it seems that it should have become the attribute of water and light."

"The original ice attribute and fire attribute should be fused together."

Cang Lan explained, and everyone around suddenly realized.

It's just that Cang Lan's brows gradually frowned, and he looked up at Chen Qiyue, "It will take a while for the complete transformation of the Yundi cat cub, can you persist? You have lost too much blood."

Chen Qiyue raised his head, looked at Cang Lan, his pale lips parted slightly, "Of course."

He reached out and took out a box of medicine from the storage soul guide, and put it on the ground.

"Taozi, Lao Zhou, prescribe it for me, I want to drink medicine."

Everyone was taken aback, then looked at the box of medicine.

"Ferrous sulfate? This, isn't this a medicine for nourishing blood?"

Chen Qiyue smiled and said, "Of course, I'm short of blood now, so naturally I need to replenish blood."

Huang Tao glanced at Zhou Leng, then stepped forward and quickly opened the box of medicine.

Those were liquid medicines one by one, Huang Tao inserted the straws one by one, and put them by Chen Qiyue's hand.

Zhou Leng went to pour warm boiled water, and also put it in Chen Qiyue's hand.

Chen Qiyue drank a medicine and then a glass of water.

Zhou Leng squatted next to Chen Qiyue, pouring water for him.

One after another, the whole box was drunk like this.

The people around were stunned, and one person couldn't help asking, "Is it useful for you to hold Buddha's feet like this?"

Chen Qiyue smiled, and suddenly the energy of the phantom beast burst out, "Of course, it works!"

The energy of the phantom beast quickly digested the medicine that was drunk into the body, and Chen Qiyue's originally pale lips began to become rosy visible to the naked eye.

"Is that okay?" Someone exclaimed.

"But what I want to know is, why do you carry ferrous sulfate with you?" Huang Tao asked curiously.

Chen Qiyue explained with a smile, "I didn't carry ferrous sulfate, but I carried all the medicines for other injuries. In case of injury, I must bring the blood-enriching medicine."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

When they came to Double Purple Illusion, most of them brought wound medicine, but no one wanted to bring tonic.

Moreover, because the blood-enriching medicine didn't take effect so quickly, they didn't think of it for a while.

"However, there is only one box of my blood-tonifying medicine, and it will be gone after I drink it. I hope I can survive until the end of the blood contract."

Chen Qiyue's voice was faint, and his eyes were fixed on the egg in front of him.

Jun Chenyun has not said a word until now, but at this moment he took a step forward, then stretched out his hand, and attached it to Chen Qiyue's.

With a flash of light, several boxes of ferrous sulfate appeared under his hands, all of which were taken out of his storage equipment.

"I have." He said these two words calmly.

Huang Tao and Zhou Leng were overjoyed when they saw this scene.

"Okay, with so many blood tonics, it will definitely succeed!"

Chen Qiyue also showed joy on his face, and looked up at Jun Chenyun, "Thank you, boss, thank you, all of you!"

Jun Chenyun looked at the transparent Yundi cat cub, and said again, "Come on, I'm waiting for an extra S-level phantom beast in my team."

Chen Qiyue nodded firmly, "I will definitely succeed!"

Several hours later, the giant and exquisite Nilin was finally dripped with blood, and all of it was integrated into the Yundi cat's young egg.

At this time, the entire Yundi cat's young egg was slowly floating in the air, and the entire egg was wrapped in blue and white flames.

Chen Qiyue took out the gauze suddenly, covered the wound on his wrist, and moved his wrist away.

Huang Tao grabbed Chen Qiyue's wrist and began to bandage him with medicine.

Chen Qiyue let him toss, but kept his eyes on the egg.

After the last drop of blood was absorbed by Yundi Cat's young eggs, the surrounding blue and white flames suddenly restrained.

The blood-colored thread slowly formed a blood-red magic circle on the forehead of the Yundi cat cub inside the egg.

The magic circle signed by Tu Eucalyptus and Eudemons is similar, but there are some differences.

When the blood-red magic circle faded away, the blue-white flames were absorbed into the body of the Yundi cat cub, and the egg returned to its previous snow-white color again.

Only traces of patterns reappeared faintly, with flowers and hexagram snowflakes on the patterns.

Chen Qiyue took a sharp breath, and reached out to catch the Yundi cat phantom beast egg that fell from the sky.

Jun Chenyun smiled and patted Chen Qiyue's shoulder, Huang Tao and Zhou Leng hugged each other.

"Hahaha, our team finally has an S-class Eudemons!"

"Awesome, awesome!"

"Good boy, pick a good one for me later!"

Chen Qiyue hugged the phantom beast egg for fear of dropping it, but there was a smile on his face, "It's a small thing."

With a smile on her face and eyes full of appreciation, Cang Lan cupped her hands at Chen Qiyue, "Congratulations, little friend, for getting an S-class Eudemons egg."

Several assistants behind him also looked at Chen Qiyue approvingly, "Congratulations, congratulations."

Chen Qiyue stood still and saluted Cang Lan.

"Thank you, Master Canglan!"

"May I ask what your name is?" Cang Lan looked at Chen Qiyue and asked.

"Cheng Qi, student of Qing University, junior breeder." Chen Qiyue replied seriously.

"Oh? Just a junior breeder?" Cang Lan was astonished.

Zhou Leng chimed in, "The kind that gets full marks in the exam."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the others, including Cang Lan, widened again.

"Full score? The only full score in the junior breeder exam?"

"I know, it's Cheng Qi, right?"

"Yes, that's the name."

The eyes of those people looking at Chen Qiyue changed again, becoming more cordial.

Before, it was because of Chen Qiyue's courage and persistence, but now it is because of Chen Qiyue's knowledge and strength.

Cang Lan smiled and took out a token from her bosom, and handed it to Chen Qiyue.

"Take it, it's best to come back in half a year."

Chen Qiyue took the token happily, and didn't ask why it must be half a year later, but he knew that Cang Lan must have his own reasons for saying this.

"Thank you Master Cang Lan! I will definitely come after half a year!"

"Haha, okay, don't you still have three eggs to choose? Let's go, I'll take a look around with you." Cang Lan smiled.

When Jun, Chenyun and the others heard Cang Lan say, they bowed to Cang Lan happily, "Thank you, Master Cang Lan."

Several people stood in the hall, and Cang Lan opened a door on one side of the hall. Inside was a long arc-shaped passage. Both sides of the passage were full of cabinets, and the cabinets were filled with phantom beast eggs.

Cang Lan walked in the front, followed by Jun Chenyun and others.

Chen Qiyue walked at the end, followed by the little girl who opened the door for them earlier.

The little girl suddenly pulled Chen Qiyue's pants, raised her head and asked, "Hey, were you really not afraid of dying just now? If you didn't have those boxes of blood-enriching medicine, you might really bleed to death."

Chen Qiyue glanced at the little girl and smiled, "No, I will succeed. A beast master like me owns two phantom beasts, and his physical fitness is much stronger than ordinary people."

"So if I lose too much blood, I won't die in a short while. As long as the blood contract is successful, I won't die."

The little girl pouted, "I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not." Chen Qiyue twitched his lips and didn't speak again.

He looked at the Eudemons eggs around him, carefully looking at them one by one.

Because it's not his egg anymore, he can't see the attributes.

But he still has the knowledge he has learned, and he can use his knowledge to pick better Eudemons eggs for his friends.

Soon, with the help of Chen Qiyue, Jun Chenyun and the others picked out three phantom beast eggs, one for each of them, and held them in their arms.

"By the way, there is something that I almost forgot to tell you." Cang Lan looked at the phantom beast egg in Chen Qiyue's arms and said.

"After taking this egg back, don't rush to hatch it, let your phantom beasts feed it with phantom beast energy for a month before hatching."

"In this way, its potential and roots will not be destroyed."

Chen Qiyue nodded seriously, "Okay!"

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