MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 151 I thought of you first (2 in 1)

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Seeing Chen Qiyue's photo appear again, Huang Tao finally heaved a sigh of relief, "Great, your Yuzai finally won!"

"Well, but I'm about to be strangled to death by you!" A voice of gnashing teeth came from the side.

Huang Tao turned his head and saw Zhou Leng staring at him angrily.

Then he looked down and saw the hand tightly held by him.

Zhou Leng's hands were already a little bruised from his pinching.

He was so nervous just now, he subconsciously...

"Ahahaha, I didn't do it on purpose, Lao Zhou, you won't be so angry, right? Hahahaha! I knew that you are so generous..." Huang Tao quickly let go of his hand, and said with a dry smile.

Zhou Leng looked at the several bruised and purple fingerprints pinched out on the back of his hand, his face was livid.

When did this kid become so strong?

"It's fine if I don't get angry, your Nether Crystal Tree Fruit..."

Chen Qiyue ignored the conversation between Huang Tao and Zhou Leng, but continued to look at the big screen.

His phantom beast had already beaten the opponent's two phantom beasts, and unless the remaining phantom beast of the opponent could beat two with one, they would definitely qualify in the first round of the qualifiers.

The giant ugly fish did not end after winning, but continued to stay on the field.

This also means that she will continue to fight.

Before Yundimao got off the field, it was naturally because she was just born, and letting her play before was also a pleasure for her. If there were too many fights, it would be bad for her growth.

[In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, change the source app,]

And now...

The giant ugly fish looked at the beast master on the opposite side seriously.

If they want to take the first place, they must have some hole cards, and Xiao Youyou is their hole cards.

Leave the early battles to her first!


Let the horse come!

The Beastmaster on the opposite side looked at the Ugly Fish with a pale face, clenched his teeth, and still summoned his last phantom beast.


A lovely call came, and what appeared in the field was a bright yellow, running errand chicken.

The color of the fluff is very good, and the potential value should not be low, but it is obvious that it is only in the juvenile stage.

It seems that this Beastmaster really has no other powerful phantom beasts.

After a charge and a tail that knocked out the fluffy errand chicken, the giant clownfish and the others won their first victory.


On the way back, the giant ugly fish and You Huang are seriously doing the ideological work of Yundimao.

Now the Yundi cat is lying on the cloud, constantly biting the cloud, rolling and playing, and can't stop for a moment.



Hearing what the Ugly Fish and You Huang said to her, Yundimao looked up at the Ugly Fish, and then continued to roll and play.

Seeing Yundimao being so naughty, it was completely different from the previous Yundimao, even the giant ugly fish and Youhuang were a little surprised.

The giant ugly fish thought for a while, and then understood the situation of Yundi cat.

This should be a change in personality brought about by attribute conversion.

"Ugly~" the giant ugly fish sighed and said to Yundimao,

You'd better switch to the fire element. When the time comes, the beast master will feel cold when hugging you, so he won't want to hug you anymore.

The playing body of Yundi Cat was shaken suddenly, and the cat's eyes widened.

She straightened her body in an instant, her forehead began to glow, and the air-conditioning around her instantly faded away, switching to the fire element.

After the switch, the Yundi cat no longer rambled about the clouds, but quietly lay on the clouds, watching the giant ugly fish and You Huang,


Why are you unwilling to tell the Beastmaster about this matter?

The giant ugly fish finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing Yundi cat like this.

This is the right attitude!

She called softly, "Ugly~"

I want to win the league championship and give it to the Beastmaster after I get the bonus.

You have to know that what we eat and drink, including the place where you sleep, are all bought with the money of the beast master.

"Meow?" Yundimao blinked.

what is money

"Ugly~" the giant ugly fish explained patiently,

Money is a currency, you can buy many things, but money is not easy to earn.

The Beastmaster bought us so many things, and it cost too much money, so he owed others a lot of money.

It's all for us!

"Meow?!" Yundimao widened its eyes again.

real? ! But I didn't see it.

"Ugly? Ugly~Ugly~" the giant ugly fish sighed and shook its head.

If you can see it, will our Beastmasters lose face?

For us, he endured humiliation and kept telling us that he was rich!

As a result, I secretly called someone behind my back to ask for a loan!

This is what I overheard.

Therefore, Xiao Youyou and I decided that we must win the league championship, and then give the trophy and prize money to the Beastmaster so that he can pay off the debt.

It was also a surprise for him.

But if the Beastmaster finds out about this and we fail to win the championship, what should we do?

That's why we don't plan to tell the Beastmaster that even if we don't win the championship, we can still think of other ways to make money.

In short, when the time comes to make money, just surprise the beast master.

Although Yundimao was only born, Bingxue is smart, common sense and so on. The giant ugly fish and You Huang have been teaching her these days.

And he was always hugged by the beast master, and he would read some books to her, and learned a lot.

So she understood everything the ugly fish said.

Yundi Mao lifted up that small face, and the round cat eyes were filled with tears of emotion and firm belief.


It turns out that the Beast Master has done so much for us, I will definitely train well and win the league championship with you!

In every game after that, I will be the first to appear!

Youhuang floated over, reached out and patted Yundimao on the head, and said with a smile, "Ji~"

No need, the order of appearance at that time depends on the other party's Eudemons arrangement, Master Zai Zai understands these arrangements best, we just follow her.

Hearing what You Huang said, the giant ugly fish was not polite, and immediately responded, saying confidently, "Ugly!"

Don't worry, I have been specially trained by the beast master, and I believe that I will not lose to those people in terms of strategizing!

But having said that, the giant ugly fish felt that he still had to continue learning.

The Beastmaster once said that there is no end to learning.

Although the giant ugly fish is confident, he doesn't think that he is the strongest, at least he should not be as good as the beast master.

But if she learns a little more, she will always become stronger.

The giant ugly fish is actually very clear that the current learning direction of the beast master is how to cultivate phantom beasts.

Including their daily cultivation, evolution direction, and learning direction of evolution and skills, etc.

But in terms of combat command and real combat, the Beastmaster should be a little bit worse.

Then let her Zai Zai make up for this.

She, cub, wants to become an existence that can command all Eudemons!

After solving the possibility of Yundimao leaking secrets, the three giant ugly fish continued to go to Jun Chenyun's community.

They had been to Jun Chenyun's place before, so they walked directly through the window.

It's also thanks to the giant clownfish and You Huang who knew the phantom butterfly and the long red-crowned crane, otherwise they would have been almost attacked by those phantom beasts on the huge balcony.

Yundimao looked at those phantom beasts very curiously. To her, these phantom beasts were very strange.

Especially the long red-crowned crane, with such a big body, made her a little surprised.

When he came to the house, as soon as Yundimao saw Chen Qiyue, he ran into his arms coquettishly, grabbed his clothes and insisted on him hugging him.

That milky cute look, not to mention how cute it is.

The temperament of Yundimao is indeed very characteristic. When it is ice-type, it is violent, and when it is fire-type, it is docile.

Seeing the little cutie in front of them being caressed by Chen Qiyue so docilely, Huang Tao and Zhou Leng couldn't help teasing it a few times.

"Is this your blood contract, the Yundi cat hatched with countless efforts? It's so cute."

Huang Tao blinked at Chen Qiyue.

In fact, Chen Qiyue had already made an agreement with Huang Tao, Zhou Leng and the others before, and it was assumed that they didn't know about the three giant ugly fishes participating in the competition.

Therefore, when Huang Tao and Zhou Leng saw the Yundi cat, they deliberately showed the appearance of seeing it for the first time.

However, what I saw before was the cold ice-type appearance on TV, but now it is the soft and cute fire-type, which is quite rare.

Zhou Leng stretched out his hand to touch the soft and warm hair, and his pure white ears trembled, almost shaking his heart.

"Indeed, I already want a Yundi cat. No need for an S-level one, an A-level one is enough."

Chen Qiyue smiled, "Then wait until Maomao gives birth and keep it for you?"

Jun Chenyun looked at Yundimao, his eyes softened a little, and he smiled, "When our strength improves further, there will be vacancies for the Phantom Beasts, so we must reserve them."

"It doesn't have to be the Yundi cat, but other phantom beasts are also fine, as long as they are bred by you."

Chen Qiyue, Huang Tao, and Zhou Leng were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

On the way back, Chen Qiyue was driving, the co-pilot was still sitting on the giant ugly fish, Yundi cat was lying on the soft cushion in the back seat of the car, and You Huang was sitting beside her.

"Where did you go to play before?" Chen Qiyue asked casually while driving.

The giant ugly fish choked for breath, turned to look at Youhuang and Yundimao.

Oh, they didn't discuss this well, how do you answer?

The giant ugly fish coughed lightly, "Ugly~"

Let's go to the park to play around. There are many beast masters with Eudemons.

"Ji!" You Huang nodded.

That's right! That's right!

"Meow!" Yundi Mao also nodded.

Yes! That's it!

"Oh? A park? What park? I remember there is a lakeside park around our school. There are many people there, and many children like to go there." Chen Qiyue said with a smile.

The giant ugly fish blinked, "Really? Let's go and see next time, but it seems that we are not going to this park today, because it is not near the school."

"Oh, that's right. By the way, I remembered. It's not called Lakeside Park, it's called Hebin Park. Look at my memory." Chen Qiyue suddenly laughed.

Uglyfish: …

Almost exposed!

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and didn't follow the words of the beast master.

It was also because she had looked at the surrounding map before, and she had the impression that she hadn't seen the lakeside park.

So to be on the safe side, she didn't answer, and she really escaped.

Yundimao and Youhuang were about to speak, but when they heard the conversation between the giant ugly fish and Chen Qiyue, they immediately shut their mouths.

The Beastmaster is too scary, let Master Zai Zai deal with it.

Chen Qiyue looked in the rear view mirror, the two beasts sitting obediently in the back seat, and the giant ugly fish who was nervous to die like a good student being spot-checked by the teacher, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked.

He didn't continue to ask, but turned to drive towards the supermarket.

"It's still early, let's go to the supermarket to buy something first, I will be very busy in the next week, and there will be nothing to worry about you then."

"But I will write out some of the skills you need to learn, as well as the goals and physical fitness results you need to achieve."

"Then arrange a reasonable training plan for you to deal with your future evolutionary path."

"So before that, there are a few things that need to be procured."

"Ugly~" the giant ugly fish nodded.

I'm here to help move things.

Chen Qiyue freed one hand and touched the head of the giant ugly fish, "Okay, thanks for your hard work, and I will buy you more things you like when the time comes."


Chen Qiyue bought a lot of biscuits and bread by the way, and put them in his space earrings.

Yesterday, Teacher Hao Cheng took them to the empty laboratory for the first experience of the experimental process, and explained that starting next week, they will be assigned to different laboratories to act as assistants.

At that time, you will be exposed to various practical problems and learn more in-depth breeder methods.

So once he enters someone else's laboratory, he won't be able to keep an eye on his Eudemons all the time.

Although this is not a long-term but in the early stage, it must be learning, and I don't have so much energy.

Afterwards, the regular breeders can choose whether to join other breeders' laboratories to study, to breed their own phantom beasts in their free time, or to study a small topic independently.

Of course, most of the trainee breeders will choose to join the research topics of higher-level breeders, so that they can learn more.

Just like the breeders Chen Qiyue saw downstairs.

Although they all have their own Huanju huts, they also join the teacher's side to study, led by the fourth senior sister and the senior brother.

To be honest, not all ordinary base breeders can enter here.

It can be said that Chen Qiyue has a higher starting point than others.

What should be learned still needs to be learned, Chen Qiyue is very clear about this.

If you don't learn by yourself, you will be caught up by others.

But as soon as he returned to the living room, Chen Qiyue received a call from Ping Yulan.

"Teacher, what's the matter?"

Ping Yulan's voice came from the phone, but Chen Qiyue was slightly surprised by what he said.

"Xiao Cheng, if there is an opportunity for you to participate in the wasteland reclamation of the ruins of Shuangzi Fantasyland this time, will you go?"

"Teacher? There are so many breeders with a higher level than me, I'll go? It's not appropriate, is it?"

Chen Qiyue frowned, "Besides, I haven't finished my task yet, and I haven't finished reading the book, so..."

"Cough cough," Ping Yulan coughed lightly, "That's right, a safe entrance was found in the ruins over there, but there is an age limit for entering this entrance, no more than 25 years old."

"And at this age, there are not many young people with good strength who want to raise a family. The first person I think of is you."