MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 159 Participation is entirely up to you! (2 in 1)

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"You are very smart," Qin Zhe said with a smile, "I originally wanted to give you this chance."

"We have detected the type of ruins here before, but the ruins have not been fully opened yet, we need to wait."

"That's why I wanted to bring you in and try my luck. Even if I don't enter the ruins, I can get some Eudemons."

Qin Zhe looked Chen Qiyue up and down, and continued with a smile, "I just didn't expect you to worship Ping Yulan as your teacher, but I don't need my help to bring you in."

When Chen Qiyue heard this, his eyes softened, and he hugged Qin Zhe, "Thank you."

Qin Zhe raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Thank you, I also want to thank you for handing in that dragon egg."

"In the end, I took advantage of you. I originally wanted to give you this opportunity as compensation, but now..."

Hearing what Qin Zhe said, Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had handed in a pair of wings meslon egg for his own safety.

That egg later hatched into a pacifier dragon, which was the latest one Qin Zhe signed.

At that time, Chen Qiyue was really not reconciled. The dragon egg he had spent so much time to get was cheap for Qin Zhe.

But knowing that Qin Zhe's strength is not as simple as it appears on the surface, and he is also quite friendly to himself, this mentality has long since disappeared.

What's more, he also got benefits, not only changed his identity, but also got a piece of beautiful Ni Lin.

For him now, a pacifier dragon is far less important than Zai Zai's evolution.

It's just that he didn't expect Qin Zhe to remember this matter for so long. Of course, this is enough to show Qin Zhe's character.

Chen Qiyue smiled and waved his hands, "Brother Qin, you are being too polite. I handed in the dragon egg, and there is an exchange item, just for mutual benefit."

"Hey, you can't say that," Qin Zhe retorted with a smile, "it's just that to me, that dragon egg is very important, and I don't think it's equivalent to the item given to you."

"Well, how about I recommend you the opportunity to enter the Tron group, what do you think?"

Chen Qiyue was stunned for a moment, "What?"

What did he just hear?

Recommend him to enter the Tron group? That's the Tron group! Qin Zhe has the qualifications to recommend people to enter?

Or is he a member of the Tron group?

Chen Qiyue's shocked eyes kept sweeping Qin Zhe's face back and forth.

"Don't be so surprised, I just recommended you to participate in the selection," Qin Zhe explained quickly when he saw Chen Qiyue like this,

"The special dragon group is not so easy to advance. It can be said that it is a special training during the selection. After the selection is passed, there is still an internship."

Chen Qiyue frowned. He had heard of the Tron group before, and they were all very powerful people who cooperated with the authorities to carry out some special tasks.

It's just that he is focusing on learning about breeding now, so he probably doesn't have time to join the organization.

What's more, he has now worshiped Pingyu Lan as his teacher and joined the base.

Therefore, he could only accept Qin Zhe's kindness.

"Sorry, I…"

It's just that before Chen Qiyue finished speaking, Qin Zhe interrupted him.

"Don't rush to refuse." Qin Zhe said seriously, "Do you know why the Tron group exists?"

Chen Qiyue was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously shook his head.

"In this world, there is a lot of darkness, and there are places that were originally in the light, but were polluted and eroded by darkness."

"We purify these darkness little by little, in order to maintain the peace of society."

Qin Zhe stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist, slowly placing it on his right heart,

"Everyone who joins the Tron team must swear with their lives to fight for the peace between humans and Eudemons!"

"We are the guardians of this world."

He looked at Chen Qiyue seriously, "I know you have already guessed my identity, this time, I came here just to tell you, after my various investigations."

"I think you are very suitable to join our Tron team to protect the peace of humans and Eudemons."

"Such a great goal must be guarded and realized by someone."

Chen Qiyue opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Qin Zhe stopped him with his hand again.

"Let me finish." Qin Zhe's expression was very serious and solemn, "You have to know that every person recommended by the Troon Group is a leader in every industry, not just because of outstanding career or talent. Excellence."

"The important thing is their character!"

"And you, facing the poker meeting, are brave and resourceful, and have your own bottom line."

Qin Zhe's eyes flickered, his words paused, and finally he began to speak,

"Actually, I know your every move. I'm not afraid to tell you that this time you entered the Yunlong ruins, at least two groups of people are looking for you."

These words startled Chen Qiyue, and looked at Qin Zhe in surprise.

"The first wave is a member of the poker club who was looking for you before, square 7, and he is after you."

Chen Qiyue's breath was suffocated, and his child's hole shrank.

So, his disguise...

"The other group doesn't know your real identity, but they are following you because of your talent."

What Qin Zhe said made Chen Qiyue gasp again, "What? Because of my talent?"

"A person who got a full score in the junior breeder exam, why wouldn't he be favored by the major forces?"

Qin Zhe smiled, "It's just that the group of people I told you about belonged to the poker club, and they were the 2 of clubs who rescued Zhang Qingqing."

"I will tell you the specific information about the poker club only if you join the Tron group."

"If you want to prevent them from torturing Eudemons, and even experimenting with living Eudemons."

Qin Zhe's voice was silent, but it was deeply engraved in Chen Qiyue's heart.

He thought of the rumors about the poker club he had heard before, and the scene where Wang Xinqiu's uncle killed himself, and slowly clenched his hands.

He now has a lot of rare Eudemons, as well as the newly signed Mi Milong.

Once Poker will know that he has signed Mimilong, the current status will not be of any use at all.

What's more, according to what Qin Zhe said, what happened in the past two days made him a little flustered.

Perhaps in the eyes of those at the poker club, his vest can't be covered for a long time.

Although he believed that the teacher would do his best to protect himself, it was a poker club.

It's a poker club that can attack Qingda in broad daylight!

It has to be said that Chen Qiyue was shaken.

Of course, not only because of my own safety, but also the justice in my heart.

Not to mention that Mimilong was taken away, it might be used as a test subject, and there are other rare Eudemons.

After Qin Zhe finished speaking, he didn't say anything, but quietly waited for Chen Qiyue's response.

Time passed slowly, Chen Qiyue finally took a deep breath, and looked at Qin Zhe.

"Then if I agree, do I need to stay in the organization after passing the selection?"

Hearing what Chen Qiyue said, Qin Zhe smiled.

"No, when you have nothing to do, you can do it yourself."

"Look at me, I'm only here to do a task at Qingda University. Originally, after the attack on Qingda University, I should have left."

Qin Zhe looked at Chen Qiyue with a smile, "I stayed because of you! In order to check whether you have the qualifications, I participated in the selection."

Chen Qiyue widened his eyes, "So, you already knew that poker would attack Qingda University?"

"There is news about this, of course it is to catch some fish. There are still many people hidden in various industries in the poker society. It is not easy to catch them one by one."

"Of course, you haven't reached my position yet, and you don't need to do anything when there are no tasks."

Qin Zhe smiled, "If you have a mission, you may not necessarily be in this domain. Of course, you can rest assured that when you can do the mission alone, your strength must have surpassed most people."

"Selection is part of training, and selection is not so easy to pass."

"I'm here to tell you this, not to let you make a decision now. You can think about it carefully."

Qin Zhe said with a smile, "Actually, I think some people in the poker club may have contacted you. Even if you don't join the Tron group, you should not agree to any of their organizations."

Qin Zhe's eyes became darker, "If you join them... Huh, then I was wrong."

"Looking forward to your reply!"

Qin Zhe patted Chen Qiyue on the shoulder, then turned around and left, leaving Chen Qiyue standing blankly in the toilet room alone.

Someone from the poker club already contacted him?

Damn, why didn't he know?

Could it be that Jiang Cha from before?

No, the key is how did Qin Zhe know?

Chen Qiyue subconsciously touched the shoulder that Qin Zhe had patted.

Could it be that he installed some cameras, bugs and the like on his body?

No, the key is, should he agree?

Chen Qiyue actually agrees very much with the purpose and definition of the Throne Group.

The more he knew about Eudemons, the less he could tolerate what poker would do to Eudemons.

He studied desperately to evolve his Eudemons and make them stronger, not just for self-protection.

He also wants to find out those poker clubs that are in the dark one by one.

Next time, when Poker strikes again, he can save more people than escape alone.

Thinking of this, Chen Qiyue's body trembled slightly.

At this moment, Jiang Junyu's voice came from outside the toilet, "Xiao Cheng, Xiao Cheng, are you still in there?"

Chen Qiyue took a deep breath, suppressed the unwillingness in his heart, and responded, "Yes, I will be fine soon."

Jiang Junyu breathed a sigh of relief outside. Seeing that Chen Qiyue hadn't come out for so long, he thought something had happened to him.

Chen Qiyue washed his hands, walked out of the toilet, and smiled at Jiang Junyu innocently,

"Brother, I'm sorry, I've had diarrhea for quite a while."

Looking at Chen Qiyue's pale face, Jiang Junyu asked worriedly, "Are you okay? You don't look very good, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No, no, it's much better now." Chen Qiyue waved his hand, pretending to be weak and said,

"Thank you big brother, let's go back, I'll just rest when I go back."

Jiang Junyu nodded, without forcing, and led Chen Qiyue towards the exit.

Ping Yulan was waiting for them at the exit, and after seeing them coming out, she asked a few questions before saying anything else.

The three returned to the base in the car they had arrived.

It was said that it was possible to go for many days, but in fact Chen Qiyue only spent more than two days because of his fast customs clearance.

Zai Zai and the others are still at Jun Chenyun's house, Chen Qiyue is relieved and plans to go to their house again on Sunday.

After all, Zai Zai and the others still have to participate in the competition on Sunday.

After returning to the base, Ping Yulan patted Chen Qiyue on the shoulder and said with a smile,

"Xiao Cheng, take a good rest after you go back, remember to come to me after the rest, and tell me about the things in the ruins."

"By the way, if you remember the questions of customs clearance in it, you can also record it when the time comes, so you can study it."

Ping Yulan asked Chen Qiyue to talk about the ruins as soon as he came back, which made Chen Qiyue feel warm in his heart, and the teacher still cared about him very much.

"Okay." Chen Qiyue nodded and readily agreed.

Originally, he was going to sort out the questions in the ruins. Although he answered some questions correctly, he still didn't know the inner meaning of some of them.

Some questions are just like question-making skills. He knows how to answer them, but he doesn't fully understand the deep meaning inside.

There are still some topics, including evolution and promotion, and he has not really done it is right to have a certain degree of certainty, it still needs some detailed support.

So after writing it out, he can not only think about it carefully, but also ask his teachers, senior brothers and sisters for advice.

Now the teacher asks him to write it out and study it together, which is the best.

After Chen Qiyue returned to his living room, he took a shower and summoned Mimilong.

He chatted with Mimilong for a while, and made several nutritious meals according to her taste, and finally quickly determined Longbao's favorite taste.

Seeing Mi Milong happily eating a nutritious meal, Chen Qiyue stroked her head while recalling what Qin Zhe said.

If his talent can really help the whole society, he is duty-bound.

At this point, what is there to hesitate?

The current him will be discovered by the poker club sooner or later.

Instead of implicating the base at that time, it is better to get some helpers, at least when I leave, will poker not blame the teachers, brothers and sisters on them.

Moreover, he really wants to bring those people at the poker club to justice!

Chen Qiyue took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone, and called Qin Zhe.

"Brother Qin, I'm Chen Qiyue, I promise you to participate in the selection!"

Qin Zhe held the phone, and then showed a bright smile.

"Well, I knew that you would agree."

"When is the selection? Do I need to bring Phantom Beasts? My Phantom Beasts are now participating in the league competition." Chen Qiyue thought of Zai Zai and the others, and his eyes showed a bit of tenderness.

"Three months after the selection, the league competition has just ended. At that time, you can directly restore your original status."

"Because the selection is not in the double purple area, no one will know you."

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