MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 179 Experiment X Comprehension X Encounter (2 in 1)

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In a dark basement of a factory building, flickering lights flicker on and off.

The basement under the light was divided into rooms, and in one room, iron cages were neatly arranged.

There is a phantom beast in each cage.

Some of those phantom beasts were extremely weak and dying, some were dripping saliva constantly, grinning with red eyes, and some were normal, but their eyes were full of incomparable fear.

A person wearing a pure white mask suddenly opened the room and walked in front of one of the iron cages.

Inside this iron cage is a fat eye worm with particularly smooth skin.

The fat eyeworm looked at this person, and instantly trembled all over.

It's just that it tried its best to suppress the deep fear in its eyes, and showed a fierce look at this person.

"Heh, your bodies have been injected with No. 9 potion, and the energy of the phantom beasts is gone, and you can't perform the ultimate move. With your physical fitness, it is impossible to be my opponent."

The man in the pure white mask sneered, stretched out his hand and opened the door of the iron cage, and with a sudden move, he grabbed Fat Eyeworm's head.

The thickness of the fat eye worm is almost the same, so there is no distinction between the trunk and the neck.

Even if it has an intermediate level now, but its body is strangled, and it doesn't have the energy of a phantom beast, it is naturally no match for the person in front of it.

The point is, this person with the pure white mask is more than just an intermediate-level beast master at first glance, and the skillful gesture of pinching the fat eye worm with one hand is obviously a veteran.

Fat Eyeworm kept struggling in that big hand, his eyes were full of anger and fear.

"Bug! Bug!!"

Fat Eyeworm's angry voice kept echoing in the basement, but it entertained the pure white masked man.

He stretched out his other hand, covered his eyes on the mask, and laughed excitedly.

"Cluck, cluck, that's it, I like to see you trembling and screaming."

He laughed for a while, then put his hand down, looked at the fat eyeworm in his hand quietly,

"Don't worry, there is no danger in this experiment, the most is to study your skin. Who made your beast master breed you so smooth?"

The fingers of the pure white masked man slipped on the fat eyeworm's body, and the smooth skin made him tremble with excitement again.

"I want to try, if you peel off this layer of skin, will you still be alive? Heck, heck, heck!"

Fat Eyeworm shook his body, but struggled even more violently.

On the pure white mask, next to the incomparably crazy eyes, there is a small square 8 engraved on it.

Two hours later, a black bag was thrown into a trash can outside the abandoned factory.

A few stray dogs huddled in the corner, their eyes glowing red, staring straight at the black bag.

As soon as the black bag was dropped, they rushed out frantically and rushed towards the black bag.

Growls and tearing sounds resounded in the darkness, and a strong smell of blood spread through the air in an instant.

In the black bag, a piece of meat from the flesh mold lake was lying there.

The moment the stray dogs saw the piece of meat, their eyes became redder, and they opened their mouths full of fangs, ready to bite towards the piece of meat. ...But at this moment, the piece of meat opened its eyes, and its body bounced up suddenly.

I saw a flash of blood, and instantly disappeared into the darkness.

In the darkness, only the angry and unwilling growls of the crazy stray dogs were left, as well as the scramble for the remaining blood in the black bag.

Half an hour later, a man with a pure white mask printed with an 8 of diamonds walked over slowly.

Seeing the black bag that had been shattered into pieces, and the stray dogs fighting endlessly to lick the remaining blood on the ground, he giggled loudly.

"That's right, today's experimental body is too small, you don't even have enough to eat."

He stretched out his hand faintly and nodded at the corner of his eyes, "Why don't you choose another one?"

Square 8 turned around with a low laugh and walked into the darkness, the laughter was full of madness and excitement.

At this time, Chen Qiyue was soaking in the medicine pool, feeling the strength of his body, and his face was full of excitement.

This time, his physical strength has improved a lot.

"After soaking for a while, the medicated bath is complete. Go back and have a good sleep, and prepare for the full moon sleep tomorrow."

Huang Lao squatted by the pool, squeezed Chen Qiyue's arm, and said with satisfaction.

"Ah, teacher, can I take the full moon sleep later? I have something to do, I need to go out first, one morning is enough."

Chen Qiyue thought of the equipment he bought, he had to send it to Jun Chenyun and the others first.

"Okay, there's no rush, just come and find me when you're ready." Elder Huang didn't mind, and waved his hand.

After getting Huang Lao's consent, Chen Qiyue returned to the living room after taking the medicinal bath.

As soon as the door opened, a black shadow rushed towards him, it was the skeleton dragon.

But at this moment, a big sword suddenly appeared on the side, and it sent the skeleton dragon flying.

A skeleton attendant about 1.7 meters tall stood coldly at the door, bowing to Chen Qiyue.

The moment it bowed, the Skeleton Dragon flapped its wings and flew towards Chen Qiyue again.

Chen Qiyue didn't dodge either, he stretched out his hand, hugged the skeleton dragon rushing towards him, and closed the door behind him.

Although the Skeleton Dragon rushed over very fast and looked very powerful, it was actually not heavy at all. It just landed in Chen Qiyue's arms, rubbing his big head against his clothes, looking naive.

Chen Qiyue was no stranger to it. Every day when he came back, he had to go through such a scene. He was used to it.

"Okay, how did you practice today?"

Chen Qiyue held the skeleton dragon in his hands, but his eyes turned to look at the skeleton attendant.

"Honey~" Seeing that only Chen Qiyue came back, Mi Milong flew over from the side and started to report directly.

The owner of the airspace practiced his tricks today, and he was able to control a unit with 20 joules.

Anjun is still practicing basic swordsmanship, a task of one thousand times a day.

Chen Qiyue nodded, very satisfied.

This is the quest he gave to the Skeleton Dragon and Skeleton Squire.

Although the skeleton dragon's unique moves are very strong, but its unique moves are all high-intensity attacks, which need to consume a lot of Eudemons energy. .... In this way of fighting, although the power is very strong, but when encountering the magic beast of the sensitive power type, it will suffer a big loss.

The attack is strong, and it is useless if you can't hit it. Instead, you will fall into a disadvantage because your Eudemons energy is consumed too quickly.

Therefore, the task Chen Qiyue gave him was to finely control the power of his unique move starting from the energy of the phantom beast.

A trick starts from one or two hundred joules, reducing the energy of the phantom beast, thereby controlling the trick and bursting out with relatively weak power.

Now it can be reduced to 20 joules, and the control ability of the skeleton dragon has been improved a lot.

Chen Qiyue touched the skull dragon's head, "That's right, keep working hard, your goal is below 3 joules, and try to control every joke."

Hearing that Chen Qiyue asked it to burn every time, the soul fire in the skeleton dragon's eye sockets trembled violently, almost fainting.

The control of more than 100 focus is reduced to 20 focus, and 20 focus is reduced to each focus, which does not depend on how much it is reduced.

The lower the amount of Eudemons energy controlled, the stronger the control required.

From 20 joules to 10 joules, the increased control required is comparable to 100 joules down to 20 joules, and now the target is per joule.

The skeleton dragon knew that he needed to work harder.

As for what the Beastmaster said was under 3 Jiao, it just pretended not to hear it, and the target was naturally the one with the highest requirements.

"As for Anjun," Chen Qiyue turned to look at it, "You have a basic swordsmanship in your ultimate move, but that's just the foundation."

"In your basic swordsmanship, only include: stab, smash, point, tease, pick, collapse, cut, cut, wipe, cut, cloud, hang, frame, press, etc."

"But these are just the most basic of the knowledge I know, and there are even stronger sword moves."

"Such as Dugu Nine Swords, Evil Resisting Swordsmanship, Jade Girl Suxin Sword and so on."

"These are all derived from basic sword skills. Based on these basic sword moves, if you comprehend your own sword moves, your unique move will be upgraded."

Chen Qiyue looked at it seriously, "In this way, you will become stronger."

For the skeleton attendants, Chen Qiyue didn't see many tricks, but each one was very special.

The first skill, Berserk, is the trick where the soul fire turns red when it was still a skeleton demon.

And after it evolved, it added the basic sword move.

Although this trick is added, its proficiency in this trick is not enough, and the timing and speed of using this trick to fight requires practice.

Dark Wrath is an advanced trick that dark-type phantom beasts can learn, and the heart of darkness is a unique move that can make it easier for dark-type phantom beasts to learn dark-type.

As for the heart of the strong, Chen Qiyue also saw this trick, so he directly told the skeleton attendant how to become stronger.

The Eudemons with this unique skill has a heart that wants to become a strong person.

It's best to use this to motivate it.

Although its potential is not high, Chen Qiyue is not discouraged. He feels that the future that Huanshou can grow into is not just based on its literal potential. .... What is more critical is hard work and comprehension.

This is why he asked the skeleton attendant to complete a thousand basic sword skills every day.

It doesn't use Eudemons energy, but only relies on its own power to swing the sword.

Ordinary human-like Eudemons, practicing swords like this will naturally be very tiring, even humans are the same.

But the skeleton Eudemons are different, their consumption is much lower.

The skeleton attendant was quite interested in Chen Qiyue's sword moves such as the Dugu Nine Swords and the Evil Sword Technique, and listened carefully to his instructions.

On the rise of talking, Chen Qiyue even pulled over Mi Milong, three beasts and one man, sitting on the sofa in the living room like this, and he began to tell stories about Dugu Nine Swords and so on.

Jin Yong's books were very popular in his previous world, and they are still very popular in this world.

The gorgeous sword moves, the surging rivers and lakes, and the intertwined images made the three in front of them mesmerized.

The skeleton attendant never knew that swordsmanship could reach such a level.

Especially Chen Qiyue said that the key to Dugu Nine Swords is that there is no trick to win.

Also, Nine Swords is not a sword move in the general concept, but a set of martial arts theory, and the skeleton attendant only feels a burst of soul fire.

It hugged the sword tightly, its soul fire kept jumping, and it remained motionless, but its mental power was constantly thinking, thinking about the meaning of this sentence.

The sudden fluctuation of the skeleton servant's mental power naturally aroused the vigilance of Chen Qiyue and the skeleton dragon.

Although the Skeleton Dragon always competes with the Skeleton Attendant for the Beast Guard, they are always in the same Eudemons position, and they have a stronger perception of each other's spiritual power.

Sensing the constantly fluctuating mental power of the skeleton attendant at this time, it let out a low growl, and was about to stand up, a hand stretched out from the side to hold down its body.

"Don't move it. It should be thinking about what I said. If it can understand something, it will be of great benefit to it in the future."

Chen Qiyue said softly, and patted the skeleton dragon's back, "Come on, let's leave first, let him think about it here."

His face is full of joy at the moment, you know, he just recounted the content of the book and the skeleton attendant.

Only in this way, it can fall into contemplation, which looks like the state of epiphany.

It seems that the comprehension ability of this skeleton servant is not low.

The skeleton dragon understood what Chen Qiyue said, that is to say, once the current skeleton attendant figured it out, his strength would increase much faster than it, right?

Thinking of this, the skeleton dragon growled unwillingly.

It seems that tonight, it will stay up all night for training again.

The next day, Chen Qiyue didn't let the three stay for training, but took them all into the Beast Familiar Space.

Since I'm going to Jun Chenyun's side, I have to take these three over there, meet Zai Zai and the others, and say hello.

At the same time, because Mimilong's flower sac can bring items into the beast-fearing space, Chen Qiyue quickly figured out the situation of the beast-fearing space.

First of all, the Beast Familiar Space is very large. A Beast Familiar Space is about the size of a small playground, and it can also keep fresh. Whatever is put in, it will be as it is when it comes out.

In this way, Chen Qiyue started shopping frantically.

He only needs to summon the magic circle, and Mi Milong doesn't need to come out of the beast-following space. He only needs the little flower pouch on his head to come out from the entrance and shoot out a beam of light to send things out. It's quite convenient.

In this way Mimilong will not be discovered by others, and he can also have a super large storage space.

These days, he has also been buying a lot of things, all of which are put into Mimilong's beast-fearing space.

Putting away all the instruments and berries on the balcony, Chen Qiyue finally walked out of the living room with a smile on his face.

Soon, he drove out of the breeding base.

The breeding base was far away from the city center. Although Chen Qiyue went out early, it was almost 10 o'clock in the suburbs of the city.

He got off the highway and was about to pass through this suburban industrial area and take the tunnel.

However, not long after he passed a factory building, a harsh barking sound suddenly came from the side of the road.

A few dirty stray dogs, with red eyes, seemed to be chasing something and were coming towards him. .

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