MTL - Royal Beast: The Strongest Breeder-Chapter 187 Trust X Go X Meeting (2 in 1)

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In the eyes of that big customer, a fat eyeworm that has been neglected is an exceptionally high-quality phantom beast.

Fat Eyeworm heard that customer said with his own ears that he really liked such a strong Fat Eyeworm and wanted to buy it to become his Eudemons.

Naturally, the people in the breeding house would not refuse, so the fat eye worm was bought away.

At the beginning, Fat Eyeworm also had some expectations, looking forward to how this big customer would treat it, and whether he would train and grow with it.

But neither it nor the people in the breeding house thought that the excuses of the big customer were all fake, all of them were fake!

Fat Eyeworm and those Eudemons were then locked in the basement, locked in a dark iron cage, without seeing the light of day.

Every day, a phantom beast will be taken away by a person wearing a pure white mask.

Some phantom beasts will come back, with terrible wounds on their bodies, or in a coma, or even insane ones.

There are also some phantom beasts that never came back, and where they went, Fat Eyeworm doesn't know.

It just watched those phantom beasts struggle, scream, and despair, and was terrified in their hearts.

Until one day, it was also captured by the pure white masked man.

On the cold white table, Fat Eyeworm watched with his own eyes that the man in the pure white mask took a scalpel and cut off the skin bit by bit.

The man in the pure white mask kept laughing horribly, causing huge psychological damage to the fat eyeworm.

The point is, that person didn't give fat eyeworm anesthesia at all.

Thanks to this, Fat Eye Worm pretended to be dead, and then was thrown away, and then escaped desperately.

It's just that he didn't expect that the man in the pure white mask would be so perverted that he would feed the corpses of those phantom beasts to the dogs.

Those stray dogs became extremely cruel because they ate the corpses of phantom beasts for a long time.

Those stray dogs had sharp noses and caught the fat eye worm that was hiding. This caused the fat eye worm to have no way to rest and could only continue to escape.

Coupled with the abundant blood energy on the fat eyeworm, those stray dogs chased after it after licking its blood.

This pursuit lasted all night, and the fat eyeworm hid in various places, but was found out by those stray dogs.

In the end, this was met by Chen Qiyue.

At that time, it was some distance away from the basement where Fat Eyeworm came out, but from Fat Eyeworm's memories, Chen Qiyue cooperated with the surrounding map and carefully circled the possible location of the poker club's basement.

Jun Chenyun was sitting opposite the hospital bed, watching Chen Qiyue communicate with Fat Eyeworm.

He looked at the intelligent appearance of the fat eyeworm, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Although Cheng Qi is a breeder and can breed phantom beasts very well, but with Cheng Qi's talent, he should cultivate those phantom beasts with good aptitude and cultivate the strongest phantom beasts.

But still this fat eye worm is not useless.

He could pretend to be dead and escape after being skinned, and even he and Inspector Zhang couldn't find him if he was injected with a magic beast energy inhibitor. If such a fat eye worm can recover, it should not be underestimated.

Moreover, it is really great that it can recognize Cheng Qi.

What a pity it would be if it really became completely discouraged towards human beings.

After Chen Qiyue sorted out the information that Fat Eyeworm said, the door of the ward was pushed open again.

Zhang Jirou walked in with a young man, "I brought someone here, have you found that fat eye worm?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the fat eyeworm on the bed, and Chen Qiyue who was accompanying it beside the bed.

Zhang Jirou was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face, "It turns out that I have found it, so that's good, just in time, I also brought someone here, so I can sign the contract."

Chen Qiyue smiled at Fat Eyeworm, then stood up and looked at Zhang Jirou, "Hi Inspector Zhang, don't bother you, I have already signed a contract with it, this is the clue I asked from it .”

With that said, Chen Qiyue handed over the paper recorded in his hand.

Zhang Jirou's eyes flickered slightly, and he stared at Chen Qiyue for a while, didn't say anything, just took the paper and read it.

On the front of the paper, the experience of the fat eye worm and the memories of the surrounding environment are written.

"There is also the back side." Chen Qiyue reminded.

Zhang Jirou turned over the back, Tong Kong shrank suddenly, it was a map drawn according to the description of the environment on the front of the paper.

There are a few points circled on the map, all of which are estimated by Chen Qiyue.

These points have all the situations that Fat Eyeworm said before.

In other words, the stronghold of the poker club is within the circles drawn on the paper.

Looking at the map in his hand, Zhang Jirou gave Chen Qiyue a meaningful look, "Very good, thank you, let's go."

The last sentence was naturally spoken to the young man behind him.

That young man knew what he was going to do, but he didn't expect that he would do nothing here.

The young man glanced at Chen Qiyue complicatedly, then turned to Zhang Jirou and asked, "Sister Zhang, are you going back now?"

Zhang Jirou didn't know what the young man was thinking, so he naturally didn't believe Chen Qiyue.

But Chen Qiyue was able to be favored by Jiang Suoqing, and now he is favored by other people, how could he be an ordinary person.

As the Audit Bureau, their information is much clearer than others.

Chen Qiyue's qualifications are high-quality, and they are not the only ones fighting for them.

Originally, he planned to promote him directly as a trainee inspector after he completed the test, but he never thought that Qin Zhe would take a fancy to him.

How can the Inspection Bureau compete with the Tron team.

Qin Zhe even found Jiang Suoqing specially for him.

At that time Zhang Jirou was beside Jiang Suoqing and knew everything.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jirou glared at the young man angrily, "They have all signed contracts, why are they still here? You have asked all you can ask, won't you check if the location is right? Let's go."

The young man frowned, glanced at Chen Qiyue and then at the fat eyeworm on the hospital bed, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and then followed Zhang Jirou out of the ward.

Jun Chenyun and Chen Qiyue watched the whole scene without speaking.

After Zhang Jirou and that young man left, Jun Chenyun sighed and said to Chen Qiyue, "From now on, stay away from that Inspector Zhang."

Chen Qiyue nodded, he would do the same without Jun Chenyun's reminder.

This woman, the eldest lady has a too strong temper, if you get closer, if you can't hold her down, you will suffer.

Chen Qiyue has experienced such a thing, and he does not want to experience it again.

After a while, Huang Tao and Zhou Leng came back with big bags and small bags.

When Chen Qiyue came over, they were looking for fat eye bugs in other rooms.

But after Chen Qiyue found them, he sent them a message and asked them to bring some food along the way.

He just ate some biscuits and is very hungry now.

"Cheng Qi, you just signed Fat Eyeworm? How about it, can you recover?" Huang Tao stuffed a bag of food in his hand to Chen Qiyue.

Chen Qiyue sat at the small table on the other side, took out all the food in the bag, and prepared to eat.

"If it is another fat-eyed worm, I may not be able to reply you immediately, and I must do further inspections, but if it is Chongbao, I can answer you now."

Chen Qiyue picked up a lion's head and stuffed it into his mouth, "I will definitely be able to restore it to the original energy of the phantom beast, and even go one step further."

"Why?" Hearing what Chen Qiyue said, Zhou Leng, Jun Chenyun and Huang Tao became interested, and even Fat Eyeworm sat up straight from the hospital bed and looked at Chen Qiyue.

"Because before Chongbao was skinned, it had already been smeared with ice-cold fruit by the previous Beastmaster." Chen Qiyue slowly said something they didn't know.

"At that time, I was taking the junior breeder exam, and I met it and its beast master."

"Its beast master took it to take the breeder exam, but unexpectedly, its beast master made a big mistake and bred its skin to be extremely smooth."

"So that if it evolves to the next stage, it will become the weakest silk chrysalis."

"The beast master only got 1 point because of this, and he was ordered not to take the breeder exam for three years."

"So Chong Bao was angered and forced to terminate the contract."

Chen Qiyue looked at Fat Eyeworm, wanting to see if it still had knots, but saw eyes looking at him gratefully.

He smiled softly at Fat Eyeworm, "At that time, I proposed to sign with Chongbao, but Chongbao rejected me because it thought I could get a better Eudemons."

"But now, Chongbao, you are destined to be my phantom beast, you cannot escape."

The slightly joking tone warmed Fat Eyeworm's heart.

"Insect~" It called Chen Qiyue softly, and then lay on the hospital bed, quietly watching Chen Qiyue eat.

The beast master made him rush over to sign a contract with it without even eating.

Even though it has suffered so much, it is still satisfied to meet the beast master again.

Chen Qiyue immediately looked up at Huang Tao and the others, "So, I know its situation very well."

"Originally, in order to restore Chongbao to be able to evolve into a powerful silk chrysalis, its skin must be re-cultivated to make it more prickly."

"But it's not needed now, because its skin has been peeled off, so it can carry out another evolutionary form I set before."

Chen Qiyue said seriously to Fat Eyeworm, "As long as you have the idea of ​​evolution, your hidden wounds, and the potions in your body that suppress the energy of phantom beasts, all of them can be transformed in this evolution. remodeling to solve the fundamental problem.”

"In this way, you will be completely reborn, and you may even reshape your roots to make your qualifications go further."

"It's just that the process requires your strong willpower."

"At first, I was still worried about whether you would make it through, but now I believe in you 100%."

"You who can escape from the mouth of the vicious dog overnight will surely succeed!"

What Chen Qiyue said next was directly to Fat Eyeworm, that kind of encouragement and earnestness, even Jun Chenyun and the others on the side were a little moved.

If it was really as Chen Qiyue said, then this would really be the best result.

Jun Chenyun walked to Chen Qiyue's side and patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, congratulations, you got another beautiful beast."

Huang Tao and Zhou Leng immediately clapped their hands in front of Fat Eyeworm.

Fat Eyeworm looked at this scene in a daze, and tears welled up in Mengmeng's big eyes again.

Yes, it's bound to be strong.

This time, Fat Eyeworm made a vow in his heart.

All its life, it has identified the Beastmaster in front of it, and for him, it can do anything.

After Chen Qiyue finished his meal, he slept in the ward with Fat Eyeworm, after all, he is now Fat Eyeworm's envoy.

"By the way, boss, tomorrow I will come to pick up Zai Zai and the others, their finals..."

Before Jun Chenyun left, Chen Qiyue stopped him and asked hesitantly.

Judging from the current situation, Chen Qiyue will have to set off for his destination tomorrow after Chongbao is better, otherwise he will miss the selection.

Jun Chenyun was slightly taken aback, "Are you going to pick up Zai Zai and the others tomorrow? But the final is the day after tomorrow, so Zai Zai and the others will miss the final."

Chen Qiyue sighed, "I can't help it. After half a day today, I only have one day to spare, because I may not be able to come back for a year or two. Then I will find a way to compensate them."

Jun Chenyun was a little surprised, "No wonder you want to buy that instrument for you, but that instrument is really easy to use, by the way, what are you going to do? It took so long."

Chen Qiyue smiled, "Participate in a selection, and then I may go to the center to study."

When Jun Chenyun heard the word "central domain", a complex expression flashed in his eyes. He pondered for a while, then looked at Huang Tao and Zhou Leng.

"Taozi, Lao Zhou, it seems that we can also put it on the agenda."

Chen Qiyue blinked, and looked at Jun Chenyun with some surprise, "Why, boss, you are going to the central domain too?"

"Originally, we had such an idea." Jun Chenyun said in a deep voice, "It's just that we were not strong enough at the time, and later recruited you to make you stronger."

"Now that you also plan to go to the central domain, that would be great."

Hearing this, Chen Qiyue's eyes lit up, and his face showed joy, "That would be great. See you in the center after I finish the selection!"

Jun Chenyun raised his hand towards Chen Qiyue, their palms were facing each other, and they held each other's hands tightly, "See you in the central area!"

And they don't know What will happen to them when we meet again in the future.

The next day, the gauze of the fat eye worm was removed, and its body recovered quickly, and scabs had begun to form all over its body.

Chen Qiyue spent a day making a suitable nutritious meal for it.

After feeding Chong Bao and summoning several other phantom beasts to get acquainted with each other, Chen Qiyue discharged Fat Eye Chong from the hospital, allowing him to rest well in the Beast Familiar Space.

Then he drove to pick up the giant ugly fish.

In Jun Chenyun's house, the giant ugly fish, Youhuang and Yundi cat are having a serious meeting.

The content of the meeting was about the fact that the Beastmasters came to pick them up today.

"Ugly?" the giant ugly fish asked seriously.

Tell me, the Beastmaster is coming to pick us up today, but tomorrow we have the last match to play, what should we do?

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