MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 12 cuckold courier

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  Chapter 12 The Cuckold Courier

   Zhou Bai hesitated for a while, but in the end he still didn't stop Aunt Wang from taking his mother away.

  If the mother didn't go out with Aunt Wang, the mutation would increase.

  Then it seems more dangerous to prevent them from going out together.

  Seeing my mother going out with Aunt Wang, the audience in the live broadcast room all heaved a sigh of relief.

  —"Danger removed!"

  —"Thank you, Aunt Wang, for taking my mother away."

  —"Suddenly even Aunt Wang liked it."

  —"Stop upstairs, it's not enough if you look pleasing to the eye."

  —"Aunt Wang is the only villain written in the rules."

  After mom went out, "it" in a red dress floated out.

  The audience is numb.

  —"The alarm is sounding again."

  —"Almost forgot 'it'."

  —"There is no peaceful day in this family."

   "Bang, bang, bang."

   There was a knock on the door from outside.

   Zhou Bai glanced at the woman in the red skirt, then walked to the door, and checked the scene outside the door through the cat's eyes.

  A man wearing a green hat was standing outside the door holding a courier box.

   Rule B Article VII.

  【If a person wearing a green hat comes to deliver a courier, please scold him and tell him to go away. 】

  But Zhou Bai knew that this rule was wrong.

   Zhou Bai put his hand on the doorknob, hesitating how to deal with this matter.

   "Bang, bang, bang."

  The knock on the door intensified, as if urging Zhou Bai to make a decision as soon as possible.

  Do not open the door, the risk is actually lower.

  But Zhou Bai still wanted to gamble.

   Gritting his teeth, he finally turned the handle and opened the door.

  The man in the green hat outside the door is muscular and looks fierce.

  The audience who saw this scene were faintly worried.

  —"If Zhou Bai scolds him severely and tells him to **** off, will he be beaten badly?"

  —"If you fight, I don't think Zhou Bai can beat him."

  —"Don't be cowardly, Zhou Bai, hit him!"

  —"What are you afraid of being beaten? If you break the rules, you will die."

   "Your courier, please sign for it."

   Zhou Bai glanced at the scar on the other party's face, reached out to take the courier handed over by the other party, and signed on it.

  After the other party brought the courier to Zhou Bai, he turned around and went downstairs.

  During the whole process, there was no quarrel between the two.

  The audience were all dumbfounded.

  —"Isn't it? So cowardly?"

  —"Brother, you will die if you break the rules."

  —"My God, is it true that strange stories are really going to come to Daxia?"

  —"No. Is this rule wrong?"

   Zhou Bai closed the door and took the box to the living room.

  The death that the audience imagined did not come.

  At this time, everyone determined that this rule was wrong.

   Zhou Bai was guessed right again!

   Thinking that if Zhou Bai had really followed the rules just now, he might have been beaten to death by that courier by now.

  Thinking of this, the audience felt a lingering fear, but fortunately Zhou Bai was smart enough.

  In the picture, Zhou Bai put the box on the coffee table in the living room.

   Then I went to get a pair of scissors and prepared to unpack the express delivery.

  The woman in the red dress was standing in the living room, staring at Zhou Bai's every move.

  Zhou Bai could feel the coldness emanating from "it".

  But Zhou Bai didn't stop his movements.

  The courier in his hand is very small.

   Zhou Bai used scissors to cut through the tape wrapped around the box.

  Open the box.

   Then I saw that inside the courier box, on the top was a USB flash drive.

   Zhou Bai frowned, and picked up the USB flash drive from the express box.

  U disk?

  He checked the courier box and saw the words "sad person" written on the sender's column.

   What kind of name is this?

  Zhou Bai sensed the gaze of "it", and kept staring at the USB flash drive in his hand.

   thought to myself.

   Something about "it"?

   Zhou Bai's heart skipped a beat.

  Guess that the USB flash drive in his hand must be related to the story line of this dungeon.

   And "it" didn't want Zhou Bai to see it.

  Thinking of this, Zhou Bai quickly walked into the study and took out his laptop.

  The U disk is plugged into the laptop.

   Open the folder inside.

   Then I found several videos in it.

   Zhou Bai started watching the first video.

  As soon as the images in the video appeared on the screen, Zhou Bai felt goose bumps all over his body.

  Because the person in this picture is actually Zhou Bai.

   Or it should be said that Zhou Bai played this role in the world of ghost stories.

  Is this... sneak shot?

   In this character's house, full of cameras, secretly filming his every move?

   Zhou Bai is now in the game, and all his moves will be broadcast live, which he knew in advance.

  But the pictures in the video were all taken before he entered the game.

  It is a terrifying thing to be photographed secretly in real life.

   Zhou Bai continued to read.

   Most of the images in the video are Zhou Bai's daily life at home.

   There is nothing unusual about it.

  Just when Zhou Bai wanted to open other videos.

  Another figure appeared on the screen.

  A figure of a woman with long hair and wearing a skirt.

   Zhou Bai quickly recognized her.

  She is the woman in the red dress floating in the living room at this moment.

  In the video, as soon as Zhou Bai walked out of the house, the woman in the red dress crawled out of the closet.

  So when Zhou Bai was at home just now, that woman was hiding in the closet and peeping at him?

   This is downright creepy.

  Zhou Bai flipped through the courier box and found that there were several letters on the bottom.

  He took out the letter.

  I saw my name written on every letter.

   Immediately another scalp tingled.

  He opened the envelope.

   Read the contents of the letter one by one.

  The content of each letter is very long, Zhou Bai sat quietly in the study and read all the contents of the letter.

  Outside the living room, the red figure turned his back to the study.

   Long hair hanging down.

   actually seemed a little lonely.

   Zhou Bai read all the letters and sighed lightly.

  He summed up this incident as "a story about a crazy female fan and a young writer".

  It's a pity that the original owner didn't know the existence of this female fan from the beginning to the end.

   Think of what my wife said last night when she saw "it".

   Zhou Bai guessed that the woman in the red dress might have done other more serious things afterwards.

  Zhou Bai continued to open other videos in the USB flash drive.

   I saw it in this video.

  The woman put on a red dress and sneaked into Zhou Bai's house again.

  She sneaked into Zhou Bai's study room, flipping through his things.


  The door opens and Dad returns home.

  The woman in the red skirt frantically looked for a place to hide.

   But I was still caught by my father.

  Dad asked sharply, and then the two pushed and shoved in the study.

   Then Zhou Bai saw his father push the woman in the red dress away by mistake.

  The head of the woman in red hit Zhou Bai's desk heavily.

  Blood flowed down the corner of the table.

  The woman in the red skirt fell to the ground and never moved again.

  (end of this chapter)