MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 454 leave the madhouse

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  Chapter 454 Leaving the Madhouse

  Hearing that Dr. Zhao wanted to stay, the old figure let out a long sigh.

   "As you please."

   Doctor Zhao bowed again towards his back.

  Put the form in his hand on the dean's desk, turn around and walk out, and then gently close the door.

   Hearing the footsteps outside the door gradually going away, the dean slowly turned the office chair around, and his eyes fell on the form in front of him.

   "Patient No. 0139, City C, Block No. 5, captain of the duty team, Zhou Bai..."

  He murmured out the content on the form.

  On the other side, Dr. Zhao took the elevator to the fourth floor with the key he just obtained.

  He walked out of the elevator door, and he could feel many eyes on the key in his hand along the way.

  Dr. Zhao could not help but hold the key in his hand tightly.

  Forcing himself to ignore the gazes around him, he quickened his pace and arrived at the door of Zhou Bai's ward.

  In the ward, Zhou Bai was still standing on the balcony, looking at the gloomy sky outside.

  The sound of the door opening sounded, Zhou Bai turned his head and looked in the direction of the door, and saw Dr. Zhao opened the door and walked in.

   "Let's go, you passed the observation period, now take you out."

   Zhou Bai turned his head and glanced at the dark sky outside the balcony, without saying anything, he followed Dr. Zhao out of the ward.

  Outside the ward, another doctor was waiting there with a luggage bag.

  He saw Zhou Bai coming out in a white coat, with a surprised expression on his face.

   But did not raise any doubts about it.

   Zhou Bai has already been approved by the director. Strictly speaking, he is no longer a patient in this madhouse.

  The doctor handed the luggage to Zhou Bai.

   "These are the luggage you brought when you entered the madhouse."

   Zhou Bai took the luggage, nodded to him, then followed Dr. Zhao, and walked towards the elevator entrance together.

   Along the way, many eyes also fell on them.

  Under the gaze of these gazes, Zhou Bai followed Doctor Zhao forward.

   Most of the doctors stood on both sides of the corridor, looking at them with strange expressions.

  Among these doctors, there was only one figure with puzzled eyes, silently following behind Zhou Bai.

   "tick, tick, tick..."

  The familiar sound of blood dripping on the floor became clearer as the braided female doctor kept approaching.

  Dr. Zhao heard the sound of dripping water behind him, clenched his hands tightly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

   And Zhou Bai let her follow, until they stopped at the elevator entrance together, then turned his head, skipped the other side of her **** face, and looked into her confused eyes.

"Thank you."

   Zhou Bai whispered to her.

  The female doctor with braids seemed to understand, but also seemed to understand nothing, so she just stood where she was and did not move forward.

  Doctor Zhao didn't know what Zhou Bai was doing. Anyway, he only knew that this new world was really scary.

  His hand holding the key was left with a deep mark because he was too nervous.

  Seeing that the elevator door in front of him was finally opened, he quickly walked in.

   Zhou Bai walked into the elevator with him, and the elevator door in front of him was slowly closed, completely separating him from the world inside.

  The female doctor with braids, the tortured patients, and the doctors who are about to face new challenges...

   With the closing of this door, it was sealed in Zhou Bai's memory.

  The button leading to the first floor was lit by Dr. Zhao.

  Dr. Zhao took Zhou Bai out of the elevator, walked through the long corridor on the first floor, and then saw the familiar barbed wire fence in front of them.

   The crows docked on the barbed wire, as if frightened by their appearance, flapped their wings and flew into the cloudy sky.

  Doctor Zhao took out the key and opened the door for Zhou Bai.

  Zhou Bai stood behind him, looking at the iron door in front of him, which he had seen countless times, slowly opening, with mixed feelings in his heart.

  He took the luggage and walked out the door.

  When he just stepped out of the gate, the mechanical voice immediately sounded in his mind.

  【Congratulations to Zhou Bai, the chosen one of the Great Xia Kingdom, who successfully left the madhouse within seven days. 】

  【Clearance level: SSS level. 】

  【The rewards will be distributed now. 】

  [The people of Daxia Kingdom, the ability to resist pollution has increased by 5%]

  【The other chosen ones have 1 day left to clear the level. During this period, you can find a place to rest first. 】

  【The next copy, "City A with No Hope". 】

  【Please be prepared, the next dungeon may be opened at any time. 】

  After listening to the information broadcast in his mind, Zhou Bai couldn't help frowning.

   City A?

   Isn't this the city covered by the red moon in the first instance?

  I have already escaped, and I want to go back again?

   This game is really going too far.

   Doesn't this mean that if you don't see Zhou Bai die, you will not give up?

   Zhou Bai sighed helplessly, stopped, and turned to look behind him.

  The big iron gate of the madhouse has been closed again.

  But Doctor Zhao was still standing inside the door, his lonely figure, looking at Zhou Bai's back as he left.

  Behind him, the gray-black exterior wall of the lunatic asylum enveloped him like a large shadow.

   Zhou Bai stretched out his hand and waved him.

   At this time, the dark clouds that had been accumulating all this time finally began to rain cats and dogs.

  The rain seemed to be some kind of crisis that had already arrived. Zhou Bai, who was standing outside the door, and Doctor Zhao, who was standing inside the door, couldn't escape, and both of them were drenched all over their clothes.

  Zhou Bai finally waved to him, saying goodbye to him, and at the same time saying goodbye to the madhouse behind him.

   Holding the wet luggage in his hands, he walked forward against the heavy rain.

  In his luggage bag, there are still a few coins left.

  Zhou Bai walked along the street ahead, and after walking a long distance, he finally saw a bus stop.

  Relying on the memory of patient No. 0139 in his mind, he found his destination in a row of bus stops.

  The bus took him to the community where patient No. 0139 lived.

  Zhou Bai walked into the community, found the floor he lived in based on his memory, found the key in the luggage bag, opened the door and went out.

   What caught my eye was a house that no one had taken care of for a long time.

   Zhou Bai fanned the dust in front of him with his hands.

   Walking into the room, first open the closet, and change out the wet clothes on yourself.

  Thinking that he could first understand the current situation of the outside world, Zhou Bai found out the mobile phone belonging to patient No. 0139 from the luggage bag, and plugged it in.

   It's just that when Zhou Bai just turned on the phone, he suddenly saw a call coming in.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion