MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 459 City A Code of Practice

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  Chapter 459 City A Code of Practice

   As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Bai heard a burst of uniform footsteps coming from outside the door.

   Immediately afterwards, a man with medals on his chest and a majestic aura walked in, followed by a group of uniformed subordinates.

  Lv Shi was frightened by this momentum, and stood in the middle of the room in a daze with his mouth open, unable to close it for a long time.

   "Which three are Zhou Bai, Peng Kuan, and Qi Fa?"

  A man in uniform asked the people in the room.

  The person who rushed in just now bent over quickly, rubbed his hands, showed a flattering smile, and answered the questioner.

   "It's the three standing over there."

  The interrogator heard the words, walked up to Lu Shi who was blocking the middle of the road, and said sharply.

"Step aside!"

   Lu Shi was taken aback, and quickly bent over and stepped aside.

   When he vacated his seat, the man with medals on his chest slowly walked in front of Zhou Bai and the others, and then shook hands with them one by one.

   "Thank you for your hard work."

   Lu Shi was so shocked by this magical scene that he forgot the pain in his hand.

  Standing blankly in the corner, not daring to make a sound.

   Zhou Bai looked at the person standing in front of him vigilantly, feeling that things were not that simple.

  After the man shook hands with Zhou Bai and the others, the subordinates behind him walked up to them carrying a box.

   "This mission is dangerous, so I brought you something, I hope it can come in handy."

   After he finished speaking, the box in front of him was opened.

  So three black pistols, three knives, and three pills appeared in front of their eyes.

   "I heard that the weather in City A is not very good, and people who go there will easily get sick.

  So, I have prepared three pills for you, as long as you take them, you will not get sick so easily. "

  The people in uniform handed the three pills to Zhou Bai and the others after their leader finished speaking.

   Then he looked at them threateningly, as if they couldn't get out of the door unless they ate.

  Fatty Peng pulled Zhou Bai's sleeve lightly with his hands in fear.

   But Qi Fa didn't look at other people's eyes, he looked down at the pill in his hand, and stuffed the pill into his mouth with a cold face.

  Fatty Peng swallowed nervously, and turned to watch Qi Fa swallow the pill.

   Seeing that he was not dead, he closed his eyes and put the pill into his own mouth.

   Zhou Bai smiled easily when he saw Fatty Peng's movements.

   Then he put the pill near his mouth, but when he closed his mouth, he pressed the pill in his hand.

   Then he lowered his hand, and the pill entered his pocket.

  The man with medals on his chest nodded in satisfaction.

  His eyes fell on Zhou Bai.

   Then he took out a note and something that looked like a mobile phone, and handed it to Zhou Bai.

   "Entered City A, please try to find a way to keep in touch with us."

   Zhou Bai took the two things handed to him.

   Put the thing that looked like a mobile phone into his pocket, then pointed to the note in his hand, and asked.

   "Can I watch it now?"

  The other party nodded.

   Zhou Bai opened the note and looked at the contents inside.

  【City A Code of Practice】

  【1. No matter how strange-looking humans or animals you see, there is no need to panic. The most important thing in City A is to maintain a good working attitude. 】

  【2. Please carry your weapon with you at all times. When it doesn't make sense, just do it directly. 】

  【3. Try not to look at the moon in the sky. If you must watch it, please pay attention to the time of looking at the moon every time, and do not exceed 10 seconds. 】

  【4. Do not stay outside from eleven o'clock in the evening to seven o'clock in the morning of the next day. 】

  【5. Hide the identities of the duty team well, and don't let anyone in City A know your identities. 】

  【6. Transactions in City A do not require money. 】

  【7. In city A, don’t eat any food that hasn’t been cooked. 】

  【8. Please protect yourself and don't let yourself get hurt. A person with a wound on his body cannot leave City A. 】

   Zhou Bai finished reading the eight rules on the note, but still didn't wait for the system's prompt.

   It seems that this time, the system is really "dead".

  Zhou Bai reluctantly read the contents of the note several times, roughly remembering the contents in his mind, and then handed the note to the two team members behind him.

   "If I'm not mistaken, you are Zhou Bai who came out of the madhouse."

   Zhou Bai didn't deny it, and nodded to him.

   There was a gratified smile on the other party's face: "In this case, I have a little more confidence in your actions this time."

  So the atmosphere in the office became a lot more harmonious.

  Lv Shi's eyes almost popped out when he saw the leader and Zhou Bai chatting and laughing.

  After Fatty Peng and Qi Fa read the contents of the note, the note returned to Zhou Bai's hands before he knew it.

  They each took their black pistols and knives, and under the **** of a group of uniformed personnel, they came to the front of a commercial vehicle downstairs.

   I don’t know if it’s too caring, or I’m too worried that they will run away.

   After the team of uniformed personnel sent them to the car, they drove several cars behind them.

   Escorted them all the way to City A to perform the mission.

   Sitting in the car, Zhou Bai and Qi Fa felt the unusual atmosphere around them, and their expressions were a little tense.

  Only Fatty Peng was still stupid. He sat on the seat with his big backpack in his arms, and happily took out the same snacks from it.

   "Captain, I remember you like potato chips."

   He was nibbling a piece of beef jerky in his own hand, took a large bag of potato chips, and forced it into Zhou Bai's hand.

  Qi Fa's only brought a small backpack, and there didn't seem to be many things in it.

  As soon as he got into the car, he turned his head and kept looking out the window.

  Although Fatty Peng didn't like Qi Fa, he still took out a piece of beef jerky from his backpack and handed it to him.

   "Hey, do you want to eat?"

   He asked him angrily.

   Unsurprisingly, Qi Fali ignored him and directly refused his snacks in silence.

  Fatty Peng took the beef jerky back angrily.

  Open the packaging bag and stuff two pieces of beef jerky into his mouth.

   Gritting his teeth, he chewed it, as if these two pieces of beef jerky were the very annoying Qi Fa who didn't know good from bad.

  Zhou Bai doesn't want to eat now, so he puts the bag of potato chips aside, closes his eyes and begins to rest his mind.

   Along the way, Fatty Peng kept eating snacks.

   After eating the chicken wings and duck neck, and eating the spicy strips, eating candy, anyway, although Zhou Bai closed his eyes, he knew the whole journey, and his mouth never stopped.

   Zhou Bai suddenly remembered the two suitcases he had brought, thought of a possibility, opened his eyes suddenly, and asked him.

   "You don't have all the snacks in your two suitcases, do you?"

  Peng Fatty still had red oil from the spicy sticks at the corner of his mouth. He held a gummy candy in his hand, took a bite, and said with an embarrassed smile.

   "It's not all snacks either.

  I still have some other things with me. "

  (end of this chapter)

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction