MTL - Rules Strange Story: My Family is Not Normal-Chapter 478 people outside the door

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  Chapter 478 The person outside the door

   "Slipped away?

   With so many people coming to catch him, can he still slip away? "

   Zhou Bai remembered that the last time he saw "monkey", he was still dying.

  Unless he recovers quickly, in his state, it is estimated that he will not be able to escape very far.

  Qi Fa didn't dare to be too sure about this question.

   "The scope of what can be seen here is limited.

  I did see him run away, but those people quickly caught up.

   In the end, whether he ran away or fell into someone's hands, I can't be sure. "

   Zhou Bai nodded, took another look at the few birds still standing outside the window, then lowered the curtains, and sat opposite Qi Fa.

  He told Qi Fa what happened today, picking up the key points.

  Of course, the part about asking Fatty Peng to count the tiles and going to the gate of the primary school by himself was skipped.

   "Do you think the person who sent out the distress signal will be locked in the supermarket?"

  Qi Fa's guess is very reasonable, Zhou Bai also thought about it.

   The place where the distress signal was sent out for the last time was in this supermarket.

  By the time they set off, the duty team hadn't received any more information.

  It is very likely that people entered this supermarket and could not get out, so they could no longer send messages.

  But it doesn't rule out that the other party has suffered other accidents, or the signaling machine has malfunctioned.

   Zhou Bai now has too little information, so he can only rule out the possibility one by one.

   "There is a possibility.

  But there is obviously something wrong with that supermarket, and it is too risky to enter rashly. "

  Qi Fa was thoughtful: "There are two other places that sent messages that I haven't checked."

   Zhou Bai took out the map, unfolded it and spread it on the ground.

   Looking at the other two locations on the map, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  The locations of these two locations are relatively far away. If you still follow today’s route, it may be difficult to reach the abandoned school at 4 pm.

  Thinking of this, Zhou Bai's eyes fell on the route that Qi Fa denied yesterday.

   "But when I pass by that road, I always hear some very chaotic voices."

   These are the exact words Qi Fa said last night.

   Venture down that road, it could be dangerous.

   Don't risk going that route, and you're breaking the rules again.

   Zhou Bai suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

   "The distance is relatively far, and we may need to leave early tomorrow."

  Qi Fa also noticed the problem of distance.

   Zhou Bai already made a decision in his heart at this time.

   "Then get up early tomorrow and leave on time at seven."

   After he finished speaking, he said to Fatty Peng who also approached, and Qi Fa who was sitting opposite.

   "I have to apply for an extra box of candy tomorrow, and I need it when I complete the task."

  The heartless Fatty Peng shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

   Qi Fa looked at Zhou Bai in astonishment.

   "What's the matter, do you have a different opinion?" Zhou Bai asked.

  Qi Fa quickly waved his hand.

   "No, you can take it if you want, you don't need to tell me specifically..."

  The more he spoke, the softer his voice became.

   "Everyone is a team. Is it normal for me to tell you something?"

  Qi Fa's expression was still a little dazed.

   Fatty Peng, who was sitting by the side, suddenly burst out laughing.

   "He always walks alone, what kind of team does he know?

  Which of the people in our previous duty team has not been beaten by him..."

  Before Fatty Peng finished speaking, he was pushed to the ground by Qi Fa and beaten again.

   "You always make mistakes in doing things, shouldn't I hit you?

   That guy surnamed Lu, because he is the captain, always oppresses others, shouldn't he fight?

   And the deputy director of the **** has a hole in his head, so can't I beat him? "

  Fatty Peng was beaten so loudly by him.

   Zhou Bai shook his head helplessly, put away the map on the ground, and walked to Qi Fa's side.

  Pat him on the shoulder to remind him to play softly.

  He opened his pocket watch, glanced at the time on it, and then went into the toilet to take a shower.

  At about 8:30, Zhou Bai came out of the shower and saw Fatty Peng sitting on the ground with one eye swollen.

   Qi Fa is still sitting beside him and staring at him.

   "I have to get up early tomorrow, it's almost enough."

   After he finished speaking, he walked to the door and reached out to check the lock.

  When he walked to the door, he heard footsteps coming from outside the door.

   Zhou Bai stopped the movement of his hands, and subconsciously moved his eyes closer to the cat's eyes.

   I plan to take a look at the situation outside the room.

   But seeing it, Zhou Bai was really taken aback.

  I saw that pig-eared man who knocked on their door last night, unexpectedly appeared outside the corridor again.

  He is still missing half of his ear, and the expression on his face looks a little dazed.

   At this time, he was walking slowly from the direction of the elevator entrance.

   Walked to the front and back of a room door, opened the door, and walked in.

   Zhou Bai waited until he was no longer visible, and stood by the door in shock.

  Is he still alive?

   And returned to his room again!

  So how did the plate of cold pig ears that Linda was eating come about?

  Qi Fa said that whenever someone is about to be punished, the chewing sound will be heard more clearly.

   What's going on here?

  The reappearance of this pig-eared man made Zhou Bai feel a little confused.

  It seems that the real appearance of this hotel is somewhat different from what I thought at the beginning.

  With his mind full of doubts, Zhou Bai walked back to his bed with heavy steps.

  Qi Fa saw that there was something wrong with the expression on Zhou Bai's face, so he hesitated for a while before asking.

   "Outside the door, is there a problem?"

  Zhou Bai was stunned for a moment before realizing that Qi Fa was talking to himself.

  There is nothing to hide about this matter.

  So Zhou Bai described last night and what he saw in Maoyan just now to Qi Fa.

  After Qi Fa finished listening, the expression on his face became more serious.

   "Then I will stay in the hotel tomorrow and try to find a way to figure this out."

  Zhou Bai was also thinking about the possibility of this matter.

   "After all, we still have to live here for a long time, if we can figure it out, of course it would be the best.

  However, if it is too dangerous, there is no need to force it too much.

  Our most important thing is to successfully complete the task and leave the city safely.

  Other issues are secondary. "

  Qi Fa didn't say much.

  At this moment, Zhou Bai remembered that he had also received a copy of supplementary rules this morning, so he took it out and handed it to him.

   "Don't break the rules and don't **** off the people in the hotel.

   Pay attention to your personal safety. "

   Zhou Bai didn't mention the two boxes of snacks in the room, because he felt that Qi Fa's life safety was more important.

  Qi Fa took over the rules, his eyes were low, and he nodded without saying anything.

  (end of this chapter)