MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 75 Blue Bird Alliance

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As Zhao Lu expected, the young CEO who was generous and had no idea of ​​money heard this and nodded neatly: "Money is not a problem."

Zhao Lu secretly rejoiced in his heart, and then with his wife and brother, he could dig up half of Qibao's funds, so he was more respectful: "Then I..."

The second half of his self-recommended voice was drowned out by the roar of the car.

"Don't bother you," Qing Qin glanced at him, squinting slightly, and keenly found that his attitude was too earnest, "Aren't you in charge of the winery's finances, you are busy with financial affairs, what? Do you have time to work on the road?"

These words sounded like banging, Zhao Lu was shocked, and quickly explained: "I also hope to be able to carry forward Qibao Winery and do more things."

"That's also my responsibility." Yang Yi came to the winery by air. Unlike Zhao Lu, who has been rooted here for a long time and has deep roots, he always has the feeling of being overhead. It's also the reason why he didn't stop Zhao Lu from passing his opinion.

But now, Mr. Qing seems to see the point, and is supporting him quietly.

Yang's waist straightened for a while: "Before the renovation of the manor was very troublesome to Zhao Lu, the company's finances are very busy, and the manpower seems to be a little nervous."

Qing Qin: Tsk tsk tsk, has the infighting in this manor become so serious?

He happened to see President Ma running over panting and wiping sweat, and neatly used this person to change the subject: "President Ma."

Ma Lu smiled and said: "Mr. Qing, it's been a long time, your style is better than ever."

Qing Qin was chilled when he heard it, he quickly reached out and stopped: "Don't talk nonsense, I remember that Jade Bird Logistics has now achieved nationwide coverage?"

"Yes," Ma Lu smiled, "Thanks to the capital injection of Qibao Dream Bank, our logistics can reach most cities in the country."

"Is it possible to go up a mountain like this?" Qing Qin pointed to the mountains next to him.

Ma Lu's face suddenly became embarrassed, he patted his knees with both hands, and said with a wry smile: "Don't make fun of me, only the post office can enter this kind of mountain."

He wiped and said again: "Our logistics industry can do it, but it is also thanks to the postal service to make way."

"That won't do," Qing Qin walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, then looked at the mountains in front of him, his expression became cold, his eyebrows and eyes had the texture of a blade, "You said that there are so many logistics in the market. , some have high prices and extremely fast speeds, some are low enough, some have official backgrounds behind them, and some cooperate with e-commerce platforms, you say Blue Bird…”

Ma Lu broke down in a cold sweat, this is what the big boss wants to change logistics: "We can deliver, the blue bird should not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles, even in the depths of the mountains, we can also Delivered to your door!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this horse is always a slick person, and is by no means easy to handle, but in the blink of an eye, the situation has changed dramatically.

Zhao Lu thought deeper, this was probably also a warning to him, he only felt that he had been slapped in the air, and his face was burning with pain.

This little boss is probably not easy to match, or he is too easy to come to a conclusion after seeing the real person.

Waiting for these words, the frost on Qing Qin's face melted, and he smiled like a hundred flowers, and patted his shoulder: "Do it well."

Ma Lu was heartbroken by this turning point, and grinned: "This hardware is not enough..."

"There will be hardware, and there will be funds." Qing Qin looked left and right, broke off a branch, sat on a chair, opposite a sandy field, and drew a map of the flower country. " Let's see how to arrange it."

"The infrastructure of Huaguo is well done, and the transportation network between most of the regions extends in all directions." He briefly outlined a few major transportation roads. "The problem lies in remote and poor areas."

When this hand came out, everyone present was shocked, and several high-level executives subconsciously tightened their faces, and even began to organize their clothes to maintain their professional image.

Lou Quan indulged in watching Qingqin pointing the country, full of thoughts: My dear NO.1!

"Take Jingzhou as an example, the Jingshan Mountains can build three highways like this," Qing Qin recalled the information he checked when he first arrived, "The specific needs to be evaluated by professionals, but in general Speaking of which, it can ensure smooth logistics deep in the mountains. In addition to building roads, we can also cooperate with local small logistics.”


"The size and manpower of Jade Bird are not enough, so we can't send the employees of Jade Bird Company all the way to the door." Qing Qin supported his forehead, "Let's get a Jade Bird Alliance and let it take root locally. Shen's small express delivered the last 1 kilometer for us."

Ma Lu had a flash of inspiration: "Is this model only for Jade Bird? We can take orders as an alliance, with Jade Bird taking the lead, and do the dirty work for other big couriers."

This is a good trick, turn enemies into friends, and tie more couriers, no matter how big or small, to your boat.

For the small express, joining Jade Bird means joining a security organization to reduce the possibility of being swallowed up by large pieces of land. As for whether Jade Bird eats it or not, it depends on the situation.

The larger courier, also in the process, needs to rely on the blue bird to speed up, will it take out a hand to deal with the blue bird in a while.

Mr. Qing is awesome, he was definitely not threatening him before, but he was thinking about the future of Jade Bird Logistics from the bottom of his heart.

Qing Qin saw him showing a smile that he understood everything, and he was still a little unsure, but all these measures would cost a lot of money, so he continued: "Then we will start from Jingzhou. , let's get through the mountain first."

"Okay, you can rest assured that I will do things. I still have something to do with Jinzhou Road and Bridge."

Okay, the hot potato is solved, Qing Qin looked at the two who were at odds, and glanced over the person in charge of the finance department who was really busy, and focused on Yang Yi: Not enough, consider using the farmhouse as part of the winery tourism service.”

"I would like to ask you for more guidance." Yang Yi was completely convinced, and rushed up to ask for advice.

"Farmhouse customs, farmhouse customs, and farmhouse characteristics can all be excavated, and you can adjust measures according to local conditions." Qing Qin turned his attention to orchards for tourism rather than fruit production. "These fruit trees The output of the wine is completely unable to keep up with the brewing demand of wine production.”

"Yes, we've been buying from nearby growers."

"In this way, the quality control of upstream raw materials is not up to standard," Qing Qinlue pondered, "Choose good seeds and distribute them to the residents on the mountain, teach them how to plant them, and then buy them together. When the road is completed, some fruit trees will be It can also produce fruit.”

This is also a part of poverty alleviation and charity. Yang Yi couldn't help but sigh, he is an officially certified entrepreneur of conscience and a company with a sense of social responsibility. Wrong, and I can get a wave of goodwill on the official side, I don't know how many green lights are given to the policy.

"Okay." He nodded quickly, glanced at Zhao Lu, who had been left hanging after making a suggestion, and took advantage of his illness to kill him, "The finance department has been unable to turn over the funds, it is better for me to take care of these funds. manage."

"The finance department is so busy?" Qing Qin frowned, there is no need for employees to work so hard, maybe the finance department has been squeezing employees in order to save expenses, this behavior must be rooted out from the source, " I gonna go see."

Zhao Lu's face changed slightly.

After a while, the dishes were all put on the table.

Belly, this eased up.

I couldn't help but pick up another chopstick, it was the best meal.

I ate this spicy and light steamed dish, a fish with only a little onion, **** and salt.

"The fish is huge."

"The average person can't catch such a big fish."

"Mr. Feng, use it first."

Fengzhou listened to the flattery, and then picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks. It was delicious and less thorny.

Isn’t this caught in the lake? Maybe some people complained in their hearts, and their faces were full of joyful applause: "Okay." "This fish is delicious."

The corners of Fengzhou Ting’s mouth rose involuntarily, that is, where can I go wrong with my fish?

Turning his head, he remembered that this was the fish he caught at Qibao Winery, his face darkened again, how come it was the fish he ate at the opponent's house.

Seeing that his face was calm, the few people who were still seizing the opportunity to flatter quickly shut up, but in the end it was because of the people who had been away from the army and went to other places to explore: "Boss Feng, I found this wine. Zhuang has a problem."

"Huh?" Toyosu raised his eyebrows with interest.

The man was encouraged, and immediately took out his mobile phone and called up a few photos: "The building materials they use here are of poor quality, like this waterproof material, in fire pipes like this, and Qibao Wages owed to construction workers."

"Really?" Fengzhou gaily stood up, and only then did he realize that he had overreacted, "Before, Qibao was an excellent model when the official investigated the violation of labor laws."

"Maybe it was deliberately faked by getting the news long ago," the man saw the boss's intentions, and echoed it with special consideration, "Qibao is now running so many large projects at the same time, and this winery is also One day to lose one day of money is not to be shortened and simplified from other places.”

"Okay." Toyosu clapped his hands, "Show me the evidence you got."

He received these evidences and looked at them one by one, and a smile of getting Wang Bian gradually appeared on his face.

According to the rules of the richest man, once an illegal or criminal act is officially determined, all qualifications will be automatically lost, and all the properties under the name will be owned by the direct defeater.

Toyosu looked at the manor in front of him with contentment, and he no longer felt aggrieved before.

This great design, this perfect customer source, and the mysterious formula of Qiqi and Youth series will soon belong to him.

"Let's go, let's visit more." He handed out the news and continued to play with the employees with a smile.

This is his country and will be in his pocket in the future, creating value for him continuously.

As for those dream banks that have been dragging the Qibao capital chain, the uninteresting film and television projects invested in, and the scientific plans that do not know when the results will be reported, all can be interrupted, and the wages of the employees are all If it falls to the average level, the stinky problem of not working overtime will have to be screwed back.

Before the things are in hand, Fengzhou has begun to think of the scene of taking all this in his hands. The more he thinks about it, the more he is grateful to Qingqin. It can take his industry to a higher level, and when the time comes, the first few will be able to compete.

The subordinate saw him suddenly cloudy and sunny, and although he couldn't figure it out, he quickly followed.