MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 82 Eve of settlement

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The new victim didn't know what the young Xiaoqing was thinking, but he introduced himself: "Our company intends to invest 3,000 yuan in the Qibao Technology drone project first. Wan, there is no need to change the name of Qibao Technology, and the composition of the board of directors can be negotiated with Qibao."

Hearing this 30 million yuan, Qing Qin's heart skipped a beat. He managed to maintain Qibao at a level where he would balance his income and expenditures.

"No need, our technology companies under Qibao do not need investment." He interrupted the other party calmly, his attitude was undoubtedly firm.

Unfortunately, this headhunter is very cheeky, still smiling and can't see the anxiety: "Then let's eat first, and we will continue to talk when our family is over."

Qing Qin had no objection, opened the lunch box by herself, and asked for three sets of tableware from the restaurant.

The dishes brought to Jian Jun this time are very homely, green peppers and potatoes, double-cooked pork, chicken with cashew nuts, lettuce with oyster sauce, and a bowl of white rice.

What kind of dishes did the waiters at the scene order, and can they serve another one?

The waiters had to explain that they brought their own meals one by one, which made the commotion caused by this wave of food come to an end. Fortunately, Qibao is the major shareholder of this restaurant, otherwise the restaurant would have refused them to bring their own dishes.

The county's three-year-old super-aged bean paste is added with tempeh to make it fresh, and the sweet noodle sauce relieves greasy. The entrance must be coke on the outside and tender on the inside.

He is from Sichuan, and he can't take his eyes off the complete hometown flavor.


Qing Qin almost laughed, clenched his right hand into a fist to his lips, and said with a smile: "The food in this restaurant is not bad, you can order a few yourself."

The headhunter managed to control his reluctance to take a few more glances, and ordered a few dishes for Mr. Guan who was about to arrive.

Tiangong Technology is determined to win this investment plan, but within 20 minutes, their General Manager Guan hurried over and sat across the table.

Before he had time to talk, he was flushed by the aroma that almost filled the entire restaurant, swallowed saliva unconsciously, and made a loud thud.

This unexpected gaffe made his wheat-like face slightly red, and his eyes fell on the table in front of him.

Mr. Guan: The chicken wings in the bowl are suddenly no longer fragrant. Is this Qibao's disgrace?


After a few chats, he quickly entered the state and put his hands on the table: "I know that Qibao intends to invest in the high-tech field, which happens to be the specialty of Tiangong Technology, this time drones Cooperation in the direction is a good start.”

Qing Qin was lazy: "Without the help of Tiangong Technology, Qibao also successfully developed the drone project, didn't it? Mr. Guan, the conditions you gave are not attractive."

"So can Qibao's capital chain keep up?" Mr. Guan calmly pushed the stack of documents that he had prepared for a long time, "Our financial department is based on the quarterly financial report recently disclosed by Qibao. , investment reports and public data from the tax bureau, it is inferred that Qibao's current capital chain is quite tight, and if you want to further develop in this field, I am afraid that some external forces will be needed."

As soon as he said these words, Jian Jun, who was only focused on research, could not help but cast a slightly worried look at Qing Qin.

In Qibao, there are many gold-seeking beasts who are frantically burning money. Recently, the poverty alleviation project led by President Qing has made the capital chain even worse.

"That won't bother Tiangong." Qing Qin poured a cup of tea, pushed it towards the two of them, turned to greet the waiter, "Check out, see off."

Mr. Guan didn't move the cup of tea, his face darkened: "Even if we only talk about Dream Bank, according to Qibao's attitude of not rejecting anyone who comes to us, we will rashly invest in the case of insufficient evaluation of the project. This paragraph Time has also caused Qibao to lose a lot of money..."

Before he finished speaking, the person who paid the bill came to the table, not the waiter who had been shuttled in the restaurant, but the boss who had just taken off his chef's hat: "Mr. Come here, yo, this is my teacher Han's cooking, right?"

The main cafeteria, while teaching apprentices in Jingzhou, also held a cooking exchange meeting.

He not only borrowed Qibao's power, but also his own strength, so many new and well-known restaurants have learned from him.

"Chef Han happened to be here," Qing Qin nodded slightly, "I saw that these dishes are much better than last time."

"You still remember this." The man smiled honestly, "Thanks to your Dream Bank giving me some money before, the restaurant was opened, and this month's profit is also 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. , I can finally give back to everyone.”

Fortunately, I have long been wise to donate the money back to the Dream Bank, and Qibao will not take a penny.

Qing Qin now has a headache when he hears the word "profit", and there is no hint of joy on his face at this time: "Well, yes, Chef Han will be very happy."

This calm gesture pierced Mr. Guan's heart fiercely. Isn't this just hitting him in the face in front of him?

He didn't stay too long, he turned his head away with his subordinates, and when he got into the car, he turned on the computer: "The two researchers didn't mean to change jobs."

"Yes." The headhunter replied with a hint of conscience. To be honest, when he saw the other party showing off their employee benefits, he also had the idea of ​​jumping to Qibao. .

"I understand what Mr. Qing is planning to do," Mr. Guan stared at the computer screen in front of him and tapped lightly on his thigh, "It seems that Qibao has a lot of burdensome assets. , but in fact, whether it is a dream bank or a poverty alleviation project, the purpose is to obtain more social benefits in exchange for the official inclination on this matter, which is a positive conspiracy to follow the general trend.”

He changed his words: "However, the biggest risk of this operation is that Qibao's capital chain is not enough. Only those large enterprises that have expanded to a certain extent will take this path. It's entirely due to the special rules of this competition, the winner takes all. As long as he eliminates one opponent, he can get a great supplement, this is a war to support a war."

"What about you?"

Mr. Guan snorted softly: "Who said there can only be one beater? As long as he interrupts his supply route, Qibao will not be able to continue the current momentum."

Here we have the phone call to the desperate Toyosu a week later.

The two parties immediately signed a gambling agreement. In the next year, Fengzhou must ensure that the annual profit of Shuangbei reaches 300 million.

Although Fengzhou was timid, he signed this gambling agreement without hesitation. With the funds obtained, he ambitiously started the next round of expansion.

However, Tiangong Investment's move was originally intended to divide up Shuangbei, and it did not hesitate to send supervisors to Shuangbei Company, on the one hand, put pressure on Fengzhou, forcing him to make profits for rapid expansion Taking desperate risks, on the other hand, is also monitoring his behavior.

Two-pronged approach, Fengzhou is finally in the process of excessive expansion and embarked on the old path.

This time, even if there is no Tiangong Investment report, the focus has been on it before, and the law enforcement department of Shuangbei will also quickly

The entire process was quickly locked, and by sweeping away the evil, the people were neatly caught.

Shuangbei was seized, and the gambling agreement was forced to be fulfilled in advance. Fengzhou signed the agreement with shaking hands. This time he lost the most potential of Shuangbei, and he considered the most likely to be absolutely impossible. Killed a project - shared bicycles.

General Manager Guan took the agreement into his arms contentedly, and sure enough he saw the richest man's housekeeper No. 44 coming to receive the leftovers.


"Are you too..." Fengzhou looked at his expression, and finally sorted out the whole thing in his mind, his expression was like crying and laughing, changing, and finally he clapped his hands , "What a snipe and clam fight, the fisherman wins!"


"Another crazy one." The butler saw a lot of the world, just sighed, shook his head, sorted out the documents one by one, turned his head to Mr. Guan and nodded, "Although very I want to say goodbye, but considering that I serve the losers, it's better not to say such unlucky words."

Mr. Guan smiled and said, "There is no need to shy away from this. I am confident that next time we see you, you will definitely be my opponent."

The people sent by the richest man entered the company as scheduled and took stock and liquidated seriously.

Qing Qin knew very well that success or failure was the result of this round, but he was not as indifferent as before, and asked the situation side by side.

There is some good news from this side-by-side attack. Qing Qin was implicitly hinted that, as far as the current situation is concerned, among the several contestants, he has obtained this round of profits and assets growth. Probably at the bottom of the list.

When he said this, the representative looked a little worried, and desperately organized words in his heart to comfort such an idealistic and excellent people's entrepreneur.

Qing Qin's expression was as serious as he thought, and his face was tense all of a sudden, obviously suppressing extremely intense emotions: "It's okay, thank you."

"Actually," the representative remembered some of the news he heard before, thinking about this huge turning point, maybe just in time for the settlement to be completed, and quickly wanted to throw out the news, "Everything Everything will turn around.”

Qing Qin said: "No need, no need to comfort me."

Because I am so happy!

Qing Qin hurriedly left the office, his footsteps almost jumped up, an uncontrollable smile bloomed wildly on his face, he went straight home, picked up the little raccoon flower and threw himself on the bed.

"Hahahahaha, this time I will be able to successfully quit the game and get rid of Qibao with my whole body, it's really great!" Wan's compensation will give you canned food every day."

Little lihua, who was trying to get out of his arms with his teeth and claws, stopped struggling a little when he heard the word "can", lowered his head and opened his big watery eyes, and let out an innocent meow.

Then it was sucked again by Twoleg.

Little raccoon:…

That's all, it's the gold master after all.

Qing Qin tossed for a while, simply opened the ad, planned where to eat and play after leaving the game smoothly, and also figured out a way to hand over the Qibao Company to a reliable professional manager. .

To support such a big company every day, it is really hard to kill his salted fish.

By the way, the regular appointment must also be scheduled.

Qing Qin smiled and sent an invitation to his probationary boyfriend: "Brother Quan, is there any free period recently?"

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