MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 114 zombie

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Zhao Zhihu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard what the head of the base said. He looked at Ning Su and then at the head of the base, "If the two of us work together, we may not be able to defeat him."

At least running is possible.

The base chief didn't answer him, and there was a brief silence on the city wall.

In the distance of the city, the flaming red light filled the city wall, and the orange light fell on the two people in white shirts.

The boy in the white t-shirt moved first, and he went straight to the person in the white shirt without looking at Zhao Zhihu from the beginning to the end.

The boy's facial expression was slightly stiff, but his body was extremely flexible.

In the blink of an eye he was already in front of the base commander, punching him in the face.

The chief of the base quickly pushed his wrist away, and the hand fell on the shoulder of the chief of the base in a misplaced position. The young man took advantage of the opportunity to hold his shoulder, propped up his lower body, and spun to ride on his shoulder from behind.

His two straight and slender legs hung down from both sides of the base chief's shoulders, and his pale and powerful hands were stuck on the base chief's neck.

This is a very dangerous and deadly action.

A string of ice picks grew out of Zhou Zhihu's palm, and when he was about to charge up, the base chief killed him.

His long arms grabbed the boy by the back of the neck and threw him directly in front of him, grabbed his hands and cut them behind his back, and pushed down the city wall to suppress him.

Zhao Zhihu was overjoyed, he didn't expect that the base chief, who was still weak just now, could control Ning Su so easily.

Ning Su angrily turned to look at the base commander.

I don't know if it was because of the warm light filter of the orange sunset, but at this moment, Zhao Zhihu felt that the zombie Ning Su was not scary at all.

Even, a little heart-wrenching.

He suddenly remembered that when the base people first saw Ning Su, the most talked about was his face.

At this moment, he was like a wolf cub who was overwhelmed, angry and angry, but also curious and fond of the enemy. These thoughts and expressions spread on his face, and the bright and moist eyes were particularly itchy .

"Ning Su, you really are a weak chicken!" The vampire yelled from below, "You were restrained by a human with one move. Even if a weak chicken becomes a zombie king, it is still a weak chicken!"

"You wait for me to come up to the rescue!"

Zhao Zhihu cursed: "You are arrogant! I don't know how powerful our base chief is!"

When the vampire was climbing towards the city wall, Zhao Zhihu slammed down an ice pick. The vampire, known for his speed, easily dodged and flew to fight Zhao Zhihu.

Next to them, in front of the base chief, and behind Ning Su, the hands that had been cut back had already been loosened, and they were held together little by little at an angle that no one could see.

The zombies and humans mingled together below, and the sound of banging on the door, roaring, and screaming was loud and piercing.

The vampire and Zhao Zhihu were cursing and swearing by their side, making deadly moves, ice picks and venom flying everywhere.

Ning Su quietly and seriously looked sideways at the face that was close at hand. He looked at the face for more than ten seconds, then turned to look at the sunset in the distance.

Behind the terrifying zombie, the sunset glow was as red as blood, and it was his favorite color since he was a child, because it was the color of the squirrel flower.

After feeding him, Ling Xiao who accompanied him appeared in front of him in a human form.

is holding his hand.

Slowly fold the fingers of both hands.

Ning Su turned back again, looked at him with bright eyes, and whispered to him, "You are so pretty."

Ling Xiao's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he was facing the face of the person who drove him out of the human base.

He couldn't describe the feeling in his heart, and the hand holding him was getting stronger.

With the other hand, Ning Su pushed back the base chief's shoulder, grabbed his collar and hit the opposite wall.

Zhao Zhihu, who was about to lose his hold, panicked, "Base Chief, why are you being pressured by him again!"

The vampire laughed loudly, "Ning Su, you can! Kill him quickly!"

He licked his lips, "How do you zombies kill people? Do you eat people or **** blood?"

Ning Su looked at the head of the base's neck, and the head of the base looked down at him with chaotic and deep eyes.

The word blood-sucking irritated him, and his desire was uncontrollable.

Ning Su grabbed his collar and raised his head close to his neck.


"The gate of the base was knocked open!"


"Take this opportunity to kill them all!"

The vampire laughed loudly, and while Zhao Zhihu was stunned, he flew in front of Zhao Zhihu, took a sharp breath on his neck, and jumped into the base.

No. 2 Ning Su saw Gu Po leading Xiaoshi Tianshu towards the door, looked up at them for a few seconds, grabbed Xiaoshi Tianshu's arm, and ran into the base quickly.

He let go of the base chief's collar and chased after him.

The base chief stood on the city wall, watching his back that was getting further and further away.

The dying Zhao Zhihu lay on the ground, "Base Chief, won't you stop it?"

The head of the base looked at the back that was getting further and further away, and said in a hoarse voice: "After a fight, my body became weaker and I couldn't stop it."

The weak Zhao Zhihu stretched out his hand to him with difficulty, "Then, can you, save, save me?"

The head of the base squatted beside Zhao Zhihu, looking down at him with a bottomless darkness, "Did you lead the team to drive him away?"

Zhao Zhi opened his mouth, he wanted to answer, but the other party didn't seem to need his answer.

Zombies are frantically pouring into the base. A large number of zombies are crowded at the gate of the base. Human beings have already hid in various parts of the base.

At this moment, a dying man fell from the city wall.

This is the only visible human and the only food in the crowd of zombies.

Zhao Zhihu hated himself for not falling to his death.

He opened his eyes wide, watching the zombies all turn their heads to look at him, watching the zombies swarm up.

That minute was heartbreaking in a double sense.

Ning Su and Xia Kewen looked at Shi Tianshu, how to deal with these three people.

At this moment, the sound of the gate of the base being knocked open was heard.

Xia Kewen opened her mouth, but she couldn't speak. What came out of her mouth was not words, but surging Gu worms.

Ning Su and Shi Tianshu didn't hesitate at all, they wanted to do it right away.

"Stop, hold, hold!"

Not far away, No. 2 Ning Su came chasing the Gu Po, who was pulling a ten-year-old girl in front of him.

Number two Ning Su yelled at them: "Don't do it, she's been poisoned!"

Ning Su immediately withdrew his hand.

Shi Tianshu looked at the little girl, and the little girl was also looking at her.

Twenty-six-year-old Shi Tianshu was tall and thin, standing in the plasma corpse, calm and composed, with a self-contained demeanor.

The corners of the ten-year-old girl's lips were pale, and there were a few black Gu worms on her fair face, and there was no panic in her eyes.

She licked the corners of her pale lips, and nodded to the twenty-six-year-old Shi Tianshu.

Ning Su was startled, "President!"

Gu Po also shouted: "Shi Tianshu, stop!"

The long sword in Shi Tianshu's hand had already pierced Azan's heart in black, and he swung the sword at the human pupa master with his backhand, while the purple yarn in his other hand wrapped around Jia Chensheng's neck, his movements were crisp and neat, without any hesitation .

The two Ning Su hurriedly looked at the little teacher Tianshu.

When Shi Tianshu didn't stop for a second and threw the sword at the Human Pupa Master, a bunch of black Gu worms gushed out of the little Shi Tianshu's nose, and at the same time spurted out a big mouthful of blood.

She tightly clutched the whip wrapped around her waist, supporting herself to leave a sentence.

"He said he would take me to meet someone I like very much...he didn't lie to me..."

She and her are Shi Tianshu, they are one person.

One is small, one is grown up.

A person is naturally the same, hates cheating, hates being threatened, and will not live.

At critical moments, he can calmly analyze the pros and cons, and quickly make decisions based on the overall situation.

There is another such son.

Really someone she likes.

She has been living in the deception of men and the compromise of women for ten years, and has been struggling in the mud of gold.

She is happy to see that she grows up and lives like this.

This is their common choice, not after any in-depth analysis, without secretly conveying a secret signal, but to stick to themselves together.

When the little girl died, she was still tightly holding the whip around her waist.

Ning Su turned her head to look at Shi Tianshu, her jaw was slightly tense, she didn't look at little Shi Tianshu, but looked sideways to the front.

She said: "Ning Su, I will leave the rest to you, don't be trapped by the past."

After she finished speaking, no matter how tight her jaw was, the corners of her mouth still overflowed with blood, just like little Shi Tianshu.

Don't get trapped by the past.

Then why give him strawberry cream cake.

Why not kill him with the human camp.

The vampire who just ran over panicked: "Shi Tianshu is dead? Then we can't threaten the zombie Ningsu!"

Now there are only two Ning Sus left in front of them. The vampire knows that Ning Su is weak, and has seen the zombie Ning Su fight with the base chief Sheila. "We will kill them directly, and then find new high-level zombies to deal with human players. !"

The more the vampire thought about it, the more feasible it became. "Both Shi Tianshu and Yin Qingmo are dead. If we kill them, we can win even if we don't cooperate with the zombies!"

Before they could make a decision, Ning Su had already acted first.

Number two, Ning Su, slapped Gu Po away with a palm, and picked up the stiff little Shi Tianshu and placed her next to Shi Tianshu.

Shi Tianshu was supported by Ning Su to sit on the tree trunk, and number two Ning Su took her arm and put it on the back of little Shi Tianshu, "You can hug her."

Ning Su took her other hand, "Just say goodbye to your past self."

Shi Tianshu has been in the game for more than ten years, and has been a player for more than ten years.

She was human only in childhood.

This ten-year-old girl is the condensed result of all her normal life time, her world.

When twenty-six-year-old Shi Tianshu hugged ten-year-old Shi Tianshu, she was already out of breath.

After all, I failed to embrace myself when I was alive.

Between them, there is only a glance and a nod at each other through the crack.

Seeing number two Ning Su looking at them for a long time, Ning Su pursed his lips and told him a cruel and warm fact, "Shi Tianshu didn't die, she just quit this world and went back."

Number two, Ning Su, said more cruelly and warmly, "She just quit the game."

"I know." He said and hooked Ning Su's neck, "Go, I'll help you win this game."

The arms on Ning Su's shoulders tensed, and Ning Su No. 2 suddenly spun around and kicked the sneak attacking vampire away with a whirlwind kick.

The vampire slid on the ground for several meters before stopping. He looked at No. 2 Ning Su in disbelief, "It wasn't like this when you were fighting the base commander just now!"

The vampire came to his senses, "You zombie king surrendered to humans for Yinhua, you just pretended!"

Ning Su: "Our progress has reached the point where Yinhua and zombies cooperate to fight humans, human players and zombie players together."


The Yongming Society came with players from the zombie camp. After the gate was breached, the zombie players who were still alive had been running towards this side one after another.

They have to make a quick decision.

Ning Su No. 2: "How?"

Ning Su stood in front of Gu Po, "Gu Po is much stronger than vampires, and I am much stronger than you, how do you say?"

He looked up at Gu Po, and took out the sky-piercing silk, "Gu Po, let's have a fight."

Read The Duke's Passion