MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 136 Memory (End)

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In this dungeon, Ning Su realized that memory is an important part of human beings.

To a certain extent, memory can represent life experience and has a very significant impact on all aspects of a person.

Players who have completely lost their memory will immediately become a pure blank child.

So, what is it like to be a person who is all made up of dark memories, without any good or even clean memories?

Ning Su stared blankly at Ling Xiao in front of him.

Ling Xiao also looked at him, and said with a smile, "Are you scared? Are you going to cry?"

"It's useless to cry." He laughed even worse.

Ning Su: "..."

Wanted to try it.

Ling Xiao said: "Although I don't know why my heart is in your body, since it was delivered to your door, wouldn't I be sorry for God's arrangement if I didn't take it back?"

Ning Su felt aggrieved, "How could you treat me like this?"

Ling Xiao became interested, and the hand on Ning Su's heart also stopped moving.

He looked at Ning Su with a smile, the smile on his indifferent and evil face, he lost any sense of god, insisting that he could only be an evil god, "What should I do to you?"

Ning Su: "It wasn't like this when you gave your heart to me."

He had a sad expression of being deceived by a scumbag.

Although this expression is limited on the dull face, there is not much sadness to be seen.

Ling Xiao: "Shall I give you my heart?"

Ning Su: "You are so powerful, if you don't give it to me, can I still grab it?"

Ling Xiao looked at him with a half-smile.

Ning Su: "Really, didn't you find that your heart was very happy with me? This must not be the result of robbery."

Ling Xiao's smile got bigger and bigger, and it made people's scalp tingle more and more.

Ning Su bit the bullet and said, "How can you look at me like that? I'm not your pretending baby, am I not your cosmic little rose?"

Ling Xiao: "..."

Seeing that this trick seems to be effective, Ning Su blinked his eyes in order to survive, "Don't you like to hug me the most? You said your heart is on me, as if you have found a home."

Ling Xiao squeezed his chin, "How do you prove that you are my little baby?"

Ning Su: "Feel me well."

Ling Xiao immediately went to dig out his heart.

"..." Ning Su: "It's not about feeling the heart!"

"Feel the blood, I am the little baby you raised! Don't you feel your energy in my body?"

For some reason, after saying this, Ning Su felt that Ling Xiao's expression was even more terrifying.

Undercurrents surged in his eyes, like dark hatred that couldn't be resolved, looking at him was like looking at a dead thing.

The hand pinching his chin was icy cold, and Ning Su had no doubt that as long as he exerted a little force, his jaw bones would shatter.

"I was raised? My energy?" His thin red lips slightly raised, his long hair hung down on Ning Su's cheeks on the side of his face, his eyes flickered in and out of the shadows blocked by his hair, "Then you Are you going to take your life to repay me?"

Ning Su stared at him blankly, not knowing why he suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

He seemed to understand a little bit why Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly filled with hatred and became so terrifying.

He wanted to say that he was not a dungeon ghost master who was born and raised by sucking his energy, nor was he a dungeon who extracted his energy.

He just eats Ling Xiaohua.

But it seems that there is not much difference.

Everyone, including him, is smoking him.

Ling Xiao was about to move, his eyes froze, and the blood-stained hand blocked back.

When Ning Su's foot almost hit his head, he grabbed his ankle and was pulled forward by his backhand and smashed forward.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning Su clutched his heart tightly, spun around a few times quickly, shook off his hand, took a staggered step, and stood on the other side ten meters away from him.

"I can give you my heart back, but not at this time." Ning Su said, pursing his pale lips, "I might die if I give it to you at this time."

Ling Xiao sneered, and flew towards him, and when he was about to grab his neck, Ning Su hugged him and shrank into his arms.

Ling Xiao froze.

Ning Sutie said sullenly in his arms, "Can't you not kill me?"

Ling Xiao's answer was to grab the back of his neck.

When Ning Su said this, a layer of thick black air condensed in his hands.

The two shot at the same time, and when Ning Su was pinched by Ling Xiao's neck, the surging energy crashed into Ling Xiao's body.

Ling Xiao staggered, and pressed Ning Su, who was also collapsed, under his body.

Against Ling Xiao, Ning Su didn't hold anything back. He knew that if he couldn't hit him with one blow, he might die under Ling Xiao's hands.

So this palm almost exhausted all his remaining energy and strength.

A stream of blood overflowed from the corner of Ling Xiao's mouth, and he stared at him with hatred. After a few seconds, he smiled again, "Say baby on his lips, but kill him behind his back. Is this the Little Rose of the Universe?"

Ning Su blinked innocently and aggrievedly, "Little Rose has a thorn in it."

Ling Xiao: "..."

Ling Xiao will not be able to kill him for a while, so Ning Su has time to observe the space he is in.

This is a world where the sky is dark, where the dim light comes from, no boundaries, nothing but a black tree.

The branches of the black tree were in disorder, and the thin branches grew aimlessly.

This is Ling Xiao's memory space?

Can memory be conscious, or can it condense a space?

Ning Su looked at Ling Xiao again, "Why do you want a heart, you don't have a body, do you?"

Ling Xiao: "How did no entity suppress you?"

Ning Su: "..."

"But it's really not that real, that's why I want the heart, and I will become the main body if I melt into the heart." Ling Xiao said.

Ning Su: "The main body? What about Ling Xiao who is with me?"

Ling Xiao smiled nonchalantly, "He's just a body, an empty shell with no memory or past."

Ning Su was stunned for a moment, and frowned: "You can't say that about him, he is you, you are him, you are one."

Ling Xiao stared at him for a few seconds and asked him, "What is he doing?"

Ning Su said: "I can tell you everything you want to know, but you have to tell me your situation first."

Ling Xiao looked at him with a half-smile.

Ning Su pursed his lips and said, "My name is Ning Su. I remember it when I was about two or three years old. I was in an orphanage at that time."

"There are many families waiting in line to adopt the healthy and good-looking children in the orphanage. I have been adopted by many families and sent back to the orphanage many times."

"Because I always see weird things, and I have to tell them again and again, and because I'm a weird kid who can't be beaten to death."

"I didn't know why then."

"Because I won't die if I get hit by a car, they often beat me up and kick me out, so they don't worry that something will happen to me."

"From the time I was two or three years old, when I had nothing to eat outside, I ate Lingxiaohua, and when I had nowhere to sleep, I slept on Lingxiaohua."

"From the time I was two or three years old until high school, so I said, I was raised by you."

Ling Xiao was deeply prepared, and the dark hatred condensed into a hard shell and attached to him.

It's not easy for him to talk about his situation, so Ning Su will be honest about himself first.

"Later, I went to university. When I was in graduate school, zombies appeared in the world I lived in, and it entered the doomsday era. When I woke up, I was lying on the Lingxiao vine on the cliff. At that time, I saw a flower with four petals. Ling Xiaohua, when I woke up at that time, I felt the dark-type devouring ability."

"I can devour all dark existences. At that time, the base chief was afraid of my ability. One of my mentors always wanted to study my body. They worked together to expel me from the base to devour the zombie virus."

"Later, I became a zombie, wandering north and south aimlessly. One day, I suddenly had an idea, gathered all the zombies together, and died of the virus that swallowed all the zombies in the world."

"Woke up and I was in a hearse and went into the game, this infinite game you probably know."

"At first, I thought that I just entered the infinite game when I died like everyone else, but then I found out that it was not, I entered the infinite game more than 20 years ago, and I found here no one who is a few years older than me Mom and Dad."

"I just found out that my parents are high-players in the infinite game. They should have tried their best to send me out of the game not long after I was born, but I don't know why. Twenty years later, I was born again by accident. I'm back, I have a faint feeling that this may have something to do with you."

Having said that, Ling Xiao's eyes finally fluctuated.

Ning Su gathered up some strength and pushed him up.

One was weak and the other was injured, both of them had no strength, and sat on the trunk of the black tree leaning against it.

Ning Su suddenly thought, Shi Tianshu said that when she entered the game base for the first time, the game base was deserted and there was a man sitting on a tree.

That man is Ling Xiao.

Unexpectedly, one day Ning Su and Ling Xiao would be leaning against a tree together in the same barren world.

Ning Su continued: "I also saw Ling Xiaohua in the dungeon. From the beginning, I thought that Ling Xiaohua was the same as in my original world. Until two successive dungeons, I found that Ling Xiaohua was in the place with the most yin and resentment in the dungeon world. It was also discovered that Ling Xiao was born in death."

"I really saw you in a dungeon called "Flower Slave". In that dungeon, players have to serve the flower slaves and flower servants of the flower god. To serve the **** is to find a The flower of the gods is planted in the heart, the heart is the ground, nourished by the blood, and the gods are raised devoutly."

"I found Lingxiaohua in the deepest part of the place where the gods sleep, planted him in my heart, and finally raised a **** at the end of the dungeon. That was the first time I saw you in human form."

"After that dungeon came out, I met you who came to find my heart at the game base. Later, we played two dungeons together."

"In a zombie dungeon, I found that the zombie virus in the dungeon is the same as the one in my world, and it may be caused by a kind of energy of the system, so we speculate that the zombie apocalypse in my world more than 20 years later may be caused by the system. The reason is that the system wants to collect energy all over the world, even if it wants to destroy my world."

Intense and dark emotions surged in Ling Xiaoli's eyes.

Ning Su not only told his experience, but also told some things about Ling Xiao that he wanted to know.

He looked into his eyes and said, "Then we will come to this memory-related dungeon together. Not long after we entered the dungeon, we guessed that this dungeon is for the other half of you."

"Because you said that you seem to be used to amnesia, and because the system once asked you to kill me, but you have been...not willing to kill me, so the system may want to let you have amnesia again."

"When I confronted this black tree monster that can devour memories, I found that it would lose control of its memory when it was injured, and it could release part of the memory, so I wanted to destroy it completely, thinking that maybe your memory could recover a little bit, and at the same time I also wanted to destroy it completely. I was devouring the memory in its body, but I didn't expect to meet you."

Ning Su glanced at him cautiously, "I have the ability to devour the dark system, and all that can be swallowed and contacted are the memories of the dark system, right?"

The meaning of the words is already obvious.

Ling Xiao sneered, "If you take Ling Xiao as a whole, more than 95% of the memory is dark, and you don't even have 5% of that, so it can only be regarded as an empty shell of the body."

Ning Su: "..."

"So, are you the one who condensed the missing half of the dark memories?"

Ling Xiao's dark eyes looked into the distance, without speaking.

For him, it should be a default.

Ning Su continued to ask: "This world, is it your memory world? Did you condense it yourself, or was it imprisoned by the system?"

Ling Xiao: "It's all."

Ning Su didn't understand. He asked again: "Is that black tree monster a monster that sealed you? What exactly is it?"

Ling Xiao: "It's a nerve of mine."

Ning Su: "..."

Ling Xiao looked at him with a smile, "Occupied my heart and tore my nerves, how does it feel?"

Ning Su: "..."

Ning Su: "How could it be your nerves?"

Ling Xiao: "This black tree monster was indeed a memory-eating monster at the beginning. It swallowed my first memory after my serious injury. Later, it couldn't bear my memory, nor could it resist my memory consciousness. When I lost my memory again, the system extracted my nerves, fused with the monster and strengthened, and became the current black tree monster."

"Because of my nerves, even the subconscious mind in the memory will not reject hurting it."

"At the same time, because of my nerves, it is much stronger and can seal more of my memory."

"It is also because of my nerves that I can create such a space that the system cannot find, and accumulate and grow little by little."

Ning Su was taken aback for a moment.

Sure enough, Ling Xiao lost his memory more than once.

He said growing up here a little bit means that Ling Xiao has more and more memories swallowed.

The person in front of him is condensed by memory. He hides in this space, uses his own nerves, picks up his swallowed memory little by little, grows from small to big, and grows into what he is now.

"Every time the system finds something and wants to resist it, it takes away your memory?"

Ling Xiao said sarcastically: "Then it uses the big grievance seed without memory to maintain the infinite game for him and create infinite copies, right?"


Ling Xiao contributed to the birth of the Ghost Lord, and Ling Xiao also told him that his heart would wander in the unstable dungeon world to maintain world order.

In this respect, he is indeed maintaining an infinite game, creating infinite copies.

His energy, his nerves, his heart, his body, his memory.

The system can be used as much as possible, and I can't wait to tear it up and use it, not letting go of any part, "make the best use of everything".

But, but...

Ning Su stared blankly at Ling Xiao's sharp and bony profile, speechless for a long time.

However, this is Ling Xiao, who has been with him and raised him, is his flower god.

Ling Xiao turned his head to see Ning Su's eyes, was startled for a moment, and looked away in an unknown direction.

He couldn't control the fingertips on his side, and trembled incomprehensibly.

In my mind are always the peach blossom eyes of the young man filled with pain and distress, clear and moist, almost condensed into a tear.

Someone stuck to his arm, sat on his lap skillfully, hugged him and pressed it to his chest.

The two pressed their hearts together, and Ling Xiao felt the beating of his heart in his empty chest for the first time.

This world is too quiet, the beating of the heart is like the initial throbbing of this world, the sound and vitality that opens up the world.

Ling Xiao stared at his brain Xuan'er, and said inexplicably: "Is this how you usually hug and hug each other, and call each other little baby, Little Rose disgustingly?"

Ning Su said "hmm", "Just call me baby, you have to get used to this name, why not try it now?"

Ling Xiao stared at him and chuckled, and tightened his hands somewhere, "Oh, where did I call you baby?"

Ning Su: "?"

Ning Su was a little dazed: "This is the time, when no one is around."

He looked up at Ling Xiao, no matter how he looked at him, he felt that his smile was a bit sinister, and the darkness in his eyes was sarcasm for the whole world.

The more I looked at it, the more I felt that he actually didn't know Ling Xiao very well, "Who the **** are you, and why did the system treat you like this?"

The system pawed at him like it was sucking blood, as if it was a little afraid of him.

"You want to know?" Ling Xiao stared into his eyes, "I can send you to that world to see."

Ning Su was moved and refused, "I can't now."

Ling Xiao slid his fingers lightly on his cheek, and said in a cold voice, "Is this the little baby?"

"I really want to go, but I have to go through the last step of this dungeon first." Ning Su said, "I'll take you out and take you home."

"When you return to your body, let's leave this copy together and go to your world to see."

Ling Xiao withdrew his hand, "I can't go out, once I leave this space, I will be discovered by the system, and all preparations will fall short."

Ning Su: "Then I will take this space with me."

Ling Xiao glanced at him: "It has been transferred from the black tree monster to your body."

Ning Su: "..."

He stood up, turned his back and said, "Let's go."

"I let you out and don't get your heart back for the time being because the system wants to kill you. The enemy's enemy is a natural collaborator."

Ning Su stood up after him, and he saw a boundary revealing a road.

After walking a few steps forward, Ning Su turned around and looked at Ling Xiao who was all in black, "Ling Xiao who has more than 95% of memory, do you think it was you from the future who sent me back to the game?"


Ling Xiao walked in the opposite direction.

Ning Su couldn't see his expression, but could only see the long hair on his back, swaying slightly in the windless and soundless world, brushing the dark cuffs.


"He may not want your world to be destroyed by the system."

After Ning Su disappeared, Ling Xiao turned around and looked over in the deserted world.

He has no heart, and indeed he does not have a real body. It is this airtight space that wraps him and replaces his body and heart.

This is his bottom line world, hard and sensitive, no one can come in, the system can't detect it, even if a trace of memory is touched, it will be bounced out.

The young man did not know why he came in, and there was nothing to stop him.

When Ning Su came out, he was at the bottom of the lake.

He was swimming up the bottom of the lake, and when his head came out of the water, he immediately heard shouts of excitement.

"over there!"

"Come out, come out!"

"Ning Su! Ning Su, we are here!"

This is the lake in Qingyi Middle School.

The tree-like objects hovering on the small black house in the lake disappeared, and the small black house was also broken.

By this time it was broad daylight.

The players by the lake were waving at him vigorously.

Ning Changfeng couldn't wait, so he jumped into the lake to pull him.

Seeing that his eyes were red again, Ning Su softened his heart, "Father, what did you stay up late to watch again, your eyes are red."

Ning Changfeng: "What do you think I stayed up all night watching? Watching someone put on a show!"

Ning Su: "..."

Many people gathered by the lake, including players, students and teachers, it seemed very lively.

The students were chirping and discussing excitedly, the school leader squatted on the ground and covered his face with a decadent and pale face, and many players' eyes were still pure and dazed.

After Ning Su came ashore, he asked Ning Changfeng: "What's the situation now? Are you not going to prepare for the ninth test?"

Ning Changfeng: "What's the test? More than 20 noble sons in the school had accidents. They were screaming and rolling all over the floor in pain. Some people seemed to be demented. They were all taken away by the ambulance. Their parents united. He is fiercely talking to the school about it."

As soon as Ning Su heard it, he knew that it was the twenty or so students who transferred the memory of the top students and had a prominent family background.

This group of students has a profound background, and there are huge and terrifying forces behind them. The school leaders should be very collapsed now, and they have no time to care about other things.

Ning Changfeng: "It was just announced that the ninth preliminary examination will be cancelled. The students will review and take a break to prepare for the college entrance examination in four days."

"I've got the admission ticket for the college entrance examination for you, let's go quickly."

In the chaos, all players walked out together.

Ning Su saw Tang Yichen standing beside Wang Zhiqiu with red eyes.

Wang Zhiqiu's mood has not yet stabilized. From the ecstasy at the beginning to the crying now, he was pleasantly surprised, scared and rejoiced.

Tang Yichen suddenly turned his head to look at Ning Su, who was walking out, for a long time.

Several people around him who had just recovered their memory followed his gaze.

Some people don't know them, they look at them and ask, "Who are they?"

Ning Su saw Tang Yichen looking at him, and the person who carved in the book hole he had used for nearly two months was also looking at him.

He made a cheering gesture to them, "Come on for the college entrance examination!"

Lu Yue also followed him and said: "Come on for the college entrance examination! The flag is set to win!"

Other players followed suit to cheer them on.

"Swipe freely, jump into a dragon!"

"Heaven rewards hard work, your bright future lies ahead!"

"Rush, rush! Rush into the school of your dreams!"

Tang Yichen's eyes became even redder, he lowered his head, and in his mind was the deskmate who had been pulling his sleeve and talking to him when he was being violent by the teacher in the past two months, saying: "They are our mascots for the college entrance examination Well, our college entrance examination this year will definitely go very smoothly."

After a black rain, Qingyi Middle School became extraordinarily clear and bright, and the campus was full of sprouting vitality and hope.

Not restless, but reassuring.

There are no more students on campus who are scratching their heads and memorizing words in panic. Everyone is quietly waiting for the arrival of the college entrance examination, writing the knowledge they have learned through twelve years of hard work on that sacred and solemn examination paper.

"Jingle Bell!-"

"Candidates are asked to fill in their name, admission ticket number and seat number."

Candidate names: Tang Yichen, Wang Zhiqiu, Wang Yi...

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