MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 152 Self-degree

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Ling Xiao held Ning Su's hand, and moved forward while holding the knife tightly in his hand.

It was a short knife with two snakes twining around the ancient silver handle. The tip of the knife was dark and not sharp.

But Ning Su knew that this was definitely not an ordinary knife, as long as the knife was gently inserted into the heart of the monster with five sense organs, the already weak monster would definitely be wiped out.

When the knife was about to touch Yuguai's mouth, the stunned Ning Su suddenly recovered.

He suddenly hit Ling Xiao's elbow with his left hand, and withdrew his hand when Ling Xiao's hand was slightly loose.

Ling Xiao didn't stop for a second, and immediately stretched out his arms to block his retreat, and grabbed his hand again.

The two fought back and forth.

Ling Xiao: "Ning Su, are you really 23 years old? How can you be as stupid as a child."

He grabbed Ning Su's hand and pulled his whole body forward.

Ning Su couldn't speak, so he could only move.

He tiptoed to the ground, turned back, and used his strength to hold Ling Xiao by his arm and press him to the ground.

His force value was beyond Ling Xiao's imagination, and his strength was terrifying. He pressed sharply and quickly, making the sound of bones twisting and crashing.

Ling Xiaovine protruded, wrapped around the young man's thin waist, and pulled him towards the wall.

Lingxiao vines rapidly grew and wound around him, tightly binding him.

Intense blood flowers bloomed in clusters, and in an instant it seemed like a sea of ​​boiling blood completely submerged the young man.

Ning Su paused.

Thick black mist grew from his hand, and he grabbed a Lingxiao vine, black blood vessels protruded from the back of his hand, Ling Xiaohua was squeezed into thick blood, and the black and green vine was torn off.

It was like a sharp whip in the young man's hand, and instantly broke through the wind and flew towards the opposite Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao turned halfway to avoid the whip, and Ling Xiaoteng passed through his right arm and was firmly held by his left hand.

He stared at Ning Su with his dark eyes, he pushed his cheeks, his brows and eyes overflowed with hostility, and he smiled indistinctly, "You still don't want to destroy it, don't you believe it?"

"Well, I can show you. But before—"

The Lingxiao vine in his hand suddenly became thick and split, completely wrapping Ning Su's arm and straightening it.

"You must destroy it!"

Yuguai is in critical condition, on the verge of death.

The arm completely entangled by the Ling Xiao vine was grabbed by Ling Xiao and smashed straight at his Achilles' heel.

Ning Su gritted his teeth and broke his arm. When Ling Xiao's suddenly darkened eyes looked over, he grabbed his clenched fist with the other hand and threw it at Yuguai.

[Congratulations to player Ling Xiao for killing one of the monsters. 】

[Current copy task progress: 4/10. 】

The room was silent.

It was like the sudden silence after a war, without the sharp and piercing confrontation, the smell of gunpowder was still permeating, dissipating slowly like Ling Xiao Vine.

Ling Xiao turned to look at Ning Su who was squatting on the ground.

His head was tilted slightly, and half of his arms were twisted and drooping, held in place by the other hand.

The sudden anger and irritability in my heart erupted like a volcano just now, but it didn't calm down completely, and turned into a long-lasting stream of heat.

Ling Xiao walked to Ning Su's side, half-kneeled beside him, supported his broken arm, and fixed his bone neatly.

Then gently took him into your arms.

Ning Su wrapped his newly connected arms around his neck, biting his lip and clinging to him.

He is not a kind-hearted man who does not want to kill.

It's not that he doesn't believe him.

It's just that it's useless for him to destroy Yukai.

Now the rarity of the monster is self-evident. Ling Xiao wanted to give it to him, but he couldn't take it and wanted to give it to him.

The pale chin resting on the shoulder was clenched, and the lower lip was almost bitten, Ning Su silently hugged him tightly.

Once again, he realized that this dungeon was even more terrifying than he had imagined.

Ling Xiao in the memory space specially sent him to this dungeon, maybe not just because there are ten corresponding monsters of Ling Xiao here, so that he can understand him.

At first, he was curious about who Ling Xiao was, and a large part of his curiosity was why the system did this to Ling Xiao.

While sucking blood on his body, she was a little afraid of him, devouring his memory, pumping his nerves, and separating his heart.

Ling Xiao may also know his curiosity.

He specially sent him this copy to read.

This dungeon may not be as simple as simply unlocking ten monsters related to Ling Xiao and clearing the dungeon.

There must be other things that have a profound impact on him and cause him to be broken in the future, hidden in the deepest part of Ling Xiao's dark memory.

Even though he knew that he would not die, thinking of these Ning Sus still felt a little uncomfortable, and gave birth to a layer of despair that could not be changed.

Hearing the sound of fighting, the players on the same floor immediately ran over.

The monster has been wiped out, and there are several holes in the wall, which were pierced by Ling Xiaovine at first glance. The wall is cracked like that, which shows how fierce the fight was.

In the middle of the room, two people were hugging each other.


Qin Wu asked: ""

Ling Xiao helped Ning Su up, "His arm is broken."

"Oh oh oh." Qin Wu glanced at the beautiful and thin Ning Su, "What a squeamish."

Ning Su: "???"

Qin Wu asked: "Are you still going to destroy the monsters?"

Ling Xiao: "Not yet."

He told Ning Su just now that if he wanted to see it, he would keep his word and show him whether what he said was right.

Jia Yahua immediately said, "Shall we go down and discuss together?"

Just now Ling Xiao dragged Ning Su to come here to eliminate the monsters. The few of them discussed in that room for a while. Without Ling Xiao, they always felt that they had no backbone, and no matter what they discussed, they were flustered.

Ling Xiao: "Let's go."

Many people gathered in the corridor on the seventh floor.

The residents in Tongzilou are somewhat used to the appearance of Yuguai, but they are still curious and excited every time they see all kinds of strange Yuguai being eliminated.

They pointed and yelled and yelled outside the hundred-handed room.

Several players walked through the crowd in silence, and came under the old elm tree again.

This time, no one was impatient anymore, and was anxious to eliminate the monsters.

Jia Yahua said: "We still haven't figured out why Nie Yuwei died."

He looked at Ling Xiao, and Ling Xiao said: "He died after destroying the Yukai. The destruction of body parts is related to the destroyed Yukai. His death must be related to the elimination of the Yukai."

Qin Wu frowned: "But, how could it be related to eliminating monsters? Our task in this world is to eliminate monsters. Eliminate ten monsters to clear the level. Isn't that what the system says?"

Tang Xin said: "That's the way we eliminate Yuguai, isn't it?"

Jia Yahua: "Yes! We discussed unlocking and judging earlier as the focus, but later on, there was no unlocking and judging at all, and it was eliminated directly."

Qin Wu: "However, the system reminds us that the elimination is successful and the task is progressing. Is the system guiding us on purpose?"

Discussion stopped.

This is a conclusion that contradicts their years of dungeon experience and cognition.

Each of them knows that the more copies they have, the more they know that in the dungeon, they must listen to the system's instructions and abide by the rules of the system and the dungeon world in order to live.

As for this dungeon, they listened to the system, and they might end up on a dead end.

It was as if the system was leading them to death.

In an infinite world, the system is certainly not the savior, but never does it lead to death with such apparent eagerness.

The faces of several players were serious, aware of the problem of this dungeon.

They once again thought about the difficulty of the "00" level and the meaning behind it.

Qin Wu was very frantic, "Then what should we do, our dungeon task is to destroy the monsters, if we don't eliminate the monsters, we can't complete the task, and we have to die."

Jia Yahua: "Then let's be more cautious. Each monster will be unlocked and judged before deciding whether to destroy it or not."



Jia Yahua's proposal was supported by most players.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Wu suddenly looked at Tang Chili, "Tell me carefully, when Nie Yuwei died, what did each part look like, and see what corresponding monsters are there?"

Ning Su glanced at him in surprise, unexpectedly, among these few players, he was the one who found the key.

It was he who underestimated Qin Wu.

Tang Chili had already recovered, much calmer than when Nie Yuwei died.

He said clearly: "First is his right hand. The right hand is the same as the Yukai we just eliminated. It seems to have been chopped into pieces."

Qin Wu: "What is the name of the monster you just eliminated? What is desire?"

Tang Chili: "I don't know..."


No one condemned him, because many players behind him were the same, they didn't unlock it at all, and they went up and eliminated the five sense organs when they saw where they were.

Tang Chili continued: "The second one is the left hand, which seems to have been penetrated and crushed by something."

Ling Xiao said lightly: "I should destroy this desire monster, Wei Guoyu, desire is destruction."

Jia Yahua hurriedly wrote down this information in a small notebook.

Tang Chili: "The third one is his right leg, which was burned. It should be the monster I destroyed. I don't know what it's called. What is desire."

He said it one by one. After other players heard it, if they eliminated it, they would immediately say that it was them, where it was eliminated, and what kind of monster it was.

But because I haven't unlocked many monsters later, many of them don't even know their names, so I can't see any problems for a while.

Jia Yahua said: "It's not difficult. Although we don't know what these monsters are called or what desire is, we probably remember the room number. If you go to ask the people in the tube building, you will definitely know the name, and the desire can be revealed. roughly."

Tang Xin: "Should we inquire about these monsters now, or unlock and judge new monsters?"

They looked at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao said: "It's okay, you decide."

Qin Wu said: "There are still people watching upstairs, let's take this opportunity to inquire about it?"

So, several players split up to inquire.

Now the people in Tongzilou regard them as heroes who eliminate monsters. It is easy for them to inquire about anything. It will not take long before they will find information about monsters related to Nie Yuwei's death.

Ling Xiao took Ning Su to the back of the cafeteria, and asked him in a low voice, "How many times have you been dizzy?"

After coming out of the room on the seventh floor, he spoke to him for the first time. Under the red moonlight, his eyes were dark and beautiful, and there was light.

Ning Su honestly made a "3" with his hands.

Then he shook his head again.

He did experience dizziness three times, but each was of varying severity, and one was almost unnoticeable.

If he hadn't been very quiet at the time, he might not have noticed it.

So, it is possible that there is a very mild dizziness that he ignores when he is exercising or emotional.

The fact that the degree is different can also explain that not every time the corresponding monster is eliminated, there will be perceivable dizziness. If it happens every time, it will be too obvious.

He knew why Ling Xiao asked him that. He could use the number of dizziness to calculate how many of the ten monsters were eliminated and how many were left. It should not be accurate.

Seeing him comparing a number, Ling Xiao shook his head again, probably guessing what he meant.

He said: "It's okay, they started to inquire, take this opportunity to find out the names of all the monsters that were eliminated, and they should be able to confirm."

Ning Su nodded.

He looked at Ling Xiao, and suddenly stepped forward to hug him, rubbed against his neck, and raised his head to show him a big smile.

There was still some zombie-like astringency on his face, which didn't make him laugh strangely, but made his smile even more moving.

Ling Xiao was slightly stunned, his hand was placed on Ning Su's broken elbow, and then moved to the tightly pulled wrist.

His hands were the longest that Ning Su had ever seen, with long fingers and prominent phalanges, which looked powerful and powerful.

When it was placed on his wrist, the force was unimaginably light.

He asked him, "Does it still hurt?"

Ning Su shook his head sideways.

Ling Xiao: "I just want you to leave the copy safely."

Ning Su nodded and smiled at him again.

Ling Xiao paused for a moment, then added, "There is nothing else I can ask for."

If he can leave the dungeon with Ning Su, it seems that everything in the past and the future will be fine.

Ning Su was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again, looking at him crookedly.

Ling Xiao also laughed along with him.

He was born indifferent, with a bony and tall nose, thin lips and sharp lines, which also outlined the indifference and aloofness on his appearance.

When he laughed in a low voice, it was suddenly different.

The corners of the mouth are raised, but the deep eyes are fixed on Ning Su all the time, so as to see that Ning Su is confused.

His heart was beating fast, and he hugged Ling Xiao happily.

Ling Xiao laughed again, turned his head slightly, and kissed the tip of his nose lightly, very lightly and quickly, as if warm moonlight had passed by.

Ning Su was stunned for a few seconds, then moved his head to his shoulder, listening to the sound of the three hearts beating, the corners of his mouth rose greatly.

The light red moonlight fell on the thick eyelashes, and combined with the bright and cheerful light in the eyes to form a fold of shimmering crystal.

Eyelashes lifted slightly, and he saw two children lying on the cafeteria window in front of them, looking forward together.

Ning Su: "..."

He was about to move when he heard Ling Xiao speak.

"Did you see Tang Chili and Fei Xueying in the west corner?"

Ning Su looked over there, and sure enough, he saw the two of them.

Ling Xiao: "Try to see if you can hear what they said."

The distance is a bit far, but it is not difficult for Ning Su.

He closed his eyes and pricked up his ears.

It was agreed to split up to inquire, Qin Wu and the others did not go up immediately after they went upstairs, except for Ning Su and Ling Xiao, Fei Xueying and Tang Chili.

To be precise, it was Fei Xueying who dragged Tang Chili to a corner.

She, Tang Chili, and Nie Yuwei were originally in a group. After Nie Yuwei died, there were only two of them left. It seemed nothing to do with the two of them together.

Having said that, it is worth pondering.

Fei Xueying asked Tang Chili directly: "When Nie Yuwei died, didn't each part correspond to the way of death of a monster? Think about it, when the monsters you saw were eliminated, did Nie Yuwei Dizziness, or other abnormalities?"

When Jia Yahua counted the time when the player's dizziness appeared, Nie Yuwei and Tang Chili were not there. Tang Chili didn't know the reason behind it.

Hearing Fei Xueying's question, he thought for a while, "It really is! It looks like two or three times! What's wrong?"

Fei Xueying didn't speak, she looked deeply at the soil at her feet, her curly black hair covered half of her face, under the red moonlight, she looked a little scary, sad and terrified.

"Let's go up and inquire, and continue to eliminate monsters after we're done, but this time we should keep a low profile, and it's best not to let other players find out." She said.

"Go." Fei Xueying said, "I'll tell you the details later."

After the two went upstairs, Ning Su looked up at Ling Xiao.

Fei Xueying knew.

Moreover, as Ling Xiao said, she wants to secretly destroy the monsters of other players.

Ling Xiao said: "Let's go, let's go up and inquire about it too."

The residents cooperated very well, and the eight players quickly inquired about the strange information corresponding to several parts of Nie Yuwei.

They discussed for a while, and their voices became less and less, especially when everyone saw the names of those strange characters written in a row.

I don't know how many players discovered the secret inside.

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Jia Yahua said: "It's 10:40 in the evening, should we go back to rest, or...?"

Han Liang said: "It's still early, should we continue to inquire about unlocking other monsters? Even if we don't eliminate monsters for the time being, we must make preparations for the future, so we can't waste time."

Ling Xiao lifted his thin eyelids, glanced at each player, and said inexplicably: "Yes, eliminating the monsters is a dungeon task, and it is impossible not to destroy them. In this case, let's unlock and judge a desire together tonight." Strange."

All players agree.

Whether you know the copy rules or not.

If you know it, you agree, let's go to unlock the trial to test the waters together, and it can also prevent individual players from destroying their own monsters secretly.

I don't know, but I also feel that it is the safest way to unlock the Judgment Desire together.

Qin Wu asked: "Which one is unlocked?"

Ling Xiao: "Don't bother, if there is one on the first floor, just choose one from the first floor, and we can observe it standing in the yard."

Jia Yahua took out his notebook, "I know there is indeed one on the first floor, living in 102, just in front of us."

Ling Xiao: "That's him."

The eight players unlocked a monster again. Compared with when they first entered the dungeon, they are already familiar with the process and have abundant resources available.

Together they entered the neighbor of 102 who wanted to be strange, and the home of the owner of 101.

Now the whole Tongzilou knows that they are the ones who can destroy monsters.

The people in the Tongzilou counted on them to destroy the terrible monsters, so naturally they knew everything about them and cooperated actively.

The old Tongzilou is densely populated, and most of the people are leather factory workers. They have lived here for decades, and they know everything about it.

Room 101 lives in an old couple with gray hair.

Tang Xin asked them: "Grandpa and grandma, how many people live in 102?"

"There are two, Lao Li and his grandson, Li Tang."

Just hearing the name, the atmosphere stopped for a moment.

Ning Su looked at all the players calmly, he was not sure which players knew.

Finally, his eyes fell on Tang Chili.

Two of the eight players were named Tang, Tang Chili and Tang Xin.

However, Li Tang also had the word "Li", which was obviously more inclined to Tang Chili.

Only Ning Su opened his eyelids and took a look. The other players didn't look at anyone, but only at the two old people.

Speaking of this, before the player could ask, the grandma wearing reading glasses leaned forward to the tea table, "Do you see that there is something wrong with Li Tang? Let me tell you, there must be something wrong with him!"

She said: "We all know that Li Tang is very close to that Xue Fei on the sixth floor! The other men are sneaky, and he doesn't hide it at all. Shameless, bah!"

The grandfather interrupted her, "Don't talk about such things, just say that he is a **** and has been in prison!"

Grandma answered angrily, "Do you know who he raped? After graduating from college, he couldn't find a job. He wandered around all day. One day, he saw his former junior high school teacher in the alley, and he became malicious. After he was released from prison, he was not ashamed and often told people about it!"

"This **** who received a thousand knives! Why was he imprisoned for five years! He should be imprisoned for the rest of his life!"

The air is a little stagnant.

Ning Su sat beside Ling Xiao, lowered his head and picked at the edges of his nails.

However, there was nothing to pick, his fingers were pale but smooth, and there was not even a small burr on the edge of the nail.

He couldn't hear any sound, so he looked up at Ling Xiao.

Nineteen-year-old Ling Xiao had an indifferent face without any emotional fluctuations.

With no nails to pick, Ning Su went to pick his palm, and pulled out a **** four-petaled flower in his palm.

Tang Xin took a sip of tea, "Indeed, this is too much and deserves condemnation."

None of the other players spoke.

Tang Xin asked again: "Is there anything else?"

The two old people couldn't explain what they were talking about. Finally, it was the grandfather who said, "He also ran naked in the tube building, from the first floor to the seventh floor."

Ning Su once again felt the difficulty of this dungeon.

Nothing is more difficult than this.

In the memory space, he heard Ling Xiao talk about the plot they didn't leave behind in "Memories", and the players shared their memories.

Under Ling Xiao's guidance, he already knew how difficult it was, and how rare it was that Ning Changfeng was willing to share his memory with Shi Tianshu.

The kind of difficulty is still a choice made by oneself, sharing the memory with one or several trustworthy people, which is relatively private.

And in this dungeon, it is completely passive to get to the step of earnestly unlocking the monsters, and directly expands and displays the most secret or dark desires in the heart to all players.

Even more difficult is the step of joint trial.

There is no privacy or dignity at all.

This dungeon doesn't treat players as human beings at all.

Tang Xin: "Is there anything else? There are other things worth saying about him."

"It's all such crap. There's nothing worth talking about. He hasn't studied well since he was a child, has a bad personality, and has no manners. Even college is a bad school that his family spent money on."

It was very late, and several players got up to thank and leave.

They walked out into the yard in silence.

Finally breaking the silence, it was Jia Yahua who spoke first, "So, what is the desire to blame Li Tang?"

The system said that Yukai consists of a core desire and a story, and they must understand these two items in order to unlock Yukai properly.

They have already heard almost the story, the key is desire.

Qin Wu: "The two old men focused on his relationship with Xue Fei, and that he is a rapist. His desire is sex?"

Ning Su shook his head.

He knew that the desire to blame Li Tang was not sexual.

Because there is a monster corresponding to Tang Chili, Li Chi, who has already confirmed that his desire is sex.

There may be several Yukai who have the same desire, for example, Yukai Xiao Lin and Yukai Yuli, whose desires are all related to killing.

But the two monsters correspond to different players.

If a player has ten corresponding monsters, each monster should display or derive different desires or events of the player.

He vaguely guessed the desire to blame Li Tang, but he couldn't say it.

Han Liang said: "Let's observe Li Tang and see if we can see where his facial features appear. Isn't the part where the facial features appear the most expressive of desire? It is a very useful reminder."

This proposal was approved by all players.

Standing in the yard, they can observe Li Tang in 102.

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