MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 160 game base

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Ning Changfeng stood by the seat for a while, and then came over with a tissue.

He stood there a little at a loss, and said stiffly: "Principal Teacher, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that just now. I'm a bit of a machismo, I speak straight and fast, don't take what I said just now to heart."

"It was I who deceived your feelings when I first saw the dungeon. I have no right to say that about you."

When Shi Tianshu raised her head, there was no obvious abnormality, but her eyes were much moister than usual.

There was a glint of water in the cold eyes, which made Ning Changfeng even more at a loss, the hardness has long since disappeared.

"I clearly know how uncomfortable it is, but I didn't think about it from your standpoint."

"I really understand your feelings and feelings. We have missed our son for so many years. He has gone through a lot of hardships. It is an immeasurable loss to miss a day. I can't wait to make up for him as a parent."

He handed the tissue to Shi Tianshu.

Ning Su: "..."

He took it.

His mother was sad and he quarreled, and his mother cried and handed him the paper.

However, Ning Changfeng could finally speak once, and the atmosphere in the private room was much better.

Shi Tianshu looked up at Ning Su.

Ning Su squatted down in front of her again.

Shi Tianshu's hand fell on his hair.

His hair is like Ning Changfeng, a little soft, and the beauty tip really follows Shi Tianshu.

Shi Tianshu's fingers moved from the hair and forehead to his eyes lightly, as if touching a dream that would break at the touch of a finger, and she didn't dare to use a little force.

She laughed, "It's really like that."

Ning Su nodded, "It's more like when we were young. In the dungeon when we were six years old, they all said we were siblings."

Shi Tianshu said with a smile: "I also had the same idea. At that time, I thought of tricking you into the Yinhua Club to be my younger brother, but I didn't expect it to be my son."

She gently held Ning Su's face, as if she was touching a magical life.

They look so similar, amazing.

Such a big son from the future, amazing.

Surprised and surprised by the magic.

Ning Changfeng stood beside him and said, "The nose is like mine."

Shi Tianshu: "They all have high noses, why do they look like you?"

Ning Changfeng argued hard, "It's true that the nose looks high from the front, but look at it from the side."

He leaned close to them, bent down and pointed at Ning Su's nose, "There is a slight sense of ruggedness, and it is a hump nose that is not too obvious."

Shi Tianshu followed his hand and glanced at Ning Changfeng.

Indeed it is.

Ning Su's eyes followed hers. When viewed from the front, the pair of peach blossom eyes tended to be beautiful, and the bony protruding nose brought out a sharp and heroic look. Contradictions and harmony existed on this somewhat stern face.

Ning Su blinked.

It was the first time that my parents saw it so closely together.

When he was a child, Ning Su heard his classmates complain about his mother, saying that he woke up and saw his mother sitting by the bed watching him, which was very annoying.

At that time Ning Su didn't find it annoying, and now he didn't feel annoying at all, but felt very happy.

After reading it, Shi Tianshu hugged him, "Son."

Ning Su nuzzled happily in her arms, "Mom."

Standing beside them, Ning Changfeng watched the mother and son hug each other happily, with intense emotions surging in his chest.

People in the base call him the Lone Ranger, because he never joins any clubs or forms a team with anyone.

In fact, before he entered the game, he dealt with many people.

He is an orphan, without any help, struggling all the way, earning a family business is all on his own, and all kinds of hypocritical entertainment are indispensable.

When he entered the game on the verge of death, he felt that everything was meaningless, and since then he has been too lazy to care about people and socialize.

But now, looking at the two embracing each other, Ning Changfeng is willing to struggle for a lifetime.

Because of them.

For them.

Ning Changfeng muttered: "The first time I met the head teacher, I called him mom. When I knew I was dad, I didn't want to call him dad. After a long time, I still called him daddy."

Shi Tianshu was even happier when she heard that, and asked, "Why don't you want to?"

Ning Changfeng: "..."

Can he say that at that time he had just cut his heart open to Ning Su?

Ning Su sat down again in his seat, "I'm the one who is awkward. It's the first time I see my biological father, and I don't know how to face it."

He has come into contact with many families, but none of them are real families.

He was unwilling to admit it before, but he actually longed to have his own parents.

Unlike those failed families, when he really faced his biological father, he would be nervous, act awkward, and use "deals" as an excuse to pretend he didn't care.

Shi Tianshu asked Ning Su: "When did you know we are parents?"

Ning Su: "I guessed something when I first met you."

From the hearse, because of that star, he knew that he wore it more than twenty years ago.

With such a level of cognition, seeing Shi Tianshu who looks so similar, he who is sensitive to blood has guessed.

The copy of "Manman" they downloaded together further deepened his guess.

Afterwards, he met Ning Changfeng. According to his surname, Shi Tianshu's identity and personality, Ning Changfeng's appearance and feelings, when he first saw Ning Changfeng, he thought that this person might be his father.

Unexpectedly, Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng started fighting in the next second.

At that time Ning Su was a little dazed.

Shi Tianshu: "When was the first time we met?"

Ning Su: "I just came out of the first dungeon, and you just came out of the dungeon, and I saw you standing on the side of the road."

Ning Su remembered that scene very clearly.

At that time, he was considered a newcomer to the base, and because of the black robe in the dungeon, he knew about the Yinhua Club.

As soon as the dungeon came out, he heard Chen Tian say that it was Shi Tianshu, the president of the Yinhua Club, and he looked up and saw her.

Many people on that road automatically gave way to her, except for a pregnant woman. The two collided and the pregnant woman was knocked to the ground by her.

He went to catch the ghost who followed Shi Tianshu, and heard her tell the pregnant woman, thought it was great to be pregnant in the base?

At that time, he was sensitive and misunderstood her words, which is why he never wanted Shi Tianshu to know.

Because of the npc invitation card, Shi Tianshu knew which copy he downloaded first, and probably knew when he released the copy.

She thought back to that time.

For her at that time, it was an ordinary day.

She just came out of an ordinary copy, but she didn't know that her son, who came from the future, was watching her by the side of the road.

I don't know what kind of mood I have.

Fortunately, she met him in the next book.

Shi Tianshu recalled that time again, because of the black robe and the npc invitation card, she saw Ning Su as a potential threat similar to Ning Changfeng, and when she saw him in the game lobby, she was stunned at first glance.

Bloodlines are a magical thing.

Just because of her age, she never thought that Ning Su would be her son, but she wondered whether Ning Su would be the illegitimate son of her flirtatious father again.

Ning Su asked: "Mom, when did you know that I belong to your son?"

This is also something Ning Changfeng is very curious about, "You are only three years younger, so it's hard to think of this level?"

Shi Tianshu: "You guys acted too close, like relatives, and both have the surname Ning. I picked up your hair for Yin Qingmo at the last dinner, and tested your parent-child relationship. You are not a few years apart, can it be Father and son, I let Yin Qing silently test me and Su Su."

When she knew that Ning Changfeng and Ning Su were father and son, Ning Su couldn't possibly be her younger brother, and another possibility immediately came to her mind.

The shock and tension of that moment are still in her heart.


Both Ning Su and Ning Changfeng were silent.

I never expected it to be so.

The meal was eaten slowly, and during the meal, the two asked Ning Su to talk about his childhood.

Ning Su talked a lot, but he knew what to say and what not to say.

Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng could also hear the difficulties behind the funny stories and achievements.

After eating, Ning Changfeng took the initiative to leave. At such a time, let Ning Su spend more time with his mother.

Ning Su sent Shi Tianshu back.

At this time, Yinhua Primary School had already finished school, and Ning Su didn't come to pick up the two children, so the boss took them to eat at the Yinhua Club.

When they went back, the two children were almost finished eating.

As soon as the boss saw him, he asked, "Ning Su, may I bring you a stack of beef jerky and a bottle of milk?"

Before Ning Su could speak, Shi Tianshu's voice sounded first, "Ning Su is my son."


Ning Su thought, Mom, isn't it a bit abrupt? There is no foreshadowing at all.

Seeing the shocked and dazed face of the boss, Ning Su still couldn't help laughing.

When Shi Tianshu said this, she was as indifferent as usual, not as eager to let everyone around her know that Ning Su is her son.

I thought it was a bit abrupt, but at that time he received the crystal ball and Chuantian Ling from Shi Tianshu, didn't he go out and show off for a long time.

Guisheng: "Yeah!"

Shi Tianshu looked at him with a smile, "Does the ghost know?"

Guisheng: "Yeah!"

He stood up, holding a long tail, and said crisply and proudly: "I knew it a long time ago!"

Shi Tianshu asked: "When did you know?"

Guisheng: "I saw you for the first time! I walked behind you, pointed at you with my mother, and wanted to tell him, but I was too scared to say it."

He added, "Scary!"

Ning Su: "..."

How could he not remember that he frightened him?

If you really can't do anything, you should sue the first place.

Manman called out very intimately: "Grandma."

Shi Tianshu froze for a moment, as if she didn't expect to become a grandmother at such a young age, and then she laughed even more happily.

Follower ghost: "Grandma!"

Shi Tianshu was even happier, and each of them gave them a small room book.

They took the two children to Shi Tianshu's house together, leaving the boss there alone in a trance.

He shook his head vigorously, sobering up, and even more dazed.

Shi Tianshu's living room is very large, with a floor-to-ceiling window twenty meters wide, overlooking the entire base.

The two children continued to eat snacks and fruits while sitting on the carpet watching the scenery.

On the other side of the sofa, Shi Tianshu took out countless skill weapons and props, "Son, I'll give you all."

Ning Su: "..."

He could understand that Shi Tianshu was full of maternal love when she just recognized her son, but is this too exaggerated?

When Shi Tianshu looked at Ning Su, under the bright lights, her eyes shone with tenderness, "I have seen players prepare skill weapons for their sons and daughters who are about to enter the dungeon in several dungeons. , my son must have it too."

Yes, but not too much?

Shi Tianshu thought for a while, and opened the personal system page again.

[Received 80 million credits from Shi Tianshu. 】

Ning Su: "..."

Mom gave too much, what should I do?

Shi Tianshu said, "This is pocket money from my mother."

Ning Su: "Mom! You are really my dear mother!"

Shi Tianshu laughed, "Mom didn't fulfill her responsibilities before, and she will definitely compensate you more in the future."

She added, "It's not just the material things."

She had just become a mother, and she didn't know how to treat her son well. All she could think of at the moment was to give him the most precious and useful things.

In the game world, the most precious and useful things are naturally skill weapons, followed by points.

"You don't need to do this, mom, you don't owe me anything." Ning Su said, "I am already very happy to have found my parents."

Shi Tianshu said, "But, you suffered a lot before."

Ning Su shook his head, "It's really not much, it's much easier than in the game."

It is because he has experienced the apocalypse and has supernatural powers and energy that he can be so relaxed in the game.

Ning Su has always known this.

If he has been living in the game, growing up in various horror dungeons, without powerful skills, he doesn't know what he will experience and what kind of person he will become.

Ning Su moved closer and sat next to his mother, "Mom, let's stop thinking about the past and live the future well, shall we?"

Shi Tianshu smiled and said, "Why are you still acting like a baby in your twenties?"

Ning Su rolled his eyes happily, he knew he shouldn't be like this at his age.

But isn't this just a new mother?

Shi Tianshu: "Okay, I don't want to go to the past, let's live the future well."

Ning Su: "Yes."

Shi Tianshu: "Su Su."

Ning Su: "Huh?"

Shi Tianshu: "Remember, you will have a mother's child in the future."

Ning Su froze for a moment, then nodded vigorously.

From now on, he will be a child with a mother.

After returning home at night, Ning Su immediately told Ling Xiao about it.

Ling Xiao from the memory space asked him: "Are you going to tell them about destroying the system? Now is a good opportunity."

The sooner this happens, the better.

Their world is in a period when the system is pulling a large number of people into the game.

It will be more troublesome if many people are pulled into the game after one day.

Ning Su didn't hesitate and said, "I'm going to tell them right now."

Destroying the system is what they must do. If they don't destroy the system, in the end his family, friends, and his world will be destroyed by the system.

Now that he has decided to do it, Ning Su will not procrastinate.

Ling Xiao: "We need to prepare for this matter, but we can't prepare for a long time. If it is caught by the system, it will be very troublesome."

Ning Su nodded, he knew.

This matter must be done quickly and accurately, so as not to catch the system by surprise.

At the beginning, many players were not aware of it, and the possibility of being caught by the system should be minimized in terms of time and scope.

Ning Su: "I'll talk to my parents first, and then let them quickly select a few reliable players who have appeal in the base, and try to minimize the spread of news."

Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng, who have been in the game base for a long time, know the players much better than him, and they are the key to this matter.

Ning Su sighed again, "As the first echelon of base players who know about this matter, Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng must have enough tacit cooperation."

Ling Xiao: "Is there a problem with their cooperation now?"

Ning Su didn't know what to say.

He felt that Shi Tianshu should be serious when he told Ning Changfeng to try.

However, Ning Changfeng didn't know what to think.

Moreover, after this incident was revealed, why did Shi Tianshu not know about Ning Changfeng.

Ning Su: "Let me observe first."

The next day, the two met at Ning Su's house without Ning Su making a special effort.

Of course Ning Su took the opportunity to eat with them.

It was fine at first, when Ning Changfeng handed Shi Tianshu the chopsticks, Shi Tianshu stared at his profile for a few seconds.

Ning Changfeng turned his head and asked, "Master, what are you looking at?"

Ning Su: "..."

He doesn't speak much like Ning Changfeng, but he must be better at dating than his father.

After meeting her son, Shi Tianshu spoke more directly, "Ning Changfeng, I suddenly found that you look very pleasing to the eye."

Ning Su applauded in his heart.

Look, my mother can speak more, directly but pleasantly.

Ning Changfeng was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help laughing, it was the kind of shy smile Ning Su saw when they just came out of the dungeon.

Ning Su: "..."

He has already thought of his parents' love model.

Female A Male O.

His dad is really an amazing person.

He looks very evil, and he claims to be the most beautiful man in the game base.

But there is indeed a bit of machismo in his bones, and it is still very traditional.

Who knew that she would be so shy when she was in love.

Ning Changfeng took a sip of water, suppressed the smile on his lips, and asked, "Why?"

Shi Tianshu thought for a while, "Maybe it's because your nose looks like my son's?"

Ning Su: "..."

He always felt that he was unable to speak since he was a child because he followed Ning Changfeng. In fact, it may, maybe, not necessarily all.

Ning Changfeng couldn't do it all at once, "Shi Tianshu, it's because my son thinks I'm pleasing to the eye, because my son wants to try me, right?!"

Shi Tianshu frowned, "Didn't you say that, Su Su's nose looks like yours, so I think there is something wrong with your eyesight?"

"Also, what are you bringing up again? I want to try it with you. My son is indeed an important reason for it. Isn't that okay?"

Ning Changfeng: "I don't need you to try with me because of my son!"

Shi Tianshu: "Ning Changfeng, how old are you? We all have sons, can you be more mature?"

Ning Su: "..."

He bowed his head and hugged it and sighed.

This happens almost every time two people get together.

When Ning Su's seven-day rest at the base came to an end, he and Zhu Shuangshuang wrote a book together.

After returning, I thought that the two of them had gotten along pretty well, at least the issue of different emphases was clarified.

That afternoon, Ning Changfeng and Shi Tianshu came to pick him up together, and the relationship between the two seemed to be much better.

Who knows, not long after they went to eat, the two quarreled again.

Ning Su: "..."

he is tired.

He slumped under the tree in the memory space, "Is this the terrifying power of the enemy?"

"How on earth did they give birth to me? Was it just an accident?"

Ling Xiao chuckled, "Do you want to go and see?"

Ning Su was stunned for a moment, he really wanted to go to see it from before, but at that time he wanted to see what happened after he was born.

He even forgot whether he had told Ling Xiao about it, and he probably just mentioned it casually.

Ling Xiao still remembered.

Ning Su: "Can you take me to see it?"

Ling Xiao: "No."

Ning Su: "..."

Ning Su stuck to him, kissed his chin, looked up at him, "Is that okay?"

Ling Xiao: "Probably not."

Ning Su: "..."

Ning Su took his hand and put it on his stomach, and the position moved up 4 cm when they kissed again.

After a long time, Ning Su's eyes were moist, and he asked him breathlessly: "Is it okay?"

Ling Xiao gently touched the end of his eyes: "I can send you to my world because it is the world in my memory. I am condensed by memory, and memory is alive."

"It's not that I have the ability to travel through time. To send you to that time is to truly travel through time. I still can't do it now."

Ning Su: "..."

Then why did you say "probably" not the second time!

Ling Xiao: "Sorry, you gave me my nerves, and I did use them to regenerate entities and abilities, but it will take about ten or eight years to travel through time."

Ning Su: "..."

The apologies are not sincere at all!

When Ning Su got up angrily, Ling Xiao held him back with a low smile, "But it's okay to fit together."

"I don't know in what state I sent you back after more than twenty years, but the strongest is nothing more than the integration of body, memory, nerves, and heart."

Ning Su was taken aback for a moment.

Of course he hopes that Ling Xiao can fit together.

Ling Xiao in the game should also want to retrieve his lost memory and understand where he came from.

It is Memory Ling Xiao who has never wanted to fit together.

Aside from what he said about merging too early for fear of being discovered by the system, Ning Su knew that there must be his subjective reluctance.

Ning Su: "Didn't you say..."

Ling Xiao interrupted him, "You are already preparing to tell your parents about the confrontation system. We also said that the news cannot be released for too long, and it is almost time."

That's not what he wanted to ask.

Ling Xiao looked down at him, "Let's go to the future to welcome your birth together, shall we?"

Ning Su's heart skipped a beat, he hugged Ling Xiao, "Ling Xiao, thank you."

Ling Xiao looked at the gradually blurred boundary of the memory space, and said with a laughing voice, "I have been trapped here for so many years, and my body has been sucked by the system for so many years, and it should be over."

Combining is not difficult.

The most difficult thing is that the memory was once trapped in the nerve-strengthened black tree monster. Ling Xiao didn't know it and couldn't touch it.

There is no difficulty now.

Ning Su told Ling Xiao in the two-person world that he had found his memory, and he had to take out the heart first, and then pick up the memory.

Ling Xiao: "How did you find it?"

Ning Su: "It's a bit troublesome to say, but when your heart returns to its original position and your memory recovers, you will naturally know everything."

Ling Xiao hesitated.

Ning Su was startled, "You don't want your heart anymore?"

Ling Xiao: "I feel that it is very comfortable staying with you, and it may not want to come back."

Ning Su: "..."

Ning Su thought about it, and Wei Er came, "I not only want to raise your child, but also your heart. I'm a big wrong."

Ling Xiao: "..."

Ling Xiao smiled helplessly: "The heart is with you, it's like a kind of link between us. In the beginning, I found you because of the heart and followed you."

If possible, he would like to keep his heart in Ning Su's chest forever, to be with him every heartbeat day and night.

Ning Su shook his head, "Our link has been soaked in blood since a long time ago."

Ning Su stared at him intently, "Lord Flower God, I like you, and I can't bear to see you broken."

He loves him whole, whether **** or demon.

Ning Su's complete love is to constantly fall in love with the chaotic Ling Xiao who is close to 190 years old, the lonely Ling Xiao who is 19 years old, the flower **** Ling Xiao who has no dust in his heart, and the dark Ling Xiao who is condensed in a dark corner.

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