MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 167 kind of ghost

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The torch was transferred from the dark village path all the way to the wide and bright river bank.

The person being carried by the villagers gradually appeared in front of several players.

His whole body was bound with ropes, and several layers of red tape were pasted on his mouth.

Even so, Ning Su recognized that this was the player, who lived in Ning Changfeng's small building.

When the villagers came to the river bank, several of them were already terrified, and it was obvious that several of them were shaking.

Every trace of horror was leaked under the bright moonlight, completely missing the randomness and toughness of the day.

They hurriedly put the tied player into the river, and as soon as they put it down, they ran away in a panic one by one.

In the soft sand and mud, he ran out of the running speed, as if something extremely terrifying happened behind him.

They were on the roof of the two-story building, and they could clearly see that the player had just touched the river, and from there, the river turned black.

It was like black ink smearing in the water, getting bigger and blacker.

A pale, swollen human head popped out of the black, slowly drifting along with the black water.

No, it's not black water, it's black hair.

Then, another soaked human head floated up, rippling slightly on the black hair.

More and more wet and pale human heads floated out of the black water, all over the entire black corpse raising river.

Under the full moon, it was as bright as day, and even the soaked rotting flesh could be clearly seen on the heads of people nearby, while those in the distance could only see white faces and wet hair.

The moment the tied player was submerged in the water, his black hair surged, and the human head quickly swam to his side, gnawing at his body frantically.

As soon as the villagers left, several players came down from the roof.

Shi Tianshu, Pang Yang, and Meng Jiang ran to the river, but they didn't take the initiative to save people, and Ning Su naturally didn't take the initiative.

Faster than them were the pupa master and the vampire. The vampire tied the player in the river with a rope from a distance and dragged him out of the river.

There are still a lot of heads on him, and the vampires can't shake them off no matter what.

The player twisted his body in pain, and let out a dull, elusive "woo ah" sound from his mouth sealed with tape.

Unable to get rid of it, the vampire had no choice but to put him on the ground. This time, all the players locked the head with ropes, whips, and silk and pulled it off him.

The torn apart human head and mouth were biting a piece of flesh, and the fine teeth were clearly visible under the moonlight, like some kind of fish.

After the head was pulled out, Bounced back into the river again.

"He Xin, how are you doing?"

The head was finally ripped off, the vampire heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly tore off the thick tape on his mouth.

Judging from this attitude, this player named He Xin should belong to the Yongming Society.

There wasn't a single piece of good flesh left on his body, and even his face was **** from the bites.

Realizing that the head on his body was gone, even though he was in unspeakable pain and terrified, he still heaved a sigh of relief, took a breath and cursed loudly, and just about to speak, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

At that second, Ning Su was grabbed by Ling Xiao and took several steps back.

The players present were all masters, and all reacted quickly and took several steps back.

A stream of black hair like black water suddenly spewed out of He Xin's body, and the black hair quickly grew and spread all the way to the river.

At this moment, the immature and shady cries and laughter of a child came from nowhere.

The mournful cries were mixed with sharp and cheerful laughter, which made the hair of the listeners go numb.

The faces of several players were very ugly.

Ning Su whispered to Ling Xiao, "It turned out to be bubble cries. Could it be that they are in the river?"


Just as they were about to talk, they saw a group of villagers coming again.

This time the villagers carried another person and ran to the river bank on the west side of the village. The river was too long. By the time they rushed over, the person thrown into the river by the villagers would have been lost for a long time.

They have no idea if it's the player or someone else.

Pang Yang: "No wonder it's called the River of Raising Corpses. They use living people to raise dead bodies in the river!"

"We players are still used, no wonder we came to the village, they gave us housing without asking anything, and left us to live in the village, so they used us to raise corpses!"

Meng Jiang looked at the still darkened river, "But, are they really corpses?"

When Pang Yang mentioned Yangshi River, the pupa master and vampire looked over.

Shi Tianshu didn't answer, and Pang Yang and Meng Jiang stopped feeling emotional.

Meng Jiang only said, "Why was He Xin **** by the villagers? Also, what's going on on the mountain?"

The mountain of Mingqian Village is overgrown with wild grass and shadows of trees, it seems that no one has been here for a long time.

These small villas looked clean and beautiful from the bottom of the mountain, but after going up, they realized that they had been abandoned for a long time.

Viewed from the bottom of the mountain, the small villas are very close to each other. In fact, there is a certain distance between each one, and with the trees covering them, the privacy is very good.

Ning Changfeng, Su Xiangsheng, and Zhu Shuangshuang walked up the mountain from the path to one of the small villas.

The white walls of the villa have mottled traces, the iron door is locked and rusty.

The three climbed over the wall and went in to investigate in the villa.

In the village, it is a very luxurious and novel European-style sofa, thick red window screens, and brown-red wooden furniture with various porcelain ornaments on it.

Zhu Shuangshuang: "It can be seen that the villa was once carefully decorated, and the owner here should try to stuff good things into the villa as much as possible."

The red window screen was scattered on the blue sofa, and there were many broken tiles on the ground, covered with a layer of dust.

Su Xiangsheng: "In Mingqian Village, these small villas on the mountain are obviously higher-end than the two-story buildings below. They are lived by richer and more prestigious people in the village? In the current situation, are they all dead?"

Ning Changfeng: "It must be dead, but I don't know who lived there. This may be an important clue."

The three of them went around several small villas.

In the third small villa, Zhu Shuangshuang picked up a men's belt in the bedroom and gave a suspicious "Huh".

Su Xiangsheng held a photo album, glanced at the belt, and saw nothing unusual, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Shuang rubbed his fingers on the belt a few times, and said, "This belt has excellent leather, works well, and has no obvious brand logo."

Ning Changfeng took the belt and touched it, and found a simple surname "Su" engraved inside the belt, "It's not from the village."

Su Xiangsheng: "..."

As expected, one is a rich lady, and the other is an entrepreneurial boss with a terrible fortune.

This kind of detail, he, a poor Taoist priest, didn't notice it in the first second, but now he realized it.

Zhu Shuangshuang said that this belt has excellent leather and excellent workmanship, and it cannot be denied that there will be rich people in the village who will buy a very good belt, after all, it is in this small villa.

But this villa is full of false luxury, the carpet is spun wool, the window screen is like a mosquito net, and the porcelain is rough and flawed.

People who live in such a villa, if they are really willing to buy a good belt for appearance, it should be the kind of big name that even people in the village have heard of all over the world, and it must have a big logo, which can be seen at a glance.

Instead of this kind, excellent material and workmanship, without any brand logo, only a belt with surname engraved.

This is more like a high-end private custom-made, unlike this village, especially the people who decorate this villa will have it.

Ning Changfeng recalled: "When we entered the village, we didn't arouse the curiosity of the villagers. Today, when we walked around the village, the villagers we occasionally met looked very accustomed to outsiders."

Su Xiangsheng: "This shows that outsiders often come here. What do outsiders come here for?"

After he finished speaking, there was a "click" sound of porcelain falling to the ground in the villa.

The three immediately looked towards the source of the sound.

The lights in the villa were not turned on, and the heavy window screens covered it up, so there was not much moonlight that could come in, and it was impossible to see anything clearly in the dark corners.

Ning Changfeng held up a flashlight and shone it. Beside the crooked chair, a pair of cold dead eyes and a purple upturned mouth flashed past in the yellow light.

Su Xiangsheng was so stiff that he almost cried out.

When I looked at the past in the next second, there were only sailor prints left.

Ning Changfeng had already chased out with a flashlight, Zhu Shuangshuang followed closely behind, and Su Xiangsheng also gritted his teeth and followed.

It was a little ghost, they couldn't see his running figure, they could only hear his crying and laughing cries, resounding on the mountain where the weeds were overgrown and the shadows of trees were silent.

They chased the sound and followed them all the way to a temple.

Several villas are surrounded by a stone temple. It seems that no one has set foot on the mountain for a long time, but candles are lit in the temple, and the black stone statue in the temple is dimly lit.

"This stone statue, why..." Zhu Shuangshuang was stunned, "It looks a bit like the Flower Goddess?"

All three of them knew what the flower **** statue was, but they didn't know what the flower **** statue was like, because in the world of flower slaves, they couldn't really see the flower **** directly.

This temple is very large, and what is enshrined is not a statue of Bodhisattva, but a black stone statue that feels suffocating and terrifying at a glance.

The stone statue has no specific and clear facial features, the only thing that can be seen clearly is the closed eyes and the end of the eyes, with a touch of exaggerated and dazzling scarlet rising, which seems to be the faint flow of ominous blood.

There seems to be a river under the feet, and the stone statue stands on the surface of the river where the wind is blowing slightly.

The cries and laughter of the children resounded in the temple at the same time, and the "woo-woo", "hee-hee" and "ah-ah" with different tones and rhythms overlapped, coupled with this weird black stone statue, it was particularly frightening.

Just as Ning Changfeng was about to speak, he suddenly heard Zhu Shuangshuang scream.

Under the altar in front of the stone statue, two small gray-purple hands suddenly stretched out and grabbed her ankles. The small hands were sticky and icy, and the freezing pain directly triggered a scream.

The pale and gloomy little ghost raised his head and smiled at her, as if saying two words, and grabbed her hakama.

Ning Changfeng grabbed Zhu Shuangshuang by the back collar and pulled back, and a whisk appeared in Su Xiangsheng's hand, entangled the kid's feet and pulled back.

At the same time, Zhu Shuangshuang patted her stomach with a palm.

That brat was much more powerful than they had imagined. Even if the three of them shot together in time, several gashes appeared in Zhu Shuangshuang's stomach, causing her to sweat in pain.

More crying and laughter came from all directions.

The little ghost that got into Zhu Shuangshuang's stomach disappeared.

Ning Changfeng: "Let's go!"

When they ran out of the temple, many little ghosts crawled out of the surrounding villas, and there were also little ghosts lying on the tomb stone tablet on the mountain, all of them were deformed and twisted, watching them quietly, as if they were about to rush over in the next second.

Su Xiangsheng cursed numbly, "What the **** is this!"

Ning Changfeng: "They are very difficult to deal with, let's go!"

The three of them made a move just now, and they all knew how powerful this kid is. They never thought that there would be more than one such a powerful kid in this ordinary village in the dungeon world.

The three of them ran directly down the mountain, on the main road down the mountain, and they were not afraid that the villagers would find out at this time.

Zhu Shuangshuang brushed aside the branches in front of her, and suddenly saw Su Xiangsheng looking behind her in horror, and let out a loud groan.

Zhu Shuangshuang suddenly felt hairy all over, she felt the biting cold on the back of her neck, she really wanted something cold to lie there, slipped past her ears, and rubbed towards her face.

Su Xiangsheng wrapped the whisk around the imp's neck again, and pulled it straight back.

The little ghost was chained to the neck and pulled hard, the neck showed a twisted arc, and the eyes were swollen from being strangled, making it even more terrifying and frightening.

He cried sharply at Su Xiangsheng's big purple mouth. Su Xiangsheng's brain seemed to be pierced by dense ice needles. He had a splitting headache and wanted to retch.

A huge silver snake tail tied them up and flung them down the mountain.

When the two rolled to the ground below the mountain, they happened to see Ning Su and the others rushing over.

Pang Yang and Meng Jiang helped them up, "What's going on? Why are you in such a mess?"

Just as Shi Tianshu was about to speak, she saw the person she wanted to ask, and jumped out from the iron gate.

Ning Changfeng faced two **** mouths, "Hurry up, get out of here!"

This was the first time Ning Su saw Ning Changfeng with a wound on his face, and he was slightly taken aback.

He was injured, and the others naturally didn't dare to take it seriously, and immediately stayed away from here with them.

They didn't stop until they reached the nearby female player dormitory.

Shi Tianshu saw that one of the three of them had color on their faces, one was holding his stomach and his face was pale from pain, and the other was black and stiff, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ning Changfeng recounted their discoveries and experiences on the mountain, "Those little ghosts are powerful, hard to catch, and their attack power is terrifying."

Kneeling half-kneeling on the ground, Su Xiangsheng nodded to Zhu Shuangshuang, who had his back turned to them and bandaged him, "It's scary and powerful, they are the little ghosts that were born!"

"Now I feel more and more that what Ning Shi said is right, that ghosts are grown in corpses, and corpses are those in the corpse raising river, and these powerful little ghosts are grown!"

Ning Su: "..."

He asked Ning Su again: "Really? What did you find?"

Ning Su recounted their experiences.

Su Xiangsheng said: "It must be like this. They attract outsiders, throw outsiders into the corpse raising river to raise corpses, and then use the evil corpses fed by people to plant ghosts. We also found traces of outsiders who died on the mountain."

Pang Yang: "It seems to make sense."

Meng Jiang also nodded.

Ning Su didn't speak, he was very interested in the stone statue in the stone temple they were talking about, and was staring at Ling Xiao.

His eyes are so understanding.

Master Flower God, what kind of evil **** are you still here part-time?

Ling Xiao: "..."

Shi Tianshu went through the situation on both sides, "You mean, this Mingqian village enshrines some kind of evil god, and through some kind of evil method, it attracts outsiders to feed the corpses and grow scary little ghosts?"

Su Xiangsheng: "Yes! I also guessed how they attract outsiders."

He handed them a photo album, "I found it in a small villa on the mountain just now, and before I could show it to them, I found the kid."

In a photo album in a villa, they subconsciously thought that it should contain family photos of the family in the villa.


It's a picture of a woman.

It wasn't just a picture of a woman, it was a very beautiful woman.

Shi Tianshu took out the first photo, opened it and saw the date on the back, which should be her date of birth.

Su Xiangsheng continued to talk about his speculation, "The small villas on the mountain are much better built than the ones below. It can be seen that the villagers here are trying to create a luxurious environment with good privacy. There is a man's belt in one of the villas, It can be confirmed that it was a man from outside who was at least rich, and in the villa there is this photo album full of beautiful women, and we know that there are many beautiful women in this village."

"You know what I'm talking about, right?" As he spoke, he looked at several people one by one, and his eyes finally fell on Ning Su.

Ning Su opened his beautiful and clear eyes, "I don't understand, what are you talking about?"

He looked at Ling Xiao again, "Do you understand?"

Ling Xiao: " seem to understand, but you don't understand."

Ning Su nodded in satisfaction.

Su Xiangsheng: "..."

Pang Yang, who was about to say that he understood, was suddenly embarrassed to say so.

He understands, is he dirty?

Meng Jiang, a big fool, said, "I understand. When you put it that way, all the clues are connected. I think so too."

Shi Tianshu frowned, feeling that there was something wrong with this speculation, "If this is the case, why are those villagers so afraid of the things in the corpse raising river?"

Su Xiangsheng said empathetically, "Because that thing is already scary!"

Ning Changfeng also said, "Maybe it's not that simple."

He thought for a while and said: "If this inference is correct, then we just need to find out how they planted ghosts in the corpses of Yangshi River, or if there are ghost owners in this world, just find out the ghost owners."

"If not, we may continue to explore the village and the mountains. The two roads are not contradictory, and we can proceed at the same time."

Su Xiangsheng said: "Okay, this is just a possibility that I have deduced from the current clues. There may be new clues later. Don't be affected by my speculation."

Speaking of which, when they planned to start here tonight, they suddenly heard a scream.

After twelve o'clock at night, another player died.

This time it was a female player in Shi Tianshu's small building, who died in exactly the same way as the female player in Zhu Shuangshuang's small building last night.

The whole body was broken, it was horrible.

This time they came early, and they could still see the densely packed, wet footprints in the house.

Seeing these small footprints, Zhu Shuangshuang and Su Xiangsheng's faces were particularly ugly.

Su Xiangsheng: "It's those little ghosts on the mountain!"

Shi Tianshu said: "On the first night, the male player from Su Xiangsheng's small building died, and the female player from He Zhu Shuangshuang's small building died. On the second night, the female player from my small building died. At the same time, Ning Changfeng The male player in the small building was thrown into the river and died."

"The male and female buildings are separated. The death of the male player is related to the things in the corpse river, and the death of the female player is related to the kid. Every night, a male player and a female player die."

Zhu Shuangshuang had a drop of cold sweat on her forehead. If they hadn't reacted quickly on the mountain, she might have been the female player who died tonight.


In the night sky outside, a bolt of lightning tore through the sky, a thunderstorm exploded, and then the wind blew loudly.

Shi Tianshu said to several male players: "It's going to rain, you guys should go back quickly."

The male players stopped discussing with them and walked back immediately.

It was very windy outside, and they walked very fast. They didn't see anyone along the way, except for a villager who hurried home.

The doors of every house on the road were tightly closed, and there was no sound from inside the door.

Pang Yang: "How do you feel, they are more afraid of rain?"

Ning Changfeng nodded, "Yes."

Meng Jiang: "This village is really strange."

Ning Changfeng looked at Ling Xiao and Ning Su, "You don't seem to have said anything tonight?"

Ning Su: "..."

Ling Xiao kept lowering his sense of presence, he even held back his breath.

Ning Su was very conflicted and didn't say much.

Ning Changfeng asked directly, and Ning Su thought for a while and said, "If only one male player died tonight, then the villagers threw two people into the river, and the other one might be from the village."

Meng Jiang: "Yes, then what?"

He heard nothing.

The three of them, Ning Changfeng, Meng Jiang, and Pang Yang, did not go to the river with them during the day. Ning Su said in more detail, "If there are two in one night, a villager was also thrown into the river last night. Then People may have something to do with the old man we met by the river, he was a breakthrough."

Su Xiangsheng had met the old man before, and he asked, "Why do you say that?"

Ning Su: "You still remember that old man was wet, and he was carrying a wooden barrel, and there was a black bag in the wooden barrel, which contained human bones."

Su Xiangsheng: "How do you know?"

Ning Su: "I smell it."

Su Xiangsheng: "..."

Are you a dog nose?

Su Xiangsheng told Ning Changfeng and the other three about the old man in detail.

After listening to Ning Su's words, and thinking about that horrible-looking crooked old man, they felt something else in their hearts.

They also remembered the old man who said they bullied him to be alone.

It may be that his relatives were thrown into the river by the villagers at night, and he went to the river alone early in the morning to fish out the bones of his relatives.

Human heads devour human flesh, and black hair grows from human bodies without destroying bones.

I don't know what kind of mood the old man had in picking up those bones.

When they saw him in the morning, he had already picked it up, probably before dawn.

Ning Changfeng: "Okay! We will go tomorrow!"

Ning Su: "I also want to go to the mountain to worship the evil **** in the temple."


No one wanted to go with him for the time being.

Ning Changfeng: "Okay, let your boyfriend accompany you to worship."


Alright ruthless, you guys.

Ning Su looked at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao: "You can worship anytime."

Ning Changfeng: "Ah, what a good boyfriend."

Ning Su: "..."

What he said was probably not to worship him at any time.

It was raining sporadically, and the villagers were so afraid of the rain that they didn't dare to underestimate it, so they hurried back to the small building.

Not all the players went out at night, some players remained in the small building.

They came back to confirm that only He Xin died.

Chen Tian, ​​who stayed in the small building, told them that he was taken away by the villagers who were stunned, that there was a power outage in the small building tonight, and that the candles given by the villagers were faulty.

After He Xin was taken away, the scary and weird human head and black hair no longer appeared in the two small buildings.

Ning Su and Ling Xiao went back to their room after hearing this.

Ling Xiao said, "You still helped them."

Ning Su knew that he was talking about the old man, he nodded, "It's okay, I already know the answer, I can't let them stay here longer just because I want to stay with them for a few more days, after all, people die every day. "

"Isn't it the same to go back and be with them?"

Ling Xiao knew that he was really satisfied, so he didn't talk about it anymore, but asked him: "Do you really want to go up the mountain to see?"

Ning Su hesitated, "Are those brats really powerful?"

Ling Xiao nodded, "If I am enshrined in the stone temple, and those little ghosts can stay in the stone temple, they are not ordinary little ghosts."

Ning Su knew it would be troublesome as soon as he heard it. He caught a glimpse of Guisheng who was swaying under the quilt, and immediately said, "Then let Guisheng go and have a look, maybe he can make friends."

Guisheng: "Huh?"

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