MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 171 kind of ghost

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Su Xiangsheng: "Did they show signs when they were pregnant?"

Old man: "Yes, at first we all thought they were going to be lovers for those rich people, until we saw her who was six months pregnant."

Zhu Shuangshuang: "Who?"

Old man: "The first girl to go to the mountain is Wan Xiangyin."

The clues they found in the villa pointed to Li Bingyu, and now there is the first Wanxiang Seal to be planted with a ghost.

They were even more clueless as to who the ghost master was.

Ning Su: "What's unusual about her?"

The old man: "She is crazy, she tells everyone that there are ghosts, she is very thin, her face is black, and someone accidentally touches her, she is cold all over. The mother-in-law in the village said that she was possessed by a ghost, and that those men were not clean. "

"There was another one like this later, who couldn't bear the torture and committed suicide by jumping into the river. Only some people in the village believed this statement."

Zhu Shuangshuang: "What do you call someone who commits suicide by jumping into a river?"

The corners of the old man's lips trembled slightly, and he looked very scared. He covered his eyes again and said, "Lu Ni, her name is Lu Ni."

Zhu Shuangshuang frowned.

Su Xiangsheng: "Didn't someone believe this statement? No one stopped it?"

The old man opened his mouth.

Ning Su said for him: "They gave too much."


Zhu Shuangshuang said helplessly: "And then? How did you deal with it? What happened after the ghost fetus was born?"

The old man said: "We didn't know at first, they were all on the mountain, and we didn't know about her until Wan Xiangyin died."

"People in our village believe that the Tongming River leads to the underworld, and the dead are buried in water. When she just died, her family put her in the Tongming River."

Ning Su: "Is it because she is afraid of her revenge and wants her to go to the underworld?"


The old man was a little speechless.

Zhu Shuangshuang tugged Ning Su again, signaling him not to interrupt the old man.

Ning Su closed his mouth with a slumped face.

They probably knew it, and it was about the same as they guessed.

The kind of ghost is a man who is not clean, has evil fate or resentment on his body, and is haunted by evil spirits. With the help of a Taoist priest, he transfers these things to a woman with a special physique in Mingqian Village.

Some people in the village acquiesced to this practice for the sake of money, and feared that they would be retaliated and threw the woman who had been seeded to death into the Tongming River.

It's just that they didn't expect a deadly change to happen.

Those heads in the Tongming River are women who were planted with ghosts.

Ning Su asked, "Where's Li Bingyu? What's her situation?"

The old man said: "She is the last woman who planted ghosts here."

At that time, there were already several ghost-seeking women in the village. Those people outside really gave too much money, money that they could not earn in a few lifetimes. Not to mention men, some women were also tempted.

Whether they want to plant ghosts or not, they can all get a small building at the west end of the village near the mountain.

The Taoist would bring rich people here, and occasionally they would wander around the west of the village.

The richest person's surname was Su, and he was so rich that he directly took Li Bingyu's family out.

"He's still here, he planted ghosts on Li Bingyu's body twice."

If you have planted ghosts twice, how many evil deeds you have done and how many negative debts you have accumulated.

The old man: "Li Bingyu's family members are no longer here, and she was thrown into the Tongming River in the end."

He was silent for a while, "At that time, she didn't die."

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, and their hearts sank.

The old man: "It was at this time the year before last, the rainy season, and it rained heavily."

On that night of heavy rain, many people in the village did not come out, but someone must have heard Li Bingyu's screams and cries for help.

Because it has been raining for several days, the water of the Tongming River has risen a lot, the river is rushing, and there are other fishy smells other than the fishy smell of water.

The river water is not as clear as before, and other things are faintly floating in the turbidity.

"No! Please! Don't throw me in! It's full of dead people!"

"I beg you, please help me, please help me!"

"Village chief! Grandpa Liu! Please! Oh!—Please, please..."

Her family members were all taken out, and she was the only one left here. No one helped her, and she was thrown into the Tongming River.

Her family members left this poor and shady village, only she was left in the muddy and rotten Tongming River.

The old man: "It rained for seven consecutive days, and the rainwater accumulated higher and higher in the village. On the seventh day, when the village chief opened the water tank, he saw black hair coiled like snakes inside, and a soaked bubble on top. head."

"He died in the water tank, and countless hairs grew out of his body."

"Then there was the Taoist priest, and a lot of respectable people in the village. They all died. Some were eaten by human heads, and some had black hair growing out of their bodies, and were sucked by the black hair, leaving only a bone."

"A lot of heads emerged from the stagnant water. Some people ran to the mountains and met those little ghosts, and died even more tragically."

The old man: "No one wants to think about that rainy season a second time. After the rainy season passed, everything seemed to recover."

Of course there is no recovery.

They all knew that the corpses in the river had mutated, and only by feeding men into the river could their resentment be suppressed a little bit, hence the name of Tongminghe River.

The villa on the mountain was also deserted, except for the one who was murdered by ghosts in the rainy season, the previous people had already left, leaving the resentful little ghost with them.

Mingqian Village is indeed different.

It seems that he has gained a lot and lost more, and has truly become Mingqian Village.

The place closest to the underworld.

The three of them rowed the boat and continued to walk to other parts of the village.

Zhu Shuangshuang said: "The first person they went to kill was the village head, and those prominent people in the village. In fact, the Taoist priest told them the plan when he came to find these people for the first time. Xin agreed, but didn't tell the villagers."

Ning Su nodded.

Zhu Shuangshuang asked him: "Why do you treat the old man differently than that day? He is not one of those people, right? If he was, he would be killed by them too."

Ning Su: "He's not one of the most hateful people, but is he really not involved?"

"He said that the first family to grow ghosts lived in a two-story house, and the villagers were very envious. This shows that there were no two-story houses in the village before. How did he live in a two-story house?"

Zhu Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment, she looked at the two-story buildings in Mingqian Village from the boat.

These small buildings are only three or four years old at the most, so they should be very new, but I don’t know if it’s because of the rain erosion. The paint on the iron doors is peeling off, and there are deep water marks on the walls, making them look gloomy and gloomy.

None of these two-story buildings are clean.

Su Xiangsheng: "He still hasn't completely told the truth, at least he has concealed a lot."

This matter came out of his mouth, with his position and personal emotions, which may have been made up for the real event.

Ning Su nodded, and he said: "The old man said that people in the village who throw people into the corpse river are easy to bully and will not retaliate, but if according to what he said, the ghosts who throw people into the river are In order to suppress their grievances, they should vote for the person they hate the most, otherwise the villagers can just feed us outsiders, why should they vote for a person from their own village."

Zhu Shuangshuang: "The people they resent the most, other than the few in the village who cooperate with Taoist priests, are... family members?"

The old man's grandson was forcibly thrown into the river by the villagers to raise his body.

The two fell silent.

After a long time, Su Xiangsheng said bluntly: "Why was he at that time, for his stupid grandson?"

What is it, the specific cause and effect here, they don't know.

They just listened to a person who has his own standpoint, and the inadvertent details in it may be the tip of the iceberg of another story.

For example, they don't know what happened to the mother-in-law who pointed out the facts mentioned by the old man, and they seem to be able to imagine.

Perhaps only those who have personally experienced it know the true joys and sorrows.

Su Xiangsheng: "Who is the ghost master? Today we know the story of two people again, but I feel that Li Bingyu is more likely."

"Yes." Zhu Shuangshuang also agreed with his point of view, "She was the one who ended the ghost, and she should be the one who took the lead in revenge."

"But, if it's her, is she also among those heads? Then she doesn't look like a big ghost with outstanding abilities, and it's too troublesome to find her among so many heads, right?"

Ning Su was thoughtful, "Let's inquire again, and go back and discuss with the president."

The two nodded, "Then let's hurry up."

It was noon when they came out, and it would take time to row back, and there was not much time to stay below.

The heavy rain is still falling, and the water is getting higher and higher.

Ning Su and Su Xiangsheng wore coir raincoats and rowed in Mingqian Village.

According to what I said earlier, ask Zhu Shuangshuang to ask the women here.

The gates were all flooded, and they couldn't knock on the door. They yelled a few times outside several houses, but no one paid any attention to them.

In the end, only a woman spoke a few words to them at the window, but did not give many useful clues.

She was on guard against them, "What are you asking about these people? Are you also Taoists? Do you want to destroy them?"

Su Xiangsheng: "..."

In this dungeon, his reputation was really ruined.

Unlike the men in the village who were terrified of the things in the river for raising corpses, she could feel that while she was afraid, she also meant to protect them.

She said: "They are too miserable. You don't know how terrifying the upper body of the ghost is. Some of them are crazy. The death of those men is the retribution they deserve."

Ning Su let out a "huh", "We just heard something from the old man whose grandson was thrown into the river just now."

The woman sneered, "Old man Lu."

Ning Su was silent for a while, nodded, and did not speak again.

Zhu Shuangshuang and Su Xiangsheng didn't ask any more questions, they just thought that his surname was Lu.

They rowed back to the mountain.

Two wooden boats have been made on the mountain, and some people have prepared a simple dinner.

Shi Tianshu: "Talk while eating, eat early to prepare for the evening."

They were in that villa, exchanging information while eating.

The people who searched the villa did not find any very useful clues. Ning Changfeng and the others did a thorough search that day.

Pang Yang said: "I found some traces left by other people in other villas. It seems that the people living in the villas are all dead."

"Also, there are some wet spots on some beds, which should be left by those brats."

"I didn't find too many others. The human chrysalis and vampire team also searched in the villa, and they were almost destroyed by them."

Zhu Shuangshuang told them what they found out.

Shi Tianshu: "It's about the same as what we speculated, it seems that Li Bingyu is more likely to be the ghost master."

Zhu Shuangshuang: "If she is the ghost master and has the same experience as those women, she should be in the corpse. How can so many people find her?"

Shi Tianshu: "No matter what, we must find her, preferably tonight."

Shi Tianshu started talking to a few female players about her plans for the evening.

Ning Changfeng didn't often appear by Shi Tianshu's side when there were many people. He didn't know where he went.

Ning Su filled his stomach and walked to Ling Xiao.

He was sitting on the sofa looking at the photo album. It was Su Xiangsheng who first found the photo album in the villa. There were photos of several women in that photo album.

Ning Su: "What are you looking at?"

Ling Xiao put the photo album in his hand, "Take a good look at it."

Ning Su let out a "huh" and took the photo album.

When he looks at this kind of thing with different subjects, he will automatically have two focuses in his brain, one is the similarities of different subjects, and the other is the differences of different subjects.

The different subjects of this album are different women.

The similarity is that they are both relatively young and beautiful women.

There are too many differences between different people, and the facial features and looks are different.

Apart from these, Ning Su looked at the more obvious ones, clothing and hairstyle.

Ning Su's eyes fell on Li Bingyu's photo.

Li Bingyu is also very beautiful, she has a point that adds points to her beauty.

She has long black and thick hair.

Very long, not only waist-length.

This is part of her beauty, and it is still the more eye-catching part.

Ning Su immediately thought of those black hairs like waves in the corpse raising river, outside the window, and under those heads.

Ning Su's eyes lit up, "The ghost master is not one of the heads, she has appeared before, but only part of it, is it those black hairs?"

The villagers said that the rainy season is very dangerous, and every year when the rainy season is approaching, they have to raise corpses to relieve their grievances.

Why is the rainy season dangerous?

Because the river water rises during the rainy season, the village is flooded.

The unjust souls in the Yangshi River are deposited in the river, and they become ghosts in the river. They are essentially water ghosts, and they can appear in every household in the village in the stagnant water.

It is true that many heads swam from the river to the village last night to eat people.

However, the first night they came here, before it rained, those heads also appeared.

On those wavy black hair.

In addition to water, dark hair can also make those heads appear.

This is the ability to control and dominate over the head.

They didn't think much about the black hair at the beginning. In this kind of village dungeon, long hair is a representative of women, which means that it is normal for female ghosts to appear.

Later, after knowing that they were being used to plant ghosts, it seemed reasonable to think that the black hair would get into men's bodies and **** their flesh and blood to grow wildly.

Planting ghosts on them is not destroying their bodies, using evil ghosts to **** their flesh and blood.

However, in this way, he has always subconsciously felt that black hair is a symbol and tool of female ghosts, which is what they all have, and he did not take it out as a part of the ghost master.

Ling Xiao nodded, "The black hair belongs to the ghost master, and you can touch the ghost master along the black hair."

It sounds a little difficult and a little scary, after all, the black hair they saw on the first night was as rough and huge as the waves.

But they finally had a precise direction.

Ning Su thought about it, and went to Shi Tianshu's side, and quietly told her about this conjecture.

Shi Tianshu wasn't too surprised, "I've also paid special attention to black hair, but it's not as clear as you think. If you say so, I can try boldly and vigorously tonight."

She smiled and said, "Thank you."

Ning Su: "Master, come on!"

Shi Tianshu touched her belly with one hand and said with a smile, "I will definitely."

They left the villa after dinner.

It is rainy and the sky is so dark that it is not so obvious. When it gets dark, the little ghosts will appear in the villa, and they have to leave here as soon as possible.

The little ghosts on the mountain like to attack female players, and the ghosts in the corpse river prefer to attack male players.

Therefore, the plan is that when the rain keeps rising and the roof is no longer safe, the male player will stay on the mountainside, and the female player and Manman will spend the night in the village by boat, and adjust in time if there is any situation.

After Shi Tianshu left by boat, Ning Changfeng appeared beside them and brought the vampire along.

Ning Su glanced at them.

Ning Changfeng said: "I don't know if we are safe or not here. Will the little devil even attack us."

Vampire: "If they attack us, we will fight them, if we can't fight anymore."

Ning Changfeng: "Okay, let's try to fight first, can we fight against a few little devils together?"

Ning Su: "..."

It was completely dark, and it was no longer dark because of the rainy sky, but it was really night.

In the darkness, Mingqian Village could not hear any sound except the sound of rain and wind.

The other male players tensed up and looked around, fearing that the kid in the villa would come down and haunt them.

They don't have the confidence of vampires and Ning Changfeng.

And Ning Su and Ling Xiao were sneaking towards the higher part of the mountain in the dark.

Ling Xiao didn't seem to understand why they were so sneaky, and the dark eyes in the dark night fell on Ning Su's face.

Ning Su whispered: "We adults don't want to interfere in the matter of children making friends. Don't you want to see how cute our ghosts are?"

Ling Xiao: "..."

The two parents follow wretchedly to see how the children make friends.

This is the first time that the dull and introverted Guisheng took the initiative to make friends. The last time his friends were the Little Skull Band introduced to him by Manman.

Guisheng walked slowly into the Yinshen Temple, lifted the altar tablecloth, and poked under the table, "Friend?"

Ning Su: "..."

Ling Xiao whispered, "Your son is too straightforward."

Ning Su turned his head to look at him, and said stiffly, "Isn't it good to be straightforward?"

Ling Xiao pointedly said, "It's good to be like you."

Ning Su: "..."

Guisheng, show me some restraint!

There are no friends in the Yinshen Temple, so Guisheng went to the villa to look for them again without giving up.

The villa was pitch-black at night, and Gui Sheng held a small flashlight and struggled to find a friend.

Huang Tian paid off, Gui Sheng's sincerity moved the heavens, and finally found a friend under the bed in the fourth villa as a candidate.

Two ghosts were lying on the ground, one was under the bed, and the other was outside the bed. Four strange eyes met.


Ning Su hates iron for being weak, why can't he speak at such a critical time?

After a long time, Guisheng took off one of his eyeballs, one side was round and dark, and the other was big eyes. He blinked his long eyelashes, and approached him with his head, "Cute?"


Ning Su felt that Ling Xiao had a lot to say at this time.

So is he.

But they can't disturb them.

There was a silence.

Gui Sheng asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

He moved closer to the little ghost, and pointed to himself, "The number one cutest kid in Huaiyang Village, Guisheng."


He pointed at the little ghost again, "The number one cutest kid in Mingqian Village, my friend."


Guisheng: "Friend?"

The wet little ghost finally moved, he pushed Guisheng out with a palm.

Ning Su: "???"

He immediately came out and pushed the brat kid to the ground, and said fiercely: "Be friends with the little cute ghost, or tell us where the ghost master is, choose one."

Ling Xiao: "..."

Didn't it say that when children make friends, adults should not interfere?

The long-abandoned villa leaked rain, the ground was wet and dirty, the ghost who was pushed down stood up dirty, walked to Ling Xiao, grabbed his pants and complained, "He doesn't want to be friends with me, and kicks me! Kick me!"

Ling Xiao was silent for a few seconds, "He is not so lucky."

Gui Sheng touched his face, "Hmm!"

He was still looking at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao: "..."

Ling Xiao looked at the little ghost, saw that the little ghost was looking at Guisheng, saw him looking over, and immediately looked away.

He thought about it, and said to Guisheng: "He is a combination of evil spirits and resentment. He has a lot of hostility. He has never felt warmth, and he doesn't know what a friend is. In fact, he likes you very much."

Guisheng: "Huh?"

Ning Su also looked down at the brat, "You like to use bullying to express your love? That's fine, let the ghost kick back."

Guisheng came over, looked down at the wet little ghost with black eyes and bruised lips, reached out and touched his face, "Cute!"

Ning Su: "..."

never mind.

He let go.

The little ghost looked at Guisheng, wondering if he was afraid of them, so he didn't make any more moves.

Guisheng sat beside him, pointed at his wet clothes, "It's wet."

He took out a small handkerchief from his pocket and wiped it for the kid.

The kid looked at him and said nothing.

Ning Su asked, "Did you go to see your mother?"

The little ghost seemed to have suddenly recovered, and immediately looked at Ning Su.

This villa was lived by Li Bingyu, and this little ghost may have been planted by her. Guisheng's capture may have caught the most important and most useful little ghost.

Ning Su: "Do you still want to find her? Shall we take you there?"

Guisheng: "Yeah!"

The little ghost turned his head away without saying a word.

Ning Su looked at him, unable to tell what it was like.

He actually didn't know what he was, he was an evil spirit, a resentment, or a child, but he would go to the river every day to find his mother.

Ning Su stood up, "Let's go."

Before the little ghost could react, Guisheng grabbed the back of his neck.

He struggled crazily, his eyes were bloodshot, and black energy scattered, but he didn't expect Gui Sheng to be so powerful, and easily dragged him outside.


After they came out of the villa, they saw pairs of eyes protruding from the darkness, inside the villa door, on the wall, and outside.

Some of those little ghosts stood silently, and some twisted and wriggled, carrying a suffocating and cold breath.

After watching them for a long time, they disappeared in their eyes.

Ning Su: "They?"

Ling Xiao: "Run down the mountain."

Below are the male players.

Just then, they heard a loud noise.

Standing on the mountain, they could clearly see a huge splash on the river surface, a huge octopus monster with countless tentacles pulling its black hair.

The black hair was entangled in circles by the tentacles of the octopus, and it was pulled out from the bottom of the river overwhelmingly.

In the huge dense black hair net, there are pale human heads caught in it, like white round fish on a black fishing net.

The river in Mingqian Village surged violently, and the strong smell of rot was wrapped in the smell of rainwater, spreading endlessly.

The little ghost dragged by Guisheng struggled even more frantically.

Ling Xiao: "Shi Tianshu is trying to drag the ghost master out."

Ning Su: "Go, go and have a look!"

Read The Duke's Passion