MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 183 game base

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When Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng were confirming the list, Ning Su and Ling Xiao met some of his friends first.

Although they both know that the two are together, they still need to tell them officially, and talk about their plans by the way.

Ning Su made an agreement with them that night, and the next morning, several people came to Ning Su with their things.

Ning Su's small courtyard has changed a lot from when he first bought it.

At that time, Ning Su thought the flowers in the base were expensive, so he picked up many seeds in the dungeon world and planted them in the yard.

These flowers are all weird, of course, the weirdest is the Kurosawa flower, the skill weapon he got from the world of "Huanu".

Kurosawa flower became famous in the club competition, and was rated as one of the ten most terrifying skill weapons in the whole base by the base players. Here in Ning Su, it is a flower in the yard, at most it has a housekeeper Functional flowers.

In addition, there is his little jumping zombie, which has become a little doll, at most a little doll that can water flowers and grow vegetables, just like the little skeleton in the yard.


Walking into this strange yard, one could see Ning Su and Ling Xiao through the window preparing tea in the kitchen.

When the boy turned his head to look at Ling Xiao, his eyes were as bright as stars, full of joy.

When they walked into the living room, Ning Su happened to bring out the water.

Zhu Shuangshuang kept staring at him and Ling Xiao, as if she was still surprised that Ning Su and Ling Xiao were together.

Ling Xiao turned to look at Zhu Shuangshuang, Zhu Shuangshuang coughed, "How did you two get together, when?"

Ning Su: "If you explain the ins and outs clearly, it will scare you."

Zhu Shuangshuang: "?"

After Ning Su sat down, he really told them back and forth, the same as what he told Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng last night, but it skipped a lot and was not so comprehensive.

The five people were much more shocked than Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng, and they didn't react for a long time.

At least Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng knew that Ning Su was their son, and his age must have passed from the future to the present.

Su Xiangsheng: "So, you are the son of Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng?"

Ning Su: "Yeah, doesn't it look like it?"


They didn't know for a moment whether the brain's ignorance was more shocking because Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng had a child together, or because Ning Su had come back from the future.

Ning Su blinked at them.

He didn't intend to disclose this matter among the base players, he just wanted to tell a few of them, after all, they might still play together often in the future, so it's not a big deal to keep it a secret.

Ji Mingrui: "No wonder the latest gossip in the base is that you have no relationship with them, and you openly showed love to them at the same time."

Ning Su: "..."

Gossip is human nature.

Just like at this time, Ning Su had told them so much about the huge matter of destroying the system, and what they were most concerned about was this kind of gossip information.

Finally, Su Xiangsheng turned the topic from gossip to serious business, "As for destroying the system, as long as there is something I can do, feel free to say it."

The other four people responded one after another.

Ning Su told them the plan again, "The main thing is for you to take the ghost master and go to other dungeons to destroy the demon master and the **** master."


This is a bit too exciting for them who were tortured to death by the world masters.

The five of them couldn't help but look at Ling Xiao, shocked and stunned.

The person Xiao Xianyu likes is really not ordinary.

It's not just about the thighs.

Ling Xiao said: "You can find reliable people in the association. This matter will start immediately, but don't tell them at the base. After the first batch of people are confirmed, go to the dungeon and tell them."

They knew that the system could not detect this matter, so they all nodded.

Fang Qi: "Should I go to the dungeon world with the ghost master, and discuss in the ghost master's world without fear of the system hearing?"

"It is to go to a world with a ghost master." Ling Xiao said: "One of the reasons is to block the system and facilitate discussions. On the other hand, it is to build the confidence of players to resist the system."

At first, the few people didn't quite understand it until Ning Su asked them to enter a tenth-level dungeon the next day.


The tenth-level dungeon is the dungeon with the highest level of difficulty in the game base. Like the ninth-level dungeon, it is called the Conferred God dungeon.

Almost all players who can come out of the tenth-level dungeon opened for the first time can be high-level players who can become gods.

At present, all the associations in the game base add up, and there may not be more than a hundred dungeon maps of the tenth-level dungeon, most of which are brought out by the high-players who everyone in the base knows.

Generally speaking, the higher the difficulty and the higher the death rate of the dungeon, the more players are required to open it once, but the level 9 and 10 level dungeons are different. When the dungeon of this difficulty is opened in the early stage, not many players dare to enter. It's hard to gather a lot of people.

Therefore, there are two extremes in the number of dungeons at the tenth level, either only a few people are needed, or thousands of dungeons are needed.

In the dungeon map of the tenth level dungeon, there are even fewer people who can enter with thousands of people, and this time they are going to one of them.

This is a dungeon that can be recorded in the history of the game base. Back then, several clubs joined together to enter the dungeon, and lost hundreds of players. Only then did this dungeon map that all major clubs have.

Su Xiangsheng: "I was scared to death, I thought I was going to a newly opened tenth-level dungeon."

Ji Mingrui: "If you think about the purpose of entering the dungeon, you know that it is impossible to go to a new dungeon."

Entering the dungeon is to talk about their plan and build players' confidence, making them believe that their matter is very possible, so they will do it.

If you go to a tenth-level dungeon opened for the first time, everyone doesn't know much about the dungeon. If everyone comes out of an early-level tenth dungeon without any casualties, it will definitely attract the attention of the system.

Su Xiangsheng thought for a while, "You're right."

When they arrived at the game lobby, a lot of players had already gathered in front of the entrance of the dungeon they had reserved. At a glance, not all of them were the top players in the base, but they were all very influential people in the club.

Some were invited by Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng, and some were chatted by players who had seen the dungeon map. There were people from various clubs, and many of them belonged to the Yongming Club.

After everyone was ready, Shi Tianshu nodded to Ling Xiao, "Everyone, prepare to enter the dungeon."

[No. 10-009 "Nianhua" is opened for the 503rd time. 】

[Welcome everyone to Time Town, Time Town is a town favored by the God of Time, where you can quickly experience a lifetime. 】

[I wish all players a happy life. 】

[Dungeon task: keep life time. 】

[Dungeon time: lifetime/week (three days in base time)]

[Reminder: Doing wrong things will speed up the progress of life. 】

Most of the people who came in had seen the dungeon map and knew the core rules and gameplay of this dungeon.

In the time town, you can experience a lifetime quickly, because once the age is violated, the age will increase or decrease by ten years. After the age is reduced to 0 years old, or after the age of 100, the player will disappear or die.

It sounds like everyone has ten chances, but the tricky thing is that when they first entered the dungeon, the players were either newborn babies or old people who couldn't move smoothly.

In order to deal with the ghosts all over the town, waiting to take their bodies and time, they have to violate the rules once or twice as soon as they enter the dungeon, increasing or decreasing their age by ten years.

What's even more deceitful is that at the tenth level of difficulty, the rules are not as clear and clear as the second-level dungeon "Samurai Emperor", at least there are traces to follow.

Except for the two clear rules here, most of the time it depends on the mood of the moody ghost master.

As soon as they entered the copy, all the players had headaches and their skin tightened.

When Ning Su opened his eyes, he was lying on the ground.

The hands in front of him are small and fleshy, and the arms are like lotus joints.

He started from birth.

Before Ning Su could react, he saw a white-haired old man rushing towards him excitedly.

Ning Su: "..."

Why are you still so tough and fierce at a hundred years old?

Unlike other hundred-year-old old men and old ladies, the hundred-year-old Ning Changfeng walked like flying, ran over and hugged him, his old eyes shone with a terrible light.

Ning Changfeng gritted his teeth and said, "Son, I finally see what you looked like when you were a child. You were born like this!"

Ning Su: "..."

Ning Su opened his mouth: "Yi Yi Ya Ya."

Ning Su: "..."

He would rather speak out of the air.

Ning Changfeng hugged Ning Su excitedly, looking extremely happy.

He has always envied Shi Tianshu who saw Ning Su's six-year-old appearance in the dungeon world, but he never opened it again when he wanted to see that dungeon.

Now he has seen Ning Su's appearance when he was just born, and he will also see Ning Su's appearance when he was ten years old. The biggest regret in life has been filled.

Ning Su was hugged by him for a while with a paralyzed face.

Ning Changfeng didn't know how to hold a newborn child at all, he was uncomfortable being held, but seeing Ning Changfeng's weathered and old appearance, he didn't struggle at all.

They are different from ordinary father and son. When he first met Ning Changfeng, Ning Changfeng was only in his twenties.

Normally, for a person of his age, his parents had already begun to show signs of aging, but the father he saw only looked young.

He has never experienced the aging of his parents, and it is inevitable that he will feel a little uncomfortable and sad when he sees him getting old and about to enter the coffin.

He stretched out his hand to grab Ning Changfeng's white beard, and Ning Changfeng laughed haha.

He is very happy.

There are also some emotions.

Holding his son in his arms, he started looking for another person.

Before Ning Su could see it, he immediately walked over to a newborn little girl and picked her up.

Ning Su and baby teacher Tianshu were caught off guard and faced each other.

A newborn mom of the same age, it's amazing.

Ning Changfeng hugged his son in his left hand and his wife in his right, and started looking for Ling Xiao again.

Ning Su also curiously looked for Ling Xiao's figure.

Zhu Shuangshuang turned into a hundred-year-old appearance. She sat weakly on the ground, watching a baby boy babbling at him.

Both Fang Qi and Lin Zhongxi looked like babies, and the restless baby held the quiet baby's little hand tightly.

Ji Mingrui looks like a president when he turns 100 years old.

Players either turn into babies lying on the ground, or become centenarians sitting on the ground.

Only the person who was walking towards them was different, he didn't seem to have changed at all.

No, he has changed.

He belongs to the ranks of growing old and becoming centenarians.

No, Ning Su thought, he has become younger, the 100-year-old Ling Xiao is 88 years younger than when he was at the base.


Ning Changfeng was shocked when he saw Ling Xiao like this, "How old are you!"

Ever since he knew that Shi Tianshu met Ling Xiao when he was a child, he knew that Ling Xiao was much older than he thought, but he only thought Ling Xiao was dozens of years older. Now it seems that he thought too conservatively.

Ling Xiao, I'm afraid he is not an old monster!

Ling Xiao: "...not too big."

Ning Changfeng: "That's it?"

Ling Xiao: "Less than two hundred years old."


Not only Ning Changfeng was shocked, but the players around were all looking at Ling Xiao in shock.

Ning Su heard a few hundred-year-old players talking inarticulately.

"What's the matter with him?"

"Live bug?"

"I'll go, I've been in the game for so long, this is the first time I see a player bug!"

Ning Su: "..."

Well, they came to this dungeon to boost their confidence, and they treated Ling Xiao as a bug to have this effect.

Ning Su stretched out his hand to Ling Xiao, babbling.

Ning Changfeng handed the baby Ning Su to Ling Xiao, and for some reason, at that moment, he had a strong urge to take back the son he handed over, as if this handover would never be taken back.

Ling Xiao skillfully took Ning Su into his arms.

As soon as Ning Su was hugged by him, he grabbed his sleeve, "Ju, ahhh..."

Ning Changfeng asked with displeasure: "What is he talking about?"

Ling Xiao was silent for a few seconds, "Probably, you were born before I was born, and I am old when I was born."


When entering the game, some players are newborn babies, from babies to old people.

Some are centenarians, from old people to babies.

One of Ning Su and Ling Xiao has become a newborn baby, and the other has become a centenarian. It really feels like this.

However, Ning Changfeng said: "Are you old? It should be that you gave birth to me before I was born, and I gave birth to you young."


While speaking, many town residents came towards them.

The residents of Time Town are gentle, kind, and caring. They come to adopt babies and take centenarians home to support them.

—If they haven't read the dungeon map and don't know that they are all ghosts, they will believe it.

They were taken to different families. Before they separated, Ning Changfeng said softly to Ning Su: "Don't grow up deliberately breaking the rules."

Baby teacher Tianshu nodded.

Ning Su: "..."

However, when we saw each other later, she voluntarily violated the rules and grew up to be twenty years old, no different from when she was at the base.

According to the dungeon map, after the players are adopted by the family in Time Town, they will be tortured from mild to severe threats.

This dungeon is essentially a survival copy, you have to persist for a week, and if you survive a week, you can leave the dungeon smoothly.

If not, as the system said, the time of this copy is a lifetime, and a lifetime will end here.

Seven days a week, the first night is the most relaxing. Players can still go out this night, and they take advantage of this time to gather together to discuss the instance.

Ning Su was carried away by twenty-year-old Shi Tianshu.

When Shi Tianshu hugged him, she was obviously very happy.

How dare Ning Su say that only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps.

Players gathered in different places, and the town square where the largest number of people gathered was the first batch of reliable players selected by them.

Many players have actively violated the rules, increasing or decreasing their age. There are many ten-year-old children here, and old people in their 70s and 80s.

Ning Changfeng also looks much younger. He has the blood of Hydra and has a strong physique. It is difficult for outsiders to tell how much younger he is.

After everyone arrived, Ning Changfeng said: "Everyone may be curious, why we invited you to this dungeon that has been opened many times."

"Is there a plan? I thought it was the president who wanted to write the book with me."

"You have a good idea, the president of the teacher invited me too."

"Huh? I was invited by Ning Changfeng."

"The two of them actually invited us to play the book together?! What is the big deal for them to be together?"

The children and the old people discussed it in a hurry.

Ning Changfeng didn't interrupt them. These were all reliable and trustworthy players they invited. They just discussed for a while before looking at the few people in front.

Shi Tianshu: "We invite you to come here because the system can be temporarily blocked here, and we can discuss a major matter with you."

All players were taken aback.

They are all the leaders of the major associations in the base, and they are also the best players. This is the first time they have heard that they can block the system.

Ning Changfeng said: "At this time, the plaza we are in has blocked the system and other players, so you don't have to worry about what you want to say."

The players have already realized something, and each of them looks serious.

Someone asked: "Principal Teacher, you called us to the dungeon, what are you talking about?"

Shi Tianshu put Ning Su in Ling Xiao's arms, faced all the players in the square, and said solemnly: "What we are talking about is destroying the system and getting rid of the game."

There was an uproar.

Unlike Ling Xiao's world, in their game base, very few players really thought about resisting the system and getting rid of the game.

They never thought that, apart from the fact that the system learned experience from other worlds and used various methods to suppress such signs, the system was too powerful in their minds to comprehend and could not be destroyed.

This is the main task of the dungeon this time, to boost their confidence.

If you can really get rid of the game, who wants to be destroyed without dignity here.

Facing the intense discussion and unbelievable players, Ning Changfeng said: "Everyone listen to us, we have a way to destroy the system."

Shi Tianshu also said: "If we are not sure, we will not call you here."

After all, it is the president of the largest club in the game base, and the number one player in the game base all year round. The two said so, suppressing the shock and panic of the players.

"We can't even touch the entity of the system, how can we destroy it?"

Ning Changfeng: "What if we say that all ghost masters help us?"

The players were once again taken aback by him.

"Ghost master? Help us?"

"How can it be!"

"What are you kidding!"

Shi Tianshu: "Look back."

When the players looked back, their hairs stood on end.

Behind them, at an unknown time, densely packed time town residents appeared.

Those who have seen the dungeon map all know that these are evil spirits who can't wait to take away their life time. They will show their true colors behind and torture them with various threats.

They are standing behind them, what are they going to do?

Under the instruction of the ghost master, what new town rules are used to take away their life time and punish them?

A ghost came forward.

A group immediately retreated.

The ghost patted his empty chest and said, "I am an old ghost, even if I am old and gone, I will not rob you of your life time."


"Me too, I will never hurt you!"

"Aren't we a family? Why are you so afraid of us?"

"I'm here to wait for you to finish speaking and take you home!"


The players are in a trance.

What made them even more dazed was that behind these ghosts, a ghost that they could all recognize appeared.

The priest of the church in the small town of time, the moody mad ghost master of this tenth-level dungeon world.

Wearing a strange blood-red priest's robe, he walked up to Ling Xiao, drew a simple cross on his body, and bowed his head to him, as if he was his god.

There was an eerie silence in the square.

The players looked at the ghost master obediently standing next to Ling Xiao, in a daze.

After giving them time to digest, Shi Tianshu said: "Now you can believe that the ghost master will help us?"

"This, what's the situation?"

According to the speech prepared in advance, Shi Tianshu told them about the relationship between Ling Xiao and the ghost master.

If the ghost lord was obedient to Ling Xiao, Shi Tianshu couldn't find any loopholes in his rhetoric, and they couldn't convince them completely, what they saw next completely suppressed his doubts.

Time Town is clean and beautiful, and the square is brightly lit.

They could clearly see that Ling Xiao's vines spread out from Ling Xiao's body, passed by them, and spread endlessly to the entire town.

There are blood-red flowers blooming on it, the red is very dark, as if sucked blood from hell

Very familiar.

The players here have downloaded many dungeons, and they have seen this kind of flower in many of the scariest places in the dungeons.

They looked at Ling Xiao blankly, as if they understood a lot, but didn't really grasp anything.

Shi Tianshu said: "Everyone knows that I have been into games since I was very young, and it has been almost sixteen years in the blink of an eye."

"In the past sixteen years, I have seen the death of countless players, the insanity of countless players, and the long river of pain filling the base."

Her voice is clear and quiet, like the night wind, bringing the player into the past memories.

Who hasn't seen those deaths, those madnesses and breakdowns.

Who hasn't had a nightmare on the blood all over the floor, crying in pain.

Those deaths, madness, collapses, and struggles reappeared in their minds over and over again on the **** memory curtain.

"I seem to become numb, and often forget that I am a normal person who has lived in a safe world."

"I'm very perceptive, and I always feel that I'm actually a tool of the system, its pet, not a human being."

Shi Tianshu's voice slowly rang in the ears of every player.

"It circles me like this, it's definitely not doing good deeds with good intentions, it must have a plan, it wants to use us to destroy our homeland world."

"Everyone, do you still remember our world?"

How could you not remember.

The community competition is open. After watching it, all the players in the base agreed that the dungeon "Zombie" was cruel.

It's not because there are many zombies in that dungeon, but because in that dungeon, there is another self, the self that has not yet entered the game, and they will eventually destroy that self, and bid farewell to the past and the real world.

That self, who was not covered in blood in the game, was a clean and proud person.

It is the only memory in the last piece of pure land in their hearts.

The homeland world has the same meaning to them.

It was the promised land they dreamed back at midnight, and when they suddenly thought of it, they could no longer fall asleep sadly, and they missed it so much.

The square was silent for a long time, and in the deep silence, something was surging.

Shi Tianshu: "Do you want to go back before it is destroyed?"

"Master, stop talking, just tell me how to do it!"

"What else? You think we don't want to leave this **** game!"

"I used to think that it was impossible, and I could only rot here. If it was possible, who wouldn't want to fight!"

"As long as there is 100% hope, I am willing to die 90% for myself and for my hometown!"

"Okay." Shi Tianshu said, "Next, let's end all of this together."

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