MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 2 enter the game

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The car continued to drive quietly in the dark.

The night seemed to become darker, so dark that it gained weight, and it was so thick that it was hard to breathe.

The speed seems to be faster.

The muscular man doesn't dare to go up to stop the driver from driving now, who knows what kind of face is in front of that smooth curly hair.

Because of the weirdness of the driver, no one dared to go up to stop or question the driver, and because of the weirdness of the driver, more people in the car wanted to get out of the car urgently.

"What kind of broken car is this?"

"It's not really a hearse, is it?"

"Damn, my scalp is numb and I can't stay for a second."

The muscular man's eyes fell on the safety hammer next to the window.

Since the driver can't stop and open the door, and the driver doesn't respond no matter what they say or do in the back, then he can smash the window with a safety hammer and jump out of the car at the right time?

When he got there, he was stopped by the actor when he was about to take the safety hammer, "Wait a minute."

"The speed of the car is very fast, and no one knows what will happen if we jump off rashly." The actor pointed to Ning Su and Zhu Shuangshuang and said, "The two of them don't want us to go down, so they probably know what's going on, so let them ask the driver to stop. "

"Yes! They may know the driver!"

"They go the most comprehensive!"

The muscular man held a safety hammer, how could they not know his intentions.

The muscular man is very strong, just like the person in the movie who can withstand falls and fights, he can jump over walls and cars without any problem.

So what should they do? They also want to get off the car, but they may be seriously injured if they jump off the car.

If you can stop the car, you have to try.

The muscular man also accepted the actor's proposal, looked back and forth between Ning Su and Zhu Shuangshuang, and finally chose Zhu Shuangshuang as a girl, and reached out to pick up Zhu Shuangshuang.

Zhu Shuangshuang waved her hands indiscriminately, struggling desperately, screaming louder and shriller than before, "I don't want it! I won't go! Let me go!"

Zhu Shuangshuang was afraid of ghosts at first, but she still had a rich imagination. She had already imagined countless scary faces in front of that long wavy hair.

Just facing the strangely-shaped dead man on the hearse, she has already lost her sanity, and asking her to find the weird driver in front of her is like sacrificing her to the evil spirit.

However, a slender girl like her was no match for a muscular man. Seeing her struggling, the muscular man moved his hands from her collar to her hair, dragged her from the seat to the aisle by pulling her hair.

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you!" the muscular man tugged at her hair and said, his eyes were not only vicious, but when they swept down her neck, there was more manic desire.

Zhu Shuangshuang looked at him almost in despair, and the eyes filled with mist again.

The driver was still sitting there quietly, the little dolls hanging around him swayed more violently, and the emotions of the people in the car became even more out of control.

They watched one by one, and no one stepped forward to stop them.

Zhu Shuangshuang, who fell to the ground, held onto the legs of the seat tightly, and the muscular man pulled her hair to drag her forward.

The little Taoist finally couldn't stand it anymore, he stood up and shouted: "Stop, you can't do this to a woman..."

At the same time as he spoke, the boy in front of him put his hands on the back of the chair and jumped forward dexterously.

His movements were quick, and the little Taoist glanced at him briefly, only seeing his hand resting on the back of the chair, the veins stretched out on the back of his white hand were black.

I don't know if he moved too fast, he misread it.

Ning Su landed in front of Zhu Shuangshuang and the muscular man. The nerves of the people in the car were tense, and they didn't notice his light jump for a moment. The jump was a bit too far. They only thought that Ning Su was going up to stop the driver.

Realizing this, the muscular man also let go of Zhu Shuangshuang.

Zhu Shuangshuang, who was lying on the ground, raised her head, and saw Ning Su's back standing in front of her with tears in her eyes.

Sitting on the seat all the time, the cotton white t on his body was pleated twice on his thin waist, and underneath was a pair of ordinary washed blue jeans, which gave him a youthful look.

The exposed ankles are also much thinner and whiter than that of ordinary adult men. He looks smaller than the high school student in the car wearing a school uniform, and even smaller than her.

He walked forward without hesitation.

Zhu Shuangshuang let go of the hands on the chair legs, gritted her teeth and stood up, following him.

Ning Su looked back at her, Zhu Shuangshuang said hoarsely, "I'll go there with you."

Ning Su refused: "Back back and stay away from me, you are too noisy."

Tears kept swirling in the eyes, and Zhu Shuangshuang tried to hold back the tears, but at this moment the tears finally condensed into beads and couldn't stop falling, but there was no crying.

Under Ning Su's unemotional gaze, she wiped her tears indiscriminately, and retreated to her seat in the fourth row. Seeing that Ning Su was still looking at her, she only stopped for a second, and immediately continued to retreat to the small seat. Take the seat in the seventh row behind the Taoist priest.

While she was shedding tears and touching the dust on her fair face and neck, she stared closely at Ning Su in front of her.

The whole car was staring at him.

As Ning Su approached, the little puppets hanging around the driver swayed faster, and the dim lights in the car flickered, as if they were about to go out.

They saw Ning Su walking slowly to the driver, and the driver turned to look at Ning Su.

Even though the driver turned his head slightly, the others couldn't see her face clearly because of the thick curly hair blocking her, and they all looked at Ning Su with bated breath.

Ning Su had no expression on his face.

Everyone couldn't figure out what was going on for a while, was the driver just an ordinary face, or was he really facial paralyzed?

The muscular man asked, "What does the driver look like?"

Ning Su stared at the driver's face, thought seriously, compared with what he had seen before, and said, "It's not bad looking."

Hearing what Ning Su said, everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing his calm expression, the muscular man raised his foot and was about to walk towards the driver, but was blocked by the actor's hand.

The actor said to Ning Su: "You touch the driver's face."

Under the gaze of the whole car, Ning Su slowly put his right hand on the driver's face.

The car continued to drive in the dark night.

In front of the car, under the dim light, the female driver slightly raised her head to look at the boy, her long curly hair hanging down her waist, and her back was beautiful.

The young man was thin but tall, with long fingers and phalanges. One hand could cover most of the driver's face, and the right side of his hand was caught in the driver's soft curly hair. He looked at her quietly with his head down, with a clean and good-looking profile.

Against the backdrop of the surging black of the surrounding car windows, it looks like a painting, with a touch of beauty.

The people in the car stared at Ning Su closely, seeing his eyes moving slightly, the eyes that had always been faint seemed to light up a little bit.

The female driver moved her white-gloved hand to the boy's pocket, her movements were careful, and she didn't mean to hurt anyone at all.

The people in the car were finally relieved, although they still felt that something was wrong.

The muscular man was about to step forward again, but was stopped by the actor again. He continued to say to Ning Su, "Tell the driver to stop and open the door."

The female driver looked at Ning Su without moving. Without Ning Su's words, the car stopped slowly and the rear door opened.

The people in the car didn't expect it to be so easy, and the people who were in a hurry to get out of the car just now were a little confused.

"Do you want to get out of the car?"

"It's too dark outside, and there's still a little light in the car."

The muscular man taunted a "coward", took down the safety hammer next to the window, and was about to get out of the car.

Walking to the actor's side, thinking that he had blocked the perfect result twice, he asked casually, "Big star, do you want to get out of the car?"

He clearly expressed his intention to take him with him, the actor thought for two seconds, gritted his teeth and said, "Next!"

But he felt that two people were not enough, and the more people there were, the safer he was. He looked first at the man in the suit, and then at the group of people behind him.

The people who were anxious to get out of the car became hesitant after Ning Su saw the driver clearly and touched the driver's face.

The actor said: "Don't forget, we can't see the driver in the mirror at all, the whole car looks weird, why don't you get out of the car?"

He said clearly: "Just now we saw Dian L's car. Dian L represents Qiucheng. I was in Jinshi before I got in the car. Maybe you are too? Qiucheng is next door to Jinshi. It is very likely that we We haven’t gone far, the sooner we get off the bus, the easier it is to go back, and no one knows where we will be taken.”

A man with a beer belly walked up to him and said obsequiously, "Fang Enke is right, it would be best for us to be led by these two people."

"One of them has a high force value and can protect us, and the other is a big star who is popular all over the country. Anyone can recognize him and attract widespread attention. Isn't it easy to be saved?"

After the two people said this, most of the people in the car chose to get off with them.

The actor's eyes fell on the man in the suit, and the man in the suit sat back in his seat and expressed his attitude.

The actor smiled, and he didn't know what to think, the smile on his face was flooded with greed that he didn't realize, "Then I will contact Ji Shao's family immediately after getting out of the car, just wait for Ji Shao to be rescued. We'll get back in touch sometime."

Then he looked in the direction of the little Taoist priest and Zhu Shuangshuang.

It was naturally impossible for Zhu Shuangshuang to get out of the car. Not only did she not get out of the car, she also advised them not to get out of the car, "Don't get out, those cars are really full of dead people, and they can still climb on the roof!"

"It's still acting, it's a pity that you don't become an actor." The male actor mocked.

Zhu Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment.

She liked Fang Enke quite a bit before, she was a half fan, but now she doesn't seem to recognize this face full of contempt.

She remembered that when she was dragged by the muscular man, she had hoped for this high-quality actor, and she tried to look up at him when she was lying on the ground. At that time, she saw the subtle and nasty smile on his face, and his eyes were the same as that of the muscular man. In her suspenders V-neck.

At that time, she thought she was flustered and misread.

Zhu Shuangshuang fell silent.

Those who did not want to get out of the car also remained silent with different expressions.

There was a beeping sound in the car.

"Don't talk nonsense with them, let's go!" The muscular man said holding the safety hammer. Before getting out of the car, he spat into the car, "Coward!"

For the last time, his lewd eyes fell on Zhu Shuangshuang, and he cracked a smile.

Then, he jumped first and walked into the darkness.

Seeing that he was fine, the others got out of the car one after another.

When several of them got out of the car, they looked at the rest of the car with mocking and funny expressions. When they were about to step into Hope, they did not forget to ridicule the few people who did not want to be with them.

"How can you be so timid?"


"Leave them alone, if you don't dare to get out of the car, wait for death in the car."

The actor was the last to get off.

When he was walking down from the right door, there was a light in front of the car, and another, no, a group of cars was coming this way.

This time, everyone in the car saw the scene in the car outside.

A scene that made their scalps tingle.

The convoy was full of dead bodies.

In the same passenger car as them, dead bodies were lying or standing, some of them had mutilated faces, and some of their faces were already covered with purple and black corpse spots.

The faces of dead bodies stuck to the car windows were staring at them.

The eyes were either hollow or holed, or rotted into **** mud, or completely naked, all of them were aimed at them motionlessly.

After the two passenger vehicles passed by, there was a trailer truck without a roof, and there were densely packed dead bodies in the trailer, ready to jump off at any time.

Seeing their car, the dead bodies inside were all about to move.

"Close the car door!" The boy in the school uniform who was left in the car jumped up, pointed at the car door tremblingly, and shouted in horror: "Hurry up!!"

After he finished speaking, the passenger car slammed and closed the door.

Walking at the end, the actor who had already got off the car with one foot, glanced back at the corpse car, grabbed the car door in a panic, "Wait a minute!"


The actor suddenly fell on the car door, and his body was dragged down a little bit.

His foot that fell under the car seemed to be caught by something, and his body was dragged down. Only his hands were still holding on to the car door, and he shouted in panic: "Help, help me!"

Without waiting for the reaction of the people in the car, the "didi" sound stopped and the door closed.

The two car doors that were about to close were like two sharp knives, cutting off the actor's hand holding the car without making a sound, and closed them tightly.

The moment the car door was closed, the two hands left in the car jumped a little, bringing out a patch of fresh blood.

At the same time, there was a rustling sound outside the car.

As soon as the dead body on the truck jumped off, there was a shrill scream outside the car, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking and chewing.

It seemed that there was something waiting for them to get out of the car at any moment under their car and behind the surrounding trees.

Just as the bus was moving forward, suddenly a **** hand slapped the glass window at the back of the car, and the nails left a sharp and piercing sound on the window.

Zhu Shuangshuang bit the back of her hand hard to block her frightened scream.

The familiar tattoo on the arm of the **** man made her instantly recognize that it was the muscular man who had just pulled her hair.

The **** hand had just slapped the car window, followed by several hands covered in corpse spots scrambling to slap it up, densely covering the muscular man's hand, and quickly pulled it down, leaving only a bright red spot on the glass window. **** handprints, and a downward bloodstain.

"I saw this tattooed man on the Internet. He was a fugitive wanted for murdering his wife a year ago. I heard that he killed more than one wife and lover." The high school student sitting in the seventh row stared at this scene and muttered.

The creepy chewing and tearing sounds got farther and farther away from them, and the frightening screams disappeared into the thick night.

All that was left to them were **** handprints on the glass and a pair of actor's hands by the car door.

There was a long silence in the car, only slightly heavy breathing could be heard.

At this moment, the mechanical sound sounded lightly again.

[Please prepare players to keep in mind that those who do not follow the rules of the game will die. 】

It's more than just remembering, this one has been deeply imprinted in their bodies with more than a dozen living lives and thick blood.

After that, no one dared to yell, no one dared to get off the car, and no one dared to resist.

The little Taoist wiped his face, and when he looked up, he saw that Ning Su's hand was still on the driver's face. After more than ten minutes, the driver kept raising his head and was touched by Ning Su.

This scene changed from beautiful to weird.

The little Taoist's teeth were numb, and he was the first to break the silence in the car, "Is she really, really good-looking?"

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