MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 1 A coffee shop carrying teenage hope

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怎么 What to do if I travel to a world that is suspected of being a two-dimensional one?

I'm in a hurry! Wait online!

After confirming this fact, Li Yalin wanted to go out on the street and shout this question aloud, but unfortunately he also knew that this method was very stupid, and he could not get anything other than caring for the child with mental retardation.

There are two options before him right now, either to live in this world with ease, or to let people around the world know that they are a traversal, and the result of the latter is either pulled to a mental hospital or sliced the study.

As for going home?

想 It is impossible to know with your toes.

As a nearly 30-year-old pseudo-mansion, Li Yalin's life before passing through was extremely simple. He worked early in the morning and 9 in the evening and spent time in his spare time playing games. I wanted to find a girlfriend, but in the end it was just Think about it and never put it into action.

Maybe it was God who did n’t want him to continue to be ordinary. When he woke up, Li Yalin opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. He originally thought that there was an illusion, and he could slap himself. The obvious pain proved that all this was so true.

He got up and got out of bed in a hurry, and carefully confirmed again and again that Li Yalin finally determined that he had crossed, because he found a mirror in the room, and at the same time, he saw that he had changed from an 'uncle' of nearly thirty to sixteen or seven Teenager looks.

What's more critical is that when he returns to the age of 16, his face value has been optimized by several levels. This is properly the small fresh meat in the TV series!

what is this? Benefits after crossing?

Before crossing, Li Yalin also loved to read novels, and occasionally imagined what he was crossing. When he found out that the previous fantasy really happened to him, he was neither nervous nor excited, nor did he have any feeling of fear.

The first thought that came out of him subconsciously was to check if there were any plug-ins or golden fingers on his body.

The protagonist of the crossing has a plug-in, but that is the basic routine in the novel and animation, and he has become a through-party, can he still have a plug-in?

Facts have proved that this idea is very correct. After a series of tests, he really found the system on his body. As long as he concentrated his mind and meditated on the system in his heart, a translucent template projection appeared in front of him.

According to the information given by the template projection, Li Yalin was able to quickly understand the role of the system, but because of this, he said that he was under great pressure.

The name of the system is called the rescue system, which is literally explained. This is the system that exists for rescue.

究竟 How exactly this system appeared, Li Yalin certainly has no clue, but he is now the master of this system, and this system will continue to assist him in the future. As for the price, it is to complete the tasks given by the system.

If you check this system carefully, you can determine that the system is divided into two categories: life classification and combat classification. The life classification is turned on, and the combat classification is gray and black, which means that it has not been opened.

Since it is not open, ignore it first, and then focus on this life classification.

This life classification seems quite interesting. Under this large classification, it is divided into seven sub-categories of literature, mathematics, engineering, housekeeping, music, art, and sports. Under each sub-category, there are even smaller Divided.

Take the classification of literature, under literature, Li Yalin has opened the language branch, and under the language branch, it is divided into more detailed option settings.

For example, Li Yalin now has three options: Chinese, Japanese, and English. In addition, no matter what kind of branch is gray, that is, the system does not give Li Yalin any addition to language. to make.

It is worth mentioning that, just like playing a game, all the classification options that have been turned on are displayed by numbers, which makes people feel very intuitive. Li Yalin found that the system is clearly marked, and his Chinese language is 100 points. Level, 100 points for Japanese, and 30 points for English.

Huaxia is a mother tongue, and Li Yalin has reached a level of proficiency of 100 points. This is understandable. In English, as a general education for exams, 30 points of entry is normal, but 100 points of Japanese ... What is this?

As a pseudo-house, although Li Yalin also likes to watch Fan, he has not reached the level where he can watch Xinfan without the raw meat. He does not understand the plot without subtitles.

But it's good now. What's the situation when Japanese suddenly becomes 100-point proficient?

Well, in fact, this should also be regarded as a welfare given by the system. After all, the city where he is now speaks Japanese, and the system has placed him here. You ca n’t let him blindly do nothing, right? How else to complete the task?

The interface of the rescue system is very simple and intuitive. In addition to the classification options opened by Li Yalin, the rest is only the personal properties panel. Because it is not very important, I will put it later. What I really want to introduce now is the mission of this rescue system.

Mainline mission-save the coffee shop.

Mission content-Earn 100 million island coins in three months.

Mission rewards-system lottery × 3.

System Tips—If you ca n’t earn enough island coins within three months, the coffee shop carrying the girl ’s hope will be auctioned, and the girl ’s hope will be broken. Please try to complete the task and save the girl in distress.

This is the task that the system issued to Li Yalin, but also the task that made him very much want to go to the trough. Besides, let alone say, earning one hundred million island coins in three months alone, this made him feel sore.

What kind of ghost? A billion? This sounds like a lot of bastards! What's the use of just giving me a system with language options turned on? If I was able to make money, I wouldn't have to do any work that would eat food in the morning, nine, five, and five.

Okay, vomiting to vomiting, this task still has to be studied carefully, especially the sentence of the coffee shop carrying the girl ’s hope, which made Li Yalin very much concerned.

Who is the maiden?

Why is the girl's hope a coffee shop?

李 After Li Yalin figured it all out, he finally understood his situation, and then he had the inner cry before.

It turned out to be a second-order world?

Otherwise, what should the girl named Xiangfeng Zhinai explain?

情况 What about this coffee shop called Rabbit-House?

Here is the world of two dimensions?

No, this is not the case, although it looks like a two-dimensional world, but this world is completely different from the two-dimensional world in Li Yalin's cognition!

Ayaka Fengzhi is this girl. If Li Yalin remembers it correctly, she should come from an animation work before he crosses, and she is also one of the heroines.

I still remember that when I watched this, he was swollen with blood, thinking that he would have no regrets if he could have such a sister.

It turned out to be very good. The wish of that year turned out to be true. Although it was not Ji Nai's brother, at least for the moment, his identity was set, but he was similar to his brother.

Yes, Li Yalin was forced to traverse the system instead of directly airborne, but was arranged to a suitable identity-the son of a friend of Zhi Nai's father, temporarily boarding at Zhi Nai's home because he was preparing to transfer to a school in this city.

It sounded a bit messy, but this identity gave Li Yalin a lot of convenience. At least he didn't have to explain his origins, and there were things like ID cards, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Of course, this is not the point.

What I really care about is that although Zhi Nai is from an animation work that Li Yalin knows, the actual situation is quite different from the animation that he knows.

In anime, the coffee shop Rabbit-House should be located in an overhead town, not in a city like today. The most important thing is that Xiangfengjia in the anime has no debt.

Changed to reality, the story changed dramatically, Zhi Nai's father Xiangfeng Longhong disappeared for no reason, leaving only a debt of 100 million, and it was Jin Nai, a 13-year-old girl who carried the debt.

突然 A sudden appearance of such a large debt can definitely overwhelm Zhi Nai, not to mention that she is only a child, and even if she is an adult, she can't afford it.

I can't help but, Zhi Na resisted the pressure, and racked her brains to pay the debt. Although she knew that the hope was slim, she still didn't give up.

He is really a strong child ...

"Yarinsang? Doesn't breakfast suit your appetite?"

Zhi Xiang Feng Zhi Nai, UU Kanshu is thirteen years old. It is the age of the flowering season, but she has to bear huge debts and all the housework, including breakfast this morning.

For Zhi Nai, even when there is no debt, all the housework is done by her. Naturally, she is accustomed to it, but Li Yalin's sigh is very uncomfortable.

I always felt that this man who appeared at the door of his house a few days ago and was holding a letter from his father. In theory, Yalinsang, who will be staying at home in the next two years, is a weird boy.

Zhi Nai's treatment of strangers was not without resistance, but after confirming Li Yalin's identity, she still kept him, although she did not know why she made this decision.

Wu Mingming can't keep this house ...

She shook her head, and Zhi Nai expelled the thoughts in her heart. In fact, she couldn't consider so much at all. After all, what was needed most now was to keep her home.

Even if she doesn't know what she should do.

不 "No, the bread is delicious, and the coffee is delicious, in fact, I'm just thinking, what should I do."

I felt Ji Nai's weird gaze, and Li Yalin, who had returned to God, shook his head gently. He knew that this was not the time for cranky thoughts.

看到 After seeing the task given by the system and knowing the content of the task, he has already made a decision.

This task, he took it!

的 The coffee shop that bears Chino's hope cannot be abandoned!

Although I don't know what to do, the way is human, the way is what people think. Since he came to this world, there must be a reason for him to come!

So let him work hard to save the coffee shop and save Zhi Nai!

Read The Duke's Passion