MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 866 The biological son of Bai Zi?

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Regarding the handling of Bai Zizi, it is obviously impossible to spare so easily.


Don't you say he's already called dad?

What a joke!

If dad can get rid of sin, what good is punishment in this world!

This matter must be dealt with seriously!

Be sure to let Bai Zizi realize his mistake!

"I think it's true that the son of Bai will develop the character he has today. As Bai said, the temple does have a lot of responsibilities."

"This arrogant character is not yet loved by all of you. If no one spoils him, can he be arrogant?"

"This kind of character doesn't work, you must rebuild it! If you don't let him be a good man, how can he bear the responsibility of Bai Zi?"

Reasoning, Li Yalin is not retaliating against the son of Bai, he is simply explaining his thoughts and reasons.

How does a proud character develop?

Not spoiled yet!

So if you want to change this character, you must start from the root!

"This ... will this punishment be too severe ..."

How to punish the son of Bai and make him change his arrogant character smoothly?

For Li Yalin, this is of course very simple.

Sealing all the power of the White Son left him enough civilians to spend a month, then kicked him out of the White Temple, and let him go to the mainland for a year and a half.

If this does not polish the son of Bai, it means that he is a complete waste and completely disqualified as a son of Bai.

Until then, he naturally wouldn't mind changing the White Temple to a White Son.

Anyway, that's just between him and Bai Yinian.

But as soon as his decision came out, the chief priests of the White Temple were more or less in conflict, and one of the female chief priests questioned subconsciously.

Such a treatment is indeed too harsh for Bai Zi's son who has never left the White Temple.

"Stern? This is also called stern? If I were really severe to him, it would not be possible to leave him with the strength to protect himself or give him a bronzer!"

Although it is somewhat contradictory, the great priest who holds an objection does not dare to oppose Li Yalin so much. She just speaks carefully and hopes that Li Yalin can change some punishments.

After all, Bai Zizi has never walked out of the temple since he was born, and has never contacted the outside world. He is like a flower that has not left the greenhouse. Once he is outside, he is afraid that he will be immediately destroyed by the storm.

This really made her unbearable.

It was just that the great priest could not bear it, but in the eyes of Li Yalin, he was completely dismissive.

He did not retaliate sincerely, even if it sealed the power of Bai Zi, but also left him the power to protect himself. As long as he did not die, he would definitely not die.

If this can be called severe, wouldn't he be regarded as a demon if he really becomes severe?

Those of you in the White Temple ... one by one is too naive.

"I'm very sorry, Your Highness Yalin, it's me who passed."

I heard that Li Yalin said that the great priest who had just spoken fell down immediately. She had heard Li Yalin's dissatisfaction. She knew that if she said anything else, I'm afraid that Bai Zi's son would be taken back.

Just feeling that the son of Bai is about to face the road of thorns, her eyes are still full of anxiety.

"Why, that priest seems to have a close relationship with Bai Zizi?"

Li Yalin actually felt very strange about the great priest's speech. After all, he and Bai had already released the shrine. Even if other great priests had a heart, no one dared to stand up against it.

Why dare to take the lead on this great priest?

Isn't she afraid of herself and white hair?

"Her words ... I remember she should be Bai Zi's biological mother, but after Bai Zi accepted my blood, she broke off the parent-child relationship."

After all, he is his own great priest. Bai is quite familiar with it. What is more important is that the other party is not just as simple as the biological son of Bai ’s son. Of that kind.

"The biological son of the White Son, the most powerful priest of the White Temple?"

Getting this information from Bai's mouth, Li Yalin's expression suddenly became playful.

This is kind of interesting.

Since he is the biological mother of Bai Zi, should his own Bai Zi's dad ...

Keke, festival, festival, I came here to choose someone!

Well, I always think that the most powerful priest is quite good.

"Is Catalina? Right from today, you belong to my Majesty."

Since it is to find teammates, Li Yalin must be as strong as possible. The Great White Katarina, who has the strongest name in the White Temple, is a pretty good candidate.

Reasonably, Li Yalin chose her not because she was the biological mother of Bai Zi's son, nor because her looks were mature and beautiful, nor because he had some strange thoughts.

Only because the other party is the most suitable candidate, she will be selected, please be sure not to have any strange associations.

"Yes ... His Royal Highness ..."

Although Li Yalin did not have any strange thoughts, the great priest named Catalina was confused by his order.

For his companion of the White Dragon God, Catarina must have a respectful heart, and she did not dare to defy half of his orders.

But how to say that, as the great priest of the White Temple, he will become a subordinate of His Highness Yalin in the future.

Such changes always make her feel a sense of discomfort in the meditation.

But there was something wrong with her, but she couldn't say anything, so she had to let go of her discomfort and try to set her mind to the highness of her high status.

"Very well, now I need you to help me pick out a team of elites that are good at using sacrificial magic and half of the paladin."

"Attention ~ ~ This elite must have very rich combat experience. I do n’t want any burden. The stronger the team members, the better, understand?"

Due to Li Yalin's relationship with Bai, even if Catalina is the most powerful priest of the White Temple, he would have no problem coming to himself.

So with such a most powerful priest, Li Yalin naturally gave her the task of selecting the best.

"Yes! His Highness Yalin!"

After all, she is the most powerful priest. Although Catalina is still confused, she will not hesitate to face the order.

And she is not the same as her son Bai son, but there will be no Yang Fengyin violation.

Li Yalin said that if she wants the strongest elite, she will definitely choose a team of the strongest elite. Even if it is the foundation of the White Temple, there will be no hesitation.

After all, Li Yalin's order is also equivalent to the order of the White Dragon God. How could she dare to have half-defy the deities of her own deities?

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