MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 900 Beyond nine hundred and ninety-nine

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Li Yalin never thought that his attribute value could grow so fast, even if he had received the BUFF triplet before, but that was not obtained in one breath. At best, it was the triplet at that time. A leap forward.

But this time, the soaring attributes let him intuitively feel the growth of his power, and it was also a comprehensive increase in attributes!

More than two hundred points of attributes ...

I really don't want to be a human anymore!

Is this the favorite collection of the six-pillar dragon god?

Sure enough ... it's powerful enough!

"Unsurprisingly, you really accepted our strength intact, but unfortunately ... do you still need time to integrate ..."

Physical attributes skyrocketed, which really made Li Yalin very excited, but unlike him, when the Golden Dragon God finally gave him favor and waited for him to fuse for a while, her face was faintly disappointed. .

"This is good enough, we shouldn't expect too much."

"That's the same, after all, Yalin is just a personal person. It's very difficult to reach such a level, let alone he can also become a dragon. It is estimated that after the incarnation of the dragon, his power can still be increased."

The disappointment of the Golden Dragon God was completely written on his face, and the other Dragon God sisters came to this to comfort them.

However, how to say comfort, Li Yalin can also see a look of disappointment in their eyes. After all, it is no wonder that he is the only man who has integrated the favor of the six-pillar dragon god. This kind of strength growth is obviously not enough. Grid.

Yes, for Li Yalin, the six-pillar dragon sisters gave him more expectations, but unfortunately, his strength growth was far from reaching the expected value.

Under such circumstances, disappointment is inevitable.

Fortunately, the dragon **** sisters did not demand too much, even if they were really disappointed, they did not blame anything.

After all ... the original hope was not great, was it?


Is Li Yalin's strength growing only to such an extent?

Do not!

Not over yet!

Congratulations on gaining the favor of the Six-Pole Dragon God, adding 50 points to all attributes, increasing the affinity of the six elements by 200 points, and gaining special and exclusive skills-Power of the Dragon and Dragon Incarnation.

In fact, at the beginning, Li Yalin thought that the system would end after the attributes increase, but what he failed to think was that just now, the system had sent him new news.

Get the favor of the six-pillar dragon **** and have another attribute bonus? All attributes increased by 50 points? Is it so scary?

Well, if it ’s just a full attribute bonus and an increase in the affinity of the six elements, it is not the biggest reason Li Yalin was surprised.

The most important thing is the special proprietary skills mentioned later!

Power of the Dragon!

Incarnation of the Dragon!

Lie down!

Is this a bit overpowering?

Power of the Dragon: After opening the skill, you can get the power of the six-pillar dragon god, which increases by 300% in all attributes, and is immune to all attribute energy attacks. It lasts for 1 hour. After the skill ends, it needs to cool for 12 hours before it can be turned on.

Divine dragon incarnation-after turning on the skill, you can incarnate the dragon, with a 600% increase in all attributes, immune to all attribute energy attacks, and need to cool down for 24 hours after the skill ends before continuing to open.

These two skills are quite similar to the exclusive skills that Li Yalin obtained before, but if you take a closer look, these two skills have a very different effect than before.

First of all, the power of Shenlong Power, after its opening, the full attribute increase has reached the level of the previous dragon incarnation. Although it can only last for one hour, the cooling time is greatly shortened, which is only 12 hours.

And the incarnation of the dragon **** later, it is even more exaggerated, it turned out that the entire attribute increased by 600%! What is this concept? Six times more power?

Do not!

As I said before, Li Yalin's physical attribute value is not just a simple number, nor is it as simple as one plus one equals two. The higher the value of the increase, the more terrifying the increased power.

After getting a series of attribute bonuses, his strength has soared unprecedentedly. If he uses the dragon incarnation again ...

I drop a mom!

Is it really scary to think about it?

After all, we must know that according to Li Yalin's long-term research, he can almost be sure that if the power of the six-pillar dragon **** is converted into his physical attribute value, then each of their attribute values ​​will almost reach the critical point of 999.

How this is calculated is not described in detail here, but such an algorithm is definitely correct.

Of course, say 999, but the actual value is definitely still different. For example, Her Majesty the Queen, who is best at power collision, her power attribute must have exceeded the critical point of 999. On the other hand, it is not very good at power. It is estimated that her strength attribute is only 900 upwards, which is far from 999.

But no matter what the strength of the dragon gods is, in terms of Li Yalin's physical attributes at present, as long as he opens the dragon **** incarnation, his attributes will immediately surpass all dragon gods!

Please note that all dragon gods are right!

Although it was an N-level jump all of a sudden, Li Yalin's promotion from superman level to **** level was indeed a bit unexpected, but the problem is, this is just the fact!

Just reach or even surpass the Dragon God level?

As early as before, Li Yalin had fantasised whether he would one day reach the level of Her Majesty the Queen.

Although it is a fantasy, there is a system, and there is no upper limit for his growth. Therefore, it is only a matter of time for him to reach the level of Her Majesty.

But he never thought that this day would come so early and so fast!

This is beyond the rank of Her Majesty?

It came too fast all of a sudden, it didn't seem to have any real sense at all ...


The increase in strength is real, so in other words, after experiencing this horror, the seemingly horrible chaos is actually not a huge threat?

The main task-to save another world.

Quest content-destroy the colorful chaos that is about to be resurrected.

Mission rewards-designated system lottery ~ ~ mission hints-this mission difficulty coefficient is the highest level, it is recommended to gather the power of six pillar dragon gods to complete the mission together.

Well, although it feels that Wanse Chaos is no longer a threat, the task sent by the system in the next moment still makes Li Yalin slightly wrong for a moment.

With this task, it seems that he really can't run away?

Mission of highest level difficulty?

How do you always feel as if you have reached the final admiration?


Designated system draw once?

This seems a bit interesting.

Is it possible that after receiving this reward, you want to designate a badge of fate?

Read The Duke's Passion