MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 905 Real cooking saves another world

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Although my heart is constantly voicing, but as the six-pillar dragon **** sisters said, this time is really not the best time to attack Wanse Chaos, so there is no way, in addition to rest assured to wait for its growth, everyone also There is nothing to do.

Just wait!


If it's just waiting, it would be too stupid. Wanse Chaos is constantly accumulating power over there. If you don't do anything on your own side, isn't that silly!

"Come here, take advantage of this opportunity, let's add some BUFF to ourselves first."

At this critical moment, Li Yalin will not sit still. After all, it is about the life and death of the whole world. How can he not do more preparations?

come on!

It's time for BUFF!

"Plus ... BUFF? What is BUFF?"

As Jin who has never traveled to the main world, she has never heard of such a professional terminology. What is BUFF? Sounds weird.

"BUFF? This is BUFF!"

For Ya Jin's question, Li Yalin quickly gave her an answer. She drew it out of the space ring, and various delicious dishes were presented in turn.

"This ... food? Are you ... isn't your heart too big? When is this time and you still want to eat?"

Regarding Li Yalin's level of cooking, Kim is the one who rarely knows it. Although she has become his woman and even pregnant with her child, she obviously has nothing to do with the weight of her own man. know.

So when Li Yalin took out various dishes, she was the first to show a doubtful expression.

When is this time and you still plan to eat? Can this be eaten?

Even if ... they are delicious ... it seems really tempting.

"Eat? Of course! You have to!"

Although Jin was puzzled by Li Yalin's actions, it was clear that she was still interested in the delicious cuisine with a seductive fragrance.

However, before Li Yalin answered Gold ’s doubts, Her Majesty the Queen had already moved her index finger, and first grabbed a plate of cooking.

"That's right! That's it! That's it! I've been looking forward to it for too long, and finally let me wait!"

Yes, as Her Majesty showed, she is completely insane now!

So why does Her Majesty behave like this?

In fact, it is very simple, just because Li Yalin's cooking at the moment is his highest masterpiece, which has caused Her Majesty's power to increase dramatically, and even made her some of the strongest dishes that could not be released!

Because the power of this kind of cooking is too great, Li Yalin stopped making it a long time ago. After all, even if he himself, after eating this kind of cooking, it is a bit difficult to make his own. If the feeling of power surge is not vented, I am afraid that Will make people lose their mind.

But this time, he obviously does not have that kind of worry. After all, there is a big war at hand, and it is precisely when it is necessary to go all out. If you do n’t take out the food at this time, what time will you wait?

So I did n’t say, everyone hurry up and eat! Fight after eating! After this battle, let's go home and have a baby!

This ... shouldn't be considered standing?

Keke ... In short, eat it quickly!

"This ... what the **** is this amazing food?"

Regarding Li Yalin's delicious cuisine, she does have a deep understanding of red, white, and black, but in comparison, there is not much opportunity to enjoy green, blue, and gold, especially the gold that she just met with Li Yalin, but she once I have never eaten Li Yalin's food.

So this time, when she finally tasted the delicious cuisine of Li Yalin, she felt the kind of trembling from the soul and the skyrocketing strength. For a time, she came harder to hold herself.

"Calm! Let's be calm! Wanse Chaos is about to be resurrected soon, isn't it? If you have the energy and nowhere to let go, just find it. Now is not the time to do things!"

The strongest dish is indeed the strongest dish. When the amount of medicine reaches the extreme, the effect is really exaggerated.


Even if the effect of the strongest cuisine is exaggerated, do you guys calm me down a bit?

We are on the battlefield! A war about the future of the entire world is about to begin!

I can understand the power in your body is difficult to vent, but will you soon have the goal of venting? What are you doing around me?

The battle is imminent, can it still make me ignore the colorful chaos that looks at me and instead applaud love with you?

What a joke!

Calm me down!

Well, although Li Yalin said so, in fact, this time he must also admit that the amount of medicine he took was too much.

Not to mention the six dragon **** sisters around him, even if it is him, if there is still a trace of reason in his heart, knowing that it is not a messy time now, I am afraid that he has already turned into a wolf and counterattacked it.

It ’s a pity that this is really not the time to do things, so ...

All color chaos! Are you almost resurrected? Then, let us take a good look at you!

"It's now!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha! I feel my power is flowing constantly! You all flash away to me! Let me kill it alone!"

"Don't think of yourself eating alone and resurrecting all kinds of chaos, we must go all out! I want too!"

"You guys leave me somewhere! Damn it! You give me death, chaos!"

"I said ... Are you also going to take care of me the strongest? I have eaten most of the food just now, and now I also need to vent it, okay ... Is it too unethical for you to blame?"

It is reasonable to say that the battle between the six-pillar dragon **** and the chaos of all colors was a shocking crying ghost god. The dark battle that day had almost reached the entire world.

Merging the power of the six-column dragon gods is just a tie between Kankan and Wanse Chaos. If it wasn't for the last struggling blow from the dragon gods' sisters, I am afraid that the world has already fallen into reincarnation.

So this time, when the six-pillared dragon goddess and Wanse Chaos fight again, will they still be as good as before?

If nothing unexpected happens, UU reading should be the case. Only with the accidental appearance of Li Yalin, the combat power will lean towards the six-pillar dragon gods.

Well, this is the plan that everyone originally discussed.

The problem is that everyone's original plan did not have Li Yalin's cuisine. Now that the strongest cuisine is on the scene, Li Yalin finds that he doesn't even have room to shoot.

The strongest creator and destroyer of the world, chaos, was beaten by the six-pillared dragon goddesses without any help.

Is Wanse Chaos just resurrected and its strength too weak? Or is the BUFF Li Yalin giving them too strong?

Okay, this is really a problem.

Having said that, this situation ... can it be considered that cooking in a real sense saves the other world?

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