MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 926 Are you not afraid to lose your wife and lose your troops?

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"Then if you want to say that, I don't seem to have the option to reject it, right?"

Some raised his eyebrows silently. As for all the entangled claims, Li Yalin really wanted to vomit.

No one can be said to be sad if he is rejected by the person he longs for, right?

If you don't want to upset the four girls, what can I do besides accepting them?

"Then you just want to accept it? All four accept it? You really are a fancy guy!"

"Stop lying! Refusing to accept, accepting to accept, what do you want me to do?"

Li Yalin finally found out that in the face of Jie Ye pestered this old Loli, she really couldn't communicate with her normally.

The good and the bad have made you say, I can't do anything right. You can give people too much trouble, right?

"I ... you're right, anyway, cut, don't think I don't know, Teacher Imano and Mr. Du, they won't say for the time being, see Zhang has been taken down by you, your next goal must be Put it on Lingnai? "

"Well, Lingna's chest is so big, how could you miss it?"

Regarding the problems of the sisters who are all from Xiangli, Li Yalin will certainly think of ways to deal with it. After all, everyone is a good partner who loves each other and each other has a deep affection. As long as he is given enough time, he is not afraid of losing it. Those girls.

But the problem is that Jie Ye's attitude at the moment is to make him really helpless. Obviously, this matter has little to do with her, and I don't care about you. What are you always doing there?

What made him speechless was that in the following, Jie Yetang even mentioned Feng Yuling's sister.

Although it is necessary to admit that, as far as the natural girl of Feng Yu Lingnai is concerned, she must have escaped Li Yalin's "claw" in the end, but if you admit it, you don't always hang on to your mouth, right?

"I said you have a relationship problem with me ... why are you so concerned?"

Frowning lightly, Li Yalin was the editor-in-chief of Loli staring closely.

Although the two of us are in a cooperative relationship, do you have too much control?

"Do you think I care about you? I'm just your editor-in-chief. I don't want any scandal from this well-known cartoonist to affect the sales of magazines!"

"Do you think I did it because I liked you?"

"I tell you! You think too much!"

I said……

I don't seem to say anything, but instead you have been here to explode okay ...

Since the establishment of the weekly teenager GONON, the appearance of Li Yalin has not only changed the fate of the magazine, but also the entire comic industry.

Although all the comics he produces now come from the system, not creating comics outside the system does not mean that he does not remember the plot of other comics.

So there are so many interesting plots and ideas in his mind, and of course he would not mind sharing them.

Of course, no matter how generous Li Yalin is, he can't really share all the plots he knows so selflessly, so it doesn't matter that he will naturally only give priority to being cheaper.

For example, four sisters who are his comic assistants.

Kazuya Imano and Yuri Kaori are well-known cartoonists, and they are already very mature in the creation of comics, so as long as Li Yalin provides them with a good idea, they can better reproduce the classics in his mind.

As for the two sisters, Ashesudai and Kuroi Setana, although they are still a little bit worse than Ima Imawa and Tokyu Kaori, they are already in their works with the care of Li Yalin. During the creation, I believe that in the not-too-distant future, the comic industry will rise two stars again.

It is foreseeable that in the future, Li Yalin and her four comic assistants will not only become the iconic characters of the weekly teenager GONGON, but will also carry half of the comics world. Maybe there will be cartoonists who can surpass them, but that future ... Know how long it will take.

By that time, Li Yalin and his four assistants had long wondered what height they had reached.


They probably receded from the comic industry at that time, maybe they weren't.

After all, Li Yalin's focus on life is not based on comics, and his four assistants ... if they let them see the new world, would they really draw a lifetime of comics?

You know, Li Yalin they like is not just an ordinary person from beginning to end ...

"So ... what the **** is marriage? Can you explain it to me?"

Yes, Li Yalin is not an ordinary person. He has the power beyond the level of Dragon God. Even if he wants to become the king of the world, controlling the whole world is just a matter of thought.

The problem is, he has no real interest in becoming the king of the world. At least in this main world, he is right without any such intention.

However, he had no idea of ​​conquering the Lord's world, but the super power he showed was to be feared by countless people.

Then, under the circumstance that the hostility is invalid, those who jealous of Li Yalin's power will naturally have no choice but to win.


Facing those pulls, will Li Yalin care?

He has control of the three worlds in his hands, will he care about the so-called draw?

Stop it, think too much.

Therefore, Li Yalin has never expressed any attitude towards attracting and showing favor to the organizational forces of all parties, but he is just an ordinary person who is at ease to do his best and nothing more.

What made him feel very helpless, though, was that he had shown such indifferent fame and fortune, but those organizations were still uneasy.

After determining that the pull of money and power was ineffective, eh ... have begun to use beauty?

Are you not afraid to lose your wife and lose your troops?

But this so-called marriage ...

"Why? Didn't you see Xiao Mali long ago? She wants to marry you ~ ~ Aren't you happy?"

At this time, standing in front of Li Yalin was a ridiculous expression of someone else. It was the genius witch who lived with him under the same roof-Mu Yanqian!

And the small mali in the mouth of Mu Yanqian is undoubtedly one of the twelve gods in the Yinyang Hall, known as the enchanted Ji.

Then it goes without saying that the so-called marriage is naturally the marriage contract between him and Gong Chai.

In fact, because of this, Li Yalin was more confused.

After all, speaking, his relationship with the yin and yang hall is pretty good. If you want to use beauty to attract yourself or something, there is no need for the yin and yang hall.


How could those guys be willing to send out Ma Li?

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd? 8)

Read The Duke's Passion