MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 929 What's good for you?

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What kind of woman is Asdes?

Strong, proud, shaking S, cruel

These adjectives can't be overstated on her.

However, in the face of Li Yalin, the adjectives such as tenderness, thoughtfulness, and birdieness are extremely suitable for describing Esdes.

Seems very contradictory, but in fact, this is that Esdes is not wrong.

Asdes is very powerful. She has superhuman first-class terror strength, loyal subordinates and unparalleled confidence.

But again, Esdes is also a smart woman. Maybe she had absolute confidence before she was defeated by Li Yalin. She could blindly trust her power to do whatever she wanted, but she lost to Li Yalin and saw a brand new After the world, Her Majesty took all that blind self-confidence into her heart.

Yes, it's one thing to have self-confidence, but as a silly thing, Esdes will never do it.

If it was only in the pupil world, Esdes had the confidence to outperform anyone, even those ‘enemies’ who faced the night attack, and she never put them in her eyes.


If the "enemy" is replaced by a **** from another world ...

No matter how much she believed in her power, she knew very well that it was by no means an opponent that her power could defeat.

At least for now, she doesn't see any odds.

If in this battle for Li Yalin, force is the key to the battle, Esdes is clearly inevitable, but the problem is that such a war in the name of love is the most important and obviously That's the word force!


"The idea is that you gave it to Esdes, right? Zhu Xia?"

Although I have to admit that Esdes is indeed a smart woman, the problem is that if she really wants to stage a palace plan, she is obviously beyond the imagination of Li Yalin.

So I did n’t say that there must be something strange about it!

Who made Esdes change so much?

With regard to this question, Li Yalin can get the answer after a little thought.

"Sure enough to hide from Master Yalin's eyes."

Since it was said that Zhu Xia was going to bed tonight, Esdes naturally gave way to the two, generously. After all, this was also a means for her to win over the affiliates, even if she was not very willing, but Things she has to do.

So during this time when Li Yalin and Zhu Xia were alone, some things that should be said can also be said.

Yes, as Li Yalin said, the reason why Esdes happened to change like this is because of God holding Zhu Xia!

As for God holding Zhu Xia, she did not have any concealment at all. As soon as Li Yalin asked, she immediately nodded and admitted.

It really is her!

"What good would you do ... for you?"

Some reluctantly pressed her temples, Li Yalin actually has a headache now. Although Zhuxia ’s move seems to be helping Esdes to 'consolidate forces', in fact, she must not be so kind.

"What's good for me? Master Yalin, what you said, but it really hurts me ..."

Regarding Li Yalin's statement like this, the **** Zhu Zhuxia suddenly showed a sad expression, but ...

Your sad expression is right, but where is your hand ...

Saying sad in your mouth, but you move ... but it doesn't seem to be sad at all. Hey!

"Everything I do is just to get closer to Lord Yalin, isn't it my mind ... Lord Yalin, can you feel it?"

As he groped about Li Yalin's body, God holding Zhu Xia stepped forward even closer, no, to be precise, the two were completely close together!


Your mind?

Although God holding Zhu Xia has completely stuck in Li Yalin's arms, Li Yalin has made no response at all. After all, compared to the ripples in front of him, he has more headaches than the current situation.

There was no way, Li Yalin knew very well that the goddess Zhu Xia seemed to be powerless, but in fact, they were not a fuel-saving lamp at all.

Although in the original plot, she was clever instead of clever, and ended up in the tragic death of the corpse, but if she despise her for this reason, it is absolutely impossible.

What this woman lacks is just a stage to show her abilities. She has ambitions and is cold-blooded. As long as she is given enough strength, she will never get anything worse than Esdes.

Perhaps compared to Esdes's words, the **** Zhu Zhuxia may be lacking at present, but as long as time is sufficient, she may not be the next Esdes.

And ... she might become a more cruel and cold-blooded woman than Esdes.

It is only Li Yalin's existence that can impose a shackle on Zhuxia, but his ability to hold this woman does not mean that this woman will not breed ambitions.

At least for the moment, isn't that caused by God holding Zhu Xia?

Otherwise, according to Esdes' personality, she might really make things so complicated?

It also attracted allies to grow their power. Is it really possible for such a powerful queen to use this method?

Uh ...

"I don't want a fight within me, especially between my women, which will give me an element of instability."

Although it is very clear what kind of woman Shen Zhi Zhu Xia is, Li Yalin is confident that she can take control of this woman. After all, even if she has ambition, she can only surrender under absolute power.

It was just that he didn't like that God holding Zhu Xia was playing a small plot in private, which caused her to become an unstable factor, so when it was time to hit, it was really necessary to hit it well.

At least let God know Zhuxia ~ ~ who is the real master of the house!

"I understand, Lord Yalin's thoughts, I understand very well, I am Lord Yalin's woman, and I will always consider it for Lord Yalin, what Lord Yalin does not like to do, and I will never do it."

"I did this just to be able to get closer to Lord Yalin. After all, if I don't do this ... I can only be an inconspicuous little stone under Lord Yalin, isn't it?"

Li Yalin's percussion was naturally understood by Zhu Xia, but she also had her own explanation for this.

After all, as she said, if she does n’t do these small moves, then, with her character, she will never allow any woman to approach Li Yalin, especially if she holds Zhu Xia, she will only distance from Li Yalin Farther away.

Only such a small gesture can make her get what she wants. After all, in her heart, apart from Li Yalin, even if the world is destroyed, it has nothing to do with her.

Only the two of them ... are really the same kind!