MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-~ A sincere apology from a salted fish

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That... I apologize, I said before that I took medicine for two days to restore the third watch, but it turned out that there were two changes yesterday. Yesterday, it was agreed that today was the third watch, and as a result, I may have to make a blunder.

I had insomnia last night, who said that I didn't take medicine or slept too much the previous two days, but I didn't fall asleep anyway.

Lying in bed, there were always two questions in my mind.

Am I sleeping or coding.

numbers! No, I'm not in a good state, I should go to sleep, wake up and write in spirit.

sleep! I can't sleep, I fell asleep after a while!

Under the circular thinking of these two questions, the sky is bright!

At eight o'clock, I finally made a decision, code word!

If you don't write words, you won't be able to do it. You can't tell when you're going to sleep. When you wake up, you won't be in a hurry.

And now, two chapters have been written.

I'll go to bed now, set an alarm, and if I can wake up at 8, I'll get up and write Chapter 3, and then go back to sleep.

If I have slept, I can only have two shifts today, although it is possible, it is possible, I will wake up in the second half of the night, and there is plenty of time.

But I still have to write the next day, I can't do four chapters in one day!

too difficult! !

I don't know what's going on yet, but I apologize first!

I'm sorry, I lost my words again!

clown loves slurs

written before bed

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