MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 226 little spy

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The words "Mengdie" were obviously taken from Zhouzhuang Mengdie, and Xie Tian, ​​a special mutant life form who was a second-generation human being, couldn't be more appropriate.

Originally, he wanted to take the homonym of Huangliang Yimeng, and called it a dream. Whether it was awakening the memory of the previous life in the dream, or obtaining the "wealth" left over from the previous life, it is more suitable.

It's just that he thought that with the natural energy of today's people, the name Zhuner can be read in reverse, so he replaced it with the allusions of Zhouzhuang Mengdie.

He can't explain this situation to others, and tell people that he is a human being in his second life, so he is not mentally ill!

So in the face of the doubts of several people, Xie Tian did not explain anything.

Seeing him like this, Concubine Zhang and Zheng Renze were even more puzzled. That teacher Xie is such a person who loves to show off! There must be a reason for him to give the studio such a name, but at the moment he is hiding and saying nothing, so there must be something wrong!

Is there anyone out there?

Thinking of this, Concubine Zhang deliberately took out her mobile phone.

Xie Tian looked at Concubine Zhang who suddenly took out his mobile phone and asked, "Third Master, what are you doing with your mobile phone?"

"Ah?" Concubine Zhang woke up in a daze, and explained in a panic: "Ah! I...I'm going out to make a phone call, I have something to do!"

Xie Tian glanced at her suspiciously, what was the sudden call at this time, call the fortune teller!

Coming to the corner, Concubine Zhang used the shortcut key to broadcast a call: "Master Han, do you know that Teacher Xie bought a house and opened a studio in the capital?"

"Yo! He didn't tell you anything about such a big thing!"

"You're right, the gentlemen can't do it without fighting. It's not domestic violence, it's preventing problems before they happen."

"Snacks from abroad? You don't need to post them. Put them at your house first, and wait for me to pick them up in the capital."

"By the way, Mr. Han, there is one more thing. What kind of butterfly dream did Teacher Xie call this studio? Do you know what the allusion of this dream butterfly is?"

"Don't, don't, don't! Don't come back first, it's not me, no matter which mountain fox spirit this Butterfly Dream is, I'll stab her out!"

"Okay, leave it to me, don't worry!"

"There is a new Italian ice cream shop in Beijing? I have never tried this Italian ice cream. Let's see you in Beijing, bye."

Concubine Zhang didn't dare to forget the mission handed over to her by the organization. As a cute thing, the first rule of survival is to find the right family member and follow in the footsteps of the family member.

Two days later, Xie Tian's studio was renovated, and a few people said goodbye to Spring City and went to the capital.

In the past two days, Concubine Zhang has been bewildering and asked Xie Tian who is this Mengdie, and Xie Tian has been asked, how can I know who this Mengdie is? By the way, who is this guy!

He didn't know that Concubine Zhang was still a little spy, so he didn't think much about it. Every time Concubine Zhang asked a question, he didn't know who this person was, so he dismissed the nonsense from the left.

So Concubine Zhang even suspected that this dream butterfly was a fox spirit.

Tian Tian and Han Ye had three phone calls in the morning, noon and evening. The two girls analyzed the current situation in various ways, but nothing could be analyzed!

If you don't have anything, then make a blind analysis. The analysis is scary, and it makes Zhao Zihan feel the urge to go back to Chuncheng to catch a traitor every minute.

Seeing that she will be in the capital soon after getting on the plane, and the promise of Master Han has not been done yet, Concubine Zhang is a little anxious.

In the waiting room, I asked Xie Tian again, but Xie Tian didn't bother Zheng Renze next to him.

He usually likes to read books, so after that day, he realized that it is more normal for his brother, such a big literati, to name the studio from an allusion.

Seeing that Concubine Zhang had been asking Meng Die who was the 250th question endlessly for the past two days, he couldn't stand it, so he found the allusions of Zhouzhuang Meng Die on his mobile phone and still gave it to Concubine Zhang.

"Don't read or read newspapers every day, eat more snacks and sleep less, take a good look, and who is the dream butterfly!"

After looking at the phone, Concubine Zhang's face turned red, Zhouzhuang Mengdie had studied it in elementary school!

When I remembered that I was chasing people to ask who Mengdie was in the past two days, this little face was very embarrassed.

In my heart, I complained to Xie Tian for a while, saying it came from such an allusion, what are you hiding? Have you been watching my jokes for the past two days? The same is true of Zheng Renze, the bad guy. He didn't tell me if he knew it, and he must be watching jokes too.

After getting a little angry, he couldn't help thinking: "If this is the case with Mengdie, can you still eat Italian ice cream?"


After coming to the studio, Zhang Fei's shy, angry, worried and other emotions disappeared in an instant, and those emotions were not important compared to the environment in front of her.

There are only three people in total, and Xie Tian didn't set up any office, one person and one office, the atmosphere!

In the writing room, he put a sofa, coffee table and TV, making it like a living room at home, a place for a few people to rest and chat.

What a pantry, meeting room, and even two bathrooms.

These are only half of the area of ​​400 square meters. In the rest of the area, there is a recording studio with a size of dozens of square meters, and the equipment inside is also required.

The last remaining place is a large rehearsal room.

Still that sentence, just three people and a table are big, it is really a waste for them to have such a complete studio.

Xie Tian II was a human being. No one was born in a wealthy family. Although there is some money now, it is also the thinking of ordinary people, that is: I can not use it, but I have to have it!

He is not ready to make his studio bigger and There are almost only three of them. If anyone is needed, he will take care of him for a few days. He just thinks about the recording studio. Ask someone when you're ready to use it.

Concubine Zhang ran around in the studio screaming "Ow Ow", and she had some discernment to choose the second largest office.

Then back to the "living room", everything that was introduced to her eyes fascinated her, and this was the first step on her road to becoming a strong woman.

Taking a deep breath, he said intoxicatedly, "What a fresh smell of formaldehyde!"

Hearing Xie Tian's face darkened, he quickly opened the windows, and let this little thing take two more breaths, so he can hold his breath!

When Concubine Zhang was beautiful enough, Xie Tian took them out of the studio, what was he doing with formaldehyde in a room, he thought he had a long life, so he found a hotel to settle down.

After that, without waiting for the formaldehyde in the studio to dissipate naturally, I hired a company that specializes in formaldehyde removal.

After the formalities were completed, the formaldehyde dissipated, and the Mengdie Film and Television Entertainment Studio officially opened.

On the day of the opening, Xie Tian didn't make much fanfare, and it opened quietly.

Just say hello to some acquaintances, and tell them that there is such a thing, no one will come, no meal will be taken without the opening ceremony, but you can come if no one comes.

Although he didn't make a big deal, some media still reported Xie Tian's establishment of the studio.

Now it's nothing new for star artists to set up independent studios, but new officials take office as three fires, and they also pay attention to a good start when they open their doors to do business.

With the establishment of the studio, Mr. Xie will definitely make some moves soon, and the outside world is constantly speculating about this.

And Xie Tian and the three also started a meeting for the establishment of the studio.


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