MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 232 **3 countries Sneak Peek

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Xie Tian watched fans on Weibo kneeling and licking their identities as second-class citizens, and felt angry for a while!

Good manners!

Your manners!

Just because some young ladies with good looks and sweet voices don't want them!

I'm really ashamed of Teacher Xie!

At the same time, I still have some questions in my heart, how come there are so many singles in my fans!

In other words, should I come up with some cool and handsome works to help them attract some female fans?

It is also a benefit to the fans!

Or communicate with these poor people more often and teach them how to chase girls.

As for this?

Zheng Renze can find a good friend, and it is not a matter of holding hands and pinch for ordinary humans.

After thinking about it for a while, he killed the idea. Those tricks in his previous life were too cruel, and it would not be beautiful to teach a bunch of hooligans!

Then put aside these distracting thoughts, and post about the broadcast of the Three Kingdoms of Saliva.


Seeing someone say that Teacher Xie has updated Weibo, the fans will come to the spirit at once.

They know Mr. Xie. This person never posts on Weibo, and every time he posts on Weibo, there is a lot of excitement.

Now that his studio has just been established, it may be a good start!

Then they all quickly swiped down the phone screen, only to see Xie Tianxin update Weibo wrote this.

"**Three Kingdoms, get a sneak peek, every day at 12 noon, major video sites will be updated on time."

There was a momentary silence on Weibo, ** Three Kingdoms, a sneak peek, what do you mean?

Then, the whole Weibo exploded.

"I rely on! I rely on! I rely on!!"

"What does this mean? The Three Kingdoms can't be broadcast until New Year's Day? Why did you have a sneak peek?"

"It's not that Teacher Xie withheld the original film privately, let it be released!"

"Can't you? It's against the law! Can Teacher Xie do this?"

"That person can't do anything!"

"I can see my big three countries today? Teacher Xie is so interesting, I will go to the prison to see you every month!"

"What kind of prison is not a prison? Teacher Xie is crazy. He released the original film of the Three Kingdoms. Then CCTV will not give him food. Didn't you see the two models in front of the Three Kingdoms? It's probably not a TV series from the Three Kingdoms."

"Why are you so annoying, let's dream for a while that you can die, you are smart!"

"It's okay, it doesn't matter what it is, I like to watch it if it has something to do with the Three Kingdoms."

"But I still want to watch the TV series of the Three Kingdoms, so Mr. Xie can't give it to the fans once!"

Seeing Xie Tian's Weibo, Concubine Zhang and Zheng Renze both twitched the corners of their mouths and drooled over the Three Kingdoms. What do you mean by these two asterisks?

Isn't this intentional to induce fans?

They were all looking forward to the feature film or related content of the Three Kingdoms TV series, and as a result, they came up with a black and white stop-motion animation.

Fans must not scold you to death!

Even if I dare not scold you, I will definitely curse you in my heart.

Xie Tian finished teasing the fans, but he was still peeping at the screen, watching the reactions of the fans, but the more he looked, the worse his face became.

Why do you want me to dedicate one time for you, then I'll go in if I dedicate it once!

what a man!

What dare you say!

Don't you feel bad when you say this?

Within two minutes, the news completely detonated the Internet.

When netizens first read it, they thought it was fake news and rumors, but when they ran to Xie Tian's Weibo, they were dumbfounded.

It is indeed the first bomb that opened the door of Teacher Xie's studio, a real bomb!

Netizens also thought it was the feature film of the Three Kingdoms TV series, and some people in the know knew that this was not very realistic, but it was also said on Weibo that it was updated on time every day, so this is a series, and it is not like a behind-the-scenes footage.

They all speculated and said everything. Some said that Teacher Xie secretly filmed the movie of the Three Kingdoms a long time ago and was going to broadcast it in sections.

It is also said that Teacher Xie secretly filmed a TV series of the Three Kingdoms before, and he saw the shooting scene. At that time, if the mobile phone was out of power, he would take pictures.

Some people say it's a variety show adapted from the Three Kingdoms, and they don't know what variety show this novel can produce.

I guessed it all over, and no one thought it was an animation. Although most of the young people nowadays like to watch anime or something, they can't associate anime with stars in the entertainment industry, so no one thinks of this. .

Not only the Internet is boiling, but the entire entertainment industry is frying.

**Three Kingdoms sneak peek, what does this mean.

No matter what other people think, those media are going to go crazy. This big news is a bonus from Teacher Xie!

They also guessed, but unlike netizens guessing, they reported how they guessed.

Most of them are guessed based on the original film of the Three Kingdoms TV series, and then it is why Teacher Xie did this.

Is there a conflict with CCTV, a disagreement with Director Zhou Liang, uneven distribution of spoils among the three parties, etc.

It was written all over the place, just like what they saw with their own eyes.

In order to be in a hurry, they all want to write a paragraph and send a paragraph, just like a live broadcast. Some reporters have broken down when they wrote and wrote the outline, and they can’t change it after they have been sent out, so they write it blindly.

Their report, netizens were confused again, is it really a feature film of the Three Kingdoms, the news said that it is still wrong.

Everyone is excited, Three Kingdoms! Sneak peek! Staring at the time with your own eyes, and staring at the watch with your own special ability, you can speed up the time.

It does have special abilities. The more you look at the time, the slower the time passes. It was like going to school before.

Xie Tian's fans, after all, are his fans. They know that Teacher Xie's safety is the most important thing.

They all left messages and asked Xie Tian to ask for the truth. If it is really a feature film of the Three Kingdoms, don't put it on, you can go in.

Fans also have their own ideas. Anyway, they will see it sooner or later. It is not bad for this There is no need to take a sneak peek.

One month ahead of schedule, the price is for Teacher Xie to go to jail, and they have to wait a month, and there will be countless Three Kingdoms waiting for them in the future.

How much and how little!

Xie Tian didn't have time to reply to these fans at the moment, and his phone was about to blow up.

Others just think for themselves, but people who know him just call him.

Director Yu of CCTV saw the news and was almost frightened by a heart attack. If Teacher Xie really released it to the Three Kingdoms, CCTV would be a joke, not to mention keeping the big brother's seat. At that time, maybe the county-level TV station would dare to Baring his teeth with them, of course, it had nothing to do with him at that time. He had already packed up his bed and went home, so regardless of whether it was true or false, he quickly called Xie Tian to confirm the news.

There is no need to engage in any suspense with him. Xie Tian told the truth about what was going on, and was angry with him. If I hadn't been able to beat you, I would have fought with you.

Then, Mr. Xiang Han, Wang Wu, Zhuang Cheng, and Li Bo, the ones who have been in touch more frequently recently, also called.

Just after explaining to them, Song Xiong Sangbo and other actors from the Three Kingdoms also called.

Although everyone thinks this is not true, Teacher Xie's Weibo update is too scary, and it's a sneak peek.

It doesn't matter if it's related, it's all explained. After Xie Tian thought about it for a while, he called Zhou Liang again and told the director.

Zhou Liang was not in a hurry about this. Teacher Xie didn't even participate in the editing. Where did he get the original film?

However, he agreed with Xie Tian's behavior at that time, thinking that this animation can be regarded as a warm-up before the official broadcast of the Three Kingdoms, and it is a good publicity.

For netizens, the time to live is like a year, but it is fleeting in Xie Tian.

Soon, it's twelve o'clock.


Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: . Mobile version reading website:

Read The Duke's Passion