MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 243 under the ratings

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These people are even more excited when they think that the ratings of the Three Kingdoms can break through 3.

I haven't heard such exaggerated ratings in years.

Those small local TV stations, if you get a TV series that breaks 1, you can't wait to let the whole world know about it.

What the heck!

Not to mention that upstarts have no connotation!

Take a look at us, break 3 to understand!

what! When we were down before?

Don't you know that the old days were dirty and not enough to boast?

Besides, let's call it a name, it's a blockbuster!

Someone really talked about this, and someone said: "If we can break 3, what ratings should those local TV stations have, not a few tenths!"

Hearing this, this group of people became even more emotional!

"What time is it? How dare you think about it, what time it is!"

"This time they can improve their memory well, just that old Wang! He has been mad at him for the past two years, and he has taken his chin to look at people. Every time he comes to a meeting, he will talk about how their TV ratings are, just say it. , how dare you step on our stage and keep asking what is the highest viewership rating on your stage this month? Are you annoying him!"

"Hey! What are you, the old Yang from the south, that's my classmate! We both have WeChat, but this grand thief sent me their ratings report every day for the past two years, and he's not the same. Unit, you told me!"

Maybe it was because he remembered that he was bullied by these little bad TV stations before, his face was a little ugly, and he started scolding.

"The villain is successful, the gentleman is defeated."

"There are no heroes, so Jianzi became famous!"

"There are no tigers in the mountains, the monkeys are kings!"

Yu Guowei raised his eyebrows when he heard it, there is such a thing!

Where is his level, the TV stations in those places don't dare to be crazy with him when they are crazy.


He casually throws two pairs of small shoes, and it can make them feel uncomfortable.

Just giving them small shoes will not affect the decline of CCTV!

Everything can be said with strength.

Using those means is rather shameful!

But he didn't expect that the people below have been bullied!

This is not to slap the nose on the face!

Too much!

With a flash of light in his eyes, he said, "Don't talk about it, you are all a system of your own. If you don't see it today, you will see it tomorrow, where is the contradiction!"

These people stopped talking and looked at Yu Guowei with inexplicable expressions.

what does this mean!

Did you get bullied by yourself, the boss doesn't want to care?

Or is he about to be promoted after he has become famous, so he doesn't want to pay attention to those of us who have made great contributions to his country?

Then he is not human!

Do not!

It should be something too bad! He can't get enough of them!

Feeling aggrieved in his heart, Yu Guowei spoke again: "But you reminded me about this. It's been another year. We should make a statistical ranking of the ratings of all star-rated satellite TVs last year."

"I have a new idea this year, don't just do what I did last year, the past is not important, what matters is the future!"

"We can also make a statistical ranking for today's ratings, and then send it out, but because of the holiday! Everyone is busy! So let's count the ratings for the prime time."

"It's New Year's Eve! Such an important time in the prime time must be a well-prepared TV series, and the ratings are not bad. Let's make statistics to discuss a festive occasion!"

"Then call for a meeting and let's look forward to the future together based on the ratings."

"If there are really bad ratings, we CCTV also have the responsibility of supervising them, and we must also criticize them. This purpose is to make them better and better!"

"That old Wang Laoyang, and others that are in conflict with you, please mention them. When the time comes, they will be named to come over. One system, all colleagues, I will adjust it for you."

The CCTV group fell silent for a moment, they were all dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at Yu Guowei.

Mr. Yu! I almost believed your official rhetoric!

Gold ratings, discuss a festive look and look forward to the future?

With their prime ratings today, there is still a future!

Criticism is for their own good? Is the name of the person called to adjust the relationship?

If it wasn't for revenge, I used my head as a chair.

Long experience!

Mr. Yu's method! Turn your hands for the cloud and cover your hands for the rain!

This boss really protects the calf! To know that the boss is so powerful, I have already said that, as for being useless for such a long time!

Don't say anything, in this life and this life, I am willing to serve as a stray dog ​​for President Yu, and serve as a dog and horse!

But there is one thing, they are all like bears, let's hang them up and beat them... Isn't it a bit cruel!


Boss...are you the devil?

It's cool to have a devil boss!

When I think of calling those people from the local TV station and calling them bloody, that little bit in my heart can't bear to disappear in one fell swoop, it's so cool!

So the atmosphere at the wine table is even hotter, and the 43-degree Maotai is about to ignite spontaneously.

Happy to drink this wine!


the next day


"Has the ratings of the Three Kingdoms come out?"

"Are you sick! Ordinary people who care about that thing!"

"Look at your uncultured appearance, you can see the whole leopard at a glance, and see the essence through the phenomenon!"

"What essence can you see in the ratings of the Three Kingdoms?"

"The higher the ratings, the greater the popularity of the Three Kingdoms. Where is the entertainment industry, there can be waves without wind. Now that there is a strong wind like the Three Kingdoms, it's not so lively anymore."

"It makes sense upstairs, but why do I think this person is so bad, I'm afraid the world will not be in chaos! What kind of unlucky thing!"

"That's right! Do you lack virtue!"

Thank goodness for the studio.

After the morning exercise and breakfast, the three came to the studio and stared at each other.

Concubine Zhang couldn't take it anymore and asked, "Mr. Xie, you don't care about the ratings of the Three Kingdoms at all!"

Xie Tian glanced at her: "What do you care about that thing, we've already collected the money, and I think the filming of Three Kingdoms is pretty good. Does the ratings have anything to do with us?"

Concubine Zhang thought: "If Zhou Liang and Yu Guowei heard your words, these two old men can cry!"

Then Xie Tianyou said: "The most important thing is that we don't care whether the ratings should be more or more, and there is no increase or decrease, so don't pay too much attention."

Zheng Renze applauded: "Brother is so tolerant!"

Concubine Zhang's eyes were white, what kind of tolerance! Ah, just crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, don't care after collecting the money!

CCTV set

The staff who drank until midnight last came to the unit early!

I was so happy yesterday that I woke up before I got home after drinking that little wine.

Yu Guowei took the leaders of various departments and waited in the conference room for the report of last night's ratings.

Before nine o'clock, an employee rushed into the conference room and said in shock, "Mr. Yu, the ratings are out!"

Yu Guowei lost his composure at this moment, grabbed the report, and when he saw the ratings of the Three Kingdoms, his eyes instantly widened, as if his eyeballs were about to fall out.

With an unbelievable look on his face, as if he was stuck with a mouthful of phlegm, "Uh~~" was speechless for a long time!

The people below are all in a hurry, boss, don't be rude! Please speak!

Thanks to seeing the excited look on the face of the person who came in, I knew it was a good result, otherwise someone who was so old would have a heart attack.

After a long time, Yu Guowei was overwhelmed, and asked in a trembling voice to the staff who delivered the report: "Is the data accurate?"

The man nodded: "I asked them to verify it three times, that's right!"

Yu Guowei was stunned for a second, and then...

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Compassionate laughter sounded in the conference room!


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