MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 248 Dragon robe

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Xie Tian and the three came to Zhao Zihan's studio, and Concubine Zhang was definitely the most eye-catching.

Sister Mei pretended to be taken aback, and said strangely, "Yo! Where's the rat sperm coming from! Isn't that saying that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, it is not allowed to become a sperm!"

Next to her is this woman she has never seen before. She is dressed in fashion, but she looks a bit sloppy. Her hair is rambunctious and she looks like she hasn't combed it after waking up. She wears black-rimmed glasses. Nerd feel.

The sloppy woman also spoke up and said solemnly: "Historical figures with mythological style, good idea!"

Xie Tian said proudly: "Look! I'll say like a rat!"

Concubine Zhang: "..."

Who is like a rat sperm?

Who is the historical figure! What a mythical style!

Eyes are not good, right? Didn't you see my strong woman's temperament!

Everyone I know and I don't know bullies me. Third Master, I'm so bullying!

If these people knew what she was thinking, they would definitely tell her: It's so bullying!

I've bullied you like a bun, isn't it okay to bully you!

At this time, Zhao Zihan said, "Third Master, why are you dressed like this! Did this bastard, Xiao Tian'er, let him be a little girl with garlic!"

Concubine Zhang: "..."

Teacher Xie opened his mouth, how to say what is what!

"Hahahaha" Xie Tian immediately smiled and leaned back when he heard Zhao Zihan's words.

Say it again! Dude, I am wise!

Fortunately, Xie Tian was very particular, and didn't tell the story of Concubine Zhang cheating at the door of the store, otherwise, the third master's little face would really not be able to hang on!

After teasing Concubine Zhang, Zhao Zihan pointed at the sloppy woman and introduced, "This is Liu Xin, Sister Xin."

"We are a well-known fashion designer in China, a master figure. Three generations of our ancestors were tailors. In the early years, they were made by dignitaries and nobles in the capital. Sister Xin not only inherited the craftsmanship from her family, but also worked in Milan. Well-known designers in the world have cooperated with each other, and it can be said that they have learned from both China and the West.”

"Our red carpet dress this time was designed and made by Sister Xin."

Xie Tiandao: "Hello, Sister Xin, I'll trouble you this time!"

Liu Xin hurriedly said: "No trouble, no trouble, that's what I do. Master Han just held me up, I am a tailor, but I can't be a master!"

Xie Tian has never been in contact with these people in the fashion circle in the past and this life, but through media reports, the interpretation of various film and television dramas.

These famous fashion designers are either thieves or very proud!

Unexpectedly, this sister Xin is quite modest.

Designers are proud of their capital, and it is normal to be proud of their abilities!

Some male designers are also normal. What is the so-called fashion? To put it bluntly, it is different from others!

So those sissies aren't real sissies, maybe they're unbelievable men doing things for others in private, just to highlight their own style, just like normal people, what kind of masters are they called.

Liu Xin's eyes turned back and forth on Xie Tian and Zheng Renze. Looking at the two, she remembered a book she had seen on the Internet before: the love-hate relationship between Lu Bu and Dian Wei in the past and present.

A burly and strong man, a "weak beauty", a typical beast and a prince!

Thinking like this, when I pushed my glasses, a bright light flashed on the lenses.

Xie Tian and Zheng Renze suddenly felt a chill, and goosebumps all over their bodies.

I have a bad feeling in my heart.

Xie Tian suddenly felt that Liu Xin's temperament was very familiar, like a group of terrifying creatures!

what is it then?

It would be strange if Xie Tian knew that he and Zheng Renze had been written by netizens into a book, not crazy!

There are some things in this world that the less you know, the better!

Then several people discussed what style of clothes Zhao Zihan and Xie Tian would wear when they walked the red carpet.

Female entertainers walking on the red carpet is like fighting a war.

What kind of occasion is the Golden Flower Awards red carpet, almost half of the female artists with enough coffee in the entertainment industry will be there.

When the flowers bloom, who wants to be worse than others!

Don't explain the stars, they are ordinary people, and they have to compare themselves with each other!

How conspicuous how come! The most important thing is to attract attention!

Although Zhao Zihan is not as ostentatious as other female artists, but still, who wants to be worse than others!

What kind of national sister was the previous character set, just dress up pure and playful!

But now she is Han Ye, which is not easy to deal with. From her agency to the designer Liu Xin, she has no such experience, and she does not know what style to use.

Sexy, charming, pure and cute are not enough!

To be more graceful and luxurious, Zhao Zihan can't stand it!

So I asked Xie Tian to come over, in addition to designing a dress for him, I also wanted him to give him an idea.

Just like Xie Tian looking for the fifth brother if he has a problem, if there is any problem with Zhao Zihan's "personality", he will be the first to think of Xie Tian.

After Xie Tian heard this, he immediately blurted out: "Master Han, that must be wearing a dragon robe!"

Thank God's first reaction is this!

A female artist in a previous life was wearing a dragon robe while walking the red carpet once, and won the name of a master!

Zhao Zihan now has the reputation of Lord Han, and wearing a dragon robe is even more fitting and shows domineering.

And as for her figure, it complements the dragon robe.

But thank goodness I regret it!


He is going to walk the red carpet with Master Han. The clothes must be matched. As far as their relationship is concerned, what should they wear in their master-slave status?

Then you can only wear a **** uniform to match!

The Golden Flower Awards Ceremony, compete with others for the best supporting actor, and wear a special **** uniform!

The limelight of the entire Golden Flower Awards can be overshadowed by him!

So what is it like to be heartless!

But Zhao Zihan and the others' eyes lit up.

The robe is good! Domineering!

Moreover, Zhao Zihan wants to compete for the best actress, that is, the actress, wearing a dragon robe to appear on the stage, that is too special!

Several people immediately began to study the feasibility of this matter.

Xie Tian saw this situation, and quickly coughed twice, after attracting their attention, he said softly.

"That... I suddenly feel that this idea is not very reliable, let's think about it again!"

Zhao Zihan and the others all looked at him strangely, how did his idea change in a blink of an!

Zhao Zihan asked, "Why not? I think it's pretty good."

Xie Tian thought about it for a while, and said with a shriveled belly: "Master Han, you...wear a dragon robe! Let's walk the red carpet together, what am I...wearing?"

you wear......

These people suddenly stopped, yes! This teacher Xie's clothes are really difficult to arrange.

They also went with Xie Tianxiang. Zhao Zihan wore a dragon robe, and the **** uniform was the most suitable for Teacher Xie.

But this will not work!

2*No 2* Besides, it's a good thing to wear a eunuch's uniform in a warm manner!

Then Lu Bu fans must not riot!

Zhao Zihan was dressed in a dragon robe, and Xie Tian was dressed as Lu Bu and dressed in armor.

But that's an awards ceremony, not a comic exhibition, and it's not like it!

If Xie Tian wanted to wear normal clothes, he could only ask Zhao Zihan to give up the dragon robe.

But the idea of ​​making Zhao Zihan wear a dragon robe is really good, and he is still competing for the opportunity to be the best actress, and it will not be as explosive as this time to come up with it later!

Sister Mei frowned and said, "Zihan, no, you can walk the red carpet by yourself this time!"


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