MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 273 Storm is coming (2 in 1)

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Teacher Xie is satirizing a well-known little fresh meat!


The entire network was shocked in an instant!

"Damn it! There is really such a person in co-authoring! Teacher Xie really means something!"

"He gossip said it was ironic! It's not necessarily like the sketch, there should be exaggeration in the sketch!"

"Even if you don't count, it must be quite disrespectful and love to play big names!"

"It really deserves to be a gossip! He actually knows something that the entertainment industry doesn't know!"

"By the way, who is this person? Teacher Xie doesn't work a few days a year, and he doesn't have much fresh meat in those films? And I don't usually hear that he has too much interaction with other artists?"

Not a single person in the entire network thought that He Yan was talking nonsense.

Between the guilt defense and the innocence defense, the one-sidedness is all guilt defense!

It's not because of how good He Yan's reputation is, how can people in this circle have credibility!

It is mainly such a development that meets the expectations of netizens!

On the fourth day of the fourth day, some people went to work, and they didn't work hard at the beginning of the new year, and they were just guessing with a bunch of people who didn't go to work!

It's not nonsense, it's a well-founded analysis.

List all the artists who have intersected since Xie Tian's debut.

It can be counted and counted, which little fresh meat Mr. Xie has an intersection with!

I didn't have any doubts in my heart, but felt a little emotional. After all, it is a professional, and this way is wild!

Professional matters have to be handed over to professionals, and netizens will all go to ask He Yan.

Who are you talking about!

This is exactly what he wants, and the purpose of attracting attention is completely achieved!

He is not aimless, he really has something in his hand, which can be related to this matter.

But can't say! At least not now!

Where is this going! After all, it has nothing to do with him!

This unknown is the most attractive!

Just like the author of a web article, every time he goes to the high * place, he breaks the chapter, leaves suspense, and makes the reader scratch their hearts. I can't wait to find this **** and beat him first, and then shut him down in the black room to keep him alive. codeword.

Of course, the author of the web article will never reveal his home address for his own safety!

Because of the author's prudence, readers can't relieve their anger, so they can endure hard time!

By the way, most of the authors break the chapter, not for the so-called profit maximization, reading a chapter of a novel is a dime, and no one will abandon the book because of this.

So the behavior of breaking the chapter is a professional habit, why is there such a habit, it should be... just the author's simple bad taste!

Ha ha ha ha! !

Closer to home.

Therefore, He Yan will not easily (push) his own evidence according to (break).

First hang on the appetite of netizens, if he doesn't say this for a day, netizens will pay attention to him for a day!

When is it annoying for people to wait and don't want to take care of it, and then burst out to attract a wave of eyeballs!

On the other hand, Xie Tian, ​​who heard the news, was a little confused!

Who am I mocking?

I do not know how!

To say that Xie Tianhaolai is also a star, for He Yan to be exposed like this, this matter is now not just a topic of bragging among netizens, it has something to do with him!

So Zheng Renze and Concubine Zhang who got the news came to Xie Tian's house.

Netizens did not get a reply from He Yan, and some people came to ask thank God.

"Teacher Xie, which little fresh meat is mapped in your sketch? Tell us."

"Yes! Tell us!"

"What's the sarcasm of the old men! If you can't stand it, just name it and say it by name. That's what you call a man!"

"When will Teacher Xie not be a man? If he wants to slap anyone, he doesn't say anything. It's Teacher Xie's life creed! Is it Teacher Xie!"

"Mr. Xie someone said that you are not a man. I can't bear to stop talking about you. Hurry up and tell the person you are mocking. Let's slap these people's ignorant faces!"

Seeing these remarks, Concubine Zhang straightened the corners of her mouth. What nonsense was she talking about when she didn't go to work? Where did these idlers come from!

Watching the fun and playing tricks?

At the same time, I was a little unhappy in my mind. When Xie Tian created this sketch, they were all there, knowing that Xie Tian didn't mock anyone.

also! As netizens said, does Teacher Xie dislike anyone using sarcasm? That's not to say slap it!

There is nothing at all, He Yan is not talking nonsense!

Having been with the entertainment industry for nearly two years, Concubine Zhang knew that it was He Yan who was rubbing off on her presence.

You rub the heat, and no one will let it go!

But what do you mean by pretending to be Mr. Xie in our house!

Now just say your personal name to get more attention!

You have gained both fame and fortune, and then our teacher Xie offended people, right?

Concubine Zhang frowned and said, "Mr. Xie, this gossip is not good enough to rub off on the heat, and you are used as a gunman in that fancier, what should we do about this?"

Zheng Renze on the side twisted his neck and moved his shoulders.

I've seen it in the movies, when some stronger people do these movements, the bones will make a crunching sound.

But this buddy doesn't, it makes the sound of "Beng Weng Beng Weng" big tendons bouncing, like a bowstring.

After a couple of activities, he said in a vicious voice, "Brother, why don't I go to his studio."

Xie Tian heard the words and looked at Zheng Renze, and suddenly said with a smile: "I have known you for 20 years, only to realize that you like gossip so much!"

"You have to find someone else to read gossip. You can't read online novels. If you have readers like you, an online writer is a high-risk industry!"

Then he turned to look at Concubine Zhang and said, "Nothing to do, let's eat melons quietly."

Concubine Zhang is a little puzzled, this is not Teacher Xie's character! Normally, he shouldn't be carrying that one at this moment. The black iron is used as the blade, and the iron wood is used for a thousand years. The weight is 0.618 jin.

What's the situation now? New year and new look? Changed to a vegetarian diet?

He asked, "Let's just watch and do nothing! Why!"

Xie Tian said a little shyly: "Actually, I am also very curious about the development of this matter. In other words, who am I making fun of?"

Concubine Zhang: "..."

Thank you are serious!

Seeing that Teacher Xie is so anal, he didn't make any response to this matter.

The credibility of this matter in the hearts of netizens is a little heavier!

Don't talk about them, even the people in the circle are a little bit convinced that it is true at this time.

After all, Teacher Xie's reaction was different from what he used to do. There must be a reason for the abnormality!

A feeling of jealousy arose in his heart, but the dead paparazzi were well informed, and the enthusiasm made him rub off, taking advantage of it!

Then they all started to act, and they also wanted to take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie!

When eating apples, the first bite is the most laborious, but after taking the first bite, the rest is easy.

Those very young children can't take the first bite of the apple, and they have to let their parents take a bite first, and then they can eat it by themselves.

The heat caused by the Spring Festival Gala sketch is like an apple, everyone wants to eat it, but can't take the first bite.

Now that He Bagua has taken the first bite, the others will be able to eat and move.

The various media changed their previous state of concern, and they all joined in to discuss speculation.

And some artists also say something specious on Weibo or on the show, which seems to mean something, but in fact, it is useless to rub off the heat.

He Bagua is not surprised by this, thank heaven is the party involved.

His denial was useless.

But he couldn't recognize it either, saying that he was indeed mocking someone!

There is no such person!

So he can only make no response to this matter.

And he wasn't angry about the fact that the food he had worked so hard to cook was being eaten by others.

joke! The cook who cooks can still starve!

That's all I ate leftovers!

Pooh! A bunch of stinky beggars!

With the support of various aspects, this matter has become more and more noticeable.

But now people change their minds too quickly! It was so lively for two days, and then the attention of netizens to this matter continued to drop like stocks!

It's all very lively, but you have to show evidence!

It's all empty speculation, and I might as well watch a TV show, at least it pays attention to a cause-and-effect relationship!

Seeing that this crop of wool is almost finished, He Yan is ready to gather the second crop!

He wrote again: "Xie Xianrou, who satirized Xiao Xianrou through the Spring Festival Gala sketch, is a well-known young artist. The two are not directly related, but they are indirectly very related."

Netizens are fascinated, what does this say!

What direct and indirect, I also connected in series and parallel!

However, they all understood a little bit. This person is not directly related to Teacher Xie, which means that their previous guesses were all wrong.

As for the indirect connection, it's a bit of a beating.

The entire entertainment industry has an indirect relationship with Teacher Xie, so it doesn't matter if you are a peer!

Guess where!

But Xie Tian and other people in the circle saw this, but they all bared their teeth, and there was an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

He didn't mean to say that, did he!

This time, He Yan didn't hang his appetite any more, and a few hours later he posted again: "This well-known young actor used to be a competitor with Teacher Xie, but subjectively, several of his works are under Teacher Xie. Teacher's Spring Festival Gala sketch is to satirize the young actor's acting skills, as for who this actor is, I can't disclose it, I can only talk about this matter, after all, I don't dare to offend some people!"

The Internet immediately exploded, and He Gossip's words contained too much information.

Teacher Xie's competitor, why didn't he know there was such a person.

What does it mean to be under Teacher Xie subjectively? Is this a veiled statement that Teacher Xie once suppressed a certain young actor.

And what does that sentence mean that he doesn't dare to offend some people, is it referring to the young actor, or Teacher Xie!

Netizens don't know, but Xie Tian and other people in the entertainment industry understand it.

He was talking about Wang Liang!

Because of the previous incident, even those who didn't know it, understood the cause of the incident afterwards.

Although Wang Liang thinks unilaterally, it is not wrong to say that the two are competitors.

He did have two dramas that failed to compete with Teacher Xie, but it was not subjective under Teacher Xie, he was no match for Teacher Xie!

And the last sentence is a clear statement of what happened before.

So this is 100% Wang Liang!

He Yan is crazy!

How long has it been since this happened? How dare you link Teacher Xie and Wang Liang together!

If someone were to dig up that thing, he would have to eat and walk around!

And what he means inside and outside the words, why does it feel that his **** is a little crooked!

From a puppy back in the day to now setting up his own media studio, he is considered an old **** in the circle. The insider said that he could not have known.

Besides, that thing hadn't happened yet during the first trial of the Spring Festival Gala.

Teacher Xie's sketch could not be satirizing Wang Liang.

Isn't this nonsense!

So why is he messing with this **** for no reason?

When netizens felt that the truth was about to be revealed, people in the entertainment circle felt that the situation had become confusing.

do not understand!

These days, it is no good to be less involved in things you don't understand!

And that thing is a thunder, can't touch it!

In an instant, no one in the entire entertainment industry talked about it, and some people even started deleting Weibo.

It's good to be a melon eater if you don't take the heat.

Thank you.

Xie Tian and several people had a feeling that the wind and rain were about to come and the mountains were full of buildings.

Zheng Renze said fiercely, "Brother, something is wrong!"

Concubine Zhang nodded in agreement.

Xie Tian didn't speak, lit a cigarette and took a deep breath, then exhaled a thick smoke, covering his face, only the squinted eyes flashed occasionally in the smoke.

That look is like a bearded head who is going to go down the mountain to smash the kiln. I don't know what the bad water is.

After two mouths of cigarettes, Xie Tiantian said to Zheng Renze, "Renze, do you still have the contact information for the reporter who took the fruit photo last time?"

"Brother why are you looking for him?" Zheng Renze asked casually, then took out his phone and looked at it: "Yes, the photo is still there."

Thank goodness "..."

Cough cough!

Fan Er of the black hand **oos just now broke down!

Looking at Zheng Renze with a wrong look: "Why do you keep that thing?"

Concubine Zhang also looked at this Zheng Renze with a perverted look!

"What are you two thinking, I was just taking precautions before it happened, and then I forgot to delete it!"

The two gave a strange "Oh~~", and then, without waiting for Zheng Renze to explain again, Xie Tian said, "As expected, people without far-sightedness must have near-term worries. It's just right if they didn't delete it, and I'm using it now."

"Renze, please contact him and let him..."

After Xie Tian finished speaking, although he didn't know what he was going to do, Concubine Zhang could smell the cruel blood.

Then, just like in his own home, he rummaged through Xie Tian's house, and it took a while to come back with two sandpapers.

"Third Master, why are you looking for something? Grinding your snake spear? This thing is not right!"

Concubine Zhang's eyes went blank: "What kind of spear do I sharpen! I'm going to sharpen your awl."

Xie Tian: "..."

Grinding awl?

Where did I get the awl?

What do you mean?

Regardless of other people in the circle and Xie, they have already discovered that something is not right.

And because of the unequal amount of information, the majority of netizens who eat melon thought they would soon find out the truth.

The words He Bagua said provided a lot of important clues!

It is a competitor with Teacher Xie, so it must be a film and television drama broadcast on the same schedule.

And this year, Teacher Xie has a total of one movie and one TV series.

Just find out the movies and TV dramas of the same period, then pick out the young actors in them, and then find out the reports before and after the actor's shooting and broadcast.

Use the method of elimination to find the person that Teacher Xie satirized!

Really master in the folk ah!

Within two hours, they really let them find a personal choice.

There was no media involvement in this matter, it was simply found out by netizens who searched for information and conducted investigations.


People today are so perverted, they can do anything.

Whether it is not much homework or not tired from work, how can it be so boring.

Looking at this selected candidate, netizens couldn't believe their eyes.

This is not some well-known young actor with little fresh meat.

This is the male idol who is in charge of traffic today and is popular all over China!

Even if you can't believe it, all the impossible can be ruled out, and the remaining impossible is the truth.

And those who were screened out by netizens.

It was Wang Liang!

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy