MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 280 Set the storm!

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The big revenge has to be paid for Wang Liang, who is in good spirits at the moment. He doesn't know that his fans have been kicked out of Weibo. After all, as a popular little fresh meat, he is very busy.

Like now, he is about to give an interview.

The location of the interview was not far away, it was in a cafe near Tianyu Company. He just came to the company at home, so he was going to walk there.

After all, how do other people in the car know that he is still working hard after being wronged.

Without a mask, with a pair of sunglasses, ready to be recognized at any time, he left the company with his agent Liu Xing.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the company, he saw an old man walking by, looked in front of them, then picked a clean place and slowly fell down.

"Ouch, I fell to death!"

This operation seems silly to Wang Liang, and now everyone who touches porcelain is so arrogant!

When you fell to the ground, you were all covered in mud, and you even picked a clean place. You didn't have the spirit of a craftsman!

Then Wang Liang was furious: "Old man! How dare you..."

Before he finished speaking, he asked him to hold back again. It turned out that several reporters jumped out from somewhere. He was already surrounded, and the camera in his hand was facing him tightly.

Now that an old man falls in front of you, as a public figure, do you help or not!

As a well-known artist, it is normal to hide several paparazzi around him. Wang Liang didn't think much about it, but secretly shouted bad luck. It seems that he has to break the bank and avoid disaster today!

The corners of his mouth twitched, and then he asked dryly, "Master, are you all right? Do you need to take you to the hospital?"

The old man A who fell on the ground hummed and said: "It's okay, now the old man is about to fall, and there are not many people who dare to help. Young man, you are really good. Reach out and grab the uncle!"

Wang Liang looked at the old man A hesitantly, just like the old man just now, he was 100% touching the porcelain! According to the normal process, shouldn't you be dragging me and not letting me go at this moment, asking me for money?

New year, new atmosphere, and new routines?

Anyway, he was ready to break the bank and avoid disaster, and he was not short of money, so he stretched out his hand to help old man A up.

Wang Liang was about to continue the next process of touching words. Unexpectedly, the old man who touched porcelain didn't shout or ask for money. Instead, he patted him on the shoulder, thanked him, and left.

That's it!

Wang Liang was a little puzzled, the old man's posture was obviously a touch of porcelain, why did he just leave.

When I saw the reporters around me, I suddenly realized that I didn't dare to ask for money after seeing so many reporters!

Let me just say, let alone these professional porcelain touchers, they are just ordinary old people. If there is a collision with an artist, you can ask for 18,000 yuan if you have anything, and even if there is something wrong, you will not be capped!

These puppies are still useful!

I was happy in my heart, I helped the old man who fell, and let these paparazzi find out, then this matter can be on the hot search, and can deceive some fans.

Then I felt that something was wrong. Why haven't I heard a shutter sound until now?

Looking at these reporters again, they turned around and left without taking a single photo!

Hey! your sister!

Co-author, you just want to report my scandal, and good things are ignored, right?

What the hell!

When Liu Xing, who was beside him, frowned when he saw this scene, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say what was wrong.

He said to Wang Liang: "Liangzi, let's go quickly, I always have a bad feeling in my heart."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two of them just took two steps.

Just two steps, 1! 2!

The old man who came from nowhere, slowly fell down again!

"Ouch, I fell to death!"

Wang Liang: "..."

Liu Xing: "..."

Seeing this scene as if time and space were going backwards, the faces of the two suddenly turned dark, and then they looked left and right, and sure enough! The paparazzi surrounded them with the same shape as before.

Don't talk about Liu Xing now, even Wang Liang can see that something is wrong. In two steps, I met two "touching porcelain"! What a coincidence!

It's 100% someone is playing tricks.

But I knew in my heart that the old man had to be helped, and the reporter had to watch from the side.

Don't care about a few old men who have helped them before, but this one didn't help. It was rumored that he ignored the old people who needed help. It was a scandal!

Wang Liang gritted his teeth and helped old man B up, and at the same time was full of doubts.

Why don't you just help a few old men! What's the matter, what are the people who do this thing.

As soon as he regained his senses, he saw another old man lying on the ground!

it is good! I'll help!

ten minutes later,

The door of the company was still behind Wang Liang, and he didn't go out 20 steps in total.

He seems to have transformed into a little fresh meat picking up the old man, two steps one by two.

Wang Liang was going crazy. He understood that as long as these old men were there, he couldn't do anything.

If someone wants to say something, then run away, before the old man falls.

Can't Wang Liang think of this?

He wanted to run, but before he could run, an old man said, "Don't run, run into me again, I can't stand this at my age!"

Don't carry anyone! It's not rascal!

Let a bunch of rogues get entangled, he can't call the police, why call the police, they didn't recruit you and didn't mess with you, what does it have to do with you when you fall, you can't be forced to help you, you can go!

Those reporters didn't hide for a while, they just followed Wang Liang upright.

When an old man falls, they raise the camera, and when the old man is lifted up, the camera is put down!

Now that China's population is aging so seriously, how can it be helped.

In this situation, it was obvious that someone was targeting them, so when Wang Liang picked up the old man, Liu Xing kept calling.

As the call aired, his face became more and more weighed.

Hanging up the phone, he said solemnly to Wang Liang, "Go, go back to the company!"

Looking at Liu Xing's face, Wang Liang knew something was wrong, and he turned around and walked back without asking anything.

1! 2!


Wang Liang: "......"

Liu Xing: "..."

I have to pick it up again when I go back to the company, right?

It took another ten minutes to enter the door of the company.

Seeing Wang Liang's figure disappear in front of them, those reporters were all happy.

"Hahaha, it's so fun, did you see Wang Liang's dazed expression just now?"

"Look? I took pictures!"

"Hahaha, by the way, where did Teacher Xie find such a bunch of little old men?"

"What is looking for? People are Teacher Xie's fans."

They have been following Xie Tian's Weibo before, they have seen the rise of old fans.

At this time, a reporter asked a person, "Brother Zhou, hello, Teacher Xie, what's the matter? You came to help me and called us here. Just now, Wang Liang picked up the old man one by one. The picture, this is going to be sent out, it is worth a lot of money!"

Zhou Zheng didn't speak when he heard the words, just smiled mysteriously.

The other reporters made a clear "Oh", and then looked at Zhou Liang with a bit of envy.

Each artist has one or several exclusive reporters, and usually any news will be released through them. They thought that Zhou Zheng and Xie Tian had such a relationship.

Following Teacher Xie, the big news is absolutely indispensable.

In the face of the envy and admiration of his companions, Zhou Zheng was an MMP in his heart.

What kind of relationship can I have with that grandson Xie Tian, ​​I have Guozhao in his hands, why don't I help him!

Thinking of this, Zhou Liang wanted to cry. It's been more than a year, and the fruit photo is still there!

He himself almost forgot about it, if it wasn't for Zheng Renze's phone call, he wouldn't even remember it!

Before the evil monk called him and asked him to determine Wang Liang's location, he thought it was the evil monk who was coming to find Wang Liang, but he didn't expect it to be for the current situation.

You know, at that time, the whole incident hadn't happened yet.

At that time he thought of what would happen now!

Xie Tian's scheming is too deep, take one step and see ten steps!

They are all like the strategists in the book, so scary!

This time, if you want to get your own fruit photos back, you must stay far away from this person, or you will be sold and count the money for them!

At this time, there were two women who came out of Tianyu Company, and one of them was covering himself so tightly that neither parents nor mother would recognize that kind.

This shape does not need to know that this is a wrist.

Wang Liang returned to the company, and a bunch of old men who had fallen before they could get it were depressed when they saw them running over quickly

Asked: "Girl, are you from this company?"

The female artist nodded, then looked at the questioning old man with a dazed expression, and slowly fell down in front of her.

When Zhou Zheng and these reporters saw this, they quickly ran over with their cameras!

Female artist: ? ? ?

Tianyu Company, Wang Liang's office.

Wang Liang asked Liu Xing, "Brother Liu, what happened?"

Liu Xing said: "Xie Tian has changed, and your fans have been kicked out."

"What! How is it possible!" Wang Liang exclaimed when he heard the news!

To be honest, Liu Xing can't believe it, but no matter how hard you can't believe it, he just happened!

After listening to Liu Xing finish the story, Wang Liang was stunned.

Who can provoke such a bunch of old men!

Don't talk about fans, he can't even provoke him!

Then he seemed to remember something, his face suddenly became very ugly, and he said suspiciously: "In this case, will the old men just now be Xie Tian's fans?"

Liu Xing snorted coldly and said, "Those people are 100% his fans. Today, I've learned a lot. I've been in the entertainment industry for almost 20 years. This is the first time I've seen such a bad move! Such a dirty person!"

Wang Liang originally thought that he could take revenge, but he didn't expect that when he was about to succeed, he went wrong.

He said anxiously: "Brother Liu, what should we do now? We can't just let it go."

Liu Qing glanced at him and said, "Forget it, what do you think, now we are in danger."

"We? What danger?"

"Those old men outside! If you don't solve it for them, you can't do anything!"

"Hey~" Wang Liang remembered that there was still such a thing.

"Then what should I do, Brother Liu!"

You know how to ask me, you are mentally retarded!

After scolding in his heart, Liu Xing frowned and said in distress, "Let me think about it."

His brains are boiling, and he has not come up with any good way. He has never encountered such an opponent who does not follow the routine!

Just as I was thinking about it, a phone call came suddenly, and I picked up and said a few words. After hanging up the phone, Liu Xing said with a solemn expression.

"Come on, go to General Yang's office."

In front of Yang Tai's office, a female artist from the company walked out of the office.

The female artist saw Wang Liang glaring at him fiercely, and after snorting, she left with a gust of fragrance.

Wang Liang blinked, not knowing how he had offended her.

Entering the office, before the two of them could speak, Yang Tai slapped the table fiercely and roared.

"Who allowed you to instruct fans to attack Teacher Xie!"

"Do you know how bad the influence you are causing now!"

Wang Liang was a little confused, what is it who allowed it? You don't acquiesce to this!

Before he could speak, Liu Xing said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, the responsibility for this is my responsibility. I hired someone to do all these things. I'm sorry for the bad impact on the company. I will take responsibility!"

Hearing his words, Yang Tai was even more angry: "What is the responsibility of this matter is yours, what does it have to do with you, you have only been his manager for a few days."

Then he pointed at Wang Liang and said, "It didn't happen if I told you about it last time! Why are you making some small moves, do you think you can disobey the management of the company if you feel popular!"

Wang Liang: "......"

The warmth of the promised home and the care of my father, where have they gone!

How can you turn around and don't recognize people?

Wang Liang felt that he was wronged, but he had to endure it. Don't look at how popular she is now, but he will be nothing if he leaves Tianyu. There are some handsome guys these days, and there are only a few brokerage companies.

So he could only bow his eyebrows pleasing to the eye and be disciplined there like a little daughter-in-law, not daring to say a word.

Yang Tai spat at him and said, "Quickly post an apology to Teacher Xie on Weibo."


Wang Liang looked at Yang Tai in disbelief. Just now, his fans kept clamoring for Xie Tian to apologize to him, but now he has to apologize to Xie Tian?

Then you don't need your face anymore.

"What are you shouting! If you want to apologize, you will apologize and say nonsense."

Liu Xing on the side was also a little puzzled, Wang Liang apologized and Tianyu also embarrassed them.

The entire entertainment industry knows that today's incident is clearly Wang Liang's revenge on Xie Tian, ​​but the real pusher is their Tianyu Company.

Isn't Wang Liang's apology announcing to the public that none of their Tianyu company can compare to Xie Tian alone!

Asked: "Mr. Yang, the current situation is not enough for Ryoko to come forward and apologize, and if he apologizes, the prestige of our company..."

Treating Liu Xing, Yang Taike became more kind, and said helplessly: "You saw Wen Jie when you entered the door. She just left the company ten minutes ago and was at the door of the company. Five minutes later, three old men fell down in front of her. ."

Wang Liang: This picture is so familiar!

Okay! Co-authoring is not just for me, but for our entire company!

Yang Tai continued: "It's alright if you don't apologize for this situation, we won't be able to go out without an apology!"

Liu Xingdao: "Mr. Yang, thank Tian for these fans, the door is blocked for a while, who can be here every day, and they will be fine if they leave."

Yang Tai shook his head and said, "Today they are gone. After that, there will be a thousand days of being a thief, but there will be a thousand days of preventing thieves. If you don't give an explanation, they will come here from time to time, and we can't stand it!"

Imagining that scene, both of them agreed with Yang Tai's words. What Mr. Yang said makes sense!

Yang Tai waved at Wang Liang and said, "Go out and post on Weibo to apologize to Teacher Xie," and then said to Liu Xing, "Xing, stay here, I'll tell you something."

When Wang Liang left the office, Yang Tai said, "I'm convinced, thank God this grandson really has no bottom line in doing things! Let's stay away from him in the future, we can't afford to be offended."

Liu Qing said speechlessly: "This grandson! Where did he get out of!"

After the two of them chatted for a while about today's matter, Yang Tai suddenly said, "I will arrange more commercial performances for Wang Liang in the future!"

Liu Xing and Yang Tai looked at each other, nodded and said, "Understood!"

After Wang Liang apologized today, a large number of fans will definitely be lost.

If he wants to return to his current popularity, Tianyu must devote more resources to him.

But with these resources, plus an experience, it's enough to pick up a little fresh meat.

If that's the case, why waste energy on him, an unfortunate and unfortunate person.

Therefore, Yang Tai asked Liu Xing to arrange more commercial performances for Wang Liang in the future, and he had to get it back for Ben!

He has already thought about it, the next one is not just to look good, but also to have the ability and Don't dare to provoke anyone!

I don't know that Wang Liang, who has been abandoned by the company, is editing Weibo. Every time he typed a word, his heart hurt like a needle stick, and the pain was going to bleed.

Thank goodness! Yang Tai!

You wait for me, let's ride the donkey and read the songbook, let's see!

He still wants to wait and see, he has no future!

When his apology was posted on Weibo, it really shocked the Internet again!

He posted: "I have never been bullied or ridiculed by Teacher Xie. All of this is a self-assertive behavior of fans under the guidance of caring people. For the troubles fans have caused Teacher Xie, he sincerely apologizes!

Seeing such Weibo, Xie Tian's fans are naturally happy and crazy.

Teacher Xie wins!

Some people are happy and some are worried, Xie Tian's fans are happy, and Wang Liang's fans are naturally dumbfounded!


Why didn't you say misunderstanding when we had the upper hand just now!

Who is that caring person? It can't be me!

what do you mean.

After this incident, Wang Liang's fans have really lost a lot!

The layman watches the fun, the layman watches the doorway.

People in the entertainment industry know how amazing the information in this Weibo post is.

It said that in the conflict between Tianyu and Teacher Xie, Tianyu surrendered.

They got it!

One person can suppress a company!

Even they had to say: Teacher Xie Niu*!

Ordinary netizens don't know what happened in front of Tianyu Company, but they all heard the letter.

So I can't help but feel a little shocked. It turns out that the elderly fans are the most terrible fan group in the entertainment industry!

With such a group of fans, Teacher Xie can really cover the sky with one hand!


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