MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 298 Mr. Tree

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The movies Xie Tian is going to shoot are all scenes with snow in winter, and it will snow in the Northeast as early as the end of October.

There are still two months left.

Two months may seem like a lot of preparation time, but shooting a movie is more than just getting the crew ready.

There is a lot to prepare for.

The first step is to "set up a project", determine the project of the film, the script, the shooting funds, the production unit, and a bunch of other things, make it into something like a plan, and then report it for the record.

You have to let the above review, whether the film meets the conditions, whether there are any violations, and whether you have the production qualifications, and you can only shoot if you agree.

Then you have to determine the shooting location, prepare the crew, and select the actors.

The most important thing is to find a good publisher.

It doesn't mean that if you make a movie, if you have access to it, you can find a cinema and you can release it. That's not good. You don't have distribution qualifications, nor do movie theaters. This requires a special distributor.

After the filming is over, it has to be sent to the above for review. After the review, the film will be scheduled to confirm the release date, promote the film, and so on.

It's a bunch of things anyway.

Basically, from preparation to release of a movie, this time period is in units of years.

A year or two is a basic exercise, and even some big hands, a movie has been filmed for four or five years!

Let's just say cow is not cow*! How many four or five years are there in one's life?

Like the movie Xie Tian made before, "My Sassy Girl" is an online movie. Although there are some audits, there are not so many things.

He is an actor in "Scarlet Heights", and he leaves after filming. These things have nothing to do with him!

But now he wants to shoot a theatrical movie by himself, which has something to do with him!

Having said so much, it means that the preparation time for the next two months is not much.

After a two-month preparation period, it took a month to shoot, and it officially appeared on the big screen in December.

The reason why I am so anxious is because this year's Golden Flower Award winner will be selected in this year's movie.

The reason why Xie Tian made this movie is to compete for this year's best actor.

He had a hunch in his heart that he had to become an actor this year, otherwise bad things would happen.

The film that Xie Tian is going to make is the pinnacle of Wang Baoqiang's acting skills in his previous life, and it is also a movie that was well-received; "Hello! Mr. Tree.

The film grossed just over $2 million at the box office that year.

It can be said that it can't match Wang Baoqiang's normal movie remuneration. If you lose money, you will definitely lose money.

But such a money-losing film has won numerous awards.

There are many reasons for the sluggish box office. At that time, the film did not have much publicity and was released in a hurry.

Moreover, the market for literary films is not very large, and audiences prefer to watch some commercial films.

If you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not good. Since it is said to be the pinnacle of Wang Baoqiang's acting skills and has won many awards, this movie must have its own uniqueness.

This movie is more realistic or real.

The protagonist is called the tree, a man who has not succeeded or even failed in the "values" of today's society.

When the tree was a child, his father accidentally strangled his brother and burned his brother's body in front of his eyes.

Shu's brother was very fashionable and was the center of the topic, but at that time, being fashionable was not a good thing. Shu's brother was regarded as a rogue because he was too fashionable, and he was arrested at the police station. Father was hanged by mistake.

And the elder brother is the longing of the tree, and he longs to be like the elder brother.

So Shu's father not only hanged his brother that day, but also killed Shu's vision and future.

In this way, the tree grew up and became a sloppy, idle person, who said that he did nothing but nothing.

Everyone can make fun of the tree.

In fact, the image of the tree, this kind of person, we have all met in our life. When we were in school, there were one or two in each class. They didn’t study well and were stupid. They were teased by classmates every day, but they still went The people around his classmate who made fun of him.

Humans are social animals, so humans are eager to show themselves to their peers, hoping to be the center of conversation.

In this society where "money" is a hero, Shu is obviously not a hero, he is a loser.

The loser doesn't become the center of the conversation, and even the center is the center of ridicule.

Losers don't get any warm treatment, because losers are useless!

At the same time, the loser is powerless to do anything about it.

Shu worked in an auto repair shop and was discharged from the hospital after an accident. The boss came to not visit but to dismiss. The younger brother also came over without any words of concern, just left some money and left.

The tree really just wanted a little attention, but not at all.

This made him feel his own insignificance.

The fields of Shu's family were occupied by a factory opened by the same village. In the banquet again, because of the conflict with the same village, he even had to kneel down and admit his mistake to get rid of it!

Shu accidentally met a deaf girl. He wanted the deaf girl the most, but even a deaf person looked down on him.

As a successful loser, Shu found that even his own hair looked down on him, and even his own younger brother looked down on him.

The shadow of childhood plus being despised, teased, and bullied in society, so Shu chose to live in his own world.

Became... a lunatic!

The mental breakdown of the tree seems to be the responsibility of those around him who bully him, but are those who are indifferent in the face of these indifferent?

If someone had given him a little warmth at that time, the tree would not have been like that.

Someone wants to say, which law says, I have the responsibility and obligation to help him.

There is no responsibility or obligation, but just like a sentence in Xie Tian's advertisement before, in a world of indifference, everyone has nowhere to run.

But in the end, the source of everything is the childhood shadow his father caused him.

This so-called childhood shadow is not necessarily the fact that his father killed his brother and then burned it.

This experience is beyond the reach of ordinary people, and this is an exception within an exception.

In fact, this shadow is a person's longing and and then find that he can't do it, can't do it.

Inability to do anything is really terrifying.

And all the tree has experienced is to tell him that the things he desires cannot be done! Can't do it!

Because it is too realistic, this film cannot be understood at a young age without some experience.

The grades in their early twenties have just entered the society, and the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and their minds are full of ideas that I can replace.

Give me two years, and I will definitely make a big country.

Watching this movie with such a mentality, what is it about? very messy.

Reality is not reality, dreaming is not dreaming, but it has no meaning at all!

bad movie!

Only two years later, after being severely beaten by reality, will these young people see the reality clearly, and see clearly their insignificance and powerlessness.

Xie Tian didn't understand it when he first watched this film, he just thought that Wang Baoqiang's acting was just awesome.

But after a few years, he read it again, and this time he understood.

Then I don't want to watch it a third time.

This movie is like a horror movie to him, there is no ghost, no suspense, but he is so terrifying because he has the reality of red fruit!

Even if there is a better future than the tree, the ability than the tree, and the popularity of the tree, but when watching this movie, there is still a kind of deep thinking and a sense of substitution!

Xie Tian is going to use such a frightening film to compete for this year's Golden Flower Award Best Actor!

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