MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 8 on the radio

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Chapter 8 on the radio

After Bai Xue blurted out "it's you", she was speechless.

what did you say! Could it be that I was peeked by him and then disliked!

After all, this is a radio station, a media organization, so let people know that he will become a joke in the whole city.

Now is the age of the Internet. If you can't figure it out, the whole country will know. If you don't enter the top ten tragic characters in China 2017 and the top ten funny events, the ranking can still be in the front. At that time, I would have no face to live.

Being recognized by Bai Xue, Xie Tian didn't have any embarrassment of peeping at other people. When he wanted to come, you looked like this. I can see that you are adding more color to you.

So he admitted it generously: "It's me."

And on his face, he still has the look of doing a good deed without leaving his name but not being seen by you.

After a pause, he continued, "You just came to pick me up."

Seeing that Xie Tian has generously admitted that Bai Xue's face is incredible, this person is shameless!

But when she saw and understood the meaning expressed by Xie Tian's expression, she was full of anger.

Xie Tianke didn't feel unwelcome at all, he stretched out his hand and said, "Hello! I'm Teacher Xie."

Bai Xue was stunned, there is someone who claims to be a teacher, this person must have no common sense to say this.

Can this person write books?

Can the radio show its former glory?

Director, he is old and confused.

Looking back at Xie Tianshen's hand and eyelids, they raised their eyeballs to give Xie Tian a pair of big white eyes and walked back with a swaying posture.

"White Snow"

The cold voice preached in Xie Tian's ears.

Xie Tian retracted his outstretched hand and muttered in a low voice: 'You dare to call Bai Xue even when you grow up like this, so she won't be afraid of her birthday if her father gave her this name? "

Bai Xue staggered abruptly, turned back and gave Xie Tian a vicious look.

What do I look like? Calling Baixue can save your life!

Are you blind! The name of the old lady's flower was snatched with a gun.

Bai Xue scolded inwardly as she walked, and finally came to a conclusion that he must have had a grudge against himself in his previous life, so he had come here in this life, and it would not be good to meet him.

The Spring City Radio Station is not big, there is only one literary channel in total. There are no traffic channels or sports channels. How can there be so many road conditions to report in such a big or small city? Sports programs are also directly broadcast TV audio. The director is the director, so Wang Jianguo can arrange the broadcast time for Xie Tian in such a tight time.

Three floors, the first floor is the lobby and restaurant, the second floor is the studio, and the third floor is the office area.

When I came to the director's office, I saw again that Wang Jianguo was still dressed in a suit and leather shoes, as if he was looking for a future wife.

This is the second time he has made such a total, which is to let Wang Jianguo know that he has to work hard with him.

His wife is alive and well, but the old couple has "respected each other like guests", and I don't know how good it is.

Bai Xue walked away with a cold face without making a sound when she delivered the person.

That Wang Jianguo was about to become an elite, and at a glance, he knew that it was thanks to the heavens that he had provoked Bai Xue.

If this is an ordinary person, it must be because Bai Xue is beautiful and takes advantage of other girls, so he has to decide for Bai Xue.

But although Wang Jianguo had only met Xie Tian once, he also figured out Xie Tian's temperament and knew that he couldn't handle it with common sense.

To put it bluntly, the logic of thinking and behavior are different from those of normal people. If it sounds good, it is the habit of literati to be informal. If it sounds bad, this person is just... two hundred and five.

So why did Xie Tian provoked Bai Xue, he didn't ask, and he didn't want to know.

Wang Jianguo looked at Xie Tian carefully, and only felt a toothache when he saw his dress. With his understanding of Xie Tian, ​​he could easily understand Xie Tian's intention to dress up like this.

I can only say that this is very ~ thank you teacher.

After the two exchanged a few more words, Wang Jianguo took Xie Tian to the office area.

At this time, there were 4 people in the host's office area, including Bai Xue, who had just returned. There were males and females, and Bai Xue was the only female.

It is indeed a flower.

Seeing Wang Jianguo coming over, they all stood up, looking at him behind him dressed like a teacher from the Republic of China, but thankful that he was a lot ugly, and everyone except Bai Xue thought about it in their hearts.

What is this?

At this time, Wang Jianguo pointed to Xie Tian and introduced to several people: "This is Teacher Xie I invited for the radio station."

When it was time for him to appear, Xie Tianqian took a small step, looked around the crowd, and then introduced himself generously.

"Hello, I'm Teacher Xie."

As soon as these words came out, everyone else spit out the same noise as Wang Jianguo and Bai Xue.

Is there anyone who calls himself a teacher?

Before they knew that there was a director called Teacher Xie such a number one person, when they wanted to come to the radio station, they all thought the same as those scumbags, that is: don't refuse.

Anyway, it's not a formal entry and grabbing a job for himself, whether he speaks well or badly, in short, he leaves after speaking, and how will he live his life in the future.

Of course, I can't help but wonder what kind of person this Teacher Xie is, and what kind of extraordinary ability he has that makes the director so highly respected.

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred things. Seeing this~ I suddenly felt that the director really... should retire.

Seeing that Xie Tian succeeded in calming the atmosphere again, Wang Jianguo shook his head helplessly, and had no choice but to point at Bai Xue Dao with a haha.

"You already know this beauty, let me introduce it formally."

Bai Xue screwed her head aside with a left humming, not to look at Xie Tian.

Others understood at the time that it was the two of them who did not deal with each other.

"The flower of our radio station."

Xie Tian was a little unhappy when she said Bai Xue was a beauty, but when she said she was a Taiwanese flower, she couldn't help it and muttered a few words.

"Isn't it a Taiwanese flower? It's the big one among the dwarfs. She is just such a dwarf who is not a Taiwanese flower."

Everyone around is confused, what do you mean?

Do you think Snow White is not good-looking?

The bottom of your bottle is still not thick enough.

Bai Xue stared at Xie Tian with sparks coming out of her eyes.

Wang Jianguo continued as if he didn't hear him, "This is the host of the emotional show "Whisper"."

"The whispers are sent to the radio, you really don't care."

Why do you have so much trouble? We are a radio show, not a tm personal hotline for emotional problems.

But when they are summed up, several people also feel that this name is really not good.

Bai Xue was no longer angry over there, but decided to find a chance to trip the next leg of this bad-looking person later.

Seeing that this knock has a tendency to make Xie Tian chatter, he can't always let the leader fight on the front line alone. A very elegant man in his 30s stood up and smiled at Xie Tian.

"Hello Teacher Xie, I'm the host of "Hello Morning Light", Wei Tian."

"Hello Morning" is an inspirational program in the morning.

"Ah, I've heard your show, it's pretty good."

Wei Tian was overjoyed, not because he thought that Xie Tian was his fan, but he was just glad that this guy could have a good chat.

He asked casually, "I didn't expect Teacher Xie to listen to the radio at this age."

"No, when you exercise in the morning when those old men use your show as the background sound, hear some."

Background sound ~~~~?

Wei Tian can't wait to give himself a mouth and let you talk more.

No one listens to co-authoring your own show, it’s just used as a background sound for exercise.

However, can't these old men put a song or something?

Xie Tian continued: "It's roughly an inspirational story about some early birds getting worms, and early worms being eaten by birds~"

What kind of early worms are eaten by birds, this is so inspirational, is it scary?

How can a good bowl of chicken soup be poisoned when you go around in a circle?

However, a few people took a closer look, and finally found sadly that this product seems to be quite reasonable.

One fighter fell, another fighter would stand up, and another middle-aged man in his 30s stood up.

He is very handsome, he is a handsome uncle, he can lie to a little girl when he goes out, and he dresses very fashionably, at least he is at the forefront of Spring City.

He said confidently: "Hello, Teacher Xie, I'm the host of "Happy Joy", Xu Feng."

"Happy Music" is a music program. It mainly plays popular music. I like all the music, regardless of whether it is a radio or a car CD.

Moreover, Xu Feng's vision is really good, and most of the songs he chooses are also popular. The listening rate of "Happy Joy" is still very impressive, so Xu Feng believes that Xie Tian can't pick anything wrong with him.

"F*ck, there's a host on this show!" Xie Tian looked shocked and uttered foul language.

"I always thought it was played automatically by the computer, but it turned out to be manual on-demand, this live cow B, he made money by ordering a song." His eyes flashed as he spoke, and he looked envious that he could not be replaced.

Xu Feng stopped talking, and muttered to himself as if he had been blocked by a demon.

"I thought it was a computer ordering songs."

"Computer...order a song."

"Order a song..."

All the comrades around him have fallen, and the only one left can't live alone. The friendship between them will be sung by people.

The only host left in the office area, Gao Ming, who was a little puffy in his 40s, stood up.

Dodging his eyes, he dared not look directly at Xie Tian and said, "Hello, Teacher Xie, UU Reading I am a midnight emotional story, and the host of "Accompanying You" is brilliant."

He can't help but be afraid, this thing is too fierce, come and destroy one, the most important thing is... no one tm has messed with him!

are you crazy! !

At this time, Xie Tian took a breath, turned his head to look at Wang Jianguo and asked suspiciously, "You...are you also helping ghosts to regulate their emotional and psychological problems?"

Isn't that right, telling emotional stories to ghosts in the middle of the night.

The entire office area fell silent, as if you could hear a pin drop.

All presenters were killed.


None of these people wanted to speak, but one person suddenly felt better.

This person is Bai Xue. She found out that Xie Tian was not targeting her. She treated everyone like this, and she felt a lot more balanced.

And looking at the colleagues around him who looked like a pair of eggplants beaten by frost, the sweetness in my heart instantly increased by several percentage points.

Although Bai Xue was in a better mood, it was impossible for her to talk to Xie Tian, ​​and she didn't look for a blow.

Just when someone needed to stand up and break the awkward atmosphere, Xie Tian spoke again.

He asked Wang Jianguo, "By the way, what is your director's job?"

Wang Jianguo is very proud of "overalling the overall situation".

"Where's the director?" Xie Tian asked again.

"Overall the overall situation" Wang Jianguo's voice was much smaller than just now.

"Oh, you are the salary thief in the legend of the workplace~" Xie Tian said suddenly.

Wang Jianguo is not happy anymore. He is still a good friend if he sees it through or not. Once again, he feels that it may be a mistake to find Xie Tianlai.

Xie Tian achieves the achievement: the group destroys the Spring City Radio Literature and Art Channel.

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