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Old readers know that the outline collapsed not long after I put it on the shelves. The reason why I write so slowly now is that I want to write something a day, but I don’t dare to write more, because I may write more today, and it will be stuck the next day. .

They all want to come up with a story, and then forcefully put it in, but I don’t dare to write about this story and the characters in it.

For example, in Mr. Zheng's Red Story before, I didn't want to write this, I just wanted to write two chapters of daily life, but I ended up writing five chapters. At that time, I wrote the feeling, and I wanted to create the feeling of Conanli Metropolitan Police Department's love story.

After all preparations, I wrote Mr. Zheng's love story and marriage story. As a result, the subscription was dropped, and then it ended hastily, otherwise it will take two chapters.

When I wrote the plot of the Three Kingdoms TV series before, I couldn't write the breaking point. I thought that there might be no comparison or conflict.

Then I temporarily designed a small villain, Wang Liang. In fact, the award-winning part was just an introduction, to pave the way for the later, but it was not written well.

Originally, I thought that I would be able to write 250 chapters by the end of Wang Liang's plot, but now I have reached 270, and I have already surpassed it. I don't know how these more than 20 chapters came out.

My brain is like a thread ball that a cat has played with, I can't write it anymore, I don't know how to write it, so I'm ready to enter the finishing stage, fill in the holes and end the book.

Because it's too tiring to write like this, and then I can't write well like a running account.

Just this month, I wrote a chapter one day. After reading it, I smashed the new keyboard I bought, haha! my keyboard! !

Then some holes will be filled and some will not be filled.

Like Chen Bao's dream, he originally thought that there would be a fighting game plot, but this hole could not be filled.

In addition, the previous fight against the landlord was also a pit, and for the sake of the subsequent casino plot, it was also not filled.

Just don't expand the plot too much, start filling the hole and end it.

I can't say when it will end, after all, I know my level of "level"!

Maybe by mid-April, or maybe the entire month of April will not be finished!

That's not right!

Another explanation, I have never deliberately watered, I just wrote it because I thought about it, it is not written, not deliberate.

By the way, the next chapter or two should be the content of sketches.

:. :

Read The Duke's Passion